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I was aggressively targeted by Thai police - 4pm yesterday


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I guess this wasn't happened for searching some tea-money, cause if they want this they would taken anyway with any b s t reason.

May be they have just got a message by their CB about an elderly farang who did something wrong and they checked you. You just were at a wrong place in wrong time.

Please check it my best friend's story in an origin western country, not TH (and not ARG.).

He was a student of university and he had a hard exam time. He was studying all day, and evening (dark, at 21,00) he went out from the house, just to the side-walk next to house for a little fresh air.

After 1 minute came a plain car, suddenly stopped, jumped out 3 men, pushed him to the ground, took hand-cuffs. After a while they showed their police officer-badges and pushed him to their car.

He asked many times what do they want, but no any answer, he was taken to the police station.

There they put him a cell and he was there 2-3 hours and nothing was happened.

Next step he was taken to a very bright room with other 5-6 men and he had to take a number to his chest.

They took him back to the cell and came an officer (new one of course very friendly) who told a young girl was raped in those area when my friend lives, not so far from his home, and the victim gave to the officers a description of person about criminal which description was fit to my friend also.

Than the raped girl didn't recognized him so he could get home.

The officer carried him home, cause he had not any money.

He didn't make complaint file cause he had no time for it, but so far this was his most terrible story.

To be at a wrong place in wrong time, can be occurred a very bad situation.

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One of my big concerns when leaving my pad in Surin and going to the smoke to have a good time is getting stopped by the cops and them planting drugs on me. Apart from cycling, I try to avoid going anywhere without my TG for this reason. It must have happened before and must be very hard to fight your corner in a country where we farang have very few rights.

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intresting story this one., and while I was reading something came to mind what happened to me once on khao san about a year ago.

Somehwere through the small alley ways paralel to khao san (maybe the same as in the op). some time ago there were a few very relaxed bob marley reggae bars.

My favorite one, now all gone unfortunately was famous for the sell of mariuhana, now I have had my fine share when I was still living in Holland and would not buy anything illigal here in Thailand but the bar itself was a nice place to sit and when having friends coming over I used to take them for a beer there.

Once I was siting there with a good friend having a beer at around 3-4 pm when 2 coppers drove by on their bike. Just looking and kept driving.

About an hour later we took a stroll on khao san itself when the came coppers on the bike drove past and immideately stopped us over to check everything. I must say they were quite polite and pretty torough in their search. Since we were on the middle of the street it drew quite some attention from the other tourists passing by but I took everything from my pockets, showed it to them and showed my empty pockets, my friend did the same. After that they conducted a body search because obviously they knew what was happening at the reggae bar but we had nothing to hide and did everything with a big smile.

After 5 minutes they were on their way again.

So maybe op, you walked by/stood still or hasitated close to a place where the police know illigal things are happening without even knowing it yourself but could be for them a reason to stop you over and check.

Nevertheless with all the corruption here it is never a nice confrontation since actually you are never sure what is going to happen..

Good write up Marcel.....And I know the Reggae bars you refer - And I was stopped 30 meters from that same spot walking down keeping Khaosan to left side and just past the opening to Ratchadamnoen Rd.

It does make sense what you say - Good insight - Good call out!

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One of my big concerns when leaving my pad in Surin and going to the smoke to have a good time is getting stopped by the cops and them planting drugs on me.

How often does this happen here?

And how often is the poor innocent suspect actually busted for his own drugs and the swearing they aren't his and the cops must have planted them?

Always two sides.

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Cop or no cop, I would resist for sure since they don't have the right to do it the way they did it. Then they would come with the well practiced -i arrest you- stuff but I would rather memorize their badge number, get arrested, get out soon anyway, contact the best lawyers and end their career so they can look for a job instead of bombs and guns.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Im with you . I dream of a scenario like this where Im cornered in a dimly lit alley in mysterious Bangkok and get to practice my well versed Chuck Norris skills to kick their asses

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I wonder if the officer would have seen the funny side to you saying "ton tee khon yoo kang lang".....

I suppose its just one of those things you have to shake off and count yourself lucky. I had a delay caused by a couple of officers at a Cambodian border about a month ago, the two of them left with my passport on a motorbike, I was concerned about missing my bus... Your mind starts to wonder and was thinking about how exposed I was, they probably all get back handers for Meth and other drugs going through, i was just thinking to my self how easy it would be for them to plant something on me to keep senior officers off their back for not making an arrest.

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so you were searched, they found nothing then let you go.

i fail to see an issue.

There is certainly an issue. The BIB should not be putting their hands in your pockets. They should ask you to empty them.

What country are you from?

In the US a cop would never allow that because the suspect could have a weapon.

Plus, most guys with contraband of some sort would intentionally not remove the contraband and say their pocket was empty.

Cops always do the search.

