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Kerry just delivered final warning to Russia

Lite Beer

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Putin is puttin his cards on the table. He knows the US will not interfere with his schemes. Sad days are coming. NATO Allies need to show solidarity. I think it is their ballpark, not ours. Please call when it gets out of control...

The US is a member of NATO. A threat to any one of the 28 country members is a threat to all. However, neither Russia or Ukraine is a member.

In 1994 In Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity in return for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. Russia has with its invasion of Crimea aborgated that agreement. So maybe its time to put back nuclear weapons in Ukraine. That will give Russia a very warm and fuzzy feeling.

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Kerry: The top US diplomat accused the Kremlin of “a full-throated effort to actively sabotage the democratic effort.”

Well thats a loan of baloney - it was the US with the EU as usual tagging along that engineered the removal of the democratically elected government & install a motley group of nationalists and neo-fascists.

What the US still hasn't grasped is it's intended expansion of NATO to Ukraine will not be accepted easily and will never be accepted in Crimea. The US won't be lumbered with the cost of allowing Ukraine into the EU - EU citizens will.

I'm not a big fan of Putin but am even less a fan of US foreign policy, especially when it is supported by the CIA.

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I knew John Kerry when he was still a man and spoke truth to the power. I don't know who the hell he is now, just another sell-out to big $$$$$. The US of A is nothing but a house of cards, the world knows. America has lost its way and I don't believe anybody is afraid of 'the big, bad wolf' anymore.

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Unless there is a direct confrontation, the US most likely has no intention of going into Ukraine. Ukraine is too closely aligned with the Russian sphere of influence, including it's language, history and culture. Russians can go into Ukraine because it is a country they know and understand. The US doesn't. The posturing is to make sure it goes no further than the Ukraine.

Russia has as much to lose as the US. Any protracted confrontation will leave the world a rather dangerous place. Israel will likely take care of Iran in short order. Turkey, as a NATO ally, will prevent the use of the Bosphorous to Russia. China will not help Russia, but may take the opportunity to have a little fun in the South China Sea and with Taiwan. God knows what North Korea will do. Syria will suffer without Russian help.

Neither of these men are foolish. It's a game of brinkmanship and Ukraine is a small piece in the puzzle and everyone can scream all they want about Democracy or Nazi's or whatever, Ukraine doesn't really matter. Further expansion does.

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Had Sarah Palin been in the oval office she could have had this sorted with Russia...She knows all about the Russians and foreign policy, as she can see Russia from her house.."We're practically neeeeeeeeeeeighbors!"

You do realize that is a lie, I hope. Tina Fey said it on a Saturday Night Live comedy sketch. Sarah Palin never said it.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is very difficult to get a clear picture of what is happening in Ukraine, who the players are, what the stakes are. Somehow, Kerry making threats doesn't seem scary, or very helpful either. But all of this posturing gives a nice chance for America haters to come on here and parade their ignorance.

..and you can say thank you to the mainstream media bullsh*t for all that clear as mud information.

RT and Al-Jazeera are the two most unbiased news networks IMHO...and the fact that John Kerry has called RT a 'propaganda bullhorn' gives it even more credibility.

Of course there are no 'propaganda bullhorns' in western mainstream media are there Mr Kerry?


Edited by baxida
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Had Sarah Palin been in the oval office she could have had this sorted with Russia...She knows all about the Russians and foreign policy, as she can see Russia from her house.."We're practically neeeeeeeeeeeighbors!"

You do realize that is a lie, I hope. Tina Fey said it on a Saturday Night Live comedy sketch. Sarah Palin never said it.


Yeah I know! She's way too smart to say something like that.

"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

Edited by baxida
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idiot when will americans understand they aren mostly hated throughout world and should just mind their own business. Anyway a lot of Ukraine is Russian or its people are.

This is totally stupid and caused totally by the americans yet again trying to support and foster unrest.

Or they know the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. financially is about to hit big time and so what best way to distract than a war

In end americans have had it they are yesterdays power and thank goodness since many are simply fed up with them

your post is crazy.gif

meds ok?

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OMG and all this time I just thought she was a dumb ass bimbo based on just that one statement! Ah that is sarcasm for those that can't recognize. At least Kerry is no dumb ass, just a sell out that has become part of the government propaganda program.

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oh yes it does and threatens their own people too.

Many in Russia are afraid of this KGB thug

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

The normal Russian people have nothing to fear from their KGB... this is not 1958.

The Russians have a lot more to fear from The Fascists in power in Kiev than they do from their own people.

The US think they are real patriots, yet whenever there is a war that the US are involved with, the people take to the streets to protest against it.

That thing won't happen in China, Russia, North Korea..... these people really are patriotic and will fight to the death for their country... The common people that is.

