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UDD Pledges New Rally, Demands Swift Election

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UDD Pledges New Rally, Demands Swift Election

By Khaosod English.


BANGKOK — Redshirt leader Jatupon Prompan and his deputy Nattawut Saikua have thanked the Criminal Court for dismissing the request to have their bails revoked.

Former Democrat MP Satit Pitutacha had requested the court revoke the bail release of Mr. Jatupon and Mr. Nattawut, who are currently facing charges for the Redshirt protests in 2010, on the grounds that both men have urged supporters to commit violence and other illegal actions in recent months.

But the court denied Mr. Satit's request in a ruling yesterday, which neither Mr. Jatupon nor Mr. Nattawut attended; lawyers representing both activists said they were ill.

The court nevertheless warned Mr. Jatupon and Mr. Nattawut to exercise caution and refrain from making hateful speeches at future rallies.

Shortly after the court decision was announced, Mr. Jatupon and Mr. Nattawut—who did not seem to be visibly afflicted by any illness—appeared at a press conference of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to express their thanks to the judges.

Mr. Jatupon, who is serving as the chairman of the UDD, added that he believes the court's advice for caution concerning his future speeches is not necessary because the UDD has always been committed to struggles in a non-violent manner.

"No matter how bitter we are, we are always certain we will win in the end, and we believe that wars cannot be ended by wars," Mr. Jatupon said. "They can only be ended by peace."

The UDD chairman also told the crowd of supporters that his team has already surveyed the area around Aksa Avenue in Nakhon Pathom province as a preparation for the next mass rally in which Redshirts will show their support for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The UDD had previously scheduled the rally on 18 April but called off the event at last minute, citing fears of possible clashes with rival protesters.

"I ask all of you to wait for the signal of mobilisation," Mr. Jatupon said.

Mr. Nattawut said he was greatly relieved by the court's decision. "I have listened to news from many directions, and I was sure I would have my bail revoked," Mr. Nattawut said at the press conference.

The activist insisted that he is determined to continue the "fight to overthrow the tyrannical movements which are bent on destroying this country's democracy."

"I also would like to remind Mr. Suthep of his promise that if the Redshirt rally has more people than the fully mobilised PCAD, he will roll up his mat and go home," Mr. Nattawut said, referring to Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, the leader of the People's Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State. "When that day comes, I would like to see Mr. Suthep stick to his words."

Meanwhile, Ms. Thida Thawornseth, chief adviser to the UDD, urged the Election Commission to organise a new general election as soon as possible, stating that the country has suffered grave instability due to the lack of a functioning government.

"[An election] is the best way to solve the conflict," Ms. Thida said. "If all of us still want to find a solution, this must be the solution. Any other solution, such as an unelected Prime Minister or an unelected Parliament, will only lead the country to disaster.”

Ms. Thida continued, "Therefore, all brothers and sisters must ready themselves, because the situation can change at any time ... we have a firm resolution not to let this country taking a step backward.”

The Constitutional Court invalidated the 2 February general election on the grounds that voting was not conducted on the same day across the country. The verdict has led many Redshirt activists to accuse the court of conspiring with anti-government protesters in their bid to oust Ms. Yingluck's government.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1397899014&section=11

-- Khaosod English 2014-04-19

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I hope everyone remembers this picture of the smiling terrorists when they read about the thousands of deaths at the hands of the red shirts under the command of these two.

I would hope that the criminal court Judges who have released them back on the street to build their terrorist army shares the same fate as these when the day of reckoning happens.

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The central issue to come will not be what Thida thinks, or Jatuporn, or Nuttawut, or Yingluck, Chalerm, Surapong, Paradorn, Noppadon, or Thaksin. The central issue to come will be the ruling by the Constitutional Court and whether any one of these people will respect, accept, and adhere to it. This is a question of law. This is not determined by a show of rally strength. It is determined by the opinions of those constitutionally empowered to make such rulings. Period.

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The delaying tactics for Yingluck's NACC case is working in Thaksin's favor, with the re introduction of the amnesty bill around the corner, everything works according to plan.

"You do it my way, you do it Pheu Thai way or die..."

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"I ask all of you to wait for the signal of mobilisation," Mr. Jatupon said.

If the last rally is any indication, I would expect 20,000 people. Jatuporn will spin that into 200,000 and Khaosod will make it an even 2.000,000. None of that will matter because Yingluck and her cabinet will be gone. The monk beaters will attempt to burn Bangkok and the army will have to spank them. Jatuporn and Nattawut have too much to lose now, the houses, cash, land deals and trucking companies have destroyed their credibility with the faithful.

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"I ask all of you to wait for the signal of mobilisation," Mr. Jatupon said.

If the last rally is any indication, I would expect 20,000 people. Jatuporn will spin that into 200,000 and Khaosod will make it an even 2.000,000. None of that will matter because Yingluck and her cabinet will be gone. The monk beaters will attempt to burn Bangkok and the army will have to spank them. Jatuporn and Nattawut have too much to lose now, the houses, cash, land deals and trucking companies have destroyed their credibility with the faithful.

Yingluck's case will just be delayed further,... so the usual delaying tactics are still buying the organized crime organization of Pheu Thai enough time to plan their ambush....

On time??? In Thailand??? Nothing in Thailand EVER goes on time. Too much FACE at stake...

