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CIA refuses to comment on Brennan's visit to Ukraine


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CIA refuses to comment on Brennan's visit to Ukraine

LOS ANGELES: -- The US Central Intelligence Agency has disproved reports that CIA Director John Brennan had influenced the Ukrainian authorities' decision to launch a special operation in eastern Ukraine, The Los Angeles Times reports with reference to a CIA official, Todd Ebitz. Ebitz chose not to comment on reports that Brennan had visited Kiev.

The report was posted on the daily’s website overnight into Sunday. The daily quotes him as saying that all statements about the Ukrainian authorities’ invitation to Brennan to come and advise on some tactical matters inside Ukraine is an outright lie, since Director Brennan strongly believes that a diplomatic solution is the only way to settle the crisis in Russia-Ukraine relations.

Victor Yanukovych, who claims he is a legitimate President of Ukraine, said earlier that Ukraine's power-wielding agencies took the decision on a special operation in the east of Ukraine following their meeting with Brennan.

A source, close to Ukraine’s security agencies, told RIA-Novosti that Brennan came to Kiev on Saturday to meet the power agency chiefs before the Interior Ministry in Kiev announced the launching of a special operation against those pressing for federalization in the east of Ukraine.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_14/CIA-refuses-to-comment-on-Brennans-visit-to-Ukraine-4936/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2014-04-14

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The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

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"Victor Yanukovych, who claims he is a legitimate President of Ukraine."

Yanukovych, your Ukrainian people miss your leadership. Please come back to Kiev to lead them if you think you are still the President. But in fact, not even Putin believes you are any leader at all, just a great excuse for Putin to grab Crimea for Russia's own governance. Did you not notice that after it was annexed, you are not even the leader of Crimea?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

Russia didn't invade Ukraine - Crimea actually voted to become part of Russia. The EU & US did as much interfering in Ukraine as Russia did.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

Russia didn't invade Ukraine - Crimea actually voted to become part of Russia. The EU & US did as much interfering in Ukraine as Russia did.

Crimea wasn't a separate nation before. It was part of Ukraine. So their vote was not legal. It was just part of the Putin propaganda show to act like this wasn't an invasion. Yes we know the majority of people in Crimea wanted to go with Russia, but not the majority of people in Ukraine.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

Russia didn't invade Ukraine - Crimea actually voted to become part of Russia. The EU & US did as much interfering in Ukraine as Russia did.

Crimea wasn't a separate nation before. It was part of Ukraine. So their vote was not legal. It was just part of the Putin propaganda show to act like this wasn't an invasion. Yes we know the majority of people in Crimea wanted to go with Russia, but not the majority of people in Ukraine.

No one said Crimea wasn't part of Ukraine, but only recently (historically). Their vote is as legal as the 'vote' in the Malvinas, or Kosovo or upcoming in Scotland. The propaganda & interference was from the US & EU in supporting the protestors.

Extract from Wikipedia:

Crimea and adjacent territories were united in the Crimean Khanate during the 15th to 18th century before falling to the Russian Empire and being organised as its Taurida Oblast in 1783. In 1954, the Soviet Crimean Oblast was transferred from Russia to Ukraine. It became the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within newly independent Ukraine in 1991, with Sevastopol having its own administration within Ukraine but outside of the Autonomous Republic.

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The previous history was known. Putin just did a land grab and is not fooling anyone. Now he clearly has his eyes on larger parts of Ukraine. Apologies for this aggressive dictator plays right into his hand.

The grab was from the EU/US side who, in typical interference, undermined the state of Ukraine. The US CIA is past master at bringing down disliked governments - there are many instances of this - and in this case they met their match for once. Putin is no angel, but he is right to prevent more NATO expansion in Europe - a remnant of the cold war which should have been disbanded years ago.

Russia didn't need to grab what has been handed back without a war or invasion.

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Did the US and EU grab Ukraine land? I thought not.

They grabbed the whole country except for the bit that didn't want them.

No they didn't. There are limits to the distortions you want to push. Does Ukraine fly the American flag now?

Edited by Jingthing
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Did the US and EU grab Ukraine land? I thought not.

They grabbed the whole country except for the bit that didn't want them.

No they didn't. There are limits to the distortions you want to push. Does Ukraine fly the American flag now?

Who is distorting things now. Flying the flag - straw man - no one said that.

It is not difficult to understand - for most - that one doesn't need to grab land to grab the country's political & physical resources. The leeches will have them flying the EU & NATO flags as soon as they can.

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No one said Crimea wasn't part of Ukraine, but only recently (historically). Their vote is as legal as the 'vote' in the Malvinas, or Kosovo or upcoming in Scotland. The propaganda & interference was from the US & EU in supporting the protestors.

