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Chalerm fears bloodshed if court terminates PM Yingluck


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Same threats Chalerm has been making for the last 2 weeks. Impeach the useless caretakers and get the army in a.s.a.p. Meet force with force. Let the reds start the fight and let the army end it. Then maybe the country can move forward..

The man is a drunk clown.


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Mr. Chalerm added that PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office.

Therefore, the CAPO director has warned both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences."

I'm sure that caretaker Dept. PM , MoFA and chief CAPO advisor Surapong will be able to explain this latest show of democracy to foreign envoys, diplomats, the UN an so.

Why would they have to? The sentence

Therefore, the CAPO director has warned both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences

is not a quote from Chalerm but an inaccurate summation by the News Bureau.

Chalerms points were as follows

"Labor Minister Pol Capt Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is also the CAPO director, expressed his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges regarding the unfair transfer of former National Security Council (NSC) chief Thawin Pliensri and corruption in the government’s rice pledging scheme.

Mr. Chalerm added that PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office."

End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation.

At least this time you're not alone in your comprehension problems, all the usual bleeding heart "democracy lovers" are all over this like a cheap suit. But hey, if that's what you want to hear, fill your boots.

"End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation."

The quote was from the news bureau also, Chalerm didn't actually say that verbatim either. I't seems the whole article was a summation.

​i'm uncertain how you can say with authority which parts are accurate and which parts are not.

I think we need to find out what Chalerm actually said.

Plus of course, the parts of ""violence if found guilty" with ""must remain in power" still needs a Surapong to explain it away.

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Writing is on the wall

If you can't win an election but use the courts to overturn goverments you don't lke (non Dem or PAD approved) as you did to 2 others, expect consequences. He is just saying what everyone knows; The courts are one more arm of the DEM/ PAD/PDRC/ROYALS/ARMY and are viewed as such by the majority of the population.

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Writing is on the wall

If you can't win an election but use the courts to overturn goverments you don't lke (non Dem or PAD approved) as you did to 2 others, expect consequences. He is just saying what everyone knows; The courts are one more arm of the DEM/ PAD/PDRC/ROYALS/ARMY and are viewed as such by the majority of the population.


Majority could not care less either way as it does not affect them the slightest.

The lazy, waiting for handouts majority do care as they will not be getting the handouts

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I see this in the news topic :

Posted Today, 16:33

CAPO not intending to interfere with function of constitutional court

BANGKOK, 22 April 2014 (NNT) – According to an official statement from the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) concerning the Constitutional Court’s judgement against the Prime Minister for the unfair transfer of the then Secretary-General of the National Security Council (NSC) Tawin Pleansri, the court has no power to approve the case.

CAPO further expressed concern that if the court makes a decision beyond its limits due to the dissolution of parliament, then the Prime Minster and the cabinet will be disqualified from their positions until His Majesty the King has issued a royal command.

-- NNT 2014-04-22

Furious back peddleing.

But still attacking the court.

Interesting that it wasn't Chalerm who made the statement.

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Therefore, the CAPO director has WARNED both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences.

Ok, where s the impartiality in these remarks? Independent courts should not think about consequences but give a vedict according to the letter of the law.

There's no impartiality in those remarks - but what do you expect when you mistake a news bureaus comment for a quote from Chalerm.

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Be impartial... but we fear bloodshed if the court 'terminates' the PM. If the threats are any more unveiled, they'd be XXX-rated. How this 'Chalerm' which is actually a stupid excuse for a human being came to be in a position of any power is beyond any logical reason.

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I see this in the news topic :

Posted Today, 16:33

CAPO not intending to interfere with function of constitutional court

BANGKOK, 22 April 2014 (NNT) – According to an official statement from the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) concerning the Constitutional Court’s judgement against the Prime Minister for the unfair transfer of the then Secretary-General of the National Security Council (NSC) Tawin Pleansri, the court has no power to approve the case.

CAPO further expressed concern that if the court makes a decision beyond its limits due to the dissolution of parliament, then the Prime Minster and the cabinet will be disqualified from their positions until His Majesty the King has issued a royal command.


-- NNT 2014-04-22

Furious back peddleing.

But still attacking the court.