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I hope everyone remembers this picture of the smiling terrorists when they read about the thousands of deaths at the hands of the red shirts under the command of these two.

I would hope that the criminal court Judges who have released them back on the street to build their terrorist army shares the same fate as these when the day of reckoning happens.

Why jail them? I'm sure the army needs some sniper practice come the revolution!

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"I also would like to remind Mr. Suthep of his promise that if the Redshirt rally has more people than the fully mobilised PCAD, he will roll up his mat and go home," Mr. Nattawut said

But you had your rally, and had less support, you scheduled a new rally, but cancelled it, because you had no support....

You wane have a 3rd chance???

No way Jose!!!!

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Mr. Jatupon, who is serving as the chairman of the UDD, added that he believes the court's advice for caution concerning his future speeches is not necessary because the UDD has always been committed to struggles in a non-violent manner.

"No matter how bitter we are, we are always certain we will win in the end, and we believe that wars cannot be ended by wars," Mr. Jatupon said. "They can only be ended by peace."

I'm having a good time with my songkran water battle. Drank alot and no mao. High spirit with all the thai folks. Just reach home and randomly saw Thaivisa and then saw this.

I puke again and again after reading this.

They are really peaceful.

cheers~ Happy songkran

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Nice to see Jat and Nut have got their bails back.

Now, what's the minimum number to constitute a rally?

cheesy.gifclap2.gif Good question, bigbamboo. I guess it depends on who you ask. Always has been that way, throughout history...

For example, in WW2, to be considered a Fighter Pilot "Ace", you had to have 300 victories, later, in the US, a Flying Ace, was somebody, who had 5 or more victories to his name.

So with that in mind, maybe to Jat and Nut, a rally means two or more people. So if they are both not sick that day, they should be able to achieve Rally status. cheesy.gif

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and we are expected to take the reds seriously with these two clowns that couldnt even maintain their " too sick to attend court" bullsh*t act . Seems some of thaksins croonies are still in the legal system if calling for a war/ seperate state are not condidered as breaking their bail conditions, with any luck one of their non violent grenades or guns will go off accidentaly in their personal space and end their crap.

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The delaying tactics for Yingluck's NACC case is working in Thaksin's favor, with the re introduction of the amnesty bill around the corner, everything works according to plan.

"You do it my way, you do it Pheu Thai way or die..."

Worried you are correct. Just wondering how her delaying tactics will allow the Amnesty bill to be brought back to life. I thought the 180 days on the back burner expired around the middle of May and no elections till after late May at the earliest.

I thought the Amnesty bill was dead, but maybe I'm wrong.

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The delaying tactics for Yingluck's NACC case is working in Thaksin's favor, with the re introduction of the amnesty bill around the corner, everything works according to plan.

"You do it my way, you do it Pheu Thai way or die..."

Worried you are correct. Just wondering how her delaying tactics will allow the Amnesty bill to be brought back to life. I thought the 180 days on the back burner expired around the middle of May and no elections till after late May at the earliest.

I thought the Amnesty bill was dead, but maybe I'm wrong.

Have another look at the Constitution. If parliament is dissolved during the 180 day period, the new time period is 60 days after the reconvocation of the House. It just needs to be approved in a cabinet resolution and passed by the House by a simple majority vote without further reference to the Senate. I am sure Thaksin is planning for this and wouldn't tell the PM to dissolve the House the next time. He would tell them to just tough it out and wait for the protestors to exhaust themselves, knowing their is nothing they can do to topple the new government. Then a year later he will fly home a free man and take brutal revenge.

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The delaying tactics for Yingluck's NACC case is working in Thaksin's favor, with the re introduction of the amnesty bill around the corner, everything works according to plan.

"You do it my way, you do it Pheu Thai way or die..."

Worried you are correct. Just wondering how her delaying tactics will allow the Amnesty bill to be brought back to life. I thought the 180 days on the back burner expired around the middle of May and no elections till after late May at the earliest.

I thought the Amnesty bill was dead, but maybe I'm wrong.

Have another look at the Constitution. If parliament is dissolved during the 180 day period, the new time period is 60 days after the reconvocation of the House. It just needs to be approved in a cabinet resolution and passed by the House by a simple majority vote without further reference to the Senate. I am sure Thaksin is planning for this and wouldn't tell the PM to dissolve the House the next time. He would tell them to just tough it out and wait for the protestors to exhaust themselves, knowing their is nothing they can do to topple the new government. Then a year later he will fly home a free man and take brutal revenge.

Correct. The Pardon the Chief Criminal Bill has the 60 days recall on the first House meeting. But hey it's sweet...Thaksin's honest puppet parrot has said the Amesty Bill is off the table for good. Regardless of Thaksin's wishes and his lackey's constant lies if that Bill is brought back to the House then all hell will break loose Edited by Roadman
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the fact they believe their own words about democracy .should be enough to ban their party under a false name..amazing..

In UDD language, the word, 'democracy' means 'Thaksin dictatorship'. You will understand the UDD and Red Shirts lot better if you know that every time they use the word, 'democracy' you they really mean 'Thaksin dictatorship'. I'll give you and example: they say, "Suthep is against democracy" and what they mean is, "Suthep is against Thaksin dictatorship". See, when you know what they mean, it make more sense.

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