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Maybe not face maybe attention maybe because her friend had one

Normal and natural?

As you call it the twisted western society pays benefits for teen moms.

Having a baby comes with responsibilities not just dump them on mums lap to take care of .

Both in the east and west.

In the west you do not have to dump it on mum and dad ,as the councill will give you a flat ,the state will give you money and you need never work a day in your life.

You say "in the west", why not just say the UK? Or are any other western countries like that?

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..as an aside, i do think 15 is too young.

And, regardless, i think that the father should be similarly aged.

Any much older fathers..and it seems preditory and wrong.

If you think about it, a 17 YO boy preys upon a 15 YO girl just as much as a 26 YO preys upon an 18 YO or a 32 YO upon a 21 YO......it's all predatory.

If 15 is too young, then it is too young, and it makes no difference if the impregnater is also 15 or 16.


The human frontal brain ... the part that deals with contemplating the future and the consequences of our actions ... does not fully develop until the early twenties. Therefore, teenagers are literally mentally deficient.

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..as an aside, i do think 15 is too young.

And, regardless, i think that the father should be similarly aged.

Any much older fathers..and it seems preditory and wrong.

If you think about it, a 17 YO boy preys upon a 15 YO girl just as much as a 26 YO preys upon an 18 YO or a 32 YO upon a 21 YO......it's all predatory.

If 15 is too young, then it is too young, and it makes no difference if the impregnater is also 15 or 16.

And yet, I've seen a lot of 18 to 20s young girls "prey" on men in their 50s, 60s, etc. There's no fool like an old fool.

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Having babies at this age is normal and natural.

Only our twisted western society sees it as wrong.

Sarcasm or troll?

In case you are in earnest... Our western society deemed it "wrong" when we started to see the value - or better, necessity - of education in modern society, which requires being in school well past the age of 15. Thailand has modernised quickly and the "breeding like cats" mentality in the countryside hasn't entirely caught up with modern society. Fine if you want to be stuck being a rice farmer and a "frog under a coconut" for generation after generation.

Having spent a lot of time in the western education system (UK branch) I would like to point out continued education for many over the age of 13 is completely pointless, and more to do with keeping them off the streets than anything else.

Modern western society IMHO is largely a failure.

In Thailand kids can leave school at age 13, many more are thrown out at age 15.

I believe less than 20% of Thais finish high school.

95% of Thais are "dirt poor", that is how the Thai rulers like it.

Should we really be trying to force the failures in our society onto other societies?

Your second paragraph, second sentence, no, not even close, a lot more than 20% finish high school, and none fail their exams.


Having babies at this age is normal and natural.

Only our twisted western society sees it as wrong.

I disagree. A 15 year old is not physically mature and definitely not mentally mature. Just because thy menstruate does not mean the are capable of giving a baby a good start in life, nor does it mean they have the faculties to manage their own lives let alone look after a baby. Using the mens argument would imply a boy old enough to wank is old enough to look after a wife and child, which is of course highly unlikely.

Our western ideal has come about from common sense, not puritanical Victorian attitudes. Age of consent is 16, and would (should) probably be higher if it was practical to enforce it.

Paedophiles might have a different view, but that would be simply justifying their own perversions.

Age of consent is 16 in the UK.

The UK is not the world.

Why not choose France, age of consent 15 or Spain age of consent 13.

Just to point out,

Pedophiles aren't interested in women old enough to give birth.

This is about young consenting teens having babies.

Just to point out, peadophiles are separated from those that prey upon 15 YOs by a thin technical line only.

13 is plainly "wronger" than 15. Just because some old men with small dicks want to have sex with "little" girls and make it legal does not make it right and certainly not healthy.

Even a 16 YO has not fully developed physically or mentally. Sex and childbirth will affect an immature female detrimentally.

In my humble opinion, anyone who thinks sex with a 13 YO, no matter what your age, is ok, must feel very inadequate with himself, despite any country deeming it consensual.

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Are you saying there is no difference between a 15 & 16 year old coupling and a 15 and say a 25 year old?

No, not saying that.

I'm saying that a 17 yo is as predatory to a 15 yo as a 26yo is to an 18yo and so on in a sliding scale, to a point where the female is mature in all respects. Indeed as the ages get closer, it becomes less predatory, however that does not justify a 12 yo boy having sex with another 12 yo.

Where do you draw the line?

I say for age of consent draw the line at a point (generally considered to be 16) at which the girls of that age have been exposed to knowledge and are old enough to understand that knowledge, and are physically able to handle it. But personally I'd like to give a very safe margin past "the line".

Teen pregnancy is another argument for raising the age of consent because teenage pregnancy is not the ideal start to adult life for the parents, nor is the parents situation and immaturity an ideal start for Baby.


