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Stop paying AC costs. New Way.


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Quote: As I also explained in post #70, an indoor freezer rearranges the heat distribution inside the living area, and generates heat in the process. An air conditioner takes heat from inside the living area and dumps it outside.

And if your freezer is in an outside kitchen room then the heat generated by the freezer doesn't heat up the inside of the house.

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"the second law of thermodynamics"…might make you feel smart to use this type of terminology but it doesn't apply to the styrofoam ac..my eyes and body temperature did not lie..and i just double checked to be sure..his electric bill is WAY down

I am not an "engineer poseur", I am an engineer with qualifications in physics and thermodynamics (and electrical and electronic engineering).

In which particular universe are you situated such that the basic laws of physics (thermodynamics) do not apply?

If your friend moderated his aircon use to the same periods and space that his cooler is used he would see even greater savings.

Temperature gradient achieved? Timings? Volume cooled? Actual total energy use?

If these devices are really more efficient overall than 'real' aircons, why are we not all using them?

I am not going to disagree with the calculation and theory behind what is said but only add the idea that the calculations and theory are likely made using ideal conditions, i.e. the A/C is running at 100% efficiency and perhaps that the freezing of the water is the only task being handled by the refrigerator, so is it possible that we can't really use such straight-forward formula?

I understand that A/C units can be huge power pigs when they have problems such as low coolant volume or compressor inefficiency, and isn't the fridge/freezer going to run with or without having anything in it. I mean if the fridge/freezer was empty, it will still use power just to cool/freeze the air, so to say that putting X amount of liquid in at Y temperature will use Z amount power isn't really that straight forward, is it?

Like I say, I am NOT challenging the theory or what is said. I am only asking if we can really depend on theory to know exactly what will happen. Seems there can be a lot of factors and variables that affect the actual result. After all, the expression "In theory, this should work." has been said many times because reality reared its ugly head and prevented the predicted theoretical results from happening.)

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Quote: As I also explained in post #70, an indoor freezer rearranges the heat distribution inside the living area, and generates heat in the process. An air conditioner takes heat from inside the living area and dumps it outside.

And if your freezer is in an outside kitchen room then the heat generated by the freezer doesn't heat up the inside of the house.

True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house. However most people have freezers inside their house/condo/apartment.

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Quote: As I also explained in post #70, an indoor freezer rearranges the heat distribution inside the living area, and generates heat in the process. An air conditioner takes heat from inside the living area and dumps it outside.

And if your freezer is in an outside kitchen room then the heat generated by the freezer doesn't heat up the inside of the house.

True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house. However most people have freezers inside their house/condo/apartment.

"True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house." AND most people don't have their freezer in their bedroom..thats where i use my STYROFOAM ac …i shut the door..this is why it saves my friend so much money and me as well soon…BUYING FILTERS TODAY TO PURIFY AIR..you want so badly for this not to work..your parameters for success keep getting more narrow as your posts drone on

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"the second law of thermodynamics"…might make you feel smart to use this type of terminology but it doesn't apply to the styrofoam ac..my eyes and body temperature did not lie..and i just double checked to be sure..his electric bill is WAY down

I am not an "engineer poseur", I am an engineer with qualifications in physics and thermodynamics (and electrical and electronic engineering).

In which particular universe are you situated such that the basic laws of physics (thermodynamics) do not apply?

If your friend moderated his aircon use to the same periods and space that his cooler is used he would see even greater savings.

Temperature gradient achieved? Timings? Volume cooled? Actual total energy use?

If these devices are really more efficient overall than 'real' aircons, why are we not all using them?

I am not going to disagree with the calculation and theory behind what is said but only add the idea that the calculations and theory are likely made using ideal conditions, i.e. the A/C is running at 100% efficiency and perhaps that the freezing of the water is the only task being handled by the refrigerator, so is it possible that we can't really use such straight-forward formula?

I understand that A/C units can be huge power pigs when they have problems such as low coolant volume or compressor inefficiency, and isn't the fridge/freezer going to run with or without having anything in it. I mean if the fridge/freezer was empty, it will still use power just to cool/freeze the air, so to say that putting X amount of liquid in at Y temperature will use Z amount power isn't really that straight forward, is it?

Like I say, I am NOT challenging the theory or what is said. I am only asking if we can really depend on theory to know exactly what will happen. Seems there can be a lot of factors and variables that affect the actual result. After all, the expression "In theory, this should work." has been said many times because reality reared its ugly head and prevented the predicted theoretical results from happening.)

