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A Thai just asked to borrow money from me.

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A Thai, wants to borrow money? OK if you think he needs it.

Get his bank card and pin and draw the money from his wages.

The only problem is that he will be bothering you to withdraw money during the month.

That's the only way you guarantee your money back.

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2000 is not a lot to lose if she defaulted. Should have lent it at an extortionate rate of interest. Extortionate in our eyes (10% per month) is quite reasonable in theirs. By making it a business transaction, you have made it clear that you are not willing to write it off as a gift.

Offering a job for payment is ok, as long as the job is not demeaning. OP's garden work was probably too low class for her so he should have either offered a different job or asked her if she has a nephew to do the garden for her.

The brother of a friend of my SO needed 2000 bht. I needed to get somewhere (nearly 2 hours drive). He drove me there and back, I gave him 2000....both parties happy.

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Had the girl I eventually moved in with borrow 3,000 Baht for cosmetics, saying she would pay me back the next time she saw me.

at this point I only knew her about 3 weeks

2 days later, she appeared at my door, with the 3,000 Baht.

I never had any doubt she would repay.

Some will, some won't

it all depends on your relationship with them, Thai or not Thai

it also helps, if they have the ability to repay.

if not, forget it,

its already gone before you give it, and, so is the friendship,

unless you like being robbed

Edited by Scarpolo
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2000 is not a lot to lose if she defaulted. Should have lent it at an extortionate rate of interest. Extortionate in our eyes (10% per month) is quite reasonable in theirs. By making it a business transaction, you have made it clear that you are not willing to write it off as a gift.

Offering a job for payment is ok, as long as the job is not demeaning. OP's garden work was probably too low class for her so he should have either offered a different job or asked her if she has a nephew to do the garden for her.

The brother of a friend of my SO needed 2000 bht. I needed to get somewhere (nearly 2 hours drive). He drove me there and back, I gave him 2000....both parties happy.

bloody hell ive lost more running for the bus,

better to takje a little hit first time, then say it happend before never again

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One of my biggest problem is, how do I say no without offending them?

My feeling is that as soon as they ask, the relationship is never the same again.

Say "not at the moment" this implies you might.

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Years ago if I was responding to this topic...in the US...I will say that lending money to a friend is the way to ending the friendship....and can happen here with a Thai friend too........but....now.. I am not really sure about this topic. After getting married with a simple Thai woman from a simple Thai family that I know will lend me or giving me money if I really need it...my "values" are changing...

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I live in the UK I often lend money to Thai people and i ALWAYS get it back. I Must admit that its only to people i know, And known them along time, It usually a few Hundred pounds, because they get ripped off at the Banks. Just the other side of the coin , There are Genuine People about.

Edited by Thongkorn
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2000 is not a lot to lose if she defaulted. Should have lent it at an extortionate rate of interest. Extortionate in our eyes (10% per month) is quite reasonable in theirs. By making it a business transaction, you have made it clear that you are not willing to write it off as a gift.

Offering a job for payment is ok, as long as the job is not demeaning. OP's garden work was probably too low class for her so he should have either offered a different job or asked her if she has a nephew to do the garden for her.

The brother of a friend of my SO needed 2000 bht. I needed to get somewhere (nearly 2 hours drive). He drove me there and back, I gave him 2000....both parties happy.

Yes 10% interest per month payable, even more if they don't have a cha nort land title or something similar as security. My wife does that a lot. Never mind the capital, the interest very soon exceeds it and the debt continues. That's standard village usury in Thailand, but still cheaper than the Chinese or Indian money lenders who always end up owning the land too.

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I have found it's Farangs who are really bad at paying people back or just downright cheating people out of money, with never any intention of paying back.

Years ago I fell for the " I'm getting money sent over soon " story, one guy took me for 60,000 Baht, then disappeared. ( I J. if you're reading this, you know who I am, you are not forgotten!), Various other small loans rarely paid back, on the other hand I have had Thai people always pay back, incredible that I and ThaiVisa members should have such different experiences.

Then again mine are real, not made up.

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"But if she needs 2000b then I'm willing to pay her 1000b a day for helping me in the garden for two days. More than a fair rate.

Should have seen her face drop."

This is an amazing litmus test that's gone unappreciated in this thread so far.

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