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Should we Farangs be scared.

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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

I f\think the point the OP is making is........you don't have to do anything wrong to get into trouble....Mr. Martin did not murder anybody as far as I remember.

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Reading too many books and letting your imagination run away with things, me thinks!

Planet Earth is hell and Thailand is a little part of the planet that is better than most places you will find. Injustice you say, try the western countries and you will find many people imprisoned who are innocent. I know that UK justice for instance is corrupt because I have experienced it firsthand, so why worry about Thailand. How about the US who has the most imprisoned in the world, and don’t forget the torture prisons they have all over the world where you have no legal right to any court hearing! And let me say that you can’t pay your way out of trouble in the west so thank your lucky stars that you can do it in Thailand. If you don’t want trouble, keep yourself out of trouble, that’s what I say and don’t frequent the red light districts.

As for slandering women, once again, and more especially Thai women, why don’t you refer to men, and more especially farang men – they come to Thailand to USE women for their own satisfaction and pleasure and when a young Thai woman gets pregnant they ask the lawyer on this website if they are financially responsible! No-one seems to slander these irresponsible, pleasure-seeking bums who take advantage of young girls, or women in general, and then toss them off as prostitutes. What about the majority of men today, especially those that come to Thailand, who are nothing but prostitutes, albeit unpaid. I am disgusted having to read all the biased slander of women and more especially Thai women. If you don’t want to be accused of rape, then don’t jump into bed with a women that you have no respect for or interest in as a person!

One last thing, if you treat a woman like a prostitute, then why should she not steal your money – treating people badly works both ways! It seems that you can do whatever you want but a woman can’t!

I’ve had it with you morons, I’m out of here.

Wow, you certainly have a lot of issues about how other people live their lives.

A guy told me many moons ago that, if you live in Thailand, always rent and have a ticket out of the place next to your bed.

Edited by senor123
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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

I am surprised that the truth is shown on TV. A (Thai, all) politically correct forum that shows the truth. What happened? Did a post slip through?

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Walk a fine line and do the right thing without imposing on others and I think you will be fine.

Of course, that does not mean that THAT is what I am doing, but still...seems like general, good advice for any and all situations.

I am surprised that the truth is shown on TV. A (Thai, all) politically correct forum that shows the truth. What happened? Did a post slip through?

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Why worry about a hypothetical, non-exsitent problem? If you must fantasize, do it about something pleasant.

I am surprised that the truth is shown on TV. A (Thai, all) politically correct forum that shows the truth. What happened? Did a post slip through?

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Reading too many books and letting your imagination run away with things, me thinks!

Planet Earth is hell and Thailand is a little part of the planet that is better than most places you will find. Injustice you say, try the western countries and you will find many people imprisoned who are innocent. I know that UK justice for instance is corrupt because I have experienced it firsthand, so why worry about Thailand. How about the US who has the most imprisoned in the world, and don’t forget the torture prisons they have all over the world where you have no legal right to any court hearing! And let me say that you can’t pay your way out of trouble in the west so thank your lucky stars that you can do it in Thailand. If you don’t want trouble, keep yourself out of trouble, that’s what I say and don’t frequent the red light districts.

As for slandering women, once again, and more especially Thai women, why don’t you refer to men, and more especially farang men – they come to Thailand to USE women for their own satisfaction and pleasure and when a young Thai woman gets pregnant they ask the lawyer on this website if they are financially responsible! No-one seems to slander these irresponsible, pleasure-seeking bums who take advantage of young girls, or women in general, and then toss them off as prostitutes. What about the majority of men today, especially those that come to Thailand, who are nothing but prostitutes, albeit unpaid. I am disgusted having to read all the biased slander of women and more especially Thai women. If you don’t want to be accused of rape, then don’t jump into bed with a women that you have no respect for or interest in as a person!

One last thing, if you treat a woman like a prostitute, then why should she not steal your money – treating people badly works both ways! It seems that you can do whatever you want but a woman can’t!

I’ve had it with you morons, I’m out of here.

Wow, you certainly have a lot of issues about how other people live their lives.

A guy told me many moons ago that, if you live in Thailand, always rent and have a ticket out of the place next to your bed.

No I don't have issues about how other people live their lives, I have issues about people slandering Thai women all the time especially when they create their own hell and blame it on women.

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Tingtong read the book. It has nothing to do with bar fines and prostitutes. I simply tried to sketch a hypothetical situation many Farangs might find themselves in.

I'm suggesting that as Farang's in Thailand we should be scared, as we do not have protection under the law. If for what ever reason one should end up in police custody, you better be prepared to pay and bribe your way to freedom. The Thai policing & justice system doesn't seem to work along the lines of what is right or wrong, but simply how much money can be extorted, before guilt or innocence can be proven.

Mr Martin wasn't frequenting bars and paying for ladies of the night. His Thai wife was trusted with a bulk payment intended to pay for his bail. She instead ran off with the payment and there by preventing him from being released and further more ensuring his incarceration for up-to 8 years for a crime he never committed.

be prepared to pay and bribe your way to freedom.