Agree with it or disagree with it.......easy solution is to just get the boy to use a damn condom!

I know, I know....easier said than done at that age I guess! blink.png


..as an aside, i do think 15 is too young.

And, regardless, i think that the father should be similarly aged.

Any much older fathers..and it seems preditory and wrong.

If you think about it, a 17 YO boy preys upon a 15 YO girl just as much as a 26 YO preys upon an 18 YO or a 32 YO upon a 21 YO......it's all predatory.

If 15 is too young, then it is too young, and it makes no difference if the impregnater is also 15 or 16.

And yet, I've seen a lot of 18 to 20s young girls "prey" on men in their 50s, 60s, etc. There's no fool like an old fool.

Huge difference; Those predators are preying on the money, not the bodies. There's a big difference between emptying a person's wallet and sexually raping them.

In my mind it is rape if the male knowingly "tricks" or manipulates the girl, using his higher age and life experience. If he didn't utilise his clever words and was just honest and upfront, then she wouldn't have a bar of him. That is rape because she is not making a truthfully informed decision.


In the west you do not have to dump it on mum and dad ,as the councill will give you a flat ,the state will give you money and you need never work a day in your life.

It's obvious that its been a very long time since you have had any dealings with the benefits system in the west.... Either that or you are a regular reader of the daily mail .....

'Dumping' your baby with mum and dad is a far more traditional family model than you may think. It is very common in MANY cultures around the world for younger girls to have children and they be looked after by parents and grandparent, just because it is not the 'western way' doesn't mean its the wrong way.

That said I don't think I'd be over the moon if my daughter came home with that news at 15. :/

Some people have mentioned poor sex education in school... Do these girls get any sex education at home from their parents... ???

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Some people have mentioned poor sex education in school... Do these girls get any sex education at home from their parents... ???

Do the guys?
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what ever happened to wearing condoms, as they say in Austarlia, if its not on, its not on. I find it hard to fathom how anyone can be happy these teenagers are dropping kids so young but then this is what happens in third world countries, the uneducated dont know any better, if it was my daughter the father would be very badly bruised and abused.

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They don't just "go off and have a good time"...they go to work in bars...massage parlors...and restaurants...hoping to nab a walking ATM machine to pay for their mistake...

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The first one is now 19 the baby is four.

The couple are still together now working in bkk while mum and grandma look after the kid which they haven't seen for 8 months.

Must be a bloody thai tradition.

"Must be a bloody thai tradition."

Right. Premarital teenage sex only happens in Thailand.

In the not too distant past in the west, if the girl was going to carry the baby to birth, she'd be sent off to stay with relatives until she delivered. Then someone in the family, often the girl's mother, would take on the baby as an adoption or someone orphaned by the death or a distant relative or some other socially accepted (and never believed) fabrication.

UK tops league of teenage pregnancy

by STEVE DOUGHTY, Daily Mail

Britain still has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe despite being one of the world's biggest users of contraceptives.

The figures, which emerged yesterday in a large- scale international study, appeared to explode claims by the sex education lobby that the UK's sky-high teenage birth rate is down to ignorance.

It showed that four out of five females between the ages of 15 and 44 in Britain - 80 per cent -use some form of contraception.

This compares to 76 per cent in the U.S., 75 per cent in France and 59 per cent in Japan.

Britain, nevertheless, has a sky-high level of teenage pregnancies, with 2.9 out of every 100 girls aged between 15 and 19 giving birth every year.

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Maybe not face maybe attention maybe because her friend had one

Normal and natural?

As you call it the twisted western society pays benefits for teen moms.

Having a baby comes with responsibilities not just dump them on mums lap to take care of .

Both in the east and west.

In the west you do not have to dump it on mum and dad ,as the councill will give you a flat ,the state will give you money and you need never work a day in your life.

Maybe with the new "Federal/State Cuts" that are the White house is forcasting Congress is try to past. They won't have these "Perks" anymore...

Make sure you microchip the father so you can locate him in future....

The fact is that they get their heads filled with all this sugary sweet nonsense music and TV shows then become easy prey for any dead beat with a perk on, who'll be off like a shot when he gets the news....

Educate kids about sex, make condoms and the pill freely and readily available and they can safely fill their heads with all this sugary sweet nonsense music and TV shows they want. As a male I'm willing to speculate that if the other male TV readers weren't having sex at 15 they sure as hell wished they were.


Three random thoughts in reading this thread after 1/2 bottle of wine on Songrkan eve:

Actually, this "Thai tradition" of Mom or Auntie raising the child of a 15-yr old isn't too far off of what used to be done in the west before the welfare state kicked in and 15 year olds were given money to raise kids by themselves, often with disastrous results.

I'd love to know the age of the (presumably male posters) who say that it is "nature's plan" for 15 year olds to have kids. Yeah, maybe when humans lived in caves and didn't live much beyond age 30.