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One of my big concerns when leaving my pad in Surin and going to the smoke to have a good time is getting stopped by the cops and them planting drugs on me.

How often does this happen here?

And how often is the poor innocent suspect actually busted for his own drugs and the swearing they aren't his and the cops must have planted them?

Always two sides.

Dunno how often it happens and if anyone gets caught carrying/taking illegal drugs (knowingly) then they deserve everything they get without any sympathy from me.

I was just voicing a concern I have as I do believe corruption is a bit of an issue in LOS.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I assume any countries police have the rite to frisk search a suspect no?

Op someone mentioned middle eastern guys and Israeli guest houses, do you fit the description of a dark haired or middle eastern look?

No not really - I from UK and I dress and look like a Sainsbury shopper - I always make sure to wear smart casual clothes, well groomed, no distinguishing outer symbols or markings, with no tattoos and no clothing typical of eastern people - I tend to overdress smart / never wear shorts or t-shirts even in warm weather.

And I would have thought I would be the least likely (by appearance) to suggest drugs (or bombs) carrying - stereotype.

Haha - a 'look like a Sainsbury shopper' - i feel inferior now, sure i look like a Tesco shopper !

Yup I know crazydrummerpauly - And I did hesitate a little before writing that as a discretion insight (its a little bit pompous - I know) - And even more so since when I was in UK I was an Asda shopper - But I did need a visual for the minds eye.
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One of my big concerns when leaving my pad in Surin and going to the smoke to have a good time is getting stopped by the cops and them planting drugs on me.

How often does this happen here?

And how often is the poor innocent suspect actually busted for his own drugs and the swearing they aren't his and the cops must have planted them?

Always two sides.

Dunno how often it happens and if anyone gets caught carrying/taking illegal drugs (knowingly) then they deserve everything they get without any sympathy from me.

I was just voicing a concern I have as I do believe corruption is a bit of an issue in LOS.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree corruption is an issue in LOS and now see you were generalizing.

I am curious how often planting drugs actually happens and how much of it is "urban myth"?

I just don't see any attempt at corruption in this incident as described. I see police performing police work.

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One of my big concerns when leaving my pad in Surin and going to the smoke to have a good time is getting stopped by the cops and them planting drugs on me.

How often does this happen here?

And how often is the poor innocent suspect actually busted for his own drugs and the swearing they aren't his and the cops must have planted them?

Always two sides.

Dunno how often it happens and if anyone gets caught carrying/taking illegal drugs (knowingly) then they deserve everything they get without any sympathy from me.

I was just voicing a concern I have as I do believe corruption is a bit of an issue in LOS.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree corruption is an issue in LOS and now see you were generalizing.

I am curious how often planting drugs actually happens and how much of it is "urban myth"?

I just don't see any attempt at corruption in this incident as described. I see police performing police work.

The 2 cops on a motorbike's job is to ensure the local residents are safe from crime such as robbery.They have to visit shops and houses with a red box outside and sign a note to say they have been there.A neighbourhood watch scheme, checking for burglars and other potential criminals. Screeching to a halt in front of a foreigner and demanding to almost strip search without any possible reason to suspect that person is harassment in my book.

They think they are above tbe law, one example, one morning at 7.30 2 of them in full uniform strode into the 7-11 on Ratchadamnern road and demanded the cashier sell them a bottle of Johnnie Walker.It's illegal at that time to buy and the call hesitated but one of the cops barked out,' give it to me now!'.

I wish I had filmed it and put it on youtube.

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It is just exactly that arnold40844 The stuff that is not in your control and not entirely open management if unfairly target. It just feels like unbalanced - Since it would not take much for any situation like yours to go in a different direction if you were unlucky with the personal intent of the officials stopping you - Difficult to know how to swing the control back around when in a remote place with few choices to negotiate from.

What is the translation for "ton tee khon yoo kang lang".?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I assume any countries police have the rite to frisk search a suspect no?

Op someone mentioned middle eastern guys and Israeli guest houses, do you fit the description of a dark haired or middle eastern look?

No not really - I from UK and I dress and look like a Sainsbury shopper - I always make sure to wear smart casual clothes, well groomed, no distinguishing outer symbols or markings, with no tattoos and no clothing typical of eastern people - I tend to overdress smart / never wear shorts or t-shirts even in warm weather.

And I would have thought I would be the least likely (by appearance) to suggest drugs (or bombs) carrying - stereotype.

If you would have dress not in smart cloth, showed demons tattoo, and worn dark sunglasses, I think they didn't dare to touch/search you

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Yeah its a scary thought proccess of how things could escalate quickly to you being over powered and thrown in the back of a pickup, not to see daylight for a few years. I put myself in that position though. I had a bit of a Eureka moment whilst waiting in what was basically Cambodian jungle surrounded by armed officers where I just thought "what the <deleted> am I doing here"

I think iit means something to the effect of "While you're down there"

It is just exactly that arnold40844 The stuff that is not in your control and not entirely open management if unfairly target. It just feels like unbalanced - Since it would not take much for any situation like yours to go in a different direction if you were unlucky with the personal intent of the officials stopping you - Difficult to know how to swing the control back around when in a remote place with few choices to negotiate from.