I am afraid...my friend...that bribing your way to freedom...is very common in Asia and becoming more prevalent in the so called democracies...money talks...pay your bribe and amazingly...be set free...Western countries are not immune to crooked police, lawyers, and judges...rule-of-law...is for the poor that can not pay the bribes...

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Should we Farangs be scared...the short answer...YES!

Any number of seemingly innocent events...can propel you into prison...

Do as many of my farang friends do...stay home most of the time...keep a low profile...do not argue with Thais...especially police...

Now...enjoy your stay...!

Edited by ggt
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Tingtong read the book. It has nothing to do with bar fines and prostitutes. I simply tried to sketch a hypothetical situation many Farangs might find themselves in.

I'm suggesting that as Farang's in Thailand we should be scared, as we do not have protection under the law. If for what ever reason one should end up in police custody, you better be prepared to pay and bribe your way to freedom. The Thai policing & justice system doesn't seem to work along the lines of what is right or wrong, but simply how much money can be extorted, before guilt or innocence can be proven.

Mr Martin wasn't frequenting bars and paying for ladies of the night. His Thai wife was trusted with a bulk payment intended to pay for his bail. She instead ran off with the payment and there by preventing him from being released and further more ensuring his incarceration for up-to 8 years for a crime he never committed.

Who said he never committed the crime,thousands of "innocent"people" in jail all over the world.

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I ask these moaner one question. Would you go to a sleazy bar in Soho; in Los Angeles; or Paris and fall in love with a bar girl? Would you pay her bills, her gambling debts, and rescue her mother's sick buffalo? Of course not.

My Thai wife and I have been married almost 25 years now, and even she (in her Thai honesty) can't believe how stupid Farangs can be.

I was born in California, and we had a saying about the Nevada State line - when a Californian crossed it, he or she left her brain behind. (Gambling Loses).

Maybe the same applies to Asia - common sense? Checked at Heathrow.

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There are a lot of these books written by guys (it's always guys) who get caught up on the wrong side of the law in a foreign -- and developing -- country. But they're never about squeaky clean guys. They are always either caught up in drug running, guns, harboring some friend who is, or something along those lines. It's never "I was just having a drink, minding my own business and then..."

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Yes, the Thai police and judicial system has many issues.

But ask yourself,

Are you murdering people like Colin allegedly did?

Are you using or smuggling drugs like most foreigners banged up in Thai prisons?

Are you banging a ton of whores in the seediest bars your hypothetical outlines?

If not, and usually keep your nose out of others' business there isn't too much too worry about.

Personally any time I've interacted with police in Thailand it's been all ok.

I am surprised that the truth is shown on TV. A (Thai, all) politically correct forum that shows the truth. What happened? Did a post slip through?

Here' some non-PC stuff for you--stop posting crap on the forum, a-hole. See if that slips through you.

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oh come on! did you ever see or hear anything, more frightening than guns in America?! someone easily bring guns into a school and make a Rambo movies right there! soldiers shoots each other in camps! and maybe you haven't heard of cops in US.

if you want to drop a country, it's easy and if you want to bring them back, you can do it in just one night, only with politics

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Reading too many books and letting your imagination run away with things, me thinks!

Planet Earth is hell and Thailand is a little part of the planet that is better than most places you will find. Injustice you say, try the western countries and you will find many people imprisoned who are innocent. I know that UK justice for instance is corrupt because I have experienced it firsthand, so why worry about Thailand. How about the US who has the most imprisoned in the world, and dont forget the torture prisons they have all over the world where you have no legal right to any court hearing! And let me say that you cant pay your way out of trouble in the west so thank your lucky stars that you can do it in Thailand. If you dont want trouble, keep yourself out of trouble, thats what I say and dont frequent the red light districts.

As for slandering women, once again, and more especially Thai women, why dont you refer to men, and more especially farang men they come to Thailand to USE women for their own satisfaction and pleasure and when a young Thai woman gets pregnant they ask the lawyer on this website if they are financially responsible! No-one seems to slander these irresponsible, pleasure-seeking bums who take advantage of young girls, or women in general, and then toss them off as prostitutes. What about the majority of men today, especially those that come to Thailand, who are nothing but prostitutes, albeit unpaid. I am disgusted having to read all the biased slander of women and more especially Thai women. If you dont want to be accused of rape, then dont jump into bed with a women that you have no respect for or interest in as a person!

One last thing, if you treat a woman like a prostitute, then why should she not steal your money treating people badly works both ways! It seems that you can do whatever you want but a woman cant!

Ive had it with you morons, Im out of here.

Wow, you certainly have a lot of issues about how other people live their lives.

A guy told me many moons ago that, if you live in Thailand, always rent and have a ticket out of the place next to your bed.

No,he has issues with how men treat women.

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With no disrespect intended, but try not to be so naive. This type of story plays out all over the world. It's as old as the oldest profession. It's not something limited to Thailand. So do you need to be afraid? No! Just exercise due diligence.