The refrigeration units in air conditioners operate on the same principle as the refrigeration units in freezers and refrigerators, and if they are well maintained they will have similar efficiencies.

If you are regularly taking ice out of the freezer and replacing it with water your freezer will work much harder, and use much more electricity, than if you are not frequently added new mass to be cooled.

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"If you are regularly taking ice out of the freezer and replacing it with water your freezer will work much harder, and use much more electricity, than if you are not frequently added new mass to be cooled."…HAHAHAHAHAA you're just droning on now as a wind UP …no one disputes this elementary claim no matter how many times you re-post it to mislead or confuse people about the reason for this post…THE ELECTRICITY TO FREEZE ICE ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THE ELECTRICITY NEEDED TO COOL YOUR ROOM ALL DAY WITH A CONVENTIONAL AC..JUST DONT HAVE THE FREEZER IN THE SAME ROOM YOU WANT COOLED…thats the only claim

Edited by gypsyrodeo
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Quote: As I also explained in post #70, an indoor freezer rearranges the heat distribution inside the living area, and generates heat in the process. An air conditioner takes heat from inside the living area and dumps it outside.

And if your freezer is in an outside kitchen room then the heat generated by the freezer doesn't heat up the inside of the house.

True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house. However most people have freezers inside their house/condo/apartment.

"True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house." AND most people don't have their freezer in their bedroom..thats where i use my STYROFOAM ac …i shut the door..this is why it saves my friend so much money and me as well soon…BUYING FILTERS TODAY TO PURIFY AIR..you want so badly for this not to work..your parameters for success keep getting more narrow as your posts drone on

You defend your toy with pictures and links to silly things and state that my posts drone on.

My parameters for success are narrowing? After six pages of posts you have gradually, in bits and pieces, conceded that this system is suitable for a person who stays stationary in front of the fan and uses the system occasionally in a room that does not have the freezer used for making the ice. If you had initially stated these as your parameters for success this entire discussion would have been unnecessary.

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

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Quote: As I also explained in post #70, an indoor freezer rearranges the heat distribution inside the living area, and generates heat in the process. An air conditioner takes heat from inside the living area and dumps it outside.

And if your freezer is in an outside kitchen room then the heat generated by the freezer doesn't heat up the inside of the house.

True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house. However most people have freezers inside their house/condo/apartment.

"True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house." AND most people don't have their freezer in their bedroom..thats where i use my STYROFOAM ac …i shut the door..this is why it saves my friend so much money and me as well soon…BUYING FILTERS TODAY TO PURIFY AIR..you want so badly for this not to work..your parameters for success keep getting more narrow as your posts drone on

You defend your toy with pictures and links to silly things and state that my posts drone on.

My parameters for success are narrowing? After six pages of posts you have gradually, in bits and pieces, conceded that this system is suitable for a person who stays stationary in front of the fan and uses the system occasionally in a room that does not have the freezer used for making the ice. If you had initially stated these as your parameters for success this entire discussion would have been unnecessary.

I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID"system is suitable for a person who stays stationary in front of the fan and uses the system occasionally" ..i HAVE said its good for a small room… THAT IS YOU PUTTING THOSE OTHER WORDS IN MY MOUTH TO NARROW THE PARAMETERS of your exposed claims…in fact If you actually read the posts you will see that I'm broadening my claims to include air purification.

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

The efficiency is gained by how long it takes for the water in the bottles to melt in STYROFOAM compared to the much much shorter time it takes them to freeze…4 one liter frozen bottles of water cools a bedroom for 20 hours…compare the cost of running an ac 20 hours a day to freezing 4 bottles of water..IF you read all the posts you would know that I'm no joker

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"If you are regularly taking ice out of the freezer and replacing it with water your freezer will work much harder, and use much more electricity, than if you are not frequently added new mass to be cooled."…HAHAHAHAHAA you're just droning on now as a wind UP …no one disputes this elementary claim no matter how many times you re-post it to mislead or confuse people about the reason for this post…THE ELECTRICITY TO FREEZE ICE ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THE ELECTRICITY NEEDED TO COOL YOUR ROOM ALL DAY WITH A CONVENTIONAL AC..JUST DONT HAVE THE FREEZER IN THE SAME ROOM YOU WANT COOLED…thats the only claim

Edited your post well after the fact. I wonder why?

I don't run my air conditioner all day, I turn it off when I leave the condo. I also only run the living room AC when I'm in the living room, and the bedroom AC, at the lowest possible setting, when I'm in the bedroom sleeping. If you haven't been doing this I think we now know why your electricity bills were so high.