Interesting that it wasn't Chalerm who made the statement.

it's not back pedalling at all. You really lap this BS up don't you. Hear something you want to hear and critical thinking goes out the window.

The statement above from CAPO queries the the CC's credentials for making a case against Yingluck over the alleged unfair transfer of Thawil. Chalerms previous statement was about his concerns over possible bloodshed if the CC or the NACC rule against Yingluck. The two statements are completely separate in content so how can the statement above be backpedalling?

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the place will explode in anger by those who have been robbed again by a wealthy elite of their democratically elected member . an elected member should be allowed to stand proud without interference from unseen hands

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Why would they have to? The sentence

Therefore, the CAPO director has warned both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences

is not a quote from Chalerm but an inaccurate summation by the News Bureau.

Chalerms points were as follows

"Labor Minister Pol Capt Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is also the CAPO director, expressed his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges regarding the unfair transfer of former National Security Council (NSC) chief Thawin Pliensri and corruption in the government’s rice pledging scheme.

Mr. Chalerm added that PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office."

End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation.

At least this time you're not alone in your comprehension problems, all the usual bleeding heart "democracy lovers" are all over this like a cheap suit. But hey, if that's what you want to hear, fill your boots.

"End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation."

The quote was from the news bureau also, Chalerm didn't actually say that verbatim either. I't seems the whole article was a summation.

​i'm uncertain how you can say with authority which parts are accurate and which parts are not.

I think we need to find out what Chalerm actually said.

Plus of course, the parts of ""violence if found guilty" with ""must remain in power" still needs a Surapong to explain it away.

You really having trouble with your reading, aren't you? Or did you deliberately leave out the "could" as in

"his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges"

likewise you left out the qualifier "until the new government takes office" as in

PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office.

...............as per the Constitution.

See, both those phrases in their original form read as quite reasonable things to say, not the sinister little soundbites you changed them into.

You're so transparent rubl, who are trying to kid?

Edited by fab4
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Why would they have to? The sentence

Therefore, the CAPO director has warned both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences

is not a quote from Chalerm but an inaccurate summation by the News Bureau.

Chalerms points were as follows

"Labor Minister Pol Capt Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is also the CAPO director, expressed his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges regarding the unfair transfer of former National Security Council (NSC) chief Thawin Pliensri and corruption in the government’s rice pledging scheme.

Mr. Chalerm added that PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office."

End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation.

At least this time you're not alone in your comprehension problems, all the usual bleeding heart "democracy lovers" are all over this like a cheap suit. But hey, if that's what you want to hear, fill your boots.

"End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation."

The quote was from the news bureau also, Chalerm didn't actually say that verbatim either. I't seems the whole article was a summation.

​i'm uncertain how you can say with authority which parts are accurate and which parts are not.

I think we need to find out what Chalerm actually said.

Plus of course, the parts of ""violence if found guilty" with ""must remain in power" still needs a Surapong to explain it away.

You really having trouble with your reading, aren't you? Or did you deliberately leave out the "could" as in

"his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges"

likewise you left out the qualifier "until the new government takes office" as in

PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office.

...............as per the Constitution.

See, both those phrases in their original form read as quite reasonable things to say, not the sinister little soundbites you changed them into.

You're so transparent rubl, who are trying to kid?

quotes are quotes, they come in quotation marks. If not, you can't quote them verbatim.comprehension?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Why would they have to? The sentence

Therefore, the CAPO director has warned both the Charter Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to be impartial and think about the consequences

is not a quote from Chalerm but an inaccurate summation by the News Bureau.

Chalerms points were as follows

"Labor Minister Pol Capt Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is also the CAPO director, expressed his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges regarding the unfair transfer of former National Security Council (NSC) chief Thawin Pliensri and corruption in the government’s rice pledging scheme.

Mr. Chalerm added that PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office."

End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation.

At least this time you're not alone in your comprehension problems, all the usual bleeding heart "democracy lovers" are all over this like a cheap suit. But hey, if that's what you want to hear, fill your boots.

"End of quote from Chalerm. The rest is the News bureaus interpretation."

The quote was from the news bureau also, Chalerm didn't actually say that verbatim either. I't seems the whole article was a summation.

