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Canadians rally to legalize marijuana


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^ very difficult Robblok to have someone regulating different rules for different folk.

You see, I'm a very skilled driver, I can and have driven a high speed, been highly trained to do so, but I can just expect a special speed limit for me, while the next guy doing his pathetic best gets a slower limit because he's hopeless.

Laws are made by the politicians we elect (in a correct working democracy) and are made in the best interests of the majority of e folk. Often the people writing the laws get it wrong, if so the people need to lobby to get the laws changed. When they do lobby, all sorts of people come to the table, There are the people that believe they know what's right and then the other people that believe differently to the first but also believe that they are right..... and it goes on.

The dopers are calling for legalisation and others are calling against it, I wonder why that is?

I haven't lied to you, believe what you like, after all, this is the internet. 555555

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ps: I don't have an axe to grind and surely everyone can agree to disagree, but at the end of the day we can only hope that the law makers get it right and the people on my side of the fence think the drug should remain illicit.

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Canada already allows hemp, which American legislators are still behind the 8 ball about.

Let dopers smoke dope. I've known 1,000's of 'em, and the most pot does is make people nonchalant and mellow.

I've not heard of dopers driving dangerously, as I hear of boozers doing so daily.

Legalize all drugs, and deal with the ill-effects as they come along. By keeping all recreational drugs except alcohol illegal, the following things happen:

>>> drugs are costlier

>>> quality is lower

>>> can't be taxed

>>> bad guys making heaps of money

>>> also heaps of money going to largely unnecessary law enforcement

>>> drugs which are criminalized are therefore more appealing. The 'bad boy syndrome.'

>>> people who need help, don't come forward, for fear of being criminalized.

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^ very difficult Robblok to have someone regulating different rules for different folk.

You see, I'm a very skilled driver, I can and have driven a high speed, been highly trained to do so, but I can just expect a special speed limit for me, while the next guy doing his pathetic best gets a slower limit because he's hopeless.

Laws are made by the politicians we elect (in a correct working democracy) and are made in the best interests of the majority of e folk. Often the people writing the laws get it wrong, if so the people need to lobby to get the laws changed. When they do lobby, all sorts of people come to the table, There are the people that believe they know what's right and then the other people that believe differently to the first but also believe that they are right..... and it goes on.

The dopers are calling for legalisation and others are calling against it, I wonder why that is?

I haven't lied to you, believe what you like, after all, this is the internet. 555555

Nice analogy about the 2 drivers, but a better one would be some people make accidents in cars so we should ban all cars instead of making sure that accident prone drivers don't drive.

That is what is banning not what you were saying. Banning is extreme like shooting a cannon at an ant.

But we will see more and more countries are changing the law and I think its a good thing. In my country we have proven that what you are scared off does not happen. We haven't legalized it completely but using it is legal and you can have up to 5 grams with you. We are still one of the countries with the highest IQ in Europe, I have yet to read the news about the plague of stoned drivers and violence that you are talking about.

We still need some brave politicians to now make the back end legal (producing the product). Its good to see that more and more countries are following the same road. It seems outdated views are slowly loosing, the most forward striving countries are taking the lead.

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I'm trying to imagine what Cheech and Chong's Canadian cousins are like.

Like Cheech and Chong I guess . . . only orange.

(Most of my family is Canadian by the way and yes . . . they are bright orange).

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When comparing pot smokers and alcohol drinkers, here's what happens:

Legislators, who are nearly all drinkers, will automatically cite the worst-case scenarios they've ever heard re; drugs they want to ban. Conversely, if those same people are asked to comment on alcohol, they'll say things like, "yes, there are problem drinkers, but the majority drink responsibly. Oh, and wine is good for you." (it's not really, but alcies love to hear that)

It's all subjective. Indeed, most legislators haven't tried many of the drugs they pontificate about. I have, so I have 1st hand experience. I know the different effects of different recreational drugs on the mind and body. That's why I've not smoked pot for 40 years (not my kind of high), I don't drink alcohol (feel crappy next morning) and don't do speed (I like my teeth where they are, in my mouth) and don't use cocaine (I'd rather not have brass nasal inserts like Steven Stills, Garry Busey, and 3 thousand other celebrities have).

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Ah!! Buddah sticks.

Is anyone else old enough to remember them?

... certainly do mate, knew them as 'thai sticks' in Europe too ...

Nowadays they truly hide the local potential, homegrown aside there's just Lao crap available - cryin' shame ... ;-)


Lao weed most certainly is not crap.