What is the translation for "ton tee khon yoo kang lang".?

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It is just exactly that arnold40844 The stuff that is not in your control and not entirely open management if unfairly target. It just feels like unbalanced - Since it would not take much for any situation like yours to go in a different direction if you were unlucky with the personal intent of the officials stopping you - Difficult to know how to swing the control back around when in a remote place with few choices to negotiate from.

What is the translation for "ton tee khon yoo kang lang".?


Discretion is the better part of valor.

I think you handled the incident as any intelligent person would have.

All of this banter of taking control from cops is hyperbole.

Cops do not relinquish control and it doesn't go well for any bloke who attempts to take it.

That is true for cops everywhere and it should be. They are charged with that duty and anything less would be dereliction of that duty.

Its quite amazing to me how many people on TV hate cops.

If not for cops the crime rate against drunken farang would be very high.

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"then the first began placing his hands on the top of my groin and then between my legs (outside of my clothes) and then opening lower part of my shirt to my trousers and running his hands around my trouser wasteland inside my shirt on my skin"

Conclusion........he fancied you.

Some of us, can't avoid reactions like that.....being soooo hansum.

Being serious here, Khaosan Road has long been looked at as a terrorist target because it is usually crowded, especially with Westerners, and people do carry bombs on them, you are a non Thai walking up a lane which has several entries into Khaosan Road (if it is the lane I am thinking of, I can't think of any others). I think the police were being geniune about looking for bombs and guns, they were not looking for tea money.

Is it possible that you upset someone and they phoned the police knowing how the police would react to reports of anyone carrying bombs or guns? It does look as if they were looking especially for you.

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This same thing happened to me...no explanations. Two police jumped up out of their parked car (they were waiting for me) and thrust their hands in my pockets. I had only shorts and a tank top. I presume they were looking for drugs...put perhaps were planting some? A twenty baht bill fell, and one of them picked it up and handed it to me. With not a word, both suddenly gave up and went back to the car, driving off. A spot search? Perhaps an informant indicating I was a drug seller? Who knows... This I do know....if any search/seizure laws exist, they are surely not enforced. You may have been in an area where drug trafficking was going on.....or worse yet, near the drug lord's home.

The police did say they were looking for bombs and guns.

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I have no idea what your "trouser wasteland" consists of and why it is such a barren area, but over several years, the Thai police have only ever treated me with respect. I am not suggesting that this is a reason to condone their unsavory and unfair behavior in other matters, but I feel compelled to share a perspective that I possess at this point in time after having read your story:

If one genuinely dissolves one's ego, takes responsibility for oneself and one's actions, gives credit where it is due, apologizes when it is called for, actively seeks to humanely assist others/bring them joy and nurture the community one is in, always considers the details and nuances of any given situation, and pays respect to hard-working people who make our lives easier, then one will find that problems—such as the one described in the OP—do not occur.

This may sound ridiculous to many of you, or even mythical/unicorn-like, but I can now confirm the veracity of the aforementioned statement after numerous decades of experience.

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1. Don't look like a tourist......why would you want to?

2. Don't say retirement visa or the TV police will be after you. wink.png

Don't you know that most tourists look and dress like ordinary people? Maybe you've been hanging around the ill-clad sex pat community too long.

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I think what you are saying is absolutely correct, everyone on here is very quick to diss Thai cops. I have as much respect here for law enforcement officers as i do back home. The thing that concern me though is that bent and corrupt officers seem to be in far greater numbers here than the UK. Suppose you are involved in such an incident where you feel like you're being stitched up, at what point do you resist? Or do they just have abosolute power over you to do whatever they want? I suppose that's the power that turns a lot of them in to <deleted> in the first place.

It is just exactly that arnold40844 The stuff that is not in your control and not entirely open management if unfairly target. It just feels like unbalanced - Since it would not take much for any situation like yours to go in a different direction if you were unlucky with the personal intent of the officials stopping you - Difficult to know how to swing the control back around when in a remote place with few choices to negotiate from.

What is the translation for "ton tee khon yoo kang lang".?


Discretion is the better part of valor.
I think you handled the incident as any intelligent person would have.
All of this banter of taking control from cops is hyperbole.

Cops do not relinquish control and it doesn't go well for any bloke who attempts to take it.

That is true for cops everywhere and it should be. They are charged with that duty and anything less would be dereliction of that duty.

