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Thai Government warned there may be no election if….


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It is time for all good people to come to the aid of King and country. It is time to relinquish ties to political parties influential people and families. Think about your children and your children's children.

They will be the ones paying the taxes to cover the greed of politicians. wai.gif

They would have to pay their fair share of taxes first.

And they probably would if the Govt. paid them what is owed

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Mr Somchai, please don't bother them now.

They are all resting, after the hard job they did for the past 3 years for this country.

Anyway, what elections are you referring too?

First reforms and then elections.

Do try to understand that.

WRONG, don't bother the Pheu Thai goons now, or the redshirt mercenaries, might be knocking on the door to send them to holy heaven, those EC bunch of pathetic cowards...

.... it's really sad, that unruly elite of Pheu Thai is taking laws into their own hands... this insanity must stop...

Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout.... so that's why Thaksin could practically win every election, no matter how many times parliament is dissolved and reset, playing that easy-peazy "Election-Collection" cat and mouse game 4EVER....

Election my ***BEHIND*** .... N'ough said....

The continued bleating of vote buying as the reason for the PTP election wins is tiresome. Maybe there is vote buying. However, it is not restricted to one political party. How do you think Suthep managed to deliver the south to the Democrat party over the years? In any case, it takes 2 parties to participate. Despite all the allegations of vote buying, there has been zero evidence to show that it actually benefits anyone.Votes are cast in secret and no matter how much money is given, that doesn't mean the vote for the party is assured.

The PTP is not taking the law into its own hands. It is asking the EC to respect the legally mandated time line for an election. It is the EC that is going beyond its scope of authority. The EC should just come right out and say it wants a change in government and intends to sabotage elections in Thailand until such time as it can guarantee the election of a group who will restore the old guard's place in Thailand.

Me too. I get tired of all these vote buying accusations - I'm in a rural village and there was NO vote buying by the guys standing for the elections where I am (in the North). It also seems to me that some posters on TV forget that the constitution required an election before a certain number of days expired after a dissolution of the parliament - she had no choice and the ones who stopped the election going ahead was not the PTP but the supporters of the bankrupt, accused murderer, fascist Mr S T. The E C were derelect in their duties to make sure the legal, authorized elections could be carried out. Didn't some of you sympathizers of the great leader see the news of that woman having to climb over the high wire fence so her vote could be cast? What about the 20 million who did vote - you seem to be blind and deaf to their cries for, 'respect my vote.' - I can't vote as I'm not a Thai but I do sympathize with all those who DON'T WANT this rabid, megalomaniac great leader and his backers to be the rulers of this great land where I have had the pleasure of residing for just on 20 years. It baffles me how I can read the same articles as you, see the same news items as you, keep informed from the internet from various sites and come out 100% against your assumptions - eg 80% vote buying, Ms. Yingluck is stupid, and so on - actually I know for a fact from Chiang Mai University that she was dux of her class so don't smear her good academic record with your lies. Even the spokeswoman of the Democrats had the said Yingluck was fleeing the country because of all the suitcases etc at the airport - lies lies lies - they belonged to another person and this was widely published in all Thai newspapers, even the Nation, but there was no reprimand or apology - sorry Ms. Yingluck but I hope the smear ends with a libel case against the liar of woman that she is - spokesperson of a bunch of murderers and liars who want to get their snouts in the trough like they did last time - the great leader still has court cases to give account why he authorized land in Phuket meant for farmers to be signed over to his buddies. In closing, let me ask who are the ones who have stopped the farmers getting their money from the BAAC - every time they tried to pay the farmers the followers of the great leader stopped them through intimidation, withdrawing funds, threats of violence.

NO, you may call me a red but I'm not, I'm a concerned citizen who is worried about the suffering of mums and dads and grandparents in the weeks ahead. - let the Thai get on with a full election and let democracy live - forget the rhetoric about vote buying - if isn't an issue any more - respect the vote!!!

"...vote buying - if (should be it ?) isn't an issue any more "

how do you know it isn't an issue any more?

what about intimidating? what about red threats?

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Mr Somchai, please don't bother them now.

They are all resting, after the hard job they did for the past 3 years for this country.

Anyway, what elections are you referring too?

First reforms and then elections.

Do try to understand that.

WRONG, don't bother the Pheu Thai goons now, or the redshirt mercenaries, might be knocking on the door to send them to holy heaven, those EC bunch of pathetic cowards...

