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What does it mean when a stranger Thai lady gives you the evil eye while pointing at you?


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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where some become like mad dogs when face is violated. Even though I was ethically in the right (at least by my ethics) I was culturally in the wrong. But moving on from that, I am interested in the meaning of what she did ... other than the obvious that the pointing was a MASSIVE show of aggression and disrespect. I get that! Who wouldn't?

...irrelevant, irschmelevant.

Spill the details.

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Not too many ACTUAL experts on Thai culture here then? Why am I not surprised? coffee1.gif

Usually Thais won't just point a finger with out uttering something insulting to go along with it. Another possibility is that she did hat as a " I'll. Be back for you" gesture.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Not too many ACTUAL experts on Thai culture here then? Why am I not surprised? coffee1.gif

Usually Thais won't just point a finger with out uttering something insulting to go along with it. Another possibility is that she did hat as a " I'll. Be back for you" gesture.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks for on topic comments. She didn't utter anything. I did think maybe she was registering my face to get back at me later. On the other hand, Pattaya being a tourist city most western people are in and out, so that wouldn't be logical to assume she would find me again (which in fact, she probably can, but she wouldn't know that). I don't think I would remember her face ... she was very ordinary in appearance.

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Why are you surprised ? I would have thought it was a regular and natural occurrence given your disposition and general attitude, did you tell her she was "homophobic" too, like everyone else you encounter.

Again, the incident was totally unrelated to sexuality of any kind. Technical note -- it's really too bad there isn't some kind of automatic filter to just autoblock any posts like yours which have nothing to do with the actual topic.

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Why are you surprised ? I would have thought it was a regular and natural occurrence given your disposition and general attitude, did you tell her she was "homophobic" too, like everyone else you encounter.

Again, the incident was totally unrelated to sexuality of any kind. Technical note -- it's really too bad there isn't some kind of automatic filter to just autoblock any posts like yours which have nothing to do with the actual topic.

That doesnt stop you screaming "homophobic" no matter what the situation, seems to be your natural response to almost anything you dont agree with or dislike., or is it just what you dont understand .

Just waiting for you to go back and add/ edit a post for more dramatic effect as you usually do.

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Why are you surprised ? I would have thought it was a regular and natural occurrence given your disposition and general attitude, did you tell her she was "homophobic" too, like everyone else you encounter.

Again, the incident was totally unrelated to sexuality of any kind. Technical note -- it's really too bad there isn't some kind of automatic filter to just autoblock any posts like yours which have nothing to do with the actual topic.

Think you must take a little notice from blokes, I think you cannot see it. From the continued hassle you have had, I think you really should start thinking like a bloke in your daily life as "perhaps" you look like one.....

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That doesnt stop you screaming "homophobic" no matter what the situation, seems to be your natural response to almost anything you dont agree with or dislike., or is it just what you dont understand .

Just waiting for you to go back and add/ edit a post for more dramatic effect as you usually do.

This is in your imagination. Again, nothing in this incident, topic, or question is about sexuality of any kind. Perhaps the sexual politics of a woman threatening to hit me as a man would be relevant though. I'm not saying I'm a fighter, I'm not, but for those skilled in fighting, what is the proper response when a reasonably strong woman throws a punch at you ... a Thai woman to a westerner. Isn't that a no win? If you punch back and hurt her don't you risk being lynched?

In this case, I made it clear I wasn't going to punch her back so she did back off. Maybe she wanted me to punch her back ... I was a little surprised she didn't follow through with actual physical aggression.

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"I was a little surprised she didn't follow through with actual physical aggression"

You were surprised ? and I suspect many are disappointed. Lets be honest, wouldnt be the first time you got a slap would it. Seems you motivate people to such reactions.

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"I was a little surprised she didn't follow through with actual physical aggression"

You were surprised ? and I suspect many are disappointed. Lets be honest, wouldnt be the first time you got a slap would it. Seems you motivate people to such reactions.

Again your personal garbage is not welcome. Back to OP, if anyone has additional information on an aggressive point with an evil eye without speaking, let me know. So far, I haven't really learned much new but to those who have commented ON TOPIC, thank you very much. To others, please don't bother.

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I will expand the question to men with fighting skills.

If a lady came at you as described and did start to punch you hard in public in a situation where there was a potential gang of Thais to come in, how would you respond exactly?

I'm not really sure what I would have done IF she had started to hit me hard. But I'm curious what others THINK they would do.

In this case, the gender difference is quite relevant. A man hitting a woman is culturally loaded in most cultures. A woman hitting a man is also loaded of course, and seen as emasculating by those who care about their machismo.

Also consider RUNNING away (the old fight or flight choice).

A man running away from an attacking woman would be seen as even more emasculating ... but in a case as described, perhaps the most sensible choice considering hitting the woman could result in jail, getting gang attacked, or in my case just being put in hospital by the one woman, who like I said could probably kick my ass.

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C'mon JT. You've changed this from a cultural question into how a male should react when hit/attacked by a Thai woman.

Quit pontificating and tell us what you did that got her eire up, because what you did vis a vis what she did is specifically relevant to the answers you will get.

