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Thai girlfriend


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18 year old and meet a Thai girl online wink.png you have to wait a while before you can apply for the "long stay" over 50 visa

the story is too wierd to not be true,

but will it contain the illusive,

happy ending?


does he even know what that means?

Edited by Scarpolo
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Khai59 ,

I totally recommend you to read the following books

- Money Number One

- A fool in paradise

Forget about all what you are saying , study and grow your mind . Once you had done that , take the decission . I friend of mine that left and stablish in Thailand , said :

"The idea of moving to Thailand is not for beeing with only one woman ................"

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The first reply was something about how much the mother and daughter charged him...I mean come on, use your brain.

It was a joke, get a sense of humour.

Use your brain ?¿? , at my sight point he used it and much asking that question , not like the OP with those ideas

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The first reply was something about how much the mother and daughter charged him...I mean come on, use your brain.

It was a joke, get a sense of humour.

Use your brain ?¿? , at my sight point he used it and much asking that question , not like the OP with those ideas

Could I get that in English please?

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OK so you are unsure of your direction. That is common at your age. I gave career counselling at post secondary for 12 years. You like languages and that is your direction. A university degree will help you secure your future. You could do that in Thailand and be near your girlfriend. If you need to work there are likely private language schools in Bangkok. Your French, English and Japanese will help you obtain employment .

Consider looking into livemocha.com where you can teach, learn and meet people your own age with similar language interests from anywhere in the world and meet patient language speakers in the language you would like to learn. Many languages are taught and you can meet others. It is unlikely you will make any money on this site but the experience is invaluable and you can develop long term relationships.

Translators can make good money and teachers of any language are in demand worldwide. English gives you the greatest mobility. French is also in good demand. How is your Thai language ? Perhaps teaching at a private kindergarten/daycare might be an option. I would not rule out auto manufacturers who need documents translated and directions given in Bangkok. Ford, Mazda, Toyota, GMC etc. all have factories in Bangkok.

Try exploring the web for jobs in the languages you are comfortable with. Remember desire and enjoyment of a language are key to your learning and finding a job. Do not take no for an answer. Keep going back until they hire you.

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the story is too wierd to not be true,

but will it contain the illusive,

happy ending?


does he even know what that means?

Why would anybody know what that meant, who hadn't frequented Thai/Asian massage parlours?

He may wanto to think about meeting some more thai girls before he gets lassoed, is all

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To OP:

One sentence in your Opening Post seems unusual: »… a few months ago she and her mother decided to come to france to meet me, she came on the 6th (april) and she came back to thailand yesterday night.«

In my opinion, you should give it a serious try, if you – or your parents – can afford it; like trying to enrol for a years study in Thailand and see where it heads to, and feel yourself what Thailand is like. If you cannot enrol to a University, you always have the chance to study Thai language on an education extension of a Non Immigrant O-Visa. Thai language may be useful anyway, if you find a future in Thailand.

Do expect it will cost you some money to take a kind of “Sabbath year” – but you may regret later, if you did not “go for it”…

I wish you good luck. smile.png

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Don't go to Thailand and expect to make any money. Without a degree or any actual skills you will end up broke. A degree in Thailand and 10 baht will get you a bag of chips and that is about it. I know it is hard to have a long distance relationship especially since you have no definite plan of how to live in Thailand. You are so young so probably don't see how silly you are being. Finish your degree, but don't major in a language. Major in something that can actually get you a job overseas. Studying Japanese is as valuable as any other language so ignore the pro chinese people. Take a deep breath and just keep moving forward and don't worry about your relationship. You will ruin your life and your girlfriend's if you just head over without a plan. Let her finish her degree and start her career before you make life altering decisions.

+1...go VERY slow...your young.

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There's something wrong with this post ! It reads like a contrived letter to an Agony Aunt in a cheap magazine. There also seem to be changes in the poor writing style between the 1st & 2nd paragraphs.

Stating French as a first language maybe isn't a 'give away', since half of Morocco now resides in Southern France but the meandering story about Japan leaves us guessing as to how sane the individual really is !!!