.... it's really sad, that unruly elite of Pheu Thai is taking laws into their own hands... this insanity must stop...

Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout.... so that's why Thaksin could practically win every election, no matter how many times parliament is dissolved and reset, playing that easy-peazy "Election-Collection" cat and mouse game 4EVER....

Election my ***BEHIND*** .... N'ough said....

The continued bleating of vote buying as the reason for the PTP election wins is tiresome. Maybe there is vote buying. However, it is not restricted to one political party. How do you think Suthep managed to deliver the south to the Democrat party over the years? In any case, it takes 2 parties to participate. Despite all the allegations of vote buying, there has been zero evidence to show that it actually benefits anyone.Votes are cast in secret and no matter how much money is given, that doesn't mean the vote for the party is assured.

The PTP is not taking the law into its own hands. It is asking the EC to respect the legally mandated time line for an election. It is the EC that is going beyond its scope of authority. The EC should just come right out and say it wants a change in government and intends to sabotage elections in Thailand until such time as it can guarantee the election of a group who will restore the old guard's place in Thailand.

Your continued bleating is pretty tiresome as well. If you are going to continue supporting a Govt. that only considers how much they can bleed the Thai people, Give us your drift on The Red mob cheering the news that children had been killed , or your thoughts on red Thugs beating up a monk, or the murder of a yellow shirt cavasser in isaan or the harassment of an Entertainer in Isaan or grenades being fired at the homes of democrat leaders and the action of Ko Tee etc.etc.

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It is time for all good people to come to the aid of King and country. It is time to relinquish ties to political parties influential people and families. Think about your children and your children's children.

They will be the ones paying the taxes to cover the greed of politicians. wai.gif

They would have to pay their fair share of taxes first.

Man up for a change.

Who are you accusing of not paying their fair share.

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Mr Somchai, please don't bother them now.

They are all resting, after the hard job they did for the past 3 years for this country.

Anyway, what elections are you referring too?

First reforms and then elections.

Do try to understand that.

WRONG, don't bother the Pheu Thai goons now, or the redshirt mercenaries, might be knocking on the door to send them to holy heaven, those EC bunch of pathetic cowards...

.... it's really sad, that unruly elite of Pheu Thai is taking laws into their own hands... this insanity must stop...

Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout.... so that's why Thaksin could practically win every election, no matter how many times parliament is dissolved and reset, playing that easy-peazy "Election-Collection" cat and mouse game 4EVER....

Election my ***BEHIND*** .... N'ough said....

The continued bleating of vote buying as the reason for the PTP election wins is tiresome. Maybe there is vote buying. However, it is not restricted to one political party. How do you think Suthep managed to deliver the south to the Democrat party over the years? In any case, it takes 2 parties to participate. Despite all the allegations of vote buying, there has been zero evidence to show that it actually benefits anyone.Votes are cast in secret and no matter how much money is given, that doesn't mean the vote for the party is assured.

The PTP is not taking the law into its own hands. It is asking the EC to respect the legally mandated time line for an election. It is the EC that is going beyond its scope of authority. The EC should just come right out and say it wants a change in government and intends to sabotage elections in Thailand until such time as it can guarantee the election of a group who will restore the old guard's place in Thailand.

So are you saying that Suthep bought the votes in the south other wise the south would have voted PTP?

The EC may be bending the law Not sure about that. If you say they are then they probably aren't.

But it is for sure that the PTP refused to pay the farmers the 3 billion+ baht and insisted on wasting it on an election they knew before hand was useless.

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Mr Somchai, please don't bother them now.

They are all resting, after the hard job they did for the past 3 years for this country.

Anyway, what elections are you referring too?

First reforms and then elections.

Do try to understand that.

WRONG, don't bother the Pheu Thai goons now, or the redshirt mercenaries, might be knocking on the door to send them to holy heaven, those EC bunch of pathetic cowards...

.... it's really sad, that unruly elite of Pheu Thai is taking laws into their own hands... this insanity must stop...

Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout.... so that's why Thaksin could practically win every election, no matter how many times parliament is dissolved and reset, playing that easy-peazy "Election-Collection" cat and mouse game 4EVER....

Election my ***BEHIND*** .... N'ough said....

The continued bleating of vote buying as the reason for the PTP election wins is tiresome. Maybe there is vote buying. However, it is not restricted to one political party. How do you think Suthep managed to deliver the south to the Democrat party over the years? In any case, it takes 2 parties to participate. Despite all the allegations of vote buying, there has been zero evidence to show that it actually benefits anyone.Votes are cast in secret and no matter how much money is given, that doesn't mean the vote for the party is assured.

