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Thai Armed Forces not yet give consent to CAPO's statement


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Armed Forces not yet give consent to CAPO's statement


BANGKOK: -- The commanders-in-chief of the Thai armed forces have not yet given consent to the statement of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) regarding the call for fair and straightforward judgments in cases against caretaker prime minister, according to Air Force commander-in-chief Air Chief Marshal Prajin Juntong.

ACM Prajin’s comment came after caretaker Justice Minister Chaikasem Nitisiri, in his capacity as deputy director of CAPO, claimed that the announcement of the statement has been endorsed at the joint meeting of representatives of the Armed Forces, the National Police Office, and all department heads of all government agencies.

The air force chief said what Mr Chaikasem said was right only ‘in principle’ because at each meeting, representatives of the armed forces, the police and government agencies would take part to listen and to recommend.

And at each meeting the CAPO director and the secretary-general would fix what issue should be raised for discussion, he said.

He said representatives of the armed forces have the duties to just give information, recommend, or propose ideas but can’t make decision or reject any issue reached at the meeting, particularly important issue. They must report every meeting to the commanders-in-chief.

ACM Prajin said in the case of very important issue that required decision making, commander-in-chief of each armed force must meet together so as to reach a resolution in the same direction.

He said that the CAPO’s statement has not been raised for discussion at the meeting of commanders-in-chief of the three armed forces yet.

It was merely a notification of CAPO via representatives of the armed forces, he said.

But ACM Prajin made clear that as far as he read Mr Chaikasem’ s interview, he did not say that the statement has been endorsed by the commanders-in-chiefs of the armed forces.

He just said the statement has been endorsed at the joint meeting with representatives of the armed forces, ACM Prajin said.

He then urged the public to differentiate correctly as it was not the consent of the armed forces yet.

When asked on the call by the opposition Democrat party for the Armed Forces to declare its clear stance on the controversial statement considered a threat to the Constitutional Court and the National Anti Corruption Commission, ACM Prajin said it needed time for the commanders-in-chiefs to meet and discuss, adding that the issue would be certainly raised at the meeting.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/armed-forces-yet-give-consent-capos-statement/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-21

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It is not the armed forces duty to give consent to any announcement made by the government or any part of the government, it is the military's duty to up hold piece on the boarders and to carry out duties asked of them by designated responsible departments, for the CAPO's to express that the military approved any statement , could be interpreted that a coup has taken place and the military are in control.coffee1.gif

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

and i my wife and friends are glad for it since they are only ones who can when ,egomaniac would be dictators such as Taksin try and take over. And please don't give all that crap about democracy her or in west.

We (I my wife and This friends (most of them)) pray yet again army will save Thailand from itself.

If people like you got your way you'd see very quickly a Zimbabwe or worse but then of course it wont affect you to much. Sorry my non friend your totally naive and either brainwashed, not here, don't have a clue or at best a little mad

Sieg Heil ! Sieg Heil ! Is it better this way?

Edited by pisico
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It is not the armed forces duty to give consent to any announcement made by the government or any part of the government, it is the military's duty to up hold piece on the boarders and to carry out duties asked of them by designated responsible departments, for the CAPO's to express that the military approved any statement , could be interpreted that a coup has taken place and the military are in control.coffee1.gif

Why is this scenario reminiscent of South America's banana republics where Army strong men decide the destiny of the country?

The duty of the army in any civilized and truly democratic country is to protect the country from its enemies, not to dictate or influence politics.

Edited by pisico
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Yet another example of Pheu Thai's unilateral announcements. Of course the CAPO directive is intimidation of the court. And of course the army is not playing with Pheu Thai on this. It's reprehensible - in any civil society - to make such a directive to a court prior to its ruling.

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

Armed forces being democratic?????????????????

Where what? Never heard that they have some elections inside and if I am not wrong no politician is in the chain of command. Their duty is to protect king, country and religion. It doesn't say that they have to protect Shinawatras, not even democracy or constitution.

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It is not the armed forces duty to give consent to any announcement made by the government or any part of the government, it is the military's duty to up hold piece on the boarders and to carry out duties asked of them by designated responsible departments, for the CAPO's to express that the military approved any statement , could be interpreted that a coup has taken place and the military are in control.coffee1.gif

Why is this scenario reminiscent of South America's banana republics where Army strong men decide the destiny of the country?

The duty of the army in any civilized and truly democratic country is to protect the country from its enemies, not to dictate or influence politics.

yes from the enemies inside and outside the country.....by the way the truly democratic country would be which?

