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The Chinese Invasion is Never Going to Happen


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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

Oh yeah it sucks that american influence is waning. Let's ask those cubans, south americans, middle eastern ppl how they feel about it.

I concur china's govt is ruthless but it's kind of strange they have not enslaved like maybe 30% of their population and seperated them, have not actually invaded any nations and put sanctions on nations they wish to invade and call it freedom unlike some other nation i know of which doesn't call itself ruthless. In terms of ruthlessness and being totalitarian sounds like it loses out big.

I did not make an emotional judgement nor a qualitative comment about America's "hegemony," I only stated a fact. The timing of China's superpower rise and America's fall are coincidental for US planners, but contingent for Chinese PLA Planners. Even a cursory review of the PLA various General's/Admiral's comments over the past 20 years indicate China has managed this rise, it is not coincidental. The US is so busy cobbling together their NWO using the stalking horse of Islamic jihad that it hasn't paid any attention to the East- thus the "pivot to Asia" policy shift this year.

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China never been peaceful, they have always been weak. Today China is much stronger and we all ready see ridiculous sea- and air space claims.

China is a fairly open communist state which makes it difficult to pursue the people in to go to war but the people will defend any attack for sure.

China will become increasingly aggressive since they, for sure, will need a lot more resources to keep their huge population satisfied. If not successful the communist system will fall.

Worrying times are ahead.

Always been weak? Even in the early 20th century why did they need an 8 nation alliance to take down one country of china? Doesn't sound weak to me but i think it's just your biasness and different definitions like say when the US goes up against 8 nations it's really strong but not for china.

Also the US and western nations are really aggressive for a long time but that's ok for them to do that.

The 8 Nation alliance was for political reasons. Each of the delegations was small. It was a coalition of the colonizers taking advantage of the Chinese ruling class who had sold their nation out. There is no doubt that some European nations were aggressive colonizers. However, some were better than others. The French and British left a legacy of laws, a functioning public service, educational institutions and public health and sanitation. Other colonizers such as the Germans, and Belgians left disorder, and chaos. Italy and Spain, took and gave nothing in return. The USA betrayed its core values simply by being present. The Japanese left death, misery and destruction.

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OP, have you been to Chiang Mai lately? Not just the tourist areas Immigration? Grocery stores? What language are we hearing spoken more and more around us here? They're already coming.

As a matter of fact, Chiang Mai University had to block Chinese from coming on campus because they crowded into the trolley that cart students to classes, entered classrooms to take photos, etc. Now, non student must pay a fare to use trolleys. No common sense.

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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

Oh yeah it sucks that american influence is waning. Let's ask those cubans, south americans, middle eastern ppl how they feel about it.

I concur china's govt is ruthless but it's kind of strange they have not enslaved like maybe 30% of their population and seperated them, have not actually invaded any nations and put sanctions on nations they wish to invade and call it freedom unlike some other nation i know of which doesn't call itself ruthless. In terms of ruthlessness and being totalitarian sounds like it loses out big.

Excuse me, but modern China has most certainly tried to invade other countries and each time was beaten back. Remember Korea? It was China who invaded. Remember Vietnam? The Vietnamese gave the Chinese a bloody nose. The Chinese stayed within their borders for a long time after that because they were incapable of military expansionism. Now they are back at it trying to claim territory. The Chinese are a military state and are arming themselves for conquest.

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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

Oh yeah it sucks that american influence is waning. Let's ask those cubans, south americans, middle eastern ppl how they feel about it.

I concur china's govt is ruthless but it's kind of strange they have not enslaved like maybe 30% of their population and seperated them, have not actually invaded any nations and put sanctions on nations they wish to invade and call it freedom unlike some other nation i know of which doesn't call itself ruthless. In terms of ruthlessness and being totalitarian sounds like it loses out big.

Excuse me, but modern China has most certainly tried to invade other countries and each time was beaten back. Remember Korea? It was China who invaded. Remember Vietnam? The Vietnamese gave the Chinese a bloody nose. The Chinese stayed within their borders for a long time after that because they were incapable of military expansionism. Now they are back at it trying to claim territory. The Chinese are a military state and are arming themselves for conquest.

Well that was china during the qing dynasty whom are manchus who are not chinese anyway. China didn't become so big by being unsuccessful at war.