The PTP is not taking the law into its own hands. It is asking the EC to respect the legally mandated time line for an election. It is the EC that is going beyond its scope of authority. The EC should just come right out and say it wants a change in government and intends to sabotage elections in Thailand until such time as it can guarantee the election of a group who will restore the old guard's place in Thailand.

Me too. I get tired of all these vote buying accusations - I'm in a rural village and there was NO vote buying by the guys standing for the elections where I am (in the North). It also seems to me that some posters on TV forget that the constitution required an election before a certain number of days expired after a dissolution of the parliament - she had no choice and the ones who stopped the election going ahead was not the PTP but the supporters of the bankrupt, accused murderer, fascist Mr S T. The E C were derelect in their duties to make sure the legal, authorized elections could be carried out. Didn't some of you sympathizers of the great leader see the news of that woman having to climb over the high wire fence so her vote could be cast? What about the 20 million who did vote - you seem to be blind and deaf to their cries for, 'respect my vote.' - I can't vote as I'm not a Thai but I do sympathize with all those who DON'T WANT this rabid, megalomaniac great leader and his backers to be the rulers of this great land where I have had the pleasure of residing for just on 20 years. It baffles me how I can read the same articles as you, see the same news items as you, keep informed from the internet from various sites and come out 100% against your assumptions - eg 80% vote buying, Ms. Yingluck is stupid, and so on - actually I know for a fact from Chiang Mai University that she was dux of her class so don't smear her good academic record with your lies. Even the spokeswoman of the Democrats had the said Yingluck was fleeing the country because of all the suitcases etc at the airport - lies lies lies - they belonged to another person and this was widely published in all Thai newspapers, even the Nation, but there was no reprimand or apology - sorry Ms. Yingluck but I hope the smear ends with a libel case against the liar of woman that she is - spokesperson of a bunch of murderers and liars who want to get their snouts in the trough like they did last time - the great leader still has court cases to give account why he authorized land in Phuket meant for farmers to be signed over to his buddies. In closing, let me ask who are the ones who have stopped the farmers getting their money from the BAAC - every time they tried to pay the farmers the followers of the great leader stopped them through intimidation, withdrawing funds, threats of violence.

NO, you may call me a red but I'm not, I'm a concerned citizen who is worried about the suffering of mums and dads and grandparents in the weeks ahead. - let the Thai get on with a full election and let democracy live - forget the rhetoric about vote buying - if isn't an issue any more - respect the vote!!!

Well there has certainly been some exaggerated things said about the PTP and Yingluck. How ever every one of them had the seed of truth in it. You claim to read all the news follow it on TV and the internet yet you don't know about villages where the head man has some one at the polling station to make sure the voters vote the way they were told. In your village there was no vote buying so there couldn't possibly be any in Thailand. Was there any intimidation? Yes 80% was a ridicules figure but there is plenty of it none the less. Also it is not just the PTP doing it.

"I know for a fact from Chiang Mai University that she was dux of her class 
so don't smear her good academic record with youWr lies"

Well for starters what is a dux? Then if she was doing so well in Chiang Mai University why did she go off to some never before heard of collage in the States?

As for Yingluck fleeing the country I saw that and just shrugged it off as an exaggeration. The fact that she stands a very good chance of being convicted for dereliction of duty linked with her traveling all over the world doing the secretary of state and the secretary of commerce work and ignoring Thailand. That could lead some to believe she is getting ready to do a run.

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Another great statement from the EC to PT (Thaksin) . . . work WITH us or you will never even get close to having an election any time soon as we're the ones who run it and without our help and some compromise on PT's side of things, there will be NO elections.

holding not just the government hostage but ALL THAI PEOPLE to their will have the election when we say or forget about it

Several polls as well as the unprecedented snubbing of the Feb election have suggested the majority want reform before elections. Not one poll, but numerous polls. Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

I don't doubt it with proof, but with out it all you have is a "belief" that you suggest override my FACTS. Of course when I present facts they are demonized and decried and it is plots and conspiracies, but until you can provide another quantifiable measure I am afraid the only facts we have is they ones that go against your agenda.

The will of the Thai people suggest that elections can wait. That is the majority and because it does not suit the PTP agenda that majority voice is dismissed as it was with the amnesty and the constitutional referendum.