In the unlikely event the adolescent, pubescent teenager does actually exist then the advice he requested is simple .....DON'T.

Don't pursue a relationship with a Thai girl while only age 18, Older & wiser individuals have attempted to do so & failed convincingly. For any chance of success in any relationship it requires an element of maturity, not least of all since the ability to take care of yourself financially will take up a vast amount of your available life span.

There also appears to be a undue involvement between the respective parents and the Thai girl's mother even took her to France to meet the possible in-laws ! Who would have thought the daughter of such a Hi-So family would be trawling the internet for a prospect.

Still, at 18 with hormones firing off, like a 1930 mobster's machine gun, there's little chance any negative advice on TV will be heeded and with luck Casanova will emerge at the other end of this relationship with experience, new gained maturity, a healthy cynicism and be physically & mentally in tact.

À chaque fou plaît sa marotte.

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Hay boy Thailand is not a place for you to romance with a girls of your age. It is for older guys who look for life partners. You are more than 25 years younger than me. I advice you. Dating thai ladies is not suitable for your age. Just focus on your future and study

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Who paid for their trip to France?

Who arranged their visas for the whole family?

Troll post and a load of BS.

Theres no way a French student can arrange for a Thai family to go to France on a Schengen visa.

Where did they stay? At your Mummy's house? LOL


Passport (valid for 6 months)

Copy of passport's photo page

Completed Visa application form

Two color ID photos size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm in white background

Proof of Employment - This will be in the forms of:

Employment which specifically states the applicant's position

If self employed, provide copy of Business registration certificate

Sponsorship letter from the inviting French resident

Motivation Letter - that which relates you reason of visiting France

Proof of accommodation

bank book, bank statements, payment slips showing sufficient funds

Flight reservation and proof of accommodation


The sponsor needs to furnish documents proving his financial capacity, should provide a confirmed booking of a return flight tickets, proof of accommodation, a copy of his passport's photopage and all pages stamped by the Thai immigration, proof of medical insurance and motivation letter.

Whats wrong with your own girls? Cant you get in with Alizee?

There are plenty of Thais who can travel easy and have no problems getting visa, not all are poor....

His story is BS.

He says he has got close to her father too. What? Got close to him via Skype? LOL. Only her and her mother apparently came to visit not the father.

Don't give boy wrong advice. Now it is not his time for romance with thai girl

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Girl/Boy Friends and Spouses may/can/will/should come and go!

However, YOU will always want to eat, and have a roof over your head.

Enjoy your Holidays together.

but BOTH: finish your education first and be able to take care of yourself (and children if any), no matter what, in the future.

Afterwards, if the puppy love changed into mature understanding respect and wanting to be together, and no-one else popped up, then decide.

(By the way, I agree with previous posters that this could be a fake post. when I wrote "i" in school I got my only 1 ever as a result (on the scale from 1-10 that is !) LoL

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Hay boy Thailand is not a place for you to romance with a girls of your age. It is for older guys who look for life partners. You are more than 25 years younger than me. I advice you. Dating thai ladies is not suitable for your age. Just focus on your future and study

it ain't always about age...I have met plenty of imbeciles who are 25 years older than me...who surprisingly have more of a lack of understanding about basic life situations than many younger people do....age doesn't make or break wisdom...and that is the truth

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You are young enough to do anything you want and still not miss the boat when you come back.

It is probably good to work for awhile to and gain some practical experience this way. Going to Thailand seems like a good idea as well. But ask yourself if you expect it to be easier to come back after a 3 month visit with your G/F, or more difficult. It is very difficult to work in Thailand to and even more difficult to make a good living here when you do. Especially from one so young.

Go for the adventure now and when you can and when you are motivated. Life will fall back in line when you return. But it is better to come here with more money then not enough. So you might have to top up with some more with a loan from mom & pop.

Just one more word of advice from someone who was there where you are now, but long ago. Long Distance Love Affaires do not last long when you are so young and away from each other so long. Either for you or her. Most young adults want things to happen now. But enjoy this while you can and see how the cards fall later.

I still keep in contact with mine and we are still good friends after so many years. She has been, and will always be, a very pleasant time and memory for me in my life and as I get older. I suppose for her to.