Unfortunately, this problem isn't unique to Thailand. It holds back economic and social development all over the planet. Young people, women included, should be educated beyond age 15.

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I'd love to know the age of the (presumably male posters) who say that it is "nature's plan" for 15 year olds to have kids. Yeah, maybe when humans lived in caves and didn't live much beyond age 30.

60, and well beyond the age of wanting sex with anyone, of any age.

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The first one is now 19 the baby is four.

The couple are still together now working in bkk while mum and grandma look after the kid which they haven't seen for 8 months.

Must be a bloody thai tradition.

"Must be a bloody thai tradition."

Right. Premarital teenage sex only happens in Thailand.

In the not too distant past in the west, if the girl was going to carry the baby to birth, she'd be sent off to stay with relatives until she delivered. Then someone in the family, often the girl's mother, would take on the baby as an adoption or someone orphaned by the death or a distant relative or some other socially accepted (and never believed) fabrication.

UK tops league of teenage pregnancy

by STEVE DOUGHTY, Daily Mail

Britain still has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe despite being one of the world's biggest users of contraceptives.

The figures, which emerged yesterday in a large- scale international study, appeared to explode claims by the sex education lobby that the UK's sky-high teenage birth rate is down to ignorance.

It showed that four out of five females between the ages of 15 and 44 in Britain - 80 per cent -use some form of contraception.

This compares to 76 per cent in the U.S., 75 per cent in France and 59 per cent in Japan.

Britain, nevertheless, has a sky-high level of teenage pregnancies, with 2.9 out of every 100 girls aged between 15 and 19 giving birth every year.

So those figures would tend to indicate that you have a large number of that 20% of the population who don't use contraception (correctly and consistently, thus the ignorance part of the equation) are being very successful at securing an income through the welfare payments made to single mothers, probably just like their mother (and father) did.

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Im not convinced this side of Thailand is wrong.

I mean in many ways it make sense to have kids when very young.

Then, here you have the bonus of still being able to go on and live a life, whilst your mum looks after your baby.

Chances are, the mum did the same and it was her mum that looked after her baby.

So..it passes that way down the line.

Young girls are biological mums, but only become mothers in the sense of bringing up a child when their own daughters have babies.

Young girls are happy as they can live their lives, grandmums are happy as they are more mature, settled and ready to look after a child.

So....why not...?

This is really over the moon. I can tell you why!! I live up in Isaan, and I can tell you that old mum and dad are lousy "parents" really lousy!!

Show no interest and just clean clothes and than these kids are on their own....

So dont talk nonse....... This is really a disaster and benefits nobody neither the kid or the family.


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Three random thoughts in reading this thread after 1/2 bottle of wine on Songrkan eve:

Actually, this "Thai tradition" of Mom or Auntie raising the child of a 15-yr old isn't too far off of what used to be done in the west before the welfare state kicked in and 15 year olds were given money to raise kids by themselves, often with disastrous results.

I'd love to know the age of the (presumably male posters) who say that it is "nature's plan" for 15 year olds to have kids. Yeah, maybe when humans lived in caves and didn't live much beyond age 30.

Unfortunately, this problem isn't unique to Thailand. It holds back economic and social development all over the planet. Young people, women included, should be educated beyond age 15.

Thailand is rather unique as it's nr. 2 in the world only after South Africa for teenage pregnancies!

In Thai culture promiscuity is the norm but sex is taboo!


Im not convinced this side of Thailand is wrong.

I mean in many ways it make sense to have kids when very young.

Then, here you have the bonus of still being able to go on and live a life, whilst your mum looks after your baby.

Chances are, the mum did the same and it was her mum that looked after her baby.

So..it passes that way down the line.

Young girls are biological mums, but only become mothers in the sense of bringing up a child when their own daughters have babies.

Young girls are happy as they can live their lives, grandmums are happy as they are more mature, settled and ready to look after a child.

So....why not...?

Apart from the already mentioned cycle of poverty it perpetuates, the already mentioned fact that grandmum is worn out and doesn't make a good parent for these kids, it increases the odds of forcing the 15 year old into prostitution and she certainly isn't skipping off into the sunset to have adventures with unicorns and rainbows for the remaining years of her childhood.

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Apart from the already mentioned cycle of poverty it perpetuates, the already mentioned fact that grandmum is worn out and doesn't make a good parent for these kids, it increases the odds of forcing the 15 year old into prostitution and she certainly isn't skipping off into the sunset to have adventures with unicorns and rainbows for the remaining years of her childhood.

What do you think normal teen life in Thailand (or anywhere else these days) is like?

Hmmm, me that far back, 1960s, I seem to remember bullying and gang fights, that was inner London.

Not to mention a few memorable beatings from my school teachers.

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