Anyway let's look at your claims.


During the 17th century, there were two invasions of Korea by the Qing Empire of China:

First Manchu invasion of Korea, in 1627

Second Manchu invasion of Korea, in 1637


Now read this:

Despite the favorable situation, the Manchus pushed for peace negotiations, probably because Huang Taiji was concerned about the home defence. They offered peace to Korea, which was soon accepted, despite the opposition of some anti-Manchu statesmen who failed to appreciate the strong position of Manchus. The following settlement was agreed upon in Ganghwa Island:

Korea abandons the Ming era name Tianqi (天啓).

Korea offers Yi Gak as a hostage as a substitute for a royal prince.

(Later) Jin and Korea will not violate each other's territory.

Doesn't look like they were beaten back.

Now this


As the siege continued, the scarcity of food worsened. Also, the strategic situation worsened, as several attempts by Korean forces from regions to break the siege was foiled and charge from the fortress yielded no success. Ming China attempted to send a minuscule force in support of Joseon in what was merely a token effort, but the force was wiped out in the sea during a storm. This desperate situation forced Injo to make his submission. King Injo yielded up three pro-war officers to Qing, as well as agreeing to the terms of peace:

Korea submits to the Qing Dynasty.

Korea has to break her traditional relationship with Ming.

Korea offers the first and second sons of King Injo, and sons or brothers of ministers as hostages.

Korea pays tribute to Qing as she has done to Ming.

Korea will serve for Qing in the war against Ming.

Korea offers warships to return of Manchu soldiers.

Both ministers of Korea and Manchu became stuck together as marriage.

Korea is not allowed to build castles.

Korea pays tribute amount of quantity after 1639.

Until 1894, Korea remained a tributary state of Qing China, even though the influence of Manchus decreased from the late 18th century as the Joseon Dynasty began to prosper once again. Japan forced Qing China after the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) to acknowledge the end of the traditional relationship with Korea, in an attempt to implement their plan to exploit and eventually invade Korea in the early 20th century.

so it was the japanese that stopped it and korea didn't beat back china. See i'm backed by researched while you are backed by facts you took from your rear end.

On the issue of vietnam i assume you are talking about the 10 great campaigns from qianlong or the most recent one in the 70s

Here is the list


We'll talk about the last 2


The Chinese were unprepared but fought for five days before being defeated at Battle of Đống Đa. Chiêu Thống fled back to China as Nguyễn Huệ was proclaimed Emperor Quang Trung.[9] Although Nguyễn Huệ won this battle, he eventually submitted himself as vassal of Qing China and agreed to pay tribute annually.

This isn't a war on obtaining territory.


Both China and Vietnam claimed victory in the last of the Indochina Wars of the 20th century; as Vietnamese troops remained in Cambodia until 1989, and the Hanoi imposed regime remains in power in Cambodia till today (2014), it can be said that China failed to achieve the goal of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. However, Moscow surely realized that any attempt at expanding its foothold in Southeast Asia would have involved risk of military confrontation with China. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Vietnamese border was finalized.

China demonstrated to its Cold War Communist adversary, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their new Vietnamese ally.

So u see i proved you wrong.

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Ultimate Weapon

So u see i proved you wrong.

Wow. Great info; but got confused because of my quote above being included- I agree with you. Sorry if I suggested China as pacifist; I do not think so at all. They have only been limited by their ability but they are a warrior society. Great fast research. I imagine you had it all in your head and furiously pulled up the citations to post- thanks!

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I read a story years ago about how Chinese farmers were slowly occupying land in northern Laos, not as some 'invasion', but because Laotians were just not using the land for agriculture. There were a lot of worries that it would be a slow annexation as Chinese slowly occupied more land, settled for years -- even generations -- and over time the area would be claimed by the Chinese government. China has long been accused of turning an eye to this type of movement by its people; others have accused them of encouraging it. There wouldn't be an invasion, just a slow occupation over decades.

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My vote is the Chinese invasion has happened, is happening, and will happen. I guess I like to cover my options.

I once heard that Henry Kissinger, visiting China with Nixon back in '71 or whenever, asked Chou En-Lai (I think we spell it differently now) if he thought the French Revolution was a good idea. Chou's answer: It's too early to tell.