You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Mr Somchai, please don't bother them now.

They are all resting, after the hard job they did for the past 3 years for this country.

Anyway, what elections are you referring too?

First reforms and then elections.

Do try to understand that.

WRONG, don't bother the Pheu Thai goons now, or the redshirt mercenaries, might be knocking on the door to send them to holy heaven, those EC bunch of pathetic cowards...

.... it's really sad, that unruly elite of Pheu Thai is taking laws into their own hands... this insanity must stop...

Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout.... so that's why Thaksin could practically win every election, no matter how many times parliament is dissolved and reset, playing that easy-peazy "Election-Collection" cat and mouse game 4EVER....

Election my ***BEHIND*** .... N'ough said....

I'm not Thai, cannot vote and certainly don't have inside information about the political intrigues in Thai politics.

Citing a percentage of anything is worthy of some sort of data to support it. After reading your post, I cannot help but wonder about the factual accuracy of its contents.

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A grammar police post has been removed as well as a respectful reply post. Please remember English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary

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Another great statement from the EC to PT (Thaksin) . . . work WITH us or you will never even get close to having an election any time soon as we're the ones who run it and without our help and some compromise on PT's side of things, there will be NO elections.

holding not just the government hostage but ALL THAI PEOPLE to their will have the election when we say or forget about it

Several polls as well as the unprecedented snubbing of the Feb election have suggested the majority want reform before elections. Not one poll, but numerous polls. Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

I don't doubt it with proof, but with out it all you have is a "belief" that you suggest override my FACTS. Of course when I present facts they are demonized and decried and it is plots and conspiracies, but until you can provide another quantifiable measure I am afraid the only facts we have is they ones that go against your agenda.

The will of the Thai people suggest that elections can wait. That is the majority and because it does not suit the PTP agenda that majority voice is dismissed as it was with the amnesty and the constitutional referendum.

You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

Edited by djjamie
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No I don't, but then that's the whole point, the only poll which would be a absolute pointer to the Thai electorates opinion would be the election, and that was prevented, arguably for just that reason.

Using opinion polls to replace an election is a bit like, I don't know; taking a photo of the lower torso of Michaelangelo's statue of David, and then declaring it is pornography not art because all you can see is his willy!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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holding not just the government hostage but ALL THAI PEOPLE to their will have the election when we say or forget about it

Several polls as well as the unprecedented snubbing of the Feb election have suggested the majority want reform before elections. Not one poll, but numerous polls. Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

I don't doubt it with proof, but with out it all you have is a "belief" that you suggest override my FACTS. Of course when I present facts they are demonized and decried and it is plots and conspiracies, but until you can provide another quantifiable measure I am afraid the only facts we have is they ones that go against your agenda.

The will of the Thai people suggest that elections can wait. That is the majority and because it does not suit the PTP agenda that majority voice is dismissed as it was with the amnesty and the constitutional referendum.

You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

People didn't vote on the February elections for many reasons. I would say most of the non-voters were Democrat party supporters, as they either didn't have a party to vote for or elections were not held in their provinces. Some voters were intimidated by possible violence on elections day and stayed away. Some didn't bother as it was quite possible the elections will be annulled.

Saying all or most voters didn't show up because they oppose the PTP is based on wishful thinking. It is certainly not a fact.

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holding not just the government hostage but ALL THAI PEOPLE to their will have the election when we say or forget about it

Several polls as well as the unprecedented snubbing of the Feb election have suggested the majority want reform before elections. Not one poll, but numerous polls. Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

I don't doubt it with proof, but with out it all you have is a "belief" that you suggest override my FACTS. Of course when I present facts they are demonized and decried and it is plots and conspiracies, but until you can provide another quantifiable measure I am afraid the only facts we have is they ones that go against your agenda.

The will of the Thai people suggest that elections can wait. That is the majority and because it does not suit the PTP agenda that majority voice is dismissed as it was with the amnesty and the constitutional referendum.

You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

Fact, PTP want an election. Suthep and the Un-Democrats do not. Everybody knows who has won the last few elections and who will win the next one except you.

Edited, removed centre quote because of limit.

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You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

Fact, PTP want an election. Suthep and the Un-Democrats do not. Everybody knows who has won the last few elections and who will win the next one except you.

Edited, removed centre quote because of limit.

I know PTP want an election? I didn't say they didn't?