​i'm uncertain how you can say with authority which parts are accurate and which parts are not.

I think we need to find out what Chalerm actually said.

Plus of course, the parts of ""violence if found guilty" with ""must remain in power" still needs a Surapong to explain it away.

You really having trouble with your reading, aren't you? Or did you deliberately leave out the "could" as in

"his fears that violence could break out if the premier was found guilty of her charges"

likewise you left out the qualifier "until the new government takes office" as in

PM Yingluck and her cabinet must remain in power until the new government takes office.

...............as per the Constitution.

See, both those phrases in their original form read as quite reasonable things to say, not the sinister little soundbites you changed them into.

You're so transparent rubl, who are trying to kid?

Oh boy, now you are even starting to remark on the inaccuracy of referring to the English translation of what k. Chalerm may have said in Thai.

Transparently so, of course, with any respect possibly due and with a lot of kidding,

uncle rubl

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Love reading all the reactions.

As one poster said get on with it.

Exactly because I'm sick of reading the same posts by the same people like she gone to Dubai she's gone shopping n Europe or better get out now for the sake of your son.Blah blah blah.

Well she's still here and is not going anywhere at the moment.Maybe not ever.

Actually she's one tough cookie to stay on under all tis pressure it's not like she needs the cash,

I can just imagine the outcry on here if she's found not guilty.

Hey but I hope the court is more unbiased than the lynch mob on here.

Yes, this is something that Suthep and the Dems never expected from a mere woman. She has dug in and been proud example of Thai womanhood being constantly bullied. However, the "ruling" but unelectable class are stunned so will just keep at her. I just hope she is allowed to fight these thugs to their downfall.

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One thing for sure. From the posts seen here, the Yellow supporters are shaking in their boots, and worried sick, especially when they see Khun Chalerm putting them in their place.

You respect Chalerm for what he stands for? Says a lot....

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One thing for sure. From the posts seen here, the Yellow supporters are shaking in their boots, and worried sick, especially when they see Khun Chalerm putting them in their place.

more to the point, the reds are shaking in their boots...

from what the previous administration dished out when faced with an antidemocratic revolution vs the warm lettuce leaf the current administration have dished out so far when faced with the same scenario.

oh, yeah. democracy and all that. when democracy becomes the motivation rather than the excuse, i'll back it.

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One thing for sure. From the posts seen here, the Yellow supporters are shaking in their boots, and worried sick, especially when they see Khun Chalerm putting them in their place.

You respect Chalerm for what he stands for? Says a lot....

Must a mutual love of Rum that makes Chalerm and " old sailor" come out with rubbish they talk

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Wow! And a not so thinly veiled threat at that. And some of the thaksinistas - which apparently includes some grog drinkers - around here thought it was Suthep who was channeling Mussolini! Isn't it amazing how quickly things can come around? Oh yes, the anti-government crowd is definitely all aquiver... cheesy.gif

Edited by hawker9000
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I have never heard such a blatant threat in politics before. In other words, " If the courts do not rule in favour of Yingluck we will wage civil war. " The person making this threat should be escorted directly to jail. Perhaps a year in the cooler prior to his trial will make him think about his irresponsible statements. Certainly it might allay the fears of his threat.

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Might happen when courts play politics at the expense of the other and people just had just about enough of this kind of double standard. Hope the courts realized this and don't over extend their limits beyond what they legally can. Court reform must be top of the agenda for next government.

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Might happen when courts play politics at the expense of the other and people just had just about enough of this kind of double standard. Hope the courts realized this and don't over extend their limits beyond what they legally can. Court reform must be top of the agenda for next government.

It's not about the correct application of the law, it's about the end result, Chalerm quite explicitly said that if Yingluck is found guilty there will be blood, regardless of the legality of the veredict.

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I have never heard such a blatant threat in politics before. In other words, " If the courts do not rule in favour of Yingluck we will wage civil war. " The person making this threat should be escorted directly to jail. Perhaps a year in the cooler prior to his trial will make him think about his irresponsible statements. Certainly it might allay the fears of his threat.

He is director of CAPO or he just act like Capone (former gangster of United State). It is contempt of court and he should be issued arrest warrant.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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