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US sailors arrive in Phuket ready to party

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US sailors arrive in Phuket ready to party
Alasdair Forbes


The USS Hopper drops anchor this morning. Photo Brad Kenny

PHUKET: The skipper of the American guided missile destroyer USS Hopper seems to know a thing or two about good timing; the warship dropped anchor off Phuket this morning (April 13) at 7am, just in time for the 290 officers and crew to join in the Songkran merriment.

The crew have just sent seven straight months in the Middle East, so they will be looking to do some serious partying.

Despite the huge scandal over senior US Navy officers being bribed with women, fancy holidays and cash to steer ships into the dubious embrace of “husbanding” company Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA), it seems that the Navy holds no grudges against Phuket.

The husbanding contract has been picked up by GDMA’s arch-rival Multinational Logistic Services (MLS) of Singapore, working through a local agent, Wallop.

The Hopper is one of just two ships in the US Navy named after a woman, in this case Rear Admiral “Amazing” Grace Hopper, a top computer scientist.

Launched in 1996, the ship, in addition to being able to carry as many as 90 missiles of various types, has two arrays of torpedo tubes, a five-inch gun on the foredeck and a Phalanx anti-missile Gatling gun.

It is powered by four gas turbines that give it a top speed of 30 knots, or 56 kmh.

Although most of the crew will be heading for the party, some – as usual – will be spending some time doing “COMSERV” – community service.

Some 15 to 30 crew members will head for the Home & Life Foundation in Phang Nga. There, they will shovel dirt to fill in behind a wall built along the nearby klong by previous visiting US Navy crews, to replace land lost to flooding.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/us-sailors-arrive-in-phuket-ready-to-party-45669.php

-- Phuket News 2014-04-13

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They have to go to places like Phuket and Pattaya, so that no one notices their wobbly (sea) legs ! After a night or two in those places, everyone walks like they just spent the last 6-7 months at sea !

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There is always a 'workaround'...lol. Back in my day one could draw Office Hours or Courts Martial if you came down with STD. Those that did in Vietnam didn't go back to the states until cured. Surprising how many don't, up to them. Air Force guys were up here a few years back, liked to party but many didn't go with the ladies, some were even with farang ladies, Air Force personal. I talked with one guy and he was in heaven. I told him I hope you didn't pay more than 1,000 baht long time, his look told me all I needed to know. Lots of happy ladies..lol. Thanks for the Welcome, they need it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

After weeks of being surrounded by nothing but water..................................

I spoke with a few of them in the past and found them to be very friendly, polite, and respectful.

Any other impressions?

Arrogant, brash, egotistical and impolite... Americans seem to have erased 'Sorry', 'Please' and 'Thank you' from their vocabulary, especially American Military personel.

So they're sounding more like Thais?

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Sgtsabai says it's a court martial offense to be 'caught with a prostitute'??? I'm sure a few of the guys will find a workaround to that rule.

Welcome, sailors. have a great time in the Land of Smiles. Thank you for your service.

No worries here,there are no prostitutes in Thailand,its against the law.

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There, they will shovel dirt to fill in behind a wall built along the nearby klong by previous visiting US Navy crews, to replace land lost to flooding.

I hope these good Samaritan soldiers get their fill of free food, beer, and <removed> for their efforts...

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Hi slippery. I hope he is confusing the US 'guvmint' with those that are doing the dirty deeds required of them. Most of the troops do know right from wrong, sometimes we learned the hard way. Perhaps that is why the 'guvmint' seems to hate us Vets so much. I'll leave the rest unsaid. Have a good time Navy guys, you probably would have stayed drier onboard...lol.

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A previous poster said we do nothing if there is nothing in it for the USA.

Guess what? How many humanitarian missions does it take? Seventy Five percent of our "Actions" are geared towards showing allies that we are front and center.... and whenever there is a catastrophe, our ships will be there... Food, Medicine, Supplies, Water and Medical.

Of all the Nations in the world...how many are out there doing anything at all...except bitching about Americans.

Sounds like alot of penis envy to me.

Calm down grandad - I hope your government also supply you anger pills !!

Humanitarian missions ? Its all good PR. For every 'humanitarian' mission you can think of I'll give you 10 where no-ones helping! Its all about having influence.

However I would have thought 'a few more nippers' would have been understood by anyone over the age of 9 !! What part of that were you and your homies struggling with ?

For every humanitarian mission done by us, there are ten not done by others. That is true.

Perhaps the folks in other prosperous nations would like to chip in? They hardly do. Just like the little nippers they are. Some choose to be proactive....and others sit fat, dumb and lazy and criticize.

Hope that does not fly to high over your head.

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Ah, benroon, nippers is not understood by Americans, taking a wild guess you mean children. We do try to learn foreign languages. But many of us do not understand our government until we have been sent in harms way for no reason. When you walk in our boots, you can yak, yak, yak all you want. No government in the world does anything out of the good for greater humanity, none, nada, zip, zero and that damn sure includes those that speak 'nippers'. Is what the Navy, USMC, Air Force, Army does in the way of humanitarian help for PR, of course, but the troops that do it don't see it that way, until maybe they are 'granddads'. And 'homie' if you are going to use Chicano ghetto speak you better speak the language, que pasa ese?

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"guided missile destroyer"

"Launched in 1996, the ship, in addition to being able to carry as many as 90 missiles of various types, has two arrays of torpedo tubes, a five-inch gun on the foredeck and a Phalanx anti-missile Gatling gun. Powered by four gas turbines"

No match for Phuket tuk tuk mafia!

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Your country, guessing by your language and arrogance, never gave us anything. The English/American 'immigrants' took it, ask some of my ancestors. I don't pretend the US is the good guy, I know better. Neither is England, check out Snowden's revelations, or better yet a bit of history. Hell, the US won't even help it's own people. Look, this isn't about governments, it is about the people that sign up to do their dirty deeds, whether they know it or not. Let it rest, and let those troops lucky enough to enjoy Thailand enjoy without hassle.

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