I am talking about the voters.

Show me facts that argue your case and I will believe it. Until then my facts override your beliefs.

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And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

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You can't determine the will of the Thai people based on some opinion polls. You can determine the will of the Thai people based on a general election, unless you are so scared of the result not going your way that you need to disrupt it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

People didn't vote on the February elections for many reasons. I would say most of the non-voters were Democrat party supporters, as they either didn't have a party to vote for or elections were not held in their provinces. Some voters were intimidated by possible violence on elections day and stayed away. Some didn't bother as it was quite possible the elections will be annulled.

Saying all or most voters didn't show up because they oppose the PTP is based on wishful thinking. It is certainly not a fact.

And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

Average total voter turnout across the country (not including the South) was about 48%. In comparison, Chiang Mai (a PTP electoral stronghold) recorded 75%, not quite the drop you were trying to present. You claim a 25% voter turn out drop in "PTP heartland" which is not a fact, unless you're trying to say that all of the provinces apart from the South are "PTP heartland".

I think you'll find a certain correlation between areas traditionally supporting PTP and higher figures of voter turn out, with lower ballot attendance in more contested areas.

All I said is that trying to claim that 52% of the voters not showing up means that there's a majority opposed to PTP isn't based on fact, but upon interpretation of partial data.

As I stated in other post, PTP did not have any popular vote majority (the parliament majority being derived from Thailand's mixed party list/constituency system). Not quite sure what majority you think that the PTP lost, then.

In addition, politics is not a zero-sum game. PTP might very well lost support (at least, I think they did) - but even if true, that does not necessarily translate into those lost votes going to the opposition. Last elections the PTP had over 4 million vote lead on the Democrat party - they could take a major support hit and still be the largest party around (assuming they aren't dissolved).

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Do you have a poll or quantifiable measure to suggest otherwise?

​Until you do the polls and the 2014 elections failure prove otherwise.

​I repeat show me proof with facts (not beliefs) that the PTP are more popular on the 15/04/14 and I will believe you.

​Until you can provide facts to prove otherwise , the PTP are a minority until the next election is tabulated.

Prove me wrong and I will support it.

Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

People didn't vote on the February elections for many reasons. I would say most of the non-voters were Democrat party supporters, as they either didn't have a party to vote for or elections were not held in their provinces. Some voters were intimidated by possible violence on elections day and stayed away. Some didn't bother as it was quite possible the elections will be annulled.

Saying all or most voters didn't show up because they oppose the PTP is based on wishful thinking. It is certainly not a fact.

And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

The no-vote figures were indeed high - overall 16.5% (from memory, 3-4% on the 2011 elections). By the way, Bangkok had a pretty similar percent of no-votes than Chiang Mai (23% vs. 20%, respectively).

Not so sure that there was a single motive behind the no-vote thing, though.

I agree that some of it may be attributed to a protest-vote and that the PTP probably lost some support, even at their backyard.

I'm also aware that the since the Democrat party did not take part in the elections, some of their voters took this option as to not risk losing their voting future voting rights. My guess is that the first option explains a larger chunk of the no-votes, but wouldn't put a figure on that.

Like I said before, pretty sure the PTP lost some support, just don't think it's quite as bad (for them) as you seem to think.

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And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

I think you're confusing facts (which I do not argue, as long as we're talking about figures) and the interpretation of said facts.

Tagging everyone that placed a no-vote or an invalid vote as saying "we want reform before elections" is an opinion, not fact.

Some did it to make a point, sure, no argument. What I have issue with is the wholesale takeover you're attempting over a general figure.

Take the 29% figure, for example: 2011 elections had about 10% no-votes and invalid votes, with pretty similar numbers for the 2007 elections. We're already down to 19% which you claim are making a statement (still impressive, no argument). Knock off some more Democrat voters who used the no-vote as the Democrat party didn't not contend (not putting a figure on that one, just an example).

You end up with a somewhat lower figure. Certainly much higher than the past, and surely indicative of something. My two points are that the figures you quote are not always accurate, and that by themselves, do not offer a clear cut indication of your interpretation. That is not to say your interpretation could not be the right one, just that it is far from being proven as fact.

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Another great statement from the EC to PT (Thaksin) . . . work WITH us or you will never even get close to having an election any time soon as we're the ones who run it and without our help and some compromise on PT's side of things, there will be NO elections.

The EC is attempting to dictate the applicability of the law. Look at what the EC is saying; there will be no election.