Extract from Wikipedia:

Crimea and adjacent territories were united in the Crimean Khanate during the 15th to 18th century before falling to the Russian Empire and being organised as its Taurida Oblast in 1783. In 1954, the Soviet Crimean Oblast was transferred from Russia to Ukraine. It became the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within newly independent Ukraine in 1991, with Sevastopol having its own administration within Ukraine but outside of the Autonomous Republic.

The Scottish referendum is being held under a mandate issued by the UK government, with approximately 2 years' preparation for the pros and cons to be discussed, debated and decided upon before the final vote is held.

I am all for right of self determination, and if the people of Crimea genuinely want to be part of the RF then good luck to them, but gunboat diplomacy has no place in the 21st century.

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No one said Crimea wasn't part of Ukraine, but only recently (historically). Their vote is as legal as the 'vote' in the Malvinas, or Kosovo or upcoming in Scotland. The propaganda & interference was from the US & EU in supporting the protestors.

Extract from Wikipedia:

Crimea and adjacent territories were united in the Crimean Khanate during the 15th to 18th century before falling to the Russian Empire and being organised as its Taurida Oblast in 1783. In 1954, the Soviet Crimean Oblast was transferred from Russia to Ukraine. It became the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within newly independent Ukraine in 1991, with Sevastopol having its own administration within Ukraine but outside of the Autonomous Republic.

The Scottish referendum is being held under a mandate issued by the UK government, with approximately 2 years' preparation for the pros and cons to be discussed, debated and decided upon before the final vote is held.

I am all for right of self determination, and if the people of Crimea genuinely want to be part of the RF then good luck to them, but gunboat diplomacy has no place in the 21st century.

I agree with you about gunboat diplomacy. But unlike Iraq, Afghanistan, & Libya the people of Crimea spoke without any invasion. There is no evidence that they were forced into anything. Hypocrisy for either the US or UK to accuse others of gunboat diplomacy.

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" Ukrainian parliament Communist Party deputy Vladimir Golub told RIA Novosti that lawmakers were talking about the visit openly and opined that the Ukrainian Security Service had become a unit of the CIA " .giggle.gif


Oh jeez, are you reading and buying into Russian media on this topic. Do you have any comprehension of how Russia media works? The only word that comes to my mind is "sucker."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

The sooner Russia stops invading countries and annexing them maybe there can be better peace in the world.

Russia didn't invade Ukraine - Crimea actually voted to become part of Russia. The EU & US did as much interfering in Ukraine as Russia did.

Suggest you look up the definition of the word " invade"....

Putin's invasion of the Crimea hits the definition perfectly. What is the point of denying that Russia invaded the Crimea and subsequently annexed it, thus jolting the post WW2 world order off its rails? Invasion and annexation has rarely been undertaken in the last 60 years, with the only exceptions being the Indian annexation of Sikkim & Portuguese colonies on the sub-continent, Indonesia's disastrous annexation of East Timor, morocco's annexation of Spanish Sahara, Iraq's brief annexation of Kuwait in 1990-91, and Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

Please give some examples of EU or US invasion and annexation of sovereign nations.....

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No mention yet of NATOs criminal and illegal war in Kosovo.

The people have voted, just accept it.

Have to wonder if the Ukrainians really know what they have let themselves in for, Greek style austerity measures?

Nice one Vlad, cherry pick what you want and let the dumb IMF/Euro brigade pick up the tab.

Cant wait for the next gas bill, who will pick up the tab for that?

Kosovo was an interesting mission designed to prevent a humanitarian disaster and allow the return of some 1 million Kosovar refugees who had fled Serbian repression.

It should also be noted that Russia contributed troops to the peacekeeping operation under KFOR command, though that did not prevent them from arming and abetting the Serbian military. The Russian aim was to facilitate a partition of Kosovo creating a Serbian zone in the north along the lines of the Republic of Serbska within Bosnia.

Economically Ukraine has been mismanaged almost as badly as Greece and needs/deserves some fairly extreme restorative measures.

Quite why anyone should think that Putin is anything more than a repressive dictator of a messed-up, regional bully is beyond rational explanation....

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" Ukrainian parliament Communist Party deputy Vladimir Golub told RIA Novosti that lawmakers were talking about the visit openly and opined that the Ukrainian Security Service had become a unit of the CIA " .giggle.gif


Oh jeez, are you reading and buying into Russian media on this topic. Do you have any comprehension of how Russia media works? The only word that comes to my mind is "sucker."

as opposed to the US/EU's Centrally Planned MSMjerk.gif

Care to name a significant media outlet in Russia that is not state owned or controlled?

Where does Russia come on the Press Freedom Index? In 2013 Russia came in 148th position out of 180 (that's even worse than LOS!)