So I agree with all the posters who say China is subtle, does things differently, etc, and doesn't just invade militarily like some Western nations seem to do.

And to the guy who talked about the Dalai Lama: heck yes he works with the CIA, anyone in his position would, and nobody can blame him, regardless of what they think about the US.

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I read a story years ago about how Chinese farmers were slowly occupying land in northern Laos, not as some 'invasion', but because Laotians were just not using the land for agriculture. There were a lot of worries that it would be a slow annexation as Chinese slowly occupied more land, settled for years -- even generations -- and over time the area would be claimed by the Chinese government. China has long been accused of turning an eye to this type of movement by its people; others have accused them of encouraging it. There wouldn't be an invasion, just a slow occupation over decades.

That's weird why didn't they stop the farmers then?

They own the land they don't want to use it so they let chinese farmers use it or they can choose not to and just let the land rot away. The real story that is left out is that they allowed the farmers to farm the land and of course the farmers paid them for using it in which they of course made money from it cos the laotians were too lazy to do it themselves and would rather just collect rent. It certainly isn't an invasion and also if that land belongs to you how would you just allow someone else to farm on it and you don't do anything about it. It's stupid and it's plain obvious they were too lazy to farm it themselves so charged the chinese to farm it for them.

If chinese moving and living overseas is considered an invasion what about those damn farangs like say maybe germans, british, dutch living in africa and south america. There is quite a large european community in those regions. It must be a damn invasion but the funny thing is if you asked the ppl here they don't have a problem with that and fyi the majority of chinese people live in china.

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Some of the oldest commentaries on Thai life were found in Beijing archives. A merchant detailed the typical lifestyle, many hundreds of years ago. Chinese merchants have always settled around the pacific rim and conducted business, as numerous countries attest by their ethnic Chinese populations. Indeed, so has India. As opportunities abroad and difficulties at home persist, and travel being easier then ever before, many Chinese will continue to move across borders. This is the observation.

The Chinese government has numerous long term strategies on everything from military, economics, demographics, etc. they also have foreign policy goals as any nation. Central to Chinese planners must be how do we provide for billions of people with finite water and energy means? To that extent the Chinese government is actively settling-negotiating around the pacific rim, and as far as Africa and the Americas. Their goals are arguably securing long term resources rights and they leverage their wealth for favorable voting on world bodies. Chinese foreign policy IS the Peoples Liberation Army- Period! This is the observation.

It would be dangerous to reach the faulty conclusion that Chinese expansion is analogous to farang's retiring or long term tourist stays. While China has always had populations abroad these footprints currently ARE inexorably linked to foreign policy. China has militarily extended its naval protected zone to include an island once visited/settled by China long ago- now noted as Korean. China has unilaterally expanded air zones into neighbors jurisdiction. China is militarily contesting multiple water shelf and land masses from the South China Sea to the PI. China pretty much owns the Panama Canal and is now trying to build a canal through Thailand. China owns hugest swaths of America and entire cities in Africa. China's military and foreign policy are now married to its peoples abroad. Indeed, Russia has just annexed Crimea on a pretext of protecting its people. China will finally unveil itself wisely. Allied with Russia for limited aims, china will ensure America and EU can't respond. While interests are elsewhere, or capability lacking, china will move on one of these issues, announcing officially the dragon is awake. I suspect it will happen sooner, rather than later.

This is a sound conclusion.

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Some of the oldest commentaries on Thai life were found in Beijing archives. A merchant detailed the typical lifestyle, many hundreds of years ago. Chinese merchants have always settled around the pacific rim and conducted business, as numerous countries attest by their ethnic Chinese populations. Indeed, so has India. As opportunities abroad and difficulties at home persist, and travel being easier then ever before, many Chinese will continue to move across borders. This is the observation.

The Chinese government has numerous long term strategies on everything from military, economics, demographics, etc. they also have foreign policy goals as any nation. Central to Chinese planners must be how do we provide for billions of people with finite water and energy means? To that extent the Chinese government is actively settling-negotiating around the pacific rim, and as far as Africa and the Americas. Their goals are arguably securing long term resources rights and they leverage their wealth for favorable voting on world bodies. Chinese foreign policy IS the Peoples Liberation Army- Period! This is the observation.