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

what is so difficult to understand? huh.png

the efficiency is caused by the power of Šτÿ-®Ω-ƒσαm! when you dissolve this powerful medium in acetone the molecular structure changes and huge amounts of cooling energy are generated. this energy is caught with a fine net and filled in water bottles which are placed in a microwave oven that can be used as an airconditioner when switched on thawing power.

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True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house. However most people have freezers inside their house/condo/apartment.

"True, and some people do have their freezer outside their house." AND most people don't have their freezer in their bedroom..thats where i use my STYROFOAM ac …i shut the door..this is why it saves my friend so much money and me as well soon…BUYING FILTERS TODAY TO PURIFY AIR..you want so badly for this not to work..your parameters for success keep getting more narrow as your posts drone on

You defend your toy with pictures and links to silly things and state that my posts drone on.

My parameters for success are narrowing? After six pages of posts you have gradually, in bits and pieces, conceded that this system is suitable for a person who stays stationary in front of the fan and uses the system occasionally in a room that does not have the freezer used for making the ice. If you had initially stated these as your parameters for success this entire discussion would have been unnecessary.

I HAVE NEVER ONCE SAID"system is suitable for a person who stays stationary in front of the fan and uses the system occasionally" ..i HAVE said its good for a small room… THAT IS YOU PUTTING THOSE OTHER WORDS IN MY MOUTH TO NARROW THE PARAMETERS of your exposed claims…in fact If you actually read the posts you will see that I'm broadening my claims to include air purification.

And do you maintain that it will work in a small room that contains the freezer used to make the ice, such as a studio condo? Or will you narrow your parameters of success to exclude that?

In addition to not understanding basic thermodynamics, it appears you also don't understand how insulation works. A sealed styrofoam container slows the heat exchange with the outside environment. Your contraption expedites this heat exchange by bringing outside air into the container, blowing it over the ice, then venting it in a directed manner back outside. Have you noticed that the ice melts much quicker when you turn the fan on than when it is off? The only advantage your system has over using a fan to blow air over a block of ice is that you can better focus the direction of the cooled air.

By the way, putting a filter in front of any operating fan will filter the air passing through it, one doesn't need a cooler full or ice to do that.

Edited by heybruce
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"If you are regularly taking ice out of the freezer and replacing it with water your freezer will work much harder, and use much more electricity, than if you are not frequently added new mass to be cooled."…HAHAHAHAHAA you're just droning on now as a wind UP …no one disputes this elementary claim no matter how many times you re-post it to mislead or confuse people about the reason for this post…THE ELECTRICITY TO FREEZE ICE ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO THE ELECTRICITY NEEDED TO COOL YOUR ROOM ALL DAY WITH A CONVENTIONAL AC..JUST DONT HAVE THE FREEZER IN THE SAME ROOM YOU WANT COOLED…thats the only claim

Edited your post well after the fact. I wonder why?

I don't run my air conditioner all day, I turn it off when I leave the condo. I also only run the living room AC when I'm in the living room, and the bedroom AC, at the lowest possible setting, when I'm in the bedroom sleeping. If you haven't been doing this I think we now know why your electricity bills were so high.

I EDITED 10 SECONDS AFTER POST because i saw i didn't put the s on the word times…another misleading attempt on your part to misdirect AND I've never claimed to have real high electricity bills (go back and look)..all I've stated over and over is that this method saves money…AND IT DOES

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

The efficiency is gained by how long it takes for the water in the bottles to melt in STYROFOAM compared to the much much shorter time it takes them to freeze…4 one liter frozen bottles of water cools a bedroom for 20 hours…compare the cost of running an ac 20 hours a day to freezing 4 bottles of water..IF you read all the posts you would know that I'm no joker

"4 one liter frozen bottles of water cools a bedroom for 20 hours"

I'm not buying that one until I see it demonstrated.

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bottom line (?) if you have air con and want to cool the whole apt. or house, use it. If no have air and you are too hot, ice cooler fan box will cool you down for cheap. .... reminds me of an old cliche saying I heard on an indian res. years ago, " the white man builds a big fire and sits far away, the indian builds a small fire and sits close.

It's also interesting to note that there are no comments about the earth's resources being finite and the need to use the remaining resources wisely, sometimes at the cost of a little personal comfort.

Everybody complains about the heavy pollution but nobody seems to make the connection with coal fire electricity generation plants belching out the dirty smoke to keep the personal air conitioners running day and night.

