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Top Gear producer admits Jeremy Clarkson's 'slope' remark WAS joke about Asian man

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Why is and who decided that being called a racist was the worst thing you could be.?

I see the 'boy soldiers' and vicious Africans on tv daily.I see pakistani men who believe in 'honour killing yet go to Britain and sexually exploit vulnerable young girls.

I see a place called Zimbabwe that used to be the bread basket of Africa now in need of huge [endless[ quantities of AID.

Why should I be afraid to say that I do not want peole from these places living in my community ?

Neither would I want the folk depicted in Hogarth'sGin Lane .living in my community.

To become Civilized took the British nation ages .It cannot be done overnight by placing huge numbers of illiterate people amongst educated people.

Political Correctness:

don't say this, don't do that...or you will be sued for millions and spend the rest of your life in the crapper.

It's a government tool to promote and generate insecure and unconfident members of society, who can easily be manipulated. People who are confident in their abilities and secure in themselves don't get insulted by some generic remark, only when the insult is personal will you get a reaction. I don't get all huffed when someone says all Americans are ignorant, or all Germans rude, because I know I am neither.

If you are neither German nor yank why woukd it bother you?

Why is and who decided that being called a racist was the worst thing you could be.?

I see the 'boy soldiers' and vicious Africans on tv daily.I see pakistani men who believe in 'honour killing yet go to Britain and sexually exploit vulnerable young girls.

I see a place called Zimbabwe that used to be the bread basket of Africa now in need of huge [endless[ quantities of AID.

Why should I be afraid to say that I do not want peole from these places living in my community ?

Neither would I want the folk depicted in Hogarth'sGin Lane .living in my community.

To become Civilized took the British nation ages .It cannot be done overnight by placing huge numbers of illiterate people amongst educated people.

You haven't been back to England lately, have you?


Where are all those pending court cases by those "Farang", "Kaek", "Jek", "Cheap Charly" etc. etc. etc.
The list is endless. Fact is, that the (non-)utilisation of such words lead to the upbringing and environment of the speaker as nobody is born a racist.
I - for one - have never heard of slope in that context and had to dig very, very deep into the internet to finally find the misappropriate reference to the word.
One way of increasing the number of viewers though, I guess clap2.gif
So, and now we can all go back to our rooms!


"FARANG" casual racism

Thais are allowed to racist.

Surprising how the pc bunch accept it

Somehow, racism never seems to apply to those at the bottom of the social and educational food chain, only to white anglo saxon males in first world countries, especially if they are self made men that take no government hand-outs and are fiscal conservatives.


Desperate old man looking for a bit more publicity...

Press reports seen yesterday made no mention of any admission by Clarkson. They only surfaced after being added by the Daily Mail.


Well after reading this I am one depressed white honky, How dare he use a racial slur that blue eyed devil.


Clarkson is a total prat.

He's the show-off, smart arse, gobby, bullying schoolkid who never grew up.

Can just imagine him swaggering around the schoolyard with a couple of henchmen in tow picking on any kid who wasn't 'in' with his gang.

Like all bullies he needs to be sorted.

Oh dear. He speaks very well of you. smile.png

OK, so JC was naughty boy in today's PC world but I doubt if many Thais were offended. They would be far too busy calling him Kee Nok.... their favourite racist word for white foreigners. biggrin.png


Desperate old man looking for a bit more publicity...

I think it was the Indian actress who was looking for publicity. Everyone knows who Clarkson, who had even heard of what's her name?

Top Gear is a lad's (and ladette's) programme, you pretty much know what you're going to get. For those who are easily offended there's daytime TV.

Don't use words like "everyone", you don't have the right to that! Speak for yourself and let the rest out of it, ok?

As for me, I never heard of the potato bag Clarkson, before his racist slur. Don't say he didn't know what he was saying, he and a lot of UK and for sure US people know that derogatory term, invented it seems by US guys in Vietnam.

Korea. Older army NCOs that had served in Korea and used the term there brought it to the Nam but it never caught on like the pervasive term gooks.

Using slang names is a policy endorsed by the military to dehumanize enemy combatants. It is easier to kill a slope than a Korean, a gook than a Viet Cong or North Vietnamese.


Desperate old man looking for a bit more publicity...

I think it was the Indian actress who was looking for publicity. Everyone knows who Clarkson, who had even heard of what's her name?

Top Gear is a lad's (and ladette's) programme, you pretty much know what you're going to get. For those who are easily offended there's daytime TV.

Don't use words like "everyone", you don't have the right to that! Speak for yourself and let the rest out of it, ok?

As for me, I never heard of the potato bag Clarkson, before his racist slur. Don't say he didn't know what he was saying, he and a lot of UK and for sure US people know that derogatory term, invented it seems by US guys in Vietnam.

Korea. Older army NCOs that had served in Korea and used the term there brought it to the Nam but it never caught on like the pervasive term gooks.

Using slang names is a policy endorsed by the military to dehumanize enemy combatants. It is easier to kill a slope than a Korean, a gook than a Viet Cong or North Vietnamese.