It would be dangerous to reach the faulty conclusion that Chinese expansion is analogous to farang's retiring or long term tourist stays. While China has always had populations abroad these footprints currently ARE inexorably linked to foreign policy. China has militarily extended its naval protected zone to include an island once visited/settled by China long ago- now noted as Korean. China has unilaterally expanded air zones into neighbors jurisdiction. China is militarily contesting multiple water shelf and land masses from the South China Sea to the PI. China pretty much owns the Panama Canal and is now trying to build a canal through Thailand. China owns hugest swaths of America and entire cities in Africa. China's military and foreign policy are now married to its peoples abroad. Indeed, Russia has just annexed Crimea on a pretext of protecting its people. China will finally unveil itself wisely. Allied with Russia for limited aims, china will ensure America and EU can't respond. While interests are elsewhere, or capability lacking, china will move on one of these issues, announcing officially the dragon is awake. I suspect it will happen sooner, rather than later.

This is a sound conclusion.


if you truly believe in what you write, I invite you to locate and read a book written many years again called, Glasnost and Perestroika,

it was written in the 60's I believe long before Gorbachev made the words known to the west

it details the dual strategy played by the russians and the chinese against the might of the west, designed to slowly erode that might,

it is an eye opener

the co-oeration between the chinese and russians, is not ( limited)

it is planned

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In many topics people keep bringing up this conspiracy that one day China is just going to pour into Thailand and that China needs Thailand's natural resources, specifically means of food production.China is an aging society and Thailand will be one as well shortly. There aren't enough Chinese women! The men are coming! Very very soon...

Pure nonsense.

And it makes you wonder why rural land prices keep going up...

Have u seen the plan for example for the industrial estate outside a major town in isaan on 5000 rai to house Chinese factories which has caused a boom in construction.

How many is an invasion anyway? The place is run by Chinese now, they just arrived a while back.

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In many topics people keep bringing up this conspiracy that one day China is just going to pour into Thailand and that China needs Thailand's natural resources, specifically means of food production.China is an aging society and Thailand will be one as well shortly. There aren't enough Chinese women! The men are coming! Very very soon...

Pure nonsense.

And it makes you wonder why rural land prices keep going up...

Have u seen the plan for example for the industrial estate outside a major town in isaan on 5000 rai to house Chinese factories which has caused a boom in construction.

How many is an invasion anyway? The place is run by Chinese now, they just arrived a while back.


it is a slow encroachment, like roaches,

you dont notice the, until there is a swarm, or, in this case, a mammoth industrial complex that springs up, seemingly overnight and doesnt emply any thais

China has a plan,

Thailand plans to fail

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I hate to tell you this ... but it has already happened. They snuck in, changed their names, took over business and government and brainwashed the populace that dark skin is a no no.

Sure. But now we must deal with the "lack of women and food" conspiracy theories frequently propagated on Thai Visa and similar websites. Google "Aging Society".

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Some of the oldest commentaries on Thai life were found in Beijing archives. A merchant detailed the typical lifestyle, many hundreds of years ago. Chinese merchants have always settled around the pacific rim and conducted business, as numerous countries attest by their ethnic Chinese populations. Indeed, so has India. As opportunities abroad and difficulties at home persist, and travel being easier then ever before, many Chinese will continue to move across borders. This is the observation.

The Chinese government has numerous long term strategies on everything from military, economics, demographics, etc. they also have foreign policy goals as any nation. Central to Chinese planners must be how do we provide for billions of people with finite water and energy means? To that extent the Chinese government is actively settling-negotiating around the pacific rim, and as far as Africa and the Americas. Their goals are arguably securing long term resources rights and they leverage their wealth for favorable voting on world bodies. Chinese foreign policy IS the Peoples Liberation Army- Period! This is the observation.

It would be dangerous to reach the faulty conclusion that Chinese expansion is analogous to farang's retiring or long term tourist stays. While China has always had populations abroad these footprints currently ARE inexorably linked to foreign policy. China has militarily extended its naval protected zone to include an island once visited/settled by China long ago- now noted as Korean. China has unilaterally expanded air zones into neighbors jurisdiction. China is militarily contesting multiple water shelf and land masses from the South China Sea to the PI. China pretty much owns the Panama Canal and is now trying to build a canal through Thailand. China owns hugest swaths of America and entire cities in Africa. China's military and foreign policy are now married to its peoples abroad. Indeed, Russia has just annexed Crimea on a pretext of protecting its people. China will finally unveil itself wisely. Allied with Russia for limited aims, china will ensure America and EU can't respond. While interests are elsewhere, or capability lacking, china will move on one of these issues, announcing officially the dragon is awake. I suspect it will happen sooner, rather than later.

