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Armed Thai soldier arrested with map of PCAD rally site


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It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They look very much Southern to me. smile.png

The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?

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It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You and Coco have something in common

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It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They look very much Southern to me. smile.png

The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?
There as many crooks in the south as in the north-east, if not more. Why else is the majority of violent acts conducted in the southern region and I'm not talking about the territorial dispute.

However i think the OP refers to the PDRC and their hooligans during their SDB campaign. As these were mostly, not all, but mostly southerners, when some people see them, they associate them with criminals no matter if they are or not.

Just like the people did with the north-easterners (UDD) during their mental breakdown.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by maxme
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It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They look very much Southern to me. smile.png

The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?
There as many crooks in the south as in the north-east, if not more. Why else is the majority of violent acts conducted in the southern region and I'm not talking about the territorial dispute.

However i think the OP refers to the PDRC and their hooligans during their SDB campaign. As these were mostly, not all, but mostly southerners, when some people see them, they associate them with criminals no matter if they are or not.

Just like the people did with the north-easterners (UDD) during their mental breakdown.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So, what's your point? You are more verbose but not any clearer in your meaning than MobileContent. I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you explaining MobileContent's post? What is a SDB?

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IMO this thing was staged, the motive is to give doubt to the military about whether, should it come to the point of armed confrontation with the reds, the troops will follow orders or possibly turn their weapons on their fellow soldiers.

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It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They look very much Southern to me. smile.png

The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?
There as many crooks in the south as in the north-east, if not more. Why else is the majority of violent acts conducted in the southern region and I'm not talking about the territorial dispute.

However i think the OP refers to the PDRC and their hooligans during their SDB campaign. As these were mostly, not all, but mostly southerners, when some people see them, they associate them with criminals no matter if they are or not.

Just like the people did with the north-easterners (UDD) during their mental breakdown.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So, what's your point? You are more verbose but not any clearer in your meaning than MobileContent. I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you explaining MobileContent's post? What is a SDB?

Obviously you don't know the the difference between context and content. I think you'll find the answer to your question if you start reading between the lines instead of interpreting your own facts from skimming the context.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<deleted>, they are clearly red shirts on their way to carry out some form of attack on Lumpini park. Just like to get that one on record before TV's rabid yellows pile in with their usual wacky stuff.

Cue Woppydo, Baerboxer, et al.

Who are you to label anyone on here? Read the forum rules and think about their implicit as well as explicit meanings.

I have not expressed any specific support for the yellow shirt movement, or Suthep and his followers. However, I do support the Thai people who turned out in their masses to protest against the deceitful attempt to whitewash a crook and his family and place them above the law and beyond reproach or accountability.

I would criticize any government that lies constantly, cheats, commits illegal acts and has proven to be inept at anything other than self advancement - regardless of what color shirt they prefer.

PTP and their previous incarnations that were dissolved for fraud, have a track record of violence and 'setting up things". Their opposition are no angels and represent the reactionary old guard. But its PTP that have been in government and now cling to power.

Sadly the Thai people don't really have much choice do they? A one man dictatorship or control of the old elite families. Neither seem likely to deliver real reform that will benefit the masses and country.

You chose a very appropriate avatar.

Don't you remember that THIS CROOK as you say did away with the IMF debt that the previous government built in about a year give or take a month or to. But that does not count as you hate democracy as you do.

I believe there is a huge debt that the bank of Thailand is still responsible for, which the present care taker government in it other form as the government tried to change the way the interest is paid so they could run up more debt. This present government was also trying to borrow off the books 2trillion baht in debt they could use just about anyway the thought was ok and who is really in charge but the crook you seem to love more than others

The IMF debt was cleared in 2003 while Thaksin was prime minister.

As another poster notes, this was done by borrowing to make political points. The debt is still there, just shifted around and is still unpaid.

The current government has racked up impressive debt and I am sure they are still crying over not being able to hide away the 2 trillion from public view. Recovery from this governments term in power may take many years.

Edited by gabruce
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It would seem that these men are not working for the PCAD as this article hints. Carry weapons and a detailed map would lead you to think more that they were planning an attack on the PCAD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They look very much Southern to me. smile.png

The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?

Yes indeed, quite so.

Jatuporn is from the same province as Suthep, Surat Thani,

and his mother still lives there, but she is quite sad for him.

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The leader of the UDD, Jatuporn, is Southern (NST), so, what's your point?
There as many crooks in the south as in the north-east, if not more. Why else is the majority of violent acts conducted in the southern region and I'm not talking about the territorial dispute.

However i think the OP refers to the PDRC and their hooligans during their SDB campaign. As these were mostly, not all, but mostly southerners, when some people see them, they associate them with criminals no matter if they are or not.

Just like the people did with the north-easterners (UDD) during their mental breakdown.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

So, what's your point? You are more verbose but not any clearer in your meaning than MobileContent. I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you explaining MobileContent's post? What is a SDB?

Obviously you don't know the the difference between context and content. I think you'll find the answer to your question if you start reading between the lines instead of interpreting your own facts from skimming the context.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

It is clear that English is not your first language so I will explain why your post insults me.

Obviously you don't know the the difference between context and content As for the difference between context and content, obviously, you don't know what you are talking about. What kind of context and contrast was there in MobileContent's post, 'They look very much Southern to me'?