I made one of the contraptions 2 days ago. It works really well but not as a room or house cooling air conditioner. It was very easy to fit a Filtrete filter to the intake. After running 1 day the filter is already turning gray so it cleans the air as well as cools it. As far as the energy required, the fan is 37 watts plus the energy required to freeze the water. I have a large freezer so I don't think there is a huge additional cost to freeze the water in the bottles.

For one person sitting in one spot, say on a computer, watching TV or reading a book, it works really well. I have decided to only use it for a few hours in the late afternoon. For the rest of the day the house is reasonably comfortable using the everything open at night to cool the house down and in the day everything closed method to slow down the heating up of the house during the day.

I have 3 bedrooms with 3 air conditioners, but I rarely ever use any of them. I use 2 fans placed at 2 windows on the opposite sides of my bedroom. One fan pulls the cooler outside air in and the other fan pushes the hotter room air out. This sets up a pleasant circulation of cooler air in the room and over the bed. By the time I am ready to go to bed a few hours after turning the fans on, the room is comfortable for me. I personally find an air conditioner running in a room uncomfortable and find it difficult to sleep.

This is a photo of my personal cooler. Even running it without any ice is better than running a normal fan because you can precisely direct the blown air to the area you want - your chest for example. Also, the air is cleaner due to the filter which removes a lot of the small particles.

Total cost was 380 Baht without the styrofoam box, as I already had one and can't remember what I paid for it.

With 3 one liter frozen ice bottles the air stream temperature is 4 to 5 degrees Celsius coooler than the normal air stream with no cooling.

another happy customer…STYROFOAM ac…gets cool air and purifies at the same time GENIUS.

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

The efficiency is gained by how long it takes for the water in the bottles to melt in STYROFOAM compared to the much much shorter time it takes them to freeze…4 one liter frozen bottles of water cools a bedroom for 20 hours…compare the cost of running an ac 20 hours a day to freezing 4 bottles of water..IF you read all the posts you would know that I'm no joker

we are all now convinced that you are a renowned scientist.

that's why my question from layman to expert. from mid march to mid april my electric energy consumption was 3,570 kWh = 17,088 Baht. if i mix styrofoam among the food of my dogs and dip their tails in acetone, what kind of cooling power (measured in btu/h) can i expect from their farts?

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@mentally ill SIRENOU..we have already covered that..yes there is a minor cost to freezing ice..its about 5 percent of the cost to run a real ac…i think the REAL new news is that it can serve as an air purifier WHILE cooling your room…see the post above yours…also now that i have mine i realize that it only takes 4 frozen bottles a day because of the science of STYROFOAM…my friend choko has been using this method of cooling for over a year (he built mine) …he cut his electric bill by 2/3…I'm cranking mine up now and am going to do a little weight lifting.

Haaa 5555555555

You need to change your avatar from Einstein to Mr Bean

if you understand the laws of thermodynamics, you would understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do you thing it is less expensive for the air conditioner of the refrigerator to remove 1 btu from the water and make ice than it is to remove 1btu from the room and make that room cooler?

Where do you gain your efficiency?

Unless this thread is a joke and I missed it , I will admite I have not followed the whole Thread.

I am thinking it has to be a joke

The efficiency is gained by how long it takes for the water in the bottles to melt in STYROFOAM compared to the much much shorter time it takes them to freeze…4 one liter frozen bottles of water cools a bedroom for 20 hours…compare the cost of running an ac 20 hours a day to freezing 4 bottles of water..IF you read all the posts you would know that I'm no joker

we are all now convinced that you are a renowned scientist.

that's why my question from layman to expert. from mid march to mid april my electric energy consumption was 3,570 kWh = 17,088 Baht. if i mix styrofoam among the food of my dogs and dip their tails in acetone, what kind of cooling power (measured in btu/h) can i expect from their farts?

it has been quite the battle but vindication is mine..THANK YOU brother for understanding how seriously i take being a true scientist..with that said i must confess that methane from dogs or otherwise is not my expertise…maybe consult w/ heybruce his brain is emitting quantities that many suspect to be the main cause of global warming…even if he doesn't know the answer he will pretend he does ..be prepared to have everything you stand for to be taken out of context so that at night he can feel all smug in his snuggy with his expensive ac wasting money

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What many unbelievers are not considering is the gains in efficiency obtained by the use of Styrofoam , combined with the containment of the liquid medium in Coke bottles thus significantly reducing the humidity conundrum.

This system could be made even more efficient by a couple of simple modifications.

Firstly a hole roughly the size of your refrigerator could be busted out you your wall. and the refrigerator backed in to it , expelling all heat made in the creation of ice Coke bottles outside the domicile. Further more I propose using Coke-Zero bottles for the containment of liquid medium. The reduced caloric content of Coke-Zero will further decrease the heat exchange coefficient resulting in huge efficiency gains, and aiding in the air purification process.