So what your saying is the silly little Indian so called "actress" should be suing the US government then instead of their BBC ?


I never heard that term being used by anyone. So the silly Indian chick is to blame for it being in the public eye.

Jeremy should sue her.

I thought a slope was a curve or side of a mountain. Nobody in the USA uses that term unless skiing.

Get your head out of the snow. The term "slope" is a derogatory racial slur for Asians. It was commonly used by American GIs duringthe Vietnam war to refer to Vietnamese. The fact that you have not heard it simply makes you uninformed.

or English?

(I had never heard of it either!)


Somi Guha should only be allowed to complain if she apologises for the caste system in India first.

As one of Irish ethnicity, given the amount of jokes made at the expense of the Irish, I can say about this whole piece of PC garbage, "get a life people".


As an Irishman I am used to being called 'a Mick', 'a Paddy' and a variety of other expressions. I do not take offence and I wonder why other people from other countries would object to the rainbow of slang expressions describing specific nationalities. A Pom is an Englishman, a Jock a Scotsman, a Cloggy a Dutchman - these expressions are in regular use and do not, I believe, cause offence but are expressions of a humourous nature. It also seems that those that take most offence are non-white, perhaps some people should ditch the chip on their shoulder.

Sweaty sock = dirty jock


As an Irishman I am used to being called 'a Mick', 'a Paddy' and a variety of other expressions. I do not take offence and I wonder why other people from other countries would object to the rainbow of slang expressions describing specific nationalities. A Pom is an Englishman, a Jock a Scotsman, a Cloggy a Dutchman - these expressions are in regular use and do not, I believe, cause offence but are expressions of a humourous nature. It also seems that those that take most offence are non-white, perhaps some people should ditch the chip on their shoulder.

In my somewhat extensive travels, I have found non white people to be far more racist than whites.


I never heard that term being used by anyone. So the silly Indian chick is to blame for it being in the public eye.

Jeremy should sue her.

I thought a slope was a curve or side of a mountain. Nobody in the USA uses that term unless skiing.

Get your head out of the snow. The term "slope" is a derogatory racial slur for Asians. It was commonly used by American GIs duringthe Vietnam war to refer to Vietnamese. The fact that you have not heard it simply makes you uninformed.

Sometimes "farang" is used as derogatory word about white foreigners. If I'm referred to as a "farang", should I sue the Thai people using it?


Whether you've heard of the term before is irrelevant. It is a racist slur and, as unanimosity pointed out, it was used to dehumanize an enemy to supposedly make it easier to kill them. Also, as unanimosity also pointed out it, didn't catch on but I dare any of you anti-pc crowd to go to Vietnam and start calling anyone over the age of 60 a "gook" and see if he laughs with you. Or try going to Detroit and throw n****r around and see how long you last.

Ironically I doubt many Thais were aware of this term before all this fuss.


I never heard that term being used by anyone. So the silly Indian chick is to blame for it being in the public eye.

Jeremy should sue her.

I thought a slope was a curve or side of a mountain. Nobody in the USA uses that term unless skiing.

I don't know if "Well, I've never heard of the term so it can't be racist" is the best defence...


555 this is the guy that most Thai Visa posters wanted to be in the 2013 TV poll so I guess he'll get some love from the 50/60 something year old men sat in Issan/Hua Hin/Pattaya with 8,000 posts and only a Chang for company.

He's about as funny as Aids.

And so are your (big boy from Bangkok) comments.


I wonder where JC learned of this term since I doubt he served in Korea or Vietnam. Could a scriptwriter have come up with it?

I didn't serve either but remember hearing it uttered by Bruce Dern's character in the movie "Coming Home." Maybe that's where he got it from.

Or was it accidental until all the fuss and now they are turning it to their "advantage" by claiming it was deliberate?


Sustento couldn't be more wrong describing Jeremy Clarkson as a desperate old man seeking publicity. Like him or not

he and the Top Gear series is one of the most successful ever screened on TV around the world. He is quite likely himself

already a multi-millionaire !


No worse than calling us a farang or charging us twice as much based on our race. I find that very offensive.

So those are what you find very offensive? I say BFD.

I don't have a problem with "farang" since it means "caucasian" or "Westerner". And I don't have a problem with dual fee schedules as long as it is "citizenship-based" (which I believe it is in Thailand). Why shouldn't Thai citizens get a reduced rate if their taxes went into it?

Citizenship-based discrimination is a standard procedure in just about every country. Try overstaying your visa in or migrating illegally to any country and see what happens if you get caught (depending on how draconian the immigration enforcement is - try it in Mexico, for example).

In any event, it's not what they are saying* as much as it is what they are thinking, IMHO.

* - Assuming any real thought went into their statements.


What a load of fuss about nothing. As usual the PC brigade turn a poor attempt at humour in to an issue.

Great TV show and although JC can be irritating he's always entertaining.

Does someone want to explain why its ok for Thais to call us western white folks 'Farang'. I take great offence to being referred to as a fruit wink.png

Surely the context of any comment like this determines whether or not its racist/offensive.

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