How many opposition journalists and activists have been murdered in Russia or abroad by the siloviki and their agents? Perhaps like Philby and Burgess you need to move to Moscow for a while to get a real feel for the delights of Russia.

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Suggest you look up the definition of the word " invade"....

Putin's invasion of the Crimea hits the definition perfectly. What is the point of denying that Russia invaded the Crimea and subsequently annexed it, thus jolting the post WW2 world order off its rails? Invasion and annexation has rarely been undertaken in the last 60 years, with the only exceptions being the Indian annexation of Sikkim & Portuguese colonies on the sub-continent, Indonesia's disastrous annexation of East Timor, morocco's annexation of Spanish Sahara, Iraq's brief annexation of Kuwait in 1990-91, and Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

Please give some examples of EU or US invasion and annexation of sovereign nations.....

Bombing Serbs, civilians, to coerce the Serbian government to withdraw its soldiers from Kosovo, a province of Serbia, where they were trying to stop Albanian terrorists burning villages and churches and raping. Putting NATO forces in to force the handover over Kosovo to Albanians. That qualfies as invasion - or, if you like, you can call it "armed interference."

India invaded Sikkim? Sikkim is part of India. By the way, so is Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India invaded a Portuguese colony "on the sub-continent"? You must be joking. The "sub-continent"? The sub-continent of India. How did Portuguese have a colony there without invading? By the way, check out the history of the Inquisition in that Portuguese colony.

What the hell does USA government have to do with Europe anyway?

Edited by Cat ji
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Care to name a significant media outlet in Russia that is not state owned or controlled?

All media companies in USA are owned by schmuck bankster relatives. Apparently, that is why American news and so on is so biased and limited.
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Suggest you look up the definition of the word " invade"....

Putin's invasion of the Crimea hits the definition perfectly. What is the point of denying that Russia invaded the Crimea and subsequently annexed it, thus jolting the post WW2 world order off its rails? Invasion and annexation has rarely been undertaken in the last 60 years, with the only exceptions being the Indian annexation of Sikkim & Portuguese colonies on the sub-continent, Indonesia's disastrous annexation of East Timor, morocco's annexation of Spanish Sahara, Iraq's brief annexation of Kuwait in 1990-91, and Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

Please give some examples of EU or US invasion and annexation of sovereign nations.....

Bombing Serbs, civilians, to coerce the Serbian government to withdraw its soldiers from Kosovo, a province of Serbia, where they were trying to stop Albanian terrorists burning villages and churches and raping. Putting NATO forces in to force the handover over Kosovo to Albanians. That qualfies as invasion - or, if you like, you can call it "armed interference."

India invaded Sikkim? Sikkim is part of India. By the way, so is Pakistan and Bangladesh.

India invaded a Portuguese colony "on the sub-continent"? You must be joking. The "sub-continent"? The sub-continent of India. How did Portuguese have a colony there without invading? By the way, check out the history of the Inquisition in that Portuguese colony.

What the hell does USA government have to do with Europe anyway?

My examples were those of invasions followed by annexations of the invaded territory which is what we have seen happen with the Crimea.

Sikkim was an independent state that voted against joining India in 1947, and which was subsequently invaded/annexed by India in 1975.

The Portuguese possessions of Goa, Daman and Diu were invaded/annexed by India in 1961. The Russians vetoed the UN resolution condemning this act....

"Pakistan &Bangladesh are part of India"....?? Part of British India indeed but then so was Burma.

Perhaps you would advocate Canada invading/annexing St Pierre & Miquelon off Newfoundland or Indonesia invading/annexing Christmas Island off Java.

Like it or not the US is a global superpower with global interests.

It would be interesting to see if the majority of Ukrainians would choose to be incorporated into Putin's benevolent embrace.

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Care to name a significant media outlet in Russia that is not state owned or controlled?

All media companies in USA are owned by schmuck bankster relatives. Apparently, that is why American news and so on is so biased and limited.

At least you didn't claim they were owned by a Jewish cabal unless "schmuk bankster relatives" is some code word for Jews...

Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that most media companies in the US are publicly traded and thus owned by their shareholders, and if you have a pension that owns any US Equities it is quite likely that you are therefore amongst the ranks of the "schmuk bankster relatives"...

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The sooner the US changes its interfering attitude on foreign policy, the sooner the world can sleep more quietly in its beds.

Not much sleeping when the jack boots kick in your door, or machete wielding thugs hack your family to pieces, or a religious fanatic blows you up while shopping, or...

Sleep you may. But it my be the longest sleep you have ever had.

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Brennan may have been sent to help clean up the mess orchestrated by the State Department. He is faced with eastern Ukraine being ruled by billionaire Jewish Oligarchs. The Ukraine is 3rd in the world in income in-equality and may be the most anti-semetic of the non-muslim countries. What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by Pakboong
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