The EC is not supposed to dictate whether or not there will be an election. It's job is carry out the election. Again this is the EC interfering and it is the EC who are derelict in their duty.

How incredibly one-eyed

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

I think you're confusing facts (which I do not argue, as long as we're talking about figures) and the interpretation of said facts.

Tagging everyone that placed a no-vote or an invalid vote as saying "we want reform before elections" is an opinion, not fact.

Some did it to make a point, sure, no argument. What I have issue with is the wholesale takeover you're attempting over a general figure.

Take the 29% figure, for example: 2011 elections had about 10% no-votes and invalid votes, with pretty similar numbers for the 2007 elections. We're already down to 19% which you claim are making a statement (still impressive, no argument). Knock off some more Democrat voters who used the no-vote as the Democrat party didn't not contend (not putting a figure on that one, just an example).

You end up with a somewhat lower figure. Certainly much higher than the past, and surely indicative of something. My two points are that the figures you quote are not always accurate, and that by themselves, do not offer a clear cut indication of your interpretation. That is not to say your interpretation could not be the right one, just that it is far from being proven as fact.

And as reiterated again an inability to accept THIS majority fact ensures a plethitude of reasons to denounce them.

As predictable as traffic lights.

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And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

I think you're confusing facts (which I do not argue, as long as we're talking about figures) and the interpretation of said facts.

Tagging everyone that placed a no-vote or an invalid vote as saying "we want reform before elections" is an opinion, not fact.

Some did it to make a point, sure, no argument. What I have issue with is the wholesale takeover you're attempting over a general figure.

Take the 29% figure, for example: 2011 elections had about 10% no-votes and invalid votes, with pretty similar numbers for the 2007 elections. We're already down to 19% which you claim are making a statement (still impressive, no argument). Knock off some more Democrat voters who used the no-vote as the Democrat party didn't not contend (not putting a figure on that one, just an example).

You end up with a somewhat lower figure. Certainly much higher than the past, and surely indicative of something. My two points are that the figures you quote are not always accurate, and that by themselves, do not offer a clear cut indication of your interpretation. That is not to say your interpretation could not be the right one, just that it is far from being proven as fact.

I think it is generally accepted as being the case that 1 million farmers are rather upset and feel let down by this governments miscalculations and cock-ups and also that a fair proportion are no longer PTP voters any more.

Not a fact as such, but I'm sure that you would not contest this as being an accurate appraisal!!!

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Democratically elected,... don't give me that crap.... 80% of Thailand has been bought AND blackmailed to vote for the ThaksinDEMOcracy, making it impossible for a fair turnout...

80% huh? Interesting! And of course you have proof of this? I eagerly await links.

Kid.. i thought you were educated.. probably a bit redsighted that you cant read good anymore.

It's probably not a good idea to question another poster's education while using the term 'read good' in the same sentence

Y'know, pot, kettle, black and all that.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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And this is where my argument stands true that the PTP do not under any circumstances accept the majority when it goes against them. Your argument is point in case.

When you had the PTP leader, yingluck stating "Respect my vote" and "vote for democracy" and constantly reinforcing the people to vote and the results of which have shown that in the north and north east PTP strongholds where no boycotting, no violence and no obstruction of voters was evident they still only got a 50% turnout, down on average by 25%.

So you argue the above because you won't accept the majority, but I argue my point because I look at facts. So this low voter turn out in her heart land also indicates that the people are now no longer listening to yingluck which reflects that she has lost her majority.

This is like an Atheist arguing a Catholic. One states facts to support his argument the other states beliefs. I can see why atheists get so frustrated now. My facts mean nothing, but your beliefs hold true.

You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

I think you're confusing facts (which I do not argue, as long as we're talking about figures) and the interpretation of said facts.

Tagging everyone that placed a no-vote or an invalid vote as saying "we want reform before elections" is an opinion, not fact.

Some did it to make a point, sure, no argument. What I have issue with is the wholesale takeover you're attempting over a general figure.

Take the 29% figure, for example: 2011 elections had about 10% no-votes and invalid votes, with pretty similar numbers for the 2007 elections. We're already down to 19% which you claim are making a statement (still impressive, no argument). Knock off some more Democrat voters who used the no-vote as the Democrat party didn't not contend (not putting a figure on that one, just an example).

