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19 hours ago, Sheryl said:


If what you need is Tramadol then I do not see why this should be the case. As has been repeatedly explained in this thread, it can be gotten over the counter. No prescription is required. You need only to go to a large pharmacy (real pharmacy - not a Boots or Watsons) which has a real pharmacist on duty.

Not the case, anymore, for 100mg time release tablets; for 50mg instant release capsules yes.

11 hours ago, globin said:

Not the case, anymore, for 100mg time release tablets; for 50mg instant release capsules yes.

 These restrictions seems a bit strange to me.  Shouldn't instant release capsules  be more attractive to abusers than the slow release?

And why does Boots and Watson only sell Ultracet (37,5mg Tramadol+325mg Acetaminophen) over the counter, do they seriously believe that abusers reject these coz of the acetaminopen content? In fact, there is a serious risk for the abuser to end up with liverfailure due to paracetamol intox.

  • 4 months later...

I just had a few visits to Wat Yansangwararam hospital, the latest to see if I could get my "R" insulin there as I had run out, and my usual pharmacy did not have any in stock. They do, incidentally, normally have Ultracet on hand.
I had taken my list of medications as prescribed in the US, and the doctor not only filled a scrip for THREE vials of the insulin, but also for a month's supply of Tramadol and a substitute for Isosorbide, which treats angina.
It was a long wait, but as I am retired time is more plentiful than money sometimes. The whole episode including hospital fees and consultation was under 700 baht, i.e. a bit under $20.00. That is less than the co-pay for a single vial of insulin in the US under my Medicare Supplement plan.
If you have a medical requirement for Tramadol a provincial hospital is a way to go, if you cannot find a pharmacy still selling it.

9 hours ago, perthperson said:


What was the cost of the medications? 

I think 550 baht, but not 100% sure as I do not yet read Thai and cannot decipher the itemized bill.
As I say it was less than $20 US altogether, so I was not too concerned about the details.

15 minutes ago, Nong Khai Man said:

Oh, what a load of BS!

Tramadol is not addictive...............You Would'nt Like a Bet on that Statement Would You ??

 I have been following this thread since it started, even commented.

I can state quite categorically tramadol is not addictive, been there done that.

6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

 I have been following this thread since it started, even commented.

I can state quite categorically tramadol is not addictive, been there done that.

Those who have a history of substance abuse are more likely to develop an addiction to tramadol. However, even those who have never abused alcohol or drugs are at risk. A person who abuses tramadol may not necessarily be addicted to the drug.

Just now, giddyup said:

Those who have a history of substance abuse are more likely to develop an addiction to tramadol. However, even those who have never abused alcohol or drugs are at risk. A person who abuses tramadol may not necessarily be addicted to the drug.

Yes i agree with you, but this thread was started about buying tramadol.

Then it got hijacked by a member saying tramadol was addictive, i have used tramadol for over 3  years, when i dont need it i dont take it, never had a problem of it being addictive, it is not about substance abuse.

On 11/07/2017 at 8:27 PM, Sheryl said:

Please let us not get into arguments on this point. Evidence has shown tramadol can be addictive though the addiction potential is lower than with many other pain killers.  This certainly does not mean that everyone who takes it gets addicted.  And no one is accusing anyone of substance abuse.

Thank god someone said it. 

Jeeze, for ONE person to claim that tramadol is NOT addictive is like saying NOONE likes drinking beer ? 

tramadol CAN BE ADDICTIVE to some people, not ALL. 


  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought some Ultracet over the counter in a Silom phamacy.  Just had me sign a sheet of paper.

I have been taking it on and off for several years.

In my opinion it is very addictive.  Try taking it for 3 weeks then stopping many people their body will go thru a withdrawal similar to Vicodin. Several recent studies confirm this.

16 minutes ago, papersource said:

Ultracet: the tylenol component is dangerous for your kidneys and the opiod component kills testosterone. 



Sure, if you take 8 pills you reach the recommend max.  When my neck and back act up like today, I take 2. 

It does give me a little buzz and relief.  Some I have spoken to about this say it does nothing for them.

If you take it just like any med. drink plenty of water.

I like Tramadol in short doses.  4 or 5 days.  If it goes into weeks, there is a withdrawal problem for me anyway.

Something it does to me is give me is what they call "Vicodin dreams".  My dreams are like a freak show extremely odd.  Lots's of sex so who knows what that means.  But, I think Tramadol can really affect your mind if too much, so be careful.   

  • Like 1
On 7/14/2017 at 10:45 PM, DjSiN said:

Thank god someone said it. 