Its quite amazing to me how many people on TV hate cops.
If not for cops the crime rate against drunken farang would be very high.
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The 2 cops on a motorbike's job is to ensure the local residents are safe from crime such as robbery.They have to visit shops and houses with a red box outside and sign a note to say they have been there.A neighbourhood watch scheme, checking for burglars and other potential criminals. Screeching to a halt in front of a foreigner and demanding to almost strip search without any possible reason to suspect that person is harassment in my book.

OK, sounds like you know alot more about this incident than was known to the OP.

How do you know that the police were "without any possible reason" to be suspicious?

And what is the difference between searched, "almost strip searched" and strip searched?

If we are going to be reckless and exaggerative with the facts then why not make it good: the OP was almost beaten to a bloody pulp by the police after they became drunk on a bottle of whiskey purchased after hours at a 7-11 ! ? ;-)

Edited by ClutchClark
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I assume any countries police have the rite to frisk search a suspect no?

Op someone mentioned middle eastern guys and Israeli guest houses, do you fit the description of a dark haired or middle eastern look?

No not really - I from UK and I dress and look like a Sainsbury shopper - I always make sure to wear smart casual clothes, well groomed, no distinguishing outer symbols or markings, with no tattoos and no clothing typical of eastern people - I tend to overdress smart / never wear shorts or t-shirts even in warm weather.

And I would have thought I would be the least likely (by appearance) to suggest drugs (or bombs) carrying - stereotype.

<And I would have thought I would be the least likely (by appearance) to suggest drugs (or bombs) carrying - stereotype. >

Which is exactly the sort of person a terrorist/ drug dealer would use if they could.

Contrary to opinion, terrorists aren't usually stupid.

No they are not, what about the two practising doctors who tried to blow up Glasgow airport, they must have done years of hard studying and sitting exams, just to throw it all away like that.

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Fully agree there are far more bent and corrupt officers here than first world where professional law enforcement exists. Absolutely.

I am not sure what "stitched up" means but these are my rules the world over and even the whole galaxy ;-)

If it means they planted drugs and are looking for a bribe, then I would pay it right there on the spot. Once they take you to the station then there are that many more hands to feed.

If it means the cop took some of my pocket money then I would ignore it since I do not carry much pocket money and if I lived in the neighborhood I would definitely NOT file a complaint the next day. I would wait until my last hours before moving.

If it means that the police were beating you up then I would take the beating. They are not going to put you in hospital or kill you because there is no gain in it for them. And I have never heard of the last one occurring here myself. Perhaps someone has direct experience.

Unless there is a camera filming it or several farang witnesses, it will come down to two Thai cops word against yours. But this is just what I would I do--to each their own.

I think what you are saying is absolutely correct, everyone on here is very quick to diss Thai cops. I have as much respect here for law enforcement officers as i do back home. The thing that concern me though is that bent and corrupt officers seem to be in far greater numbers here than the UK. Suppose you are involved in such an incident where you feel like you're being stitched up, at what point do you resist? Or do they just have abosolute power over you to do whatever they want? I suppose that's the power that turns a lot of them in to <deleted> in the first place.


Discretion is the better part of valor.

I think you handled the incident as any intelligent person would have.

All of this banter of taking control from cops is hyperbole.

Cops do not relinquish control and it doesn't go well for any bloke who attempts to take it.

That is true for cops everywhere and it should be. They are charged with that duty and anything less would be dereliction of that duty.

Its quite amazing to me how many people on TV hate cops.

If not for cops the crime rate against drunken farang would be very high.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The 2 cops on a motorbike's job is to ensure the local residents are safe from crime such as robbery.They have to visit shops and houses with a red box outside and sign a note to say they have been there.A neighbourhood watch scheme, checking for burglars and other potential criminals. Screeching to a halt in front of a foreigner and demanding to almost strip search without any possible reason to suspect that person is harassment in my book.

OK, sounds like you know alot more about this incident than was known to the OP.

How do you know that the police were "without any possible reason" to be suspicious?

And what is the difference between searched, "almost strip searched" and strip searched?

If we are going to be reckless and exaggerative with the facts then why not make it good: the OP was almost beaten to a bloody pulp by the police after they became drunk on a bottle of whiskey purchased after hours at a 7-11 ! ? ;-)

I'm not exaggerating, I've nothing against most police but over the years one gets to see things that make you shake your head in disgust, like the time the police stop a bus upcountry and demand payment from the driver or they'll stop the bus and search everyone, delaying it for houre. Or the time peopke got fed up with the gambling in my wife's village, informed the police who then demanded a monthly sum from the gamblers to leave them alone.

A famous Thai police chief once said, 'There is nothing under the sun the Thai police cannot do'.

How right he was.

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You did not receive any special treatment. That's the way they deal with Thais, except the rich and powerful of course. Its not the same as back home -the police are unquestionably in charge and showing resistance or disrespect could not have done you any good, so your response was appropriate for the situation.

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