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Dear friend, just remember that money talks. If you have no education, no money or just having an education from Thailand and make some money, even your love would leave you soon for a more successful person. Remember she is just 19 and you may be the first love. She get over you soon when your pocket is empty.

Just follow your dream of Japan, if she really love you she will follow.

Now the choice is yours

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economic cycles sugest you stay where you are for a while, continue your studies, do not disrupt them for any female as Thiland is heaed for some very difficult if not bloody times. This is not an easy place to be and wont be getting better any time soon,

beware as it is nothing like France

Posted Today, 19:33

Almost all labourers deep in debt

The Nation

Thanavath Phonvichai

BANGKOK: -- Up to 93.7 per cent of Thai labourers have admitted that they are heavily in debt, amid signs of rising unemployment if the country's political stand-off prolonged into the second half of the year, according to the survey by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC).

Thanavath Phonvichai, director of the UTCC's Economic and Business Forecasting Centre, said the UTCC survey conducted from April 17-21 with 1,200 samples revealed that more than 90 per cent of labourers, especially those who made less than Bt15,000 per month, were heavily in debt.

The survey shows that the debt of 60 per cent of labourers who made less than Bt15,000 per month actually exceeded their income while 50 per cent of them had to take loans in order to sustain their day-to-day expenses and to pay for their shelter.

Currently, according to the UTCC, Thai workers' debt-per-household is equal to Bt106,000 and most of them - 56 per cent - got their loans from outside the system while 43.9 per cent got their loans from within the system. Most of them need an average of about Bt7,400 every month for loan repayment.

Thanavath said the ratio of outside-the-system debt to debt-per-household is the highest in six years when compared to previous UTCC surveys, which reflected that workers with lower wages are more in debt than their real income.

"Being in debt is now the number one concern for Thai labour, while last year it was ranked at number five," he said. "Other concerns this year include future income, rising cost of living, losing their job, and political problem. As of now, 90 per cent of the labour force does not have an extra job and 80 per cent of them are having problems repaying their debt, a development that is worrisome," he added.

On the other findings, Thanavath said 51 per cent of the Thai labour force saw the economy getting worse and 39 per cent of them are beginning to worry about losing their jobs while believing that it has become harder to find a new job.

Minimum wage inadequate

About 24 per cent of them said the current minimum daily wage was not adequate and believe the minimum wage should be increased to Bt388.25 per day and proposed that the government increase it to Bt498.06 per day in three years and Bt579.74 in five years.

Thanavath revealed that according to a business survey, there will be no hiring at this time, but there will be no downsizing either. However, if the political uncertainty prolongs and the economy remains sluggish, businesses might consider downsizing their work force in September and October this year.

Some businesses have already reduced their working hours and cut down on extra incomes, said Thanavath, adding he is worried that if operators cut their labour force, it would lead to a higher unemployment rate to 1.5-1.7 per cent - around 600,000 people - of the entire labour force, the highest in 10 years.

The unemployment rate last year was at 0.7 per cent - about 400,000 people of the entire labour force - and if the political stand-off prolonged into the second half of this year, more people will be out of jobs, said Thanavath.

Thanavath said he is against the decision to raise the value-added tax (VAT) to 10 per cent because it would exacerbate the economic crisis, which might fall into recession from rising expenditure and lower investment, tourism and domestic consumption. He said he does not see an increase in VAT helping the government make up for the slowdown in revenue collection because the caretaker government cannot spend their previous budget effectively and there is no need to find extra income.

"The government should reconsider any moves to raise taxes in the coming one to two years aimed at stabilising the fragile economy. Inflation has risen due to rising oil price, electricity costs have increased due to the weather, and the prices of goods have also increased. Therefore, there should not be any action that would add to the financial burden of businesses and the people," said Thanavath.



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" she studies at thammasat, she and her parents know my parents and so do i."
​That's good. Definitely good. Knowing your own parents is always a good thing.

BTW, if you Japanese is as bad as your English, don't bother going there for work. They already speak Japanese, and don't need to learn "she's best1." kind of children's texting English.

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