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Ah!! Buddah sticks.

Is anyone else old enough to remember them?

... certainly do mate, knew them as 'thai sticks' in Europe too ...

Nowadays they truly hide the local potential, homegrown aside there's just Lao crap available - cryin' shame ... ;-)


Lao weed most certainly is not crap.

I most certainly prefer a nice chill outside grown weed than that superduper chemicallpumped crap they sell in the coffeeshops in Holland , has nothing to do with weed anymore !

Been back after 8 years in thailand not smoking , smoked a few back there , now in thailand again not one second had the feeling i missed it or needed it , cannot say the same for cofee , dr pepper , cafetaria food , decent pizza , cheese ,

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Dopers rise in the streets and cheer on other dopers. Nothing new and not even remotely interesting. Society doesn't need increased levels of stupidity and we certainly don't need more stoned fools engaging in dangerous practices after indulging in this so called harmless wacky weed.

Keep these smelly drugs as illegal substances and increase penalties for such stupidity, that'll fix them.

It must be a sad existence you lead, poor old dopers, time to get a life and act responsibly, me thinks wink.png

Stoned fools engaging in dangerous practices; you must have had "Reefer Madness" pushed down your throat. The only practices I've seen from these "dopers" involves laying around at home, or in a park somewhere. Why not condemn smoking and drinking? these are much more serious problems in society. Not to mention that this drug is used to treat some serious conditions people have, without exposing them to the harmful side effects a lot of prescribed medications cause. I myself am not a pot user, but I think people should be allowed to do what they want, as long as they are responsible about it, and not hurting anyone else. What I can't stand, is a world where governments are allowed to control their citizens and force them in to living by their unjust, corrupt, and hypocritical standards......

I always condemn Drinking and Smoking. The problems that come from these substances are horrendous.

The fact that "you" haven't seen problems created by dopers doesn't mean that there arnt problems. You either need to switch on or get out a little more.

As for the last sentence about governments, I will leave it at saying that The grubby and irresponsible people need to be controlled to protect the decent people, I could go into more detail but can't be bothered as no doubt the dopers parade knows better, can't argue with these guys.

If you read my comment, I stated that these types of substances are fine if used responsibly. If you really want to dive in to health issues, you'll find that everything manufactured or made on this planet will harm you eventually; There is a study out there for everything. And banning substances does not make the problem go away; if anything it makes it worse. Education is key. It seems you are in favour of the condemnation of all substances. You further feel we need to be controlled to protect ourselves. You should know that it's not only the "grubby and irresponsible" people that are controlled, but everyone. What is a decent Person anyway; what does that even mean? Using CNN, or any other form of media from the U.S. to back up ay statement means nothing, as they are a complete joke. They are only in existence, to stir the pot.

For anyone out there who feels we need to be controlled more than we already are; should think about moving to a place like North Korea. There you can enjoy living in a controlled environment, where you don't have to worry about what people are doing in there spare time, or behind closed doors.

Edited by alphaflight
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The real shame is ,if Thailand was wise it would jump the gun ,so to speak and at least legalize medicinal pot for consumption!

As a starter at least! before it goes Nationwide in the USA ! It would definitely increase tourism , especially in the category of people with money to spend at more tourist attractions then the 7-11 Tourists that are crowding only the streets and Supermarkets these days....And with prices here below the US of A & Euro areas , the farmer and the taxman could both be doing well !

Maybe then the Rice farmers could add a 2nd crop and this time get their money as payment instead of a bribe for votes !

When you consider how poorly the tourism industry has been doing in the last decade or so ,it'd be just the shot in the nation's economic arm of tourism,that everyone will do well and share the Big Cookie jar filled with medicinal brownies and cookies ! Just like when it was used to season certain dishes ,many Full Moon Parties long ago !

But the trick to it is getting the ball rolling now or should I say Zig-Zags , before the USA & other areas in the World get into it in full swing.

They also could solve the harmful plastic bag problem , by reintroducing one of Earth's greatest natural products ,HEMP , which the oil& chemical companies BS's the world into using PLASTIC instead of

HEMP...what a load of crap the world was sold when HEMP was thrown under the Bus with marijuana ,by a bunch of Federal agents lying to the politicians about weed ,because with the removal of Prohibition in the USA they were all going to be out of a job , so they demonized Pot !


Is this post real, or am I stoned stupid to imagine this?

A country full of stoned stupid idiots would develop quite fast...