I suspect you have doubts about the correctness of your behaviour or you wouldn't be holding it back. A little reminiscent of the infamous 10B/20B Baht Bus thread of some months ago.

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the experts will be up soon, still early on a saturday morning in the uk after a friday night out,,,lol

give it time mate,,,


My god Jingthing, with over 50,000 posts with years of experience has unwittingly let his guard down and confirmed Him self as a troll. Now who would have expected that.?

But on a serious note, you have probably been taken off her Xmas card list. So come on tell us the story

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Quit pontificating and tell us what you did that got her eire up, because what you did vis a vis what she did is specifically relevant to the answers you will get.


Baiting me on this ten times or a hundred isn't going to make a difference, so suggest not wasting your typing on that.

The off topic personal gossip is already on steroids on this topic. I've already established that I understand quite well that she was pissed off and I understand why she was pissed off from a Thai cultural POV.

If I gave the details you're pushing for, the thread would go even more off topic and gossipy and focus only about that which doesn't interest me as the OP ... so I'm just not going to go there ever.

What I might not entirely understand is about the dramatic pointing as it sure looked like a CURSE to me ... so yes it was a freaky experience. I'm also interested in the sexual politics of an attacking aggressive woman towards a man in a Thai public setting.

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She sussed you were gay perhaps...?

Thai folk are extremely good at "reading" folk......

The incident was unrelated to any kind of sexual implications.

"He farted!" or perhaps she's related to the taxi driver who filled you in a few months ago? smile.png

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That doesnt stop you screaming "homophobic" no matter what the situation, seems to be your natural response to almost anything you dont agree with or dislike., or is it just what you dont understand .

Just waiting for you to go back and add/ edit a post for more dramatic effect as you usually do.

This is in your imagination. Again, nothing in this incident, topic, or question is about sexuality of any kind. Perhaps the sexual politics of a woman threatening to hit me as a man would be relevant though. I'm not saying I'm a fighter, I'm not, but for those skilled in fighting, what is the proper response when a reasonably strong woman throws a punch at you ... a Thai woman to a westerner. Isn't that a no win? If you punch back and hurt her don't you risk being lynched?

In this case, I made it clear I wasn't going to punch her back so she did back off. Maybe she wanted me to punch her back ... I was a little surprised she didn't follow through with actual physical aggression.

Oh I am really putting my head on the line here, if she perceived you as gay (and no this is not another finger pointer) it's just possible as a woman she saw you as worthless to her a woman). If she considered you as a man, not a gay, let me elaborate as I cannot believe a gay can be a man, then perhaps she had an interest in you, that you denied her access to. You have opened this thread but are not man enough (????) to open up to what actually happened.

Your sexual boat is what rocks you but don't expect real men or women to swim alongside you. Open up be honest and tell the truth.

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Quit pontificating and tell us what you did that got her eire up, because what you did vis a vis what she did is specifically relevant to the answers you will get.


Baiting me on this ten times or a hundred isn't going to make a difference, so suggest not wasting your typing on that.

Ok, then my take on it is that she did something "wrong" as interpreted by you. What it was is up for debate as you won't enlighten us, but I'm assuming she didn't do something as distasteful as urinate in your Som Tam.

So let's assume she did something as trivial as give you the wrong change or overcharged you (if a cashier), delivered the wrong food (if a waitress), or pushed in front of you in a 7/11.

A non Jing Thing would have politely highlighted the error/ommission/mistake and in 90% of situations it would have been remedied without conflict. A different animal however could have got angry, raised his voice, waived his arms about and generally made it embarressing for all concerned.......and got the stink finger pointed at him (I'm assuming she used her left hand) and the evil eye.

Am I somewhere close to the bone here?

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There is definitely something about this finger pointing / cursing business. I have seen grown men having a finger pointed at them by a female and the next day they were walking around like zombies only capable of muttering things like " My GF is different from all the rest". If that isn't a curse, then I don't know what is..............


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She wasn't a worker of any kind.

She did something really messed up that directly effected me in a negative way. It wasn't nothing and it wasn't life changing either. It was enough to justify for a westerner a response of ACCUSATION towards her (obviously unwise in this culture). You can believe me or not, your choice, but no details on that are forthcoming EVER.

It had nothing to do with sexual orientation or sex worker issues of any kind, so people's obsession with making this topic about that is really and extremely SICK.

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I bet a "hissy fit" was thrown and the flambouyant antics was objected too by the conservative owner who subsequently objected to being branded a homophobe ?

Leaves alot of conjecture when the actual truth isnt revealed , it just leaves the door open for rampant speculation, but the story will probably have added twists and turns until the OP gets the answer he wants, as is so typical.

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I bet a "hissy fit" was thrown and the flambouyant antics was objected too by the conservative owner who subsequently objected to being branded a homophobe ?

Leaves alot of conjecture when the actual truth isnt revealed , it just leaves the door open for rampant speculation, but the story will probably have added twists and turns until the OP gets the answer he wants, as is so typical.

You're now on ignore. Your posts have no value. Adios amigo.

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