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

and i my wife and friends are glad for it since they are only ones who can when ,egomaniac would be dictators such as Taksin try and take over. And please don't give all that crap about democracy her or in west.

We (I my wife and This friends (most of them)) pray yet again army will save Thailand from itself.

If people like you got your way you'd see very quickly a Zimbabwe or worse but then of course it wont affect you to much. Sorry my non friend your totally naive and either brainwashed, not here, don't have a clue or at best a little mad

It would be a big success if the independent courts can figure out a solution. If the army has to step in, it would show that the civil organizations failed and of course there would be again a lot noise from the barking Europeans. The same government that haven't any problems with Erdogan or the Saudi government.

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They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

OK. What about suthep??????? Oh yes you suthep lovers feel he is inocent and go around acting like the supreme leader of Thailand and do what ever he likes but she The ELLECTED PM is guilty. Suthep is guilty of murder for the simple reason he HAS not EVER gone to court and refuses to go. If you can not be fair then dont say anything. Everyone knows those courts are biased.

Edited by diehard60
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They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

OK. What about suthep??????? Oh yes you suthep lovers feel he is inocent and go around acting like the supreme leader of Thailand and do what ever he likes but she The ELLECTED PM is guilty. Suthep is guilty of murder for the simple reason he HAS not EVER gone to court and refuses to go. If you can not be fair then dont say anything. Everyone knows those courts are biased.

YL too is guilty of murder to order Police to fire on demonstrator, family of victims file case against her.... She also guilty for suicide of Farmers, because farmers believe on her lies.....

She guilty to support illegal action by red to attempt to overthrow Thai institution and democracy

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On One Hand PTP claims that Armed Forces might stage a Coup d'état.....

On Another they are asking them for fairness.....

CAPO, PDRC and others just sit down and talk.

Your One Step backwards will take country two step forward.

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It is not the armed forces duty to give consent to any announcement made by the government or any part of the government, it is the military's duty to up hold piece on the boarders and to carry out duties asked of them by designated responsible departments, for the CAPO's to express that the military approved any statement , could be interpreted that a coup has taken place and the military are in control.coffee1.gif

What are you on about??? This is the most ridiculous and nonsensical post on TV for a long while (and that includes Frysian Bopp and moonao's nonsense utterings)!!!

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They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

OK. What about suthep??????? Oh yes you suthep lovers feel he is inocent and go around acting like the supreme leader of Thailand and do what ever he likes but she The ELLECTED PM is guilty. Suthep is guilty of murder for the simple reason he HAS not EVER gone to court and refuses to go. If you can not be fair then dont say anything. Everyone knows those courts are biased.

Funny logic. I've never gone to court and so you would conclude that I'm guilty of murder. Same for my daughters and most (all?) of my friends.

PS. Are you correct about Suthep. I thought it was just he was refusing to go to the DSI office.

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They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

OK. What about suthep??????? Oh yes you suthep lovers feel he is inocent and go around acting like the supreme leader of Thailand and do what ever he likes but she The ELLECTED PM is guilty. Suthep is guilty of murder for the simple reason he HAS not EVER gone to court and refuses to go. If you can not be fair then dont say anything. Everyone knows those courts are biased.

And Thaksin, how many cases at court against him? Of course incl. murder cases......

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Oh ok there woopy, she's guilty of 'deriliction of duty' accused by a NaCC that was appointed by a military coup a few years ago based on 'their anti-Thaksin credentials' .. ..the military has already publically admitted this.. she was 'derilect in her duty' to prevent 'corruption' in the rice subsidy program, even though the NaCC never prosecuted a single case of rice subsidy corruption..they just insist that it existed at 'all levels'

ofcource the republicans think obama is derilict in his duty, so does every opposition in every government in the world.

she is also guilty of transfering a single civil servant to another post, see PMs cannot transfer civil servants, if your a PT PM apparently you can't do anything w/o being accused of a crime.

lets ignor the fact that Human Rights Watch, the NewYorkTimes, and about 50 other int. orgs have accused the CC and NaCC of being heavily biased against the TRT/PPP/PT .

They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

Well transfer a civil servant without resonable reason and promote member of her family in this top position is just an abuse of power. In all democratic and western country PM make this move will be seriously punish not by remove of his office but by judicial means .........

HRW and other organisation you quote nether make statement about bias court report against YL corrupt government.

HRW make a statement about Taksin crime with you not quote it !!!!!