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The real shame is ,if Thailand was wise it would jump the gun ,so to speak and at least legalize medicinal pot for consumption!

As a starter at least! before it goes Nationwide in the USA ! It would definitely increase tourism , especially in the category of people with money to spend at more tourist attractions then the 7-11 Tourists that are crowding only the streets and Supermarkets these days....And with prices here below the US of A & Euro areas , the farmer and the taxman could both be doing well !

Maybe then the Rice farmers could add a 2nd crop and this time get their money as payment instead of a bribe for votes !

When you consider how poorly the tourism industry has been doing in the last decade or so ,it'd be just the shot in the nation's economic arm of tourism,that everyone will do well and share the Big Cookie jar filled with medicinal brownies and cookies ! Just like when it was used to season certain dishes ,many Full Moon Parties long ago !

But the trick to it is getting the ball rolling now or should I say Zig-Zags , before the USA & other areas in the World get into it in full swing.

They also could solve the harmful plastic bag problem , by reintroducing one of Earth's greatest natural products ,HEMP , which the oil& chemical companies BS's the world into using PLASTIC instead of

HEMP...what a load of crap the world was sold when HEMP was thrown under the Bus with marijuana ,by a bunch of Federal agents lying to the politicians about weed ,because with the removal of Prohibition in the USA they were all going to be out of a job , so they demonized Pot !


Is this post real, or am I stoned stupid to imagine this?

A country full of stoned stupid idiots would develop quite fast...

I guess you are just stoned stupid ,if you think that only ignorant people are tokers !

I worked for Lorillard Tobacco company in the late 60s early 70s ,they had bought ,and I mean all of the companies like RJ Reynolds ,Ligget& Myers and Brown& Williamson plus a few others All had, Marijuana tax stamps and had secured catchy names for the product like Acapolco 101s ,Ops , they knew that they were going to be losing the tobacco business sooner or later. Whats wrong with Thailand getting ahead of the USA on medicinal pot ,at least. You pretty much just follow all the laws relating to booze ! Except , I think legal age should be at least 21 ,tho some Doctors say 23....I can't believe some people on here just think pot smokers are all ignorant dopers ! That guy was right , some people on here really think REEFER MADNESS was a true look into the EVIL Marijuana plant.

Do you have any idea why hemp is illegal , or do you really think plastic bags are better for the environment ! Maybe , you don't know how many people's state of mind is helped , by relieving the anxiety of the pain that many suffer from ! If you ever had friend's who were on Chemo and pot helped them thru it . I lost my son to Cancer a few years back and he thanked me for convincing him to try pot while he was undergoing treatment. It wasn't a cure but it sure helped him go thru it somewhat better ,if you can say that theres a better way to deal with cancer and the treatments , then if he hadn't used it.

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Wizard makes some good points. I've been a fan of legalizing hemp growing (in the US) for many years, and am on an online mailing list from a US rights-Org which is advocating that. Thailand, whether it be a policy re; hemp or pot, will always be behind the times. Thailand is the opposite of vanguard on anything, except katoy beauty contests. In contrast, Canada has forward-looking leaders, so they will at least consider legalizing pot.

Interesting twist on legalizing pot, as it relates to Thailand, though. Thailand is always looking to boost its outside revenue. It's got plastic surgery and sex-change industries 2nd to none in size, except maybe Brazil. Why not 'ganga therapy'? .....primarily for farang who want to spend money here. It could work, but would never get off the ground in Thailand. 2 main reasons: Thais can't think outside the box, and (2) Uncle Sam dictates drug laws in for Thailand. If you don't believe me, compare the two countries' drug laws and see if there are any differences. There aren't. And guess which country dominates. Similarly, Thailand's rules-of-the-road are identical to England's, note for note.

p.s. I don't smoke pot. Reason: I don't like the high.

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Posts containing foreign language script have been deleted along with replies. The only language permitted is English, except in the Thai language forum.

Also, off-topic posts have been deleted. This thread isn't about the US and it's not about Thailand. It's about Canada. The posts are drifting further and further off topic.

There are numerous areas of the forum where you can discuss legalization of pot in Thailand, but this thread isn't one of them.

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The real shame is ,if Thailand was wise it would jump the gun ,so to speak and at least legalize medicinal pot for consumption!

As a starter at least! before it goes Nationwide in the USA ! It would definitely increase tourism , especially in the category of people with money to spend at more tourist attractions then the 7-11 Tourists that are crowding only the streets and Supermarkets these days....And with prices here below the US of A & Euro areas , the farmer and the taxman could both be doing well !