The pussies take to the streets......War with Russia....never happen. They like to flex but are scared of what could be done to them.....And don't get me started on China....undependable hardware......But this all will never happen as the current President will bow down kiss their feet or ass and offer a bribe to settle all.....we all know money talks....and the current ass in charge sure knows how to spend money.......now if we had a Reagan.....lord help the commie bastards

nuff said

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OMG and all this time I just thought she was a dumb ass bimbo based on just that one statement! Ah that is sarcasm for those that can't recognize. At least Kerry is no dumb ass, just a sell out that has become part of the government propaganda program.


and just to confirm...and worryingly more recent;

"Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke." --Sarah Palin, on how President Obama should deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin, CPAC speech, March 8, 2014

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A final warning is not sanctions. A final warning is we are launching our missles.

Obama is a weak arse because he has to keep making threats and warnings. Screw that. Just ask nicely and when nothing happens, sanction them. Obama is an embarrassment.

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Mr Kerry is too gentle towards Putin and his KGB (GESTAPO) comrades. They are using their Spetznas (SS) in Ukraine to destabilise the nation. The reason is that after they kicked the corrupt president Janukovic out, Russia is in fear of loosing their rights to operate from their Black-sea base in Sevastopol. They really deserve to loose that right. They show it now. If they don`t back out the west should cut all relations with Russia. Let them rot in their own misery. Putins days will not be so many after all relations are cut off. He is the supporter of the Iranian tyrants, the Syrian tyrants and Hamaz. coffee1.gif

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they wont do much as trade between all the European countries and Russia is essential to all of the parties .otherwise back into recession again from which they havent fully recovered from the existing one

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China...lucky they got enough push bikes to get a few hundred soldiers across the border... a bit short on logistics. It would not be a good strategy to invade China, however.....too many axes to grind.

I am not quite sure an invasian on Mother Russia would be a good idea either.... They looked well equipped....however...without leadership it is sort of like a robot with the battery pulled out. Their Generals always seem to be squabbeling amongst themselves. Putin kind of holds it all together. From history, we learned how their rag-tag conglomeration of satellite countries sort of spun out of orbit.

Alas, the good old USA is taking on lots hits from former friends and admirers. These same crazies that hate us are hogging up all the burgers at Micky D's like it is going out of style. We Americans have long since moved on to more complicated tastes. In fact, I think the US dollar is backed on forecasted burger sales in Moscow. Now that most countries have Micky D's, we do not have to engage in battle. We can defeat them by holding back shipment on those extra fries from Idaho.

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Kerry and the entire US State Department is a very very dangerous unit.

The US needs to take a step back unless they want a full scale conflict with Russia..... This is NOT a tin pot country we are talking about, this is a superstate with backing from China... It will NEVER yield to the US bully boy rhetoric.

A very tricky time is upon us, and as usual the yanks are stoking it.

It is time the UK pulled away from supporting this dumbass regime, because the UK will probably be the first target on the hit list while the US knows they will be the last and have the luxury of pulling back after plenty of damage has been done to its supporters.

Let's just hope if an attack is inevitable... They hit the US directly.


Thank you for explaining U.S. plans, you must have a direct link to the highest officials. It appears to me that you would condemn the U.S. if we took action and condemn the U.S. if we do not take action. Yadda, Yadda, yadda. It is tricky indeed. Some want the U.S. to provide opposition to the unilateral seizing of Ukraine sovereign territory by Russia. Others condemn the U.S. if we try to counter this physical aggression. We have seen similar aggression in history. Enough folks don't want Americans to take a stand, we can retreat to isolationism again. You propose that little scenario to be played out again? I agree that there was cause for Russia and other nations to call for political action to be taken against the Ukraine fascists (as there was in Bosnia) but not unilateral military action. Backdown from physical aggression? Hmmm, does not seem a reasonable action to me. But I agree with you, the U.S. should not go it alone, no multilateral consensus, believe me, as an American I don't care to go it alone....just remember that if there is a later call for help. Russia won't back down? That is their problem not a U.S. problem. I think we will honor our treaties but if there is no support from allies...well, that kinda abrogates the spirit of putting our resources (people and material) at risk. And thank you for hoping for an attack on the U.S. first, nice thought. You test my being Buddhist.

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Had Sarah Palin been in the oval office she could have had this sorted with Russia...She knows all about the Russians and foreign policy, as she can see Russia from her house.."We're practically neeeeeeeeeeeighbors!"

You do realize that is a lie, I hope. Tina Fey said it on a Saturday Night Live comedy sketch. Sarah Palin never said it.


Yeah I know! She's way too smart to say something like that.

They all make mistakes, including Obama. However, more on topic:

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." --John Kerry

Edited by Ulysses G.
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