Are you worried, but still full of a young bloke's heated desires -- too much vim and vinegar? Go to an Ob Nam Op. A shower massage. They are licensed businesses. Pay your 1000 to 2000 baht, get a bath and have fun. No one will accuse you of rape. I'm sure they'd rather see your return business. Better yet. Develop friendship, court a Thai woman, win her heart, and have a normal loving relationship with her. Just don't get it in your head to have a gig or a mia noi. Then all bets are off.

Best of luck!

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They can smell fear.

Best to not let them smell it.

Practice with dogs first.

You are correct about the fearpart. Speaking thai and doing nothing wrong....not have to pay something....staying calm and speaking polite helps 2.

The other side of the coin is that some of the policemen will be fearfull from you if you do the above. They dont know who you know !

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Best to just keep your nose clean . I read the book too and being a retired police officer found many holes in what he was trying to put across in his book . I agree with someone else who said there was a lot of cock and bull in the book and if you read between the lines those of us who live here cam see through it.. Im couscous but Im not scared ....

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Best to just keep your nose clean . I read the book too and being a retired police officer found many holes in what he was trying to put across in his book . I agree with someone else who said there was a lot of cock and bull in the book and if you read between the lines those of us who live here cam see through it.. Im couscous but Im not scared ....

couscous....I dig it.

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No, unless you're one of these one time visitors visitors to Thailand who has been ripped off by a bar girl and blames the country for his idiocy instead of his self (who seem to plague this site). Otherwise just enjoy your self as most people do.

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More click bait for Thai Visa newsletter chosen to get us clicking through and it works - but having read the OP's paranoid fear and never had a smidgin of wrongdoing (except for mortal fear on the roads - but that's a given) I'm out of this thread. But as it has bar girls , corrupt cops and thieving wives I predict it will run and run.....

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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

Isn't the point of the thread that the bloke didn't do the crime, yet had to do the time?

Another innocent one inside

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No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

Do the crime, do the time.

Isn't the point of the thread that the bloke didn't do the crime, yet had to do the time?

He stuck a knife into someone and that person died. I call that murder and so did the judge that banged him up.

What do you call it ?

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Tingtong read the book. It has nothing to do with bar fines and prostitutes. I simply tried to sketch a hypothetical situation many Farangs might find themselves in.

To be honest, you seemed to be describing a book about a man who went to jail on false rape charges, and whose wife ran off with his bail. But then I read he'd killed a Westerner, but your post seems to be about how if you get in trouble with a thai you should jump on the next plane home, so it's a wee bit confusing. How did he get released in the end then?

This though - "I always thought Asian women once committed, would be far more loyal than any other race on this planet" - is just some weird fantasy of what 'Asian women' should be- subservient, kowtowing... If that's the jaded stereotype that people are chasing them, yeah, they're going to be disappointed and deservedly so.

Yeah, that is one of the great myths. Asian women can be "subservient" regarding some issues that are important in Western culture. However, look at things that matter in their culture and you will find them something much different to "subservient." The same girl that treats you well in bed and clips your toenails will not just sit back and take it when you mess with family and other important issues in Asian culture. It's a myth based on Western views of Asia. I assume that most of the TV members who have actually been with a Thai or Asian woman for several years will attest to this fact.

I have a Thai wife and I fully agree.

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Tingtong read the book. It has nothing to do with bar fines and prostitutes. I simply tried to sketch a hypothetical situation many Farangs might find themselves in.

To be honest, you seemed to be describing a book about a man who went to jail on false rape charges, and whose wife ran off with his bail. But then I read he'd killed a Westerner, but your post seems to be about how if you get in trouble with a thai you should jump on the next plane home, so it's a wee bit confusing. How did he get released in the end then?

This though - "I always thought Asian women once committed, would be far more loyal than any other race on this planet" - is just some weird fantasy of what 'Asian women' should be- subservient, kowtowing... If that's the jaded stereotype that people are chasing them, yeah, they're going to be disappointed and deservedly so.

Yeah, that is one of the great myths. Asian women can be "subservient" regarding some issues that are important in Western culture. However, look at things that matter in their culture and you will find them something much different to "subservient." The same girl that treats you well in bed and clips your toenails will not just sit back and take it when you mess with family and other important issues in Asian culture. It's a myth based on Western views of Asia. I assume that most of the TV members who have actually been with a Thai or Asian woman for several years will attest to this fact.
I have a Thai wife and I fully agree.

I agree as well but need to add a question......to whom are they subservient to if the family messes with you ?

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I ask these moaner one question. Would you go to a sleazy bar in Soho; in Los Angeles; or Paris and fall in love with a bar girl? Would you pay her bills, her gambling debts, and rescue her mother's sick buffalo? Of course not.

My Thai wife and I have been married almost 25 years now, and even she (in her Thai honesty) can't believe how stupid Farangs can be.

I was born in California, and we had a saying about the Nevada State line - when a Californian crossed it, he or she left her brain behind. (Gambling Loses).

Maybe the same applies to Asia - common sense? Checked at Heathrow.

You're first paragraph says it all really, I'm also amazed that men travel across the world and marry a bar girl, personally that would do my head in. However I do know of a two ex-bar girls here on Thailand who have been very good partners to their farang b/f. I suppose there are always exceptions.

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