Maybe then the Rice farmers could add a 2nd crop and this time get their money as payment instead of a bribe for votes !

When you consider how poorly the tourism industry has been doing in the last decade or so ,it'd be just the shot in the nation's economic arm of tourism,that everyone will do well and share the Big Cookie jar filled with medicinal brownies and cookies ! Just like when it was used to season certain dishes ,many Full Moon Parties long ago !

But the trick to it is getting the ball rolling now or should I say Zig-Zags , before the USA & other areas in the World get into it in full swing.

They also could solve the harmful plastic bag problem , by reintroducing one of Earth's greatest natural products ,HEMP , which the oil& chemical companies BS's the world into using PLASTIC instead of

HEMP...what a load of crap the world was sold when HEMP was thrown under the Bus with marijuana ,by a bunch of Federal agents lying to the politicians about weed ,because with the removal of Prohibition in the USA they were all going to be out of a job , so they demonized Pot !


Is this post real, or am I stoned stupid to imagine this?

A country full of stoned stupid idiots would develop quite fast...

I guess you are just stoned stupid ,if you think that only ignorant people are tokers !

I worked for Lorillard Tobacco company in the late 60s early 70s ,they had bought ,and I mean all of the companies like RJ Reynolds ,Ligget& Myers and Brown& Williamson plus a few others All had, Marijuana tax stamps and had secured catchy names for the product like Acapolco 101s ,Ops , they knew that they were going to be losing the tobacco business sooner or later. Whats wrong with Thailand getting ahead of the USA on medicinal pot ,at least. You pretty much just follow all the laws relating to booze ! Except , I think legal age should be at least 21 ,tho some Doctors say 23....I can't believe some people on here just think pot smokers are all ignorant dopers ! That guy was right , some people on here really think REEFER MADNESS was a true look into the EVIL Marijuana plant.

Do you have any idea why hemp is illegal , or do you really think plastic bags are better for the environment ! Maybe , you don't know how many people's state of mind is helped , by relieving the anxiety of the pain that many suffer from ! If you ever had friend's who were on Chemo and pot helped them thru it . I lost my son to Cancer a few years back and he thanked me for convincing him to try pot while he was undergoing treatment. It wasn't a cure but it sure helped him go thru it somewhat better ,if you can say that theres a better way to deal with cancer and the treatments , then if he hadn't used it.

I am sincerely very sorry to hear about your son, really.

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This is the World News. This story is about Canada's attempt at legalizing marijuana.

It's not about Thailand or pot in Thailand. Marijuana is illegal in Thailand.

Posts have been removed, please stay on topic.

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Colorado made it legal. Now they have 4th graders turning into dealers.

Is Canada next?


It’s Legal to Sell Pot in Colorado, But Not If You’re in 4th Grade
By Clayton Sandell
Apr 23, 2014 4:08pm
DENVER – Two Colorado fourth graders were busted for selling marijuana at their elementary school, prompting officials today to urge adults to keep their weed locked away from kids.
School officials said a 10-year-old fourth grade boy brought a small quantity of leafy marijuana to Monfort Elementary School in Greeley, Colorado, on Monday.
“He sold it to three other fourth graders on the school playground, which resulted in a profit to the young man of $11,” John Gates, director of safety and security for the Greeley-Evans School District, told ABC News.
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There should be little need for the local drug dealer and 2 4th graders is hardly indicative of anything other than a gigantic anomaly.

It's old news that kids were used as drug dealers. Mostly as couriers.

If it's legal, then they don't have to misuse the children.

I'd be a little more concerned about the beginning age of using pot rather than the age of dealers.

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Colorado made it legal. Now they have 4th graders turning into dealers.

Is Canada next?


It’s Legal to Sell Pot in Colorado, But Not If You’re in 4th Grade
By Clayton Sandell
Apr 23, 2014 4:08pm
DENVER – Two Colorado fourth graders were busted for selling marijuana at their elementary school, prompting officials today to urge adults to keep their weed locked away from kids.
School officials said a 10-year-old fourth grade boy brought a small quantity of leafy marijuana to Monfort Elementary School in Greeley, Colorado, on Monday.
“He sold it to three other fourth graders on the school playground, which resulted in a profit to the young man of $11,” John Gates, director of safety and security for the Greeley-Evans School District, told ABC News.

I don't understand the problem, just make it illegal to sell to minors. Done case closed. Also before it was legal these kind of things happened too.

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