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Noisy gekkos keep me awake. What to do?


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I feel you should just get used to them as lets face they were here before you were...they are just part and parcel of Thailand..

Elephants were here before us also. We don't let them roam at will do we? Same for tigers etc.

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Cats love to eat them

Not mine, geckos won all initial stand-offs and they've been intimidated ever since. The dog occasionally nails one.

Anyhow - OP: you will get used to this sound. Trust me on that. Unfamiliar noises eventually become familiar and you learn to sleep through them be they roosters crowing or geckos doing...whatever gecko-ing is.

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They don't die of pesticides, so that's no use. You could try to keep the room as clean as possible, they like dirt and make sure there are no insects that they can eat.

Next thing is that you can cool you room down to the lowest temperature you can get, they hate cold.

They also don't like water, so if you spray water on or around them they loose grip and are helpless catch them with a towel and put them outside.

We have a lot in the attic, but sometimes one comes down and hides in for example our wardrobe, as yesterday. My wife is scared of them, but my son knows how to handle them.

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I feel you should just get used to them as lets face they were here before you were...they are just part and parcel of Thailand..

Elephants were here before us also. We don't let them roam at will do we? Same for tigers etc.

apart from central thailand where the roads have 'caution elephants in the road' signs all along them.

........highway 12 from petchabun to khon kaen before anyone wants to argue? or khao yai, or.....

Edited by tomyumchai
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Geckos or Tokays? Tokays are the big noisy ones.

oh tokays! the big mo-fos with the red eyes......had 1 inside the bungalo on koh chang. it was up in the corner behind the curtain. really deaffening when it started calling! the g/f threw a fit and stayed by the pool all night after it ran under the bed. id had too many singha's to worry about a 3 some.

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I feel you should just get used to them as lets face they were here before you were...they are just part and parcel of Thailand..

Elephants were here before us also. We don't let them roam at will do we? Same for tigers etc.

Do you actually equate the three? How would you suggest he stop the geckos from "roaming"?

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I leave the geckos alone along with a couple spiders to eat mosquitos.

If you really hate the tokays (Thais always say "not come down, don't worry") spray the area with a water/vinegar mix every once in a while.

In my moo baan of townhouses they go from place to place.

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Make soup, I was told that if you are trying for a kid and you wanted a boy you should eat them- I imagine just an old wive's tale.

But you never know!

Otherwise if you do not want a family and a boy, just enjoy the fact that you are in the tropics and are surrounded by wild life.

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