This is a sound conclusion.


if you truly believe in what you write, I invite you to locate and read a book written many years again called, Glasnost and Perestroika,

it was written in the 60's I believe long before Gorbachev made the words known to the west

it details the dual strategy played by the russians and the chinese against the might of the west, designed to slowly erode that might,

it is an eye opener

the co-oeration between the chinese and russians, is not ( limited)

it is planned

Considering the monumental leaps and bounds being made in alternative energy those Russian existential ambitions of tyranny may never be reached. You all jump back and forth between "Russian/Chinese World Domination" to the "Bankster Globalists" to whatever term is popular next week.

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Quite frankly, concluding you cannot see the China "Invasion" is ipso facto evidence of your inability to frame the question!

One does not even have to entertain notions of divine mandate, public policy, China's economic expansion policy of the past, or pretense to protect ethnic populations=occupation. All one has to do is consider the template of history, the economics of nations and proximity, and the basic requirements for individual and collective survival to know China is most definitely coming.

The outcome is not the same as the Indian expansion of long ago. In China's case now necessity will drive the change from economic expansion to the imperative of resources theft. 60% of ground water is unsuitable, the male to female ratio suggests a terrible demographic for the future, the over extension of their currency inflation will collapse, and the massive infusion of black and white funds into military strength can only suggest limited outcomes.

I am not a China expert but I am an expert on war! As America wanes this Dragon will surely rise, and American hegemony is failing. Please do not forget, China is a ruthless totalitarian oligarchy, while notionally communist. It's government is only repugnant.

You must be another Ex-Special Services Farang...

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Don't worry about the Chinese but, I suggest we should be very, very worried about the JAPS!

When did China last stage sneak air raids on America or Australia or butcher our troops on the battle field and in POW Camps?

The latest ramblings by "Bungling" OBAMA about his newly signed "10 Year Deal" with Shinzo Abe are just so much like that fool of a British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain in 1938, when he waved the so-called, "Munich Agreement" in the air and proudly declared, "There will be peace in our time."

Well, we know what Hitler did in Europe and the Japs did in the Asia/Pacific region, just to show how well Chamberlain had them under control.

Obama is acting like Abe's "Comfort Girl", and a "willing one" at that. He has been falling over himself to tell Abe, how the USA will stand-by Japan, in the event of a shooting match over the disputed islands in the South China Sea.

[Maybe no one should take him too seriously though, as this is probably about as reliable as the "Red Lines" he has drawn in the Middle East. Obama has time and time again proven himself to be nothing but a "Paper Tiger."]

The Japs are rattling their Samurai Swords, Abe is donating Trees to a Shrine that honours War Criminals and his Political henchmen and women front-up at those Shrines, to let the Executed War Criminals know that they will be avenged.

No, don't worry about the Chinese. They suffered as did everyone else in WW2 and if Abe and his warmongering mob get their way, we'll all have to learn to speak Japanese in the very near future.

Edited by Torrens54
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Don't worry about the Chinese but, I suggest we should be very, very worried about the JAPS!

When did China last stage sneak air raids on America or Australia or butcher our troops on the battle field and in POW Camps?

The latest ramblings by "Bungling" OBAMA about his newly signed "10 Year Deal" with Shinzo Abe are just so much like that fool of a British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain in 1938, when he waved the so-called, "Munich Agreement" in the air and proudly declared, "There will be peace in our time."

Well, we know what Hitler did in Europe and the Japs did in the Asia/Pacific region, just to show how well Chamberlain had them under control.

Obama is acting like Abe's "Comfort Girl", and a "willing one" at that. He has been falling over himself to tell Abe, how the USA will stand-by Japan, in the event of a shooting match over the disputed islands in the South China Sea.

[Maybe no one should take him too seriously though, as this is probably about as reliable as the "Red Lines" he has drawn in the Middle East. Obama has time and time again proven himself to be nothing but a "Paper Tiger."]

