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Kerry just delivered final warning to Russia

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Kerry just delivered final warning to Russia

US Secretary of State John Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry has issued a stern and final warning to Russia to help de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine or face more sanctions.

“The window to change course is closing. The world will make sure the costs for Russia will only grow” if Russia refuses to change course, Kerry said late Thursday.

Kerry’s warning came after Ukraine used lethal force against pro-Russia activists in eastern Ukraine on Thursday, reportedly leading to five deaths.

“What is happening in eastern Ukraine is a military operation that is well-planned and organized. If Russia continues in this direction, it will not only be a grave mistake — it will be an expensive mistake,” Kerry said.

The top US diplomat accused the Kremlin of “a full-throated effort to actively sabotage the democratic effort.”

“Russia has put its faith in distraction, deception, and destabilization,” he said, adding, “For seven days Russia has refused to take a single concrete step in the right direction.”

Tensions between Russia and the West heightened after Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and became part of the Russian Federation following a referendum on March 16.

Meanwhile, protests have been a common scene across eastern Ukrainian cities over the past weeks with demonstrators occupying state buildings in several towns and cities.

On April 17, Ukraine’s interim government together with the United States, Russia and the European Union reached an agreement in the Swiss city of Geneva, calling for all sides to ease the ongoing crisis in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine interim authorities in Kiev said on Friday that army units have begun the second phase of an operation to drive out pro-Russia activists from the eastern cities.

Source: http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/04/25/360057/kerry-just-gave-final-warning-to-russia/

--PressTV 2014-04-26

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Kerry and the entire US State Department is a very very dangerous unit.

The US needs to take a step back unless they want a full scale conflict with Russia..... This is NOT a tin pot country we are talking about, this is a superstate with backing from China... It will NEVER yield to the US bully boy rhetoric.

A very tricky time is upon us, and as usual the yanks are stoking it.

It is time the UK pulled away from supporting this dumbass regime, because the UK will probably be the first target on the hit list while the US knows they will be the last and have the luxury of pulling back after plenty of damage has been done to its supporters.

Let's just hope if an attack is inevitable... They hit the US directly.


You are forgetting all the other players with very itchy fingers.

North Korea who is itching to attack the South and US has to help

China and Japan and US has to help

Iran, Syria and US has to help

Russia will only make more money out of it by supplying weapons, how exactly is US going to deal with all the players?

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oh yes it does and threatens their own people too.

Many in Russia are afraid of this KGB thug

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

The normal Russian people have nothing to fear from their KGB... this is not 1958.

The Russians have a lot more to fear from The Fascists in power in Kiev than they do from their own people.

The US think they are real patriots, yet whenever there is a war that the US are involved with, the people take to the streets to protest against it.

That thing won't happen in China, Russia, North Korea..... these people really are patriotic and will fight to the death for their country... The common people that is.

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I can't believe you are all screaming war war war!

The US, and G7 have stated they will use economic muscle. Not nukes and Russia says it will retaliate accordingly.

Welcome to the new WAR games. MONEY

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

It is far from being as simple as that.

US has its cheer leading squad and so does Russia.

The problem is Russian cheer leaders are lunatics and with an ok from Russia are capable of any stupidity

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Kerry and the entire US State Department is a very very dangerous unit.

The US needs to take a step back unless they want a full scale conflict with Russia..... This is NOT a tin pot country we are talking about, this is a superstate with backing from China... It will NEVER yield to the US bully boy rhetoric.

A very tricky time is upon us, and as usual the yanks are stoking it.

It is time the UK pulled away from supporting this dumbass regime, because the UK will probably be the first target on the hit list while the US knows they will be the last and have the luxury of pulling back after plenty of damage has been done to its supporters.

Let's just hope if an attack is inevitable... They hit the US directly.


Russia won't back down? You might want to google Cuba, 'dumbass'.

Actually, that was negotiated between Kennedy and Khrushchev where they agreed (in secret) to both pull back if the US officially recognized Cuba as an independent sovereign state... Which they agreed to. Which actually pissed off their European allies for keeping the negotiations a secret from them.

If anything..... Russia got something out of the US that they had been completely reluctant to give in the past.

You need to get your facts right.

So stick that in yer pipe.


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Kerry and the entire US State Department is a very very dangerous unit.

The US needs to take a step back unless they want a full scale conflict with Russia..... This is NOT a tin pot country we are talking about, this is a superstate with backing from China... It will NEVER yield to the US bully boy rhetoric.

A very tricky time is upon us, and as usual the yanks are stoking it.

It is time the UK pulled away from supporting this dumbass regime, because the UK will probably be the first target on the hit list while the US knows they will be the last and have the luxury of pulling back after plenty of damage has been done to its supporters.

Let's just hope if an attack is inevitable... They hit the US directly.


Russia won't back down? You might want to google Cuba, 'dumbass'.

Actually, that was negotiated between Kennedy and Khrushchev where they agreed (in secret) to both pull back if the US officially recognized Cuba as an independent sovereign state... Which they agreed to. Which actually pissed off their European allies for keeping the negotiations a secret from them.

If anything..... Russia got something out of the US that they had been completely reluctant to give in the past.

You need to get your facts right.

So stick that in yer pipe.


Indeed, the situation started with the US funded an invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. Russia intervened to defend Cuba, the US backed down on the guarantee that Russia not put nuclear missiles there.

This seems like a similar situation, some 90%+ of Crimea want to be a part of Russia, the US/EU refuse to accept this. Except this time the US is only threatening economic sanctions rather than threatening to wipe out humanity.

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idiot when will americans understand they aren mostly hated throughout world and should just mind their own business. Anyway a lot of Ukraine is Russian or its people are.

This is totally stupid and caused totally by the americans yet again trying to support and foster unrest.

Or they know the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. financially is about to hit big time and so what best way to distract than a war

In end americans have had it they are yesterdays power and thank goodness since many are simply fed up with them

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idiot when will americans understand they aren mostly hated throughout world and should just mind their own business. Anyway a lot of Ukraine is Russian or its people are.

This is totally stupid and caused totally by the americans yet again trying to support and foster unrest.

Or they know the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. financially is about to hit big time and so what best way to distract than a war

In end americans have had it they are yesterdays power and thank goodness since many are simply fed up with them

What nationality are are you...........?

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oh yes it does and threatens their own people too.

Many in Russia are afraid of this KGB thug

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

The normal Russian people have nothing to fear from their KGB... this is not 1958.

The Russians have a lot more to fear from The Fascists in power in Kiev than they do from their own people.

The US think they are real patriots, yet whenever there is a war that the US are involved with, the people take to the streets to protest against it.

That thing won't happen in China, Russia, North Korea..... these people really are patriotic and will fight to the death for their country... The common people that is.

You are missing an important point - in China, Russia and North Korea, to go against whatever the government says will land you in jail, or a work camp, or even more likely - especially in NK, a grave.

That's not patriotism, its terror.



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