You end up with a somewhat lower figure. Certainly much higher than the past, and surely indicative of something. My two points are that the figures you quote are not always accurate, and that by themselves, do not offer a clear cut indication of your interpretation. That is not to say your interpretation could not be the right one, just that it is far from being proven as fact.

And as reiterated again an inability to accept THIS majority fact ensures a plethitude of reasons to denounce them.

As predictable as traffic lights.


You keep using the figures from the flawed 2014 elections and then stating your opinion as to the reasons for the figures as facts. Then you have the nerve to post the pidgin picture. You see yourself as intelligent and unbiased. I do not see the same picture.

Let us talk about facts that have no spin.

Fact 1. Thaksin affiliated parties have won all of the recent elections. You may say that they cheated or you may say that the people who voted for them were stupid. I say they won.

Fact 2. The Feb 2 elections were called because of mass public protests. The PTP believed they still had popular support and thought that an election would show that support. The Democrats refused to take part in the elections and the PDRC wrecked the elections. You keep quoting the unpublished results from this flawed election.

fact 3. The PTP want an election as soon as possible so that the people of Thailand can have a choice. Until there is an election nobody will know.

Edited, I seem to have messed up the central quotes, Jamie, send me a PM if you wish me to remove it.

Edited by Dr Bruce
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You didn't mention the fact that the 'NO' vote in the North and North Eastern regions was also very high as well!!

This means that the voters in PTP's heartland actually bothered to go to the polling station to register a NO vote out of protest - I would assume that a large majority of these would be disgruntled farmers that are struggling to survive without money to buy food and other staples!!!! Voters are abandoning this abject bunch of imbeciles in there droves and it is thoroughly deserved!!.

That is correct. If every result from this election was analyzed it all points to the same thing. A PTP inability to accept the majority.

If we completely forget the voter turn out in the north and north east and only look at "vote no" and "invalid votes" Of the voters that turned out 29% gave a no vote or an invalid vote of 17% and 12% respectively. Up from 4% and 3%. So as you say 29% of supporters went out of their way to say "We want reform before elections"

Another fact.

I think you're confusing facts (which I do not argue, as long as we're talking about figures) and the interpretation of said facts.

Tagging everyone that placed a no-vote or an invalid vote as saying "we want reform before elections" is an opinion, not fact.

Some did it to make a point, sure, no argument. What I have issue with is the wholesale takeover you're attempting over a general figure.

Take the 29% figure, for example: 2011 elections had about 10% no-votes and invalid votes, with pretty similar numbers for the 2007 elections. We're already down to 19% which you claim are making a statement (still impressive, no argument). Knock off some more Democrat voters who used the no-vote as the Democrat party didn't not contend (not putting a figure on that one, just an example).

You end up with a somewhat lower figure. Certainly much higher than the past, and surely indicative of something. My two points are that the figures you quote are not always accurate, and that by themselves, do not offer a clear cut indication of your interpretation. That is not to say your interpretation could not be the right one, just that it is far from being proven as fact.

I think it is generally accepted as being the case that 1 million farmers are rather upset and feel let down by this governments miscalculations and cock-ups and also that a fair proportion are no longer PTP voters any more.

Not a fact as such, but I'm sure that you would not contest this as being an accurate appraisal!!!

I'm pretty sure PTP lost support, probably farmers hit by the rice scheme thing are a large group of these voters.

I had no idea if 1 million farmers represents a "generally accepted" figure (how many PTP voting rice farmers are there, anyway?), could be more for all I know. Last elections the PTP got 15.7 million votes, taking a 10% (or even 15%) loss of support this time around wouldn't be an earthshaking surprise.

The thing is I also don't see those voters crossing the street over to the Democrat party. Even losing that many votes, the PTP (or a clone party) can still come out as the largest party. A lot of this depends on events until the next elections, though - if the government survives the legal hurdles and brings in more of the rice payments, things might look differently.

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If all the arguments made over the last two pages or more do indeed prove that PT have lost their electoral support then why on earth not have an election?

Surely it cannot be because you don't believe you will win?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If all the arguments made over the last two pages or more do indeed prove that PT have lost their electoral support then why on earth not have an election?

Surely it cannot be because you don't believe you will win?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Don't you think that the things that permitted the government to lie, cheat and deceive in the house need to be fixed first?

Don't you think that the horrendous losses the rice scheme is producing coupled with the 2 years old allegations of corruption need to be cleared up first?

If not we'll be back where we are today with more dead bodies up the chimney

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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