The Japs are rattling their Samurai Swords, Abe is donating Trees to a Shrine that honours War Criminals and his Political henchmen and women front-up at those Shrines, to let the Executed War Criminals know that they will be avenged.

No, don't worry about the Chinese. They suffered as did everyone else in WW2 and if Abe and his warmongering mob get their way, we'll all have to learn to speak Japanese in the very near future.

Abe is the tail,

the US is the dog

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Don't worry about the Chinese but, I suggest we should be very, very worried about the JAPS!

When did China last stage sneak air raids on America or Australia or butcher our troops on the battle field and in POW Camps?

The latest ramblings by "Bungling" OBAMA about his newly signed "10 Year Deal" with Shinzo Abe are just so much like that fool of a British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain in 1938, when he waved the so-called, "Munich Agreement" in the air and proudly declared, "There will be peace in our time."

Well, we know what Hitler did in Europe and the Japs did in the Asia/Pacific region, just to show how well Chamberlain had them under control.

Obama is acting like Abe's "Comfort Girl", and a "willing one" at that. He has been falling over himself to tell Abe, how the USA will stand-by Japan, in the event of a shooting match over the disputed islands in the South China Sea.

[Maybe no one should take him too seriously though, as this is probably about as reliable as the "Red Lines" he has drawn in the Middle East. Obama has time and time again proven himself to be nothing but a "Paper Tiger."]

The Japs are rattling their Samurai Swords, Abe is donating Trees to a Shrine that honours War Criminals and his Political henchmen and women front-up at those Shrines, to let the Executed War Criminals know that they will be avenged.

No, don't worry about the Chinese. They suffered as did everyone else in WW2 and if Abe and his warmongering mob get their way, we'll all have to learn to speak Japanese in the very near future.

Abe is the tail,

the US is the dog

I bet those in power today in the US curse Nixon and his policy of opening up China to the world.

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Don't worry about the Chinese but, I suggest we should be very, very worried about the JAPS!

When did China last stage sneak air raids on America or Australia or butcher our troops on the battle field and in POW Camps?

The latest ramblings by "Bungling" OBAMA about his newly signed "10 Year Deal" with Shinzo Abe are just so much like that fool of a British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain in 1938, when he waved the so-called, "Munich Agreement" in the air and proudly declared, "There will be peace in our time."

Well, we know what Hitler did in Europe and the Japs did in the Asia/Pacific region, just to show how well Chamberlain had them under control.

Obama is acting like Abe's "Comfort Girl", and a "willing one" at that. He has been falling over himself to tell Abe, how the USA will stand-by Japan, in the event of a shooting match over the disputed islands in the South China Sea.

[Maybe no one should take him too seriously though, as this is probably about as reliable as the "Red Lines" he has drawn in the Middle East. Obama has time and time again proven himself to be nothing but a "Paper Tiger."]

The Japs are rattling their Samurai Swords, Abe is donating Trees to a Shrine that honours War Criminals and his Political henchmen and women front-up at those Shrines, to let the Executed War Criminals know that they will be avenged.

No, don't worry about the Chinese. They suffered as did everyone else in WW2 and if Abe and his warmongering mob get their way, we'll all have to learn to speak Japanese in the very near future.

Abe is the tail,

the US is the dog

I bet those in power today in the US curse Nixon and his policy of opening up China to the world.


are you sure it wasnt Evelyn De Rothschild?

Look where he is, and listen to what he says,

He says owns the weather???

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China was always peaceful.....But in fact many Chinese are everywhere on the planet, but British even more than Chinese.

"China was always peaceful"!!!!!

I know I am getting old and my memory is not as good as in my youth, but I do not remember that much peace in my studying the 5,000-odd years of Chinese history.

Maybe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_wars_and_battles - could help; and I certainyl do remember the 1,000 years that the Chinese occupied Viet Nam ... but that is another story!!

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For those of you who THINK the Chinese aren't coming.....think again ....as other posters have said ....They're already here and have been for a LONG time

"Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China. Some historians debate theoretically that Thai as a race scattered around Southern China in Altai mountain, Sip Song Pan Na, Sip Song Ju Thai, Lanna (Chiang Mai at present), Nan Chow, Prae, Laos, the right side of Myanmar (now called Karen), and some part of India.