Jeeze, for ONE person to claim that tramadol is NOT addictive is like saying NOONE likes drinking beer ? 

tramadol CAN BE ADDICTIVE to some people, not ALL. 


agreed, i have met a bunch of English teaching drug seekers who goobble them like m&m's, its an opiate,  of course its addictive.  


I just came across this thread after taking tramadol for 3 weeks for a broken rib and collar bone from a bike accident, 2 x 50mg for daytime and 100mg for over night. Defiantly addictive.

I was aware they are an opioid and was conscious of cutting down or stopping them as soon as the pain was manageable, for a couple of days I found myself wanting one when not in much pain and trouble sleeping after stopping them completely, weird dreams as others have mentioned.

I coudnt imagine having a drink with them, you would be off the planet.

  • Like 2

One thing that bothers me some is the judgement regarding these meds.  The USA is so bad now nothing other then Ibuprofen is prescribed in most cases now.  All the Docs think you are a drug addict.  

Anyway, sorry for the rant.  Of the billions of people in the world there are some of us that live in pain.  I get it and try to make it a point to not pose judgement on anyone in pain and taking these type meds. There are some regular people on this site who will do so but hey; do you have major herniation in your lower backs/necks?  It is not fun can ruin your quality of life trust me.

So, yes I sometimes need/take the meds.  That is my life I try to manage it.  

Again, I am not too stupid.  Tramadol is a strong addictive drug in my opinion.  At least I am glad I realize this and manage the best I can. 

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

One thing that bothers me some is the judgement regarding these meds.  The USA is so bad now nothing other then Ibuprofen is prescribed in most cases now.  All the Docs think you are a drug addict.  

Anyway, sorry for the rant.  Of the billions of people in the world there are some of us that live in pain.  I get it and try to make it a point to not pose judgement on anyone in pain and taking these type meds. There are some regular people on this site who will do so but hey; do you have major herniation in your lower backs/necks?  It is not fun can ruin your quality of life trust me.

So, yes I sometimes need/take the meds.  That is my life I try to manage it.  

Again, I am not too stupid.  Tramadol is a strong addictive drug in my opinion.  At least I am glad I realize this and manage the best I can. 

I think being aware is 90% of it and it sounds like you are. Knowing that you may be irritable, depressed, craving etc for a day or so after stopping them is part of the pain management. A lot of the addiction arises when people keep taking them for the emotional pain rather than physical pain. 

  • Like 1
On 24/07/2017 at 6:52 PM, bkk6060 said:

One thing that bothers me some is the judgement regarding these meds.  The USA is so bad now nothing other then Ibuprofen is prescribed in most cases now.  All the Docs think you are a drug addict.  

Anyway, sorry for the rant.  Of the billions of people in the world there are some of us that live in pain.  I get it and try to make it a point to not pose judgement on anyone in pain and taking these type meds. There are some regular people on this site who will do so but hey; do you have major herniation in your lower backs/necks?  It is not fun can ruin your quality of life trust me.

So, yes I sometimes need/take the meds.  That is my life I try to manage it.  

Again, I am not too stupid.  Tramadol is a strong addictive drug in my opinion.  At least I am glad I realize this and manage the best I can. 

Agreed!! Yes same problem here, one disc has been herniated so many times over past 15years that is almost non existent now, with the disc above n below not in a good way now too. 

I hate having to rely on two tabs a day, but it's the only thing that gets me outta bed. 


Today I forgot to take my morning one, and by 3pm I was in agony and needed to lay down. Not till I woke still feeling like rubbish did I realise my mistake. Just took it now. 


So so are the 100mg avail for us foreigners anywhere? 

I came with 3months supply and I'm nearly at two months here now❗️

Agreed!! Yes same problem here, one disc has been herniated so many times over past 15years that is almost non existent now, with the disc above n below not in a good way now too. 
I hate having to rely on two tabs a day, but it's the only thing that gets me outta bed. 
Today I forgot to take my morning one, and by 3pm I was in agony and needed to lay down. Not till I woke still feeling like rubbish did I realise my mistake. Just took it now. 
So so are the 100mg avail for us foreigners anywhere? 
I came with 3months supply and I'm nearly at two months here now[emoji779]️

Is there a reason why you can't undergo surgery?

AFAIK 100 mg just as available as 50. You need to find a large pharmacy with a real pharmacist on duty. Try near the provincial hospital.
  • Like 1
On 4/15/2014 at 10:16 AM, onni4me said:

Oh, what a load of BS!