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Oh ok there woopy, she's guilty of 'deriliction of duty' accused by a NaCC that was appointed by a military coup a few years ago based on 'their anti-Thaksin credentials' .. ..the military has already publically admitted this.. she was 'derilect in her duty' to prevent 'corruption' in the rice subsidy program, even though the NaCC never prosecuted a single case of rice subsidy corruption..they just insist that it existed at 'all levels'

ofcource the republicans think obama is derilict in his duty, so does every opposition in every government in the world.

she is also guilty of transfering a single civil servant to another post, see PMs cannot transfer civil servants, if your a PT PM apparently you can't do anything w/o being accused of a crime.

lets ignor the fact that Human Rights Watch, the NewYorkTimes, and about 50 other int. orgs have accused the CC and NaCC of being heavily biased against the TRT/PPP/PT .

They are constantly being told that they have no voice in politics by PTP and CAPO, and here they are trying to get a declaration out of them based on politics.

Just by issuing a request for fairness, they are assuming that they believe the agencies are believed to be biased.

Of course, there may be bias, but it won't be required as in both cases, YL is clearly GUILTY!

Even the UDD and the red shirts know she is GUILTY!

Even the res breasted farang on TVF know she is GUILTY!

But they will all cry foul anyway.... because they want impunity from the rule of law for anyone connected to Thaksin no matter what they have done wrong.

Politics for idiots.

Well transfer a civil servant without resonable reason and promote member of her family in this top position is just an abuse of power. In all democratic and western country PM make this move will be seriously punish not by remove of his office but by judicial means .........

HRW and other organisation you quote nether make statement about bias court report against YL corrupt government.

HRW make a statement about Taksin crime with you not quote it !!!!!

Again i agree with you, but it goes on time and time again here, the same with heads of army, police etc. Its never been a problem before even though each time its done it is for obvious allegiance reasons.

I suppose the qualifier here is that it was a relation. I dare say, in fact know that over the years it has happened many times before over many Governments with relations.

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

Better than a facade over te last 4 months. Despite Mr FB & the rest of you PTP/UDD apologisers egging them on, the Army have managed to resists ALL YOUR REQUESTS FOR A COUP. Any misgivings we all may have about the army's involvement in domestic affairs fade when confronted with the polices non-involvement in keeping the peace when the victims are PDRC supporters. Somebody has to do it in view of the legally established peaceful nature of the protests and the ongoing attacks. If the police can't do it(for whatever reason), then who can blame the Army for stepping up? Off topic, but it would also be nice for the PM to come out & "criticize her over-zealous supporters": every time there was an outrage like the facebook-airport incident yesterday which was a disgrace to the whoie country. She may get to sound a bit like a stuck record with the repetition o these events but it would at least be leadership material that the public sorely lack from her.

Mind you,as a result of this attitude, there are more than 50% of the voters who now have a jaundiced view of the PTP/UDD. (Pun intended)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

It is not that they don't care for it , they are not conditioned for it , nothing in their learning involves politics, just duty to the crown, under rules hundred of years old , every thing the military do is based on old customs , till the Chuan government nobody had heard of democracy, under Khun Chuan democracy started to move forward , it has been abused by millions since then.

I agree with you. AND the apex of this political abuse have been under the Thaksin regime which is why we are where we are right now. QED! If the red masses of the N & NE would only stop supporting their CM hero then they could try to be part of the solution, not a continuation of the problem.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Does anyone remember the article titled "Suthep talks to military at Chaeng Wattana" posted on February 19, 2014?

Suthep informed Gen. Apichart Sangrongruang, director of the Defense Industry and Energy Centre in a meeting that he told the military that the widespread corruption of the Thaksin regime and parlimentary "dictatorship" are the main reasons he and his fellow protesters are organizing mass rallies. He further told Apichart that the military should side with the protesters. I have to give the military credit for being accessible to all political factions, being patient with demands of support, and maintaining for the most part their current nuetrality with regard to politics. The military does not owe the CAPO a consent to his statement nor any other nonmilitary person and I hope it remains that way.

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

and i my wife and friends are glad for it since they are only ones who can when ,egomaniac would be dictators such as Taksin try and take over. And please don't give all that crap about democracy her or in west.

We (I my wife and This friends (most of them)) pray yet again army will save Thailand from itself.

If people like you got your way you'd see very quickly a Zimbabwe or worse but then of course it wont affect you to much. Sorry my non friend your totally naive and either brainwashed, not here, don't have a clue or at best a little mad

Sieg Heil ! Sieg Heil ! Is it better this way?

silly comment.

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