The Thai moved down to Sukhothai, then occupied by Mon (another race: who then pay homage to Khom) and concurred the city and found another Kingdom. Historically, there were many principalities around the area where Thailand is now, and at one time or another a race rised and dominated another and found an Empire; starting off with Suwannaphum, Davarawadi, Srivijaya and Khom empires.

Google it and you'll find something like more than 100 races who are now minority in Thailand.

Foreigners, who are not Thai and not minority races living in Thailand, started to come into Thailand since Sukhothai and Ayutthaya period, starting wih Protugese, French, and British. Chinese were in Thailand for more than thousands of years, they went as far south as Malaysia and Indonesia today.

The full forces of Chinese settlements in Thailand must be towards the end of Ayutthaya period and onto Thonburi and beginning Rattanakosin (or Bangkok period). During King Rama III, heavy tradings were done between Siam (then) and China that they said the King hardly stayed in Thailand for a long period of time in a year. It is also said that King Taksin who found Thonburi as a capital city was a Chinese.

So, in a broader sense, the Thai who now still exist in Southern China speaking ancient Thai may also be consider a race in China, or Chinese. But, if you think of Chinese people from Sauthow, or as Thai call Tae Chew who largely migrated to Thailand as Chinese and the Thai who are as a race in Thailand and try to find the mixture of both of these, I would say not much.

Taw Chew are predominantly however residing in Bangkok, while there may be many type of Chinese people migrating to Thailand and lived outside of Bangkok.

I would say the pure Thai are those from Lanna (Chiang Mai), Prae, Nan Chaw (Nan), Lamphang (debatable because there were there even longer than Lanna: i.e. Lamphang Man -- cave man, homosapien erectus:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric... That again, once you go back more than 5,000 years, it then become very vague. Perhaps a clearer history of those period of time may be only in India and China."


Interesting stuff here, but a bit mangled, I'd say. Read your own sources and you'll find no mention that "Thai as a race originated from Yunnan Province in South China," but rather Taiwan and/or nearby coastal areas. The Altai Mts. are not even IN south China. SipSongPanNa (in China), SipSongChauTai (in Vietnam), and of course LanNa are still largely Tai to this day. Nanchao is largely a myth perpetuated by Thai history books. "Pure Thai" is an even bigger myth, though LanNa certainly is probably less ethnically mixed than most of modern-day Thailand. Personally I'd drop the 'h' and look to the Black Tai still thriving in Laos and Vietnam, or maybe even the 20 million Zhuangs in Guanxi province of China, all speaking dialects similar to Thai, but by then definitions start to lose meaning...

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China has many strengths, which in the past have been capitalized on, firstly a huge population ensuring cheap and abundant labour. There are huge numbers of migrant laborers in all of the manufacturing areas of China. These come from the mostly uneducated peasant backgrounds.

This era is rapidly coming to an end, the reason this is so, is the one child policy. The results of this policy are easily seen in the present generation of 18-30 year old. They are totally unprepared for living an independent life style, they still rely on family to clothe, feed and care for them. Millions of this age group pass through Chinese mainland universities with degrees, but it is reported that the vast majority major in subjects the easiest to pass. And of course Chinese universities have a reputation to cling to, hence there are very few graduate failures. And yes degrees are very often bought.

Another scenario then starts to unfold, said graduate gets married, has a child, so the family are again pressed into service. Elderly Mum and Dad are given the task of bringing up this child and are imported into cities from the farms to carry out this duty. Result the next generation are going down the same road as the present one. You see five year old for example, walking around the upmarket moobans accompanied by their peasant grand parents who are literally hand feeding them from food containers. It is common to see young kids throwing tantrums if they don't get their own ways immediately.

So my point is, in this and coming generations, China will not have the workforce they are used to, the next work force will be unable to cope if they are not in jobs that are soft and easy, as was the way they have been raised. Think about the millions who graduate every year with the expectation of being hired as management etc simply because they have a degree. There are just not enough jobs to go round. Even if there were, those would be filled first by graduates from overseas universities.

I sincerely believe that China is heading for major issues. There are issues already starting, factories being forced to shut because of labour strikes, residents rioting as they object to dangerous refineries being planned in their areas, it goes on and on. Who knows, it's possible that China could be hit by civil unrest. If this was nationwide for even a small length of time, the Chinese economy would crumble. Watch this space !

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