Tramadol is not addictive. Yes, it belongs to same group as morphine but is used precisely because there is no addiction to it.

When it comes to painkillers, it is very good one. As described above, it is well-suited for several uses. I broke my back in a car accident a decade ago and occasionally - perhaps once or twice a week - use to be able to sleep and function and to be able to walk straight.

I have not noticed any urge to take it. Sometimes it seems to dry the eyes and mouth but just about that.

What comes to availability, I don't know. I have a few pharmacists as sort of friends and normally ask them bring me some on their way home if needed. Saves a trip to local pharmacy.

I am self-medicating since had quite a many issues when coming to Thailand but here - presumably due to climate and diet - I now need only some painkillers every now and then. When people talk about strong painkillers, they seem to think it is drug related. Perhaps so but more than a few actually feel sick using them. Depending person. Most addicted seem to be persons that are prone to use alcohol or any other way to get their heads filled with substances. Something in the genes, I suppose.

Tramadol is as addictive as opoids. Try taking it every day for a month and you'll change your tune.

On 7/11/2017 at 6:09 PM, colinneil said:

 I have been following this thread since it started, even commented.

I can state quite categorically tramadol is not addictive, been there done that.


Were you taking any other psychotropic medication when you came off it, if you indeed did/have?

On 4/17/2014 at 4:28 PM, JDGRUEN said:

Tramadol is not big deal - except like elsewhere in the world people get over excited about a few glaring examples of abuse by a few. As stated it does not seem addicting to me. I take 50 mg in the morning and same at night for sleep. For sleep because a knee pain - especially the right knee is painful related to Sciatic nerve problems that descends down the nerve trunks of the legs. ... Without the tramadol to dull the pain sleep would just not be possible. I have been traveling through a number of Issan towns - now in Nong Khai ... Tramadol is available at nearly every pharmacy and I have visited many buying vitamins and health supplements. I have had some pharmacist tell me they do not have what I ask for on a written list. Often I know it is a lie because I can see the item on the shelf. Some Thai pharmacists seem to just not want to sell to Westerners and are cold - sometimes even bit hostile. They are not used to knowledgeable customers up here. Chinese pharmacists on the other hand seem much more open minded - business is business. All in all I find the Thailand approach to over the counter pharmacy to be a bit strange... Every item behind the counter here is out on open counters in the USA --- available for reading the information on the bottle or box. It seems they are use to clients who ask them what they need instead of what they want ... throws them off a bit. I can only suggest to people on TVF who get worried about fairly aware and educated Westerners buying and using Tramadol to go find something else to worry about. Tramadol side effects can make one a little dizzy -- the 100 mg caps do that to me so I cut to using 50 mg and dizziness is not a real problem. Let's face it folks - these days if a person wants to abuse a drug to get a buzz or to avoid life they are going to do it... And Tramadol is way down the list of drugs that will do it. Actually I wish the Nanny tyrants - control freaks in the USA would have left Darvon alone -- a drug that has been prescribed for 50 year - billions of doses given to millions of patients and Suddenly it is claimed to be a problem - heart related side effects ... if it were really so -- a huge percentage of people in the USA would have died from Darvon use -- BUT THEY DIDN'T ... same with Tramadol ... most people are responsible and don't abuse it ... nannies be damned.

How long have you been taking Tramadol?


Have you ever missed a few days?

On 28/07/2017 at 10:39 PM, Sheryl said:


Is there a reason why you can't undergo surgery?

AFAIK 100 mg just as available as 50. You need to find a large pharmacy with a real pharmacist on duty. Try near the provincial hospital.


Pretty sure that disc replacement is about my only option at this point, and some less dramatic options weren't very popular or successful back 15y ago. 


Ill chevk out those pharmacies u mentioned soon.  Thanks. 


Fusion would be the usual treatment and will usually relieve pain. 


Artificial disk replacement only if multiple levels involved.




I don't see how anyone can sleep better on Tramadol it seems to create a terrible sleep pattern and a lot of Insomnia for me.

It also creates a big buzz for me very similar to Vicodin.

Read up on the side effects and I think drinking booze with it could be very dangerous or even fatal.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/07/2017 at 6:05 AM, Sheryl said:

Fusion would be the usual treatment and will usually relieve pain. 


Artificial disk replacement only if multiple levels involved.



Too many horror stories involved with fusion. It's like a domino effect. Lock on part of back to put more strain on the surrounding discs. 


Multiple levels are involved. 


Friend of mine  just had a disc trimmed (I think) and some kind of healing promotion material sown in. At least that's how I remember the conversation. 

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