Please PM me for a set of inexpensive plans and picture tutorial.

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What many unbelievers are not considering is the gains in efficiency obtained by the use of Styrofoam , combined with the containment of the liquid medium in Coke bottles thus significantly reducing the humidity conundrum.

This system could be made even more efficient by a couple of simple modifications.

Firstly a hole roughly the size of your refrigerator could be busted out you your wall. and the refrigerator backed in to it , expelling all heat made in the creation of ice Coke bottles outside the domicile. Further more I propose using Coke-Zero bottles for the containment of liquid medium. The reduced caloric content of Coke-Zero will further decrease the heat exchange coefficient resulting in huge efficiency gains, and aiding in the air purification process.

Please PM me for a set of inexpensive plans and picture tutorial.

GENIUS …wow..kicking myself because of not thinking about giant hole in the wall..i bet you have a pocket full of epiphanies..share w/ me brother..im all ears

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What many unbelievers are not considering is the gains in efficiency obtained by the use of Styrofoam , combined with the containment of the liquid medium in Coke bottles thus significantly reducing the humidity conundrum.

This system could be made even more efficient by a couple of simple modifications.

Firstly a hole roughly the size of your refrigerator could be busted out you your wall. and the refrigerator backed in to it , expelling all heat made in the creation of ice Coke bottles outside the domicile. Further more I propose using Coke-Zero bottles for the containment of liquid medium. The reduced caloric content of Coke-Zero will further decrease the heat exchange coefficient resulting in huge efficiency gains, and aiding in the air purification process.

Please PM me for a set of inexpensive plans and picture tutorial.

GENIUS …wow..kicking myself because of not thinking about giant hole in the wall..i bet you have a pocket full of epiphanies..share w/ me brother..im all ears

Well I never heard it called that but if you put your hand in my pocket I am sure you will find an epiphany laugh.png

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Please take notice


That's what I thought, but when I said so directly the post was deleted.

Difficult to say for sure anyway, gypsyrodeo keeps switching between claiming styrofoam has miraculous properties and irrelevant silly posts. But on occasion he seems to actually believe his cooler with ice and a fan is a cost-effective alternative to air conditioning.

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What many unbelievers are not considering is the gains in efficiency obtained by the use of Styrofoam , combined with the containment of the liquid medium in Coke bottles thus significantly reducing the humidity conundrum.

This system could be made even more efficient by a couple of simple modifications.

Firstly a hole roughly the size of your refrigerator could be busted out you your wall. and the refrigerator backed in to it , expelling all heat made in the creation of ice Coke bottles outside the domicile. Further more I propose using Coke-Zero bottles for the containment of liquid medium. The reduced caloric content of Coke-Zero will further decrease the heat exchange coefficient resulting in huge efficiency gains, and aiding in the air purification process.

Please PM me for a set of inexpensive plans and picture tutorial.

GENIUS …wow..kicking myself because of not thinking about giant hole in the wall..i bet you have a pocket full of epiphanies..share w/ me brother..im all ears

Well I never heard it called that but if you put your hand in my pocket I am sure you will find an epiphany laugh.png

bwahahahahahhaa..fell over :)

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Great idea by Choko, thanks for posting I have been looking recently at a cooling solution before this years summer takes hold.

I am going to make one of these in a few weeks and have already thought about some improvements to the design.

Before I share them; antagonists please note:-

1. My water bottles will be frozen FREE of charge.

2. I only want to cool a very small room for 12 hours a day for a few days/weeks.

Now for the improvements.

1. I am going to fasten (double sided sticky foam) the Styrofoam box centrally on top of an 11" pan. The pan will be placed centrally onto a rubber mat on my record player, this will create enough headroom for me to leave the tonearm off it's rest, allowing the cooler to rotate and the air to circulate more efficiently. This requires a modification of the fan mounting so that the fan and its motor can rotate around the fan housing to avoid the cable getting tangled up, I will design that once I have the fan in front of me.

2. I will also add salt to the water as this lowers the freezing temperature of the water which will increase efficiency by allowing the bottle to stay nearer to zero celcius once melted than ordinary water would.

3. Cut a hole in the ceiling so the hot air that is lighter than cold air has somewhere to float up through


Better air circulation than 1st design model
Cooler stays colder and for longer
You know exactly what’s in it, environmentally safe salt and water, no mysterious chemicals or gases like a commercial air conditioner uses

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