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1,000 baht fine for those who ignored drowning teens: Chao Phraya River


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The laws are probably from the 60's. I find it a bit strange that they've put actual absolute values of the fines into the print. Ought to be some kind of index, everything these days with a 0 added to the end at least.

What law, what's the criminal charge under the law?

This one: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/721340-1000-baht-fine-for-those-who-ignored-drowning-teens-chao-phraya-river/page-2#entry7736199 ?

EDIT: it seems to be from 1956, so the 50's, not 60's.


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If it's true what those operators say then why give a fine then?

Its politically correct. . . and if its true what they said about the boys crying wolf.

That's a bit of instant karma for you.

Ask yourself if they had fooled you like that before, what you would have done.. . .

Farangs would have stripped off to their Superman tights and plucked the Teens from the jaws of death, the bad ol' Thais left em to drown.......which is typical, why can't Thais be more like us.......lol.

Thais bad, Farangs good.

Thaivisa mantra.

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Their feeble excuses of "they did it before as a prank" don't wash either . . . when someone is drowning you can see easily from the body language, the look in their eyes, and their tone of voice when it's serious or not . . . so that's just total <deleted> and face saving.

As your flying by at 45 MPH I'm sure you would look at facial expressions, and hear the tone of voice over the roar of the engine, Oh, you're a Farang, of course you would as Farang never ever walk on by when someone is in distress......blink.png

Farangs are heroes. cheesy.gif

They were less than 10m away from the kids, they could easily have seen and heard if they could be bothered.

Not sure ALL farang are heroes, but I can't recall an incidence in the West where children drowned and adults looked on and did nothing.

So you justify it however you want, to me it's ignorance, laziness, stupidity and a lack of morality or common human decency.

'' to me it's ignorance, laziness, stupidity and a lack of morality or common human decency.''

I had always wondered what 'Thainess' meant....

Then you lot choose to live here..............................................next !

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'' to me it's ignorance, laziness, stupidity and a lack of morality or common human decency.''

I had always wondered what 'Thainess' meant....

Then you lot choose to live here..............................................next !

Not necessarily, many have taken a big hit here, lost their shirts and had to go home carrying a lot of bitterness, where they post from.

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'' to me it's ignorance, laziness, stupidity and a lack of morality or common human decency.''

I had always wondered what 'Thainess' meant....

Then you lot choose to live here..............................................next !

Not necessarily, many have taken a big hit here, lost their shirts and had to go home carrying a lot of bitterness, where they post from.

Yep, you're probably right.

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If it's true what those operators say then why give a fine then?

Its politically correct. . . and if its true what they said about the boys crying wolf.

That's a bit of instant karma for you.

Ask yourself if they had fooled you like that before, what you would have done.. . .

Same as the boat people, maybe adding 'som na na ' to it ...

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I don't think we should get caught up in the amount of the fine. Further, the fine is not saying the victim's lives were worth that much. It is simply a fine for the inaction.

Digressing a bit perhaps, but fines amounts are interesting. I got a red light ticket in college, and it totally busted me, and then some. Get the same ticket today, and the fine would be a drop in the proverbial bucket. I have always thought there should be some sort of sliding scale for these things, perhaps difficult to implement however. I don't know how much these drivers make, but it could be close to a week's pay. I am not saying the amount is correct, just pointing something out.

Also, our instincts kinda know when a person is in danger of losing his or her life. I did not see the video, but the excuses sound weak to me.

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wow, so a thai life is only worth 1000 baht, I guess life is cheap here. It still amazes me that people could just ignore two kids drowing, says a lot for thainess.

OMG !! And you still choose to live here ?

To a lot of Farangs, Thais are only worth 1000 Baht, plus the barfine, and they travel 1000's Kms and spend 1000's of $$ to take advantage of that.

That is 1000 Baht a pop...not for an entire life time...the boys are gone forever...the bargirl is back on the street in a few minutes or hours...all the love and care by the boy's families gone in seconds...to have them back...priceless...

Edited by ggt
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Wow! The 1.000 Baht will certainly do the trick and make better, gentler, more responsive and law abiding citizens of "those who ignored the drowning teens"... What a lame, pathetic, and absurd charade sick.gif

Edited by catweazle
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You have got to be joking??? 1000THB....I'm lost for words at the moment. Why even bother fining them at all?? I'm sure they will think twice about what to do in this situation next time after paying such a large fine for this !

Lucky they didn't get close enough to run them down or the fine would have been double.

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As for those on the bank, if the river was as swift as reported, the average person shouldn't go in. You'd have to be young and strong and an expert swimmer with training in lifesaving just to get one of them.

A drowning person will try to climb on top of you to save themselves, and might drown you. You have to overpower them in the worst of conditions while their desperation and adrenaline is fighting you. Once you get control of them and can tow them, you have to get both of you out.

Yes, living around swift rivers I've been taught not to fight the current, but rather let it take you downstream, and only swim for the bank, landing where the river takes you. Essentially, you just have to swim the distance to the bank.

But that's going to be hard while trying to tow someone who may periodically panic and try to push you under. Many people have drowned trying to do that.

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Experienced boatmen can rescue. They didn't want to disturb their day. Don't make excuses for them or the aspects of this culture that normalizes such behavior. Yes doing nothing when you can is an action.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A fishy thing about the excuse. If some boys had done pranks before are they claiming they were the same boys? If so how would they know as it doesn't appear they were even looking at the drowning boys.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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wow, so a thai life is only worth 1000 baht, I guess life is cheap here. It still amazes me that people could just ignore two kids drowing, says a lot for thainess.

I believe it's 500b per life.

You would get more if you stole a pack of gum from 7-11.

Amazing Thailand never disappoints.

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When rich kids kill 9 people in a car accident and get a 2 year suspended sentence because they "cooperated" it only tells you how incomprehensible Thailand can be. It may have lots of tourists, but the country itself and the government agencies are so incompetent....thank god I left.

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how much did it really cost to get the penealty set at 1k bht?

Nothing. Peasant boys. Peasant boatmen. Mai bpen fracking rye bread. But in this case it could have and should have been helped.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Jingthing
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I was reading this thread, but as it was just on 13h. I went to watch the News on TV. Justly there was a case where a mother of 4 children was agressed in the Metro Parisien. There were 8 people near her and they did NOTHING, but watch. They got on the train and he continued..........38 people in all did NOTHING. They have the whole thing on film. It was explained by the phychiatrist that people just don't want to get involved, because they may get hurt too. Also there is the power of the mob........if one attacks then the mob follows. If no one does then no one attacks. In France, if it is proven that these people did nothing for a person in danger, they risk 5 years in the clink and a monetary payment. I can't remember how much. BUT the number of people sentenced was relatively few.About 300 I think.

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wow, so a thai life is only worth 1000 baht, I guess life is cheap here. It still amazes me that people could just ignore two kids drowing, says a lot for thainess.

Like my Thai wife reminds me all the time, life is cheap in Thailand.

Why does she keep reminding you about this? Do you need constant reminding, is she warning you or just a negative type?

Nope, it's just a reminder that life can be lost easily in Thailand (i.e., accident, murder, etc) and the authorities/justice system may do little for the family of the person who lost his/her life. We see this every day in news articles.

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Consider this question.

Same boatmen a week from now.

Same situation.

In this case suppose the boatmen know there are no cameras and no cops around.

Would they behave differently?


Has you're disastrous love life left you so cynical ?

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