I think you'll find the answer to your question if you start reading between the lines As for reading between the lines, well, maybe that's how you acquire information but I prefer to get my information from what people actually say/write, so there is less chance for misunderstanding. Misunderstanding seems to be standard operating procedure for you.

instead of interpreting your own facts Just how, in your weird little world, can I misinterpret myself? The only 'fact' I stated was that UDD leader Jatuporn (born in Surat Thani but grew in NST from age 8) is a Southerner. Jatuporn became the leader of the UDD, 16Mar14, when Thida resigned. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jatuporn_Prompan Where did I misinterpret my own facts?

from skimming the context. How can one skim 'context'? Why don't you explain the 'context' to me, since you think you need to give me more hints as to the deeper meaning of, 'They look very much Southern to me' BTW, How hard is it to skim, 'They look very much Southern to me' for either context or content?

Now that you have stated on this forum that I am too 'thick' to understand and properly respond to MobileContent's post, 'They look very much Southern to me', please explain, in context and reading between the lines, what his content really meant. If you do that, I will try to stop misinterpreting my own facts.

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@rametindallas. Obviously you're having one of your tantrums. Is there a time when you don't act like the proverbial bi-polar girlfriend?

Speaking of lacking proficient skills in the English language, it's "grew up" not "grew in". Anyway you missed my point entirely.

He may be from the south but he took another path. The UDD may be great in starting bon fires but closing down airports, taking people hostages and killing cops well... You have to admit that the yellow's resume is a bit thicker when it comes to criminal activities.

And since the majority who supports this group is from the south.. It's not so difficult to understand that some people generalize and associate southerners with criminals.

Seeing that you can't answer without letting your mood take a dive, I ask you again. Are you sure you're not Thai?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Two armed scumbags detained with weapons,ammunition maps and other covert paraphernelia, one of who is a serving soldier and the other a "student", which has many connotations in Thailand. All the ingredients of a hit team but under what flag ?

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@rametindallas. Obviously you're having one of your tantrums. Is there a time when you don't act like the proverbial bi-polar girlfriend?

Speaking of lacking proficient skills in the English language, it's "grew up" not "grew in". Anyway you missed my point entirely.

He may be from the south but he took another path. The UDD may be great in starting bon fires but closing down airports, taking people hostages and killing cops well... You have to admit that the yellow's resume is a bit thicker when it comes to criminal activities.

And since the majority who supports this group is from the south.. It's not so difficult to understand that some people generalize and associate southerners with criminals.

Seeing that you can't answer without letting your mood take a dive, I ask you again. Are you sure you're not Thai?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Again, you have proved that you are unable to respond to a direct question and your want to talk about other things as if they were part of the discussion all along. I'm sure you are a joy to be around.

Go away, troll. I never addressed you in the first place. You inserted yourself into a conversation and took up someone else's post as if it were your own. Again, even when you explain? your post, it is off topic and obtuse.

I remember you as a person who makes up history and then can't support your claims. You said that Thailand was administered by the British for a year after WW2. You never did supply any links other than a British Pathe' film of Lord Mountbatten visiting the King of Thailand and you insisted that 2 minute, silent film proved your ridiculous statement.

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I remember that debate well and you didn't even make a rebuttal. Instead you answered with snide remarks.

Speaking of not being able to answer a direct question, still waiting for an answer to a question you've been ducking for a long time now. How about it?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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@rametindallas. Obviously you're having one of your tantrums. Is there a time when you don't act like the proverbial bi-polar girlfriend?

Speaking of lacking proficient skills in the English language, it's "grew up" not "grew in". Anyway you missed my point entirely.

He may be from the south but he took another path. The UDD may be great in starting bon fires but closing down airports, taking people hostages and killing cops well... You have to admit that the yellow's resume is a bit thicker when it comes to criminal activities.

And since the majority who supports this group is from the south.. It's not so difficult to understand that some people generalize and associate southerners with criminals.

Seeing that you can't answer without letting your mood take a dive, I ask you again. Are you sure you're not Thai?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Again, you have proved that you are unable to respond to a direct question and your want to talk about other things as if they were part of the discussion all along. I'm sure you are a joy to be around.

Go away, troll. I never addressed you in the first place. You inserted yourself into a conversation and took up someone else's post as if it were your own. Again, even when you explain? your post, it is off topic and obtuse.

I remember you as a person who makes up history and then can't support your claims. You said that Thailand was administered by the British for a year after WW2. You never did supply any links other than a British Pathe' film of Lord Mountbatten visiting the King of Thailand and you insisted that 2 minute, silent film proved your ridiculous statement.

Double post. My Iphone is to blame for that.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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@rametindallas. Obviously you're having one of your tantrums. Is there a time when you don't act like the proverbial bi-polar girlfriend?

Speaking of lacking proficient skills in the English language, it's "grew up" not "grew in". Anyway you missed my point entirely.

He may be from the south but he took another path. The UDD may be great in starting bon fires but closing down airports, taking people hostages and killing cops well... You have to admit that the yellow's resume is a bit thicker when it comes to criminal activities.

And since the majority who supports this group is from the south.. It's not so difficult to understand that some people generalize and associate southerners with criminals.

Seeing that you can't answer without letting your mood take a dive, I ask you again. Are you sure you're not Thai?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Again, you have proved that you are unable to respond to a direct question and your want to talk about other things as if they were part of the discussion all along. I'm sure you are a joy to be around.

Go away, troll. I never addressed you in the first place. You inserted yourself into a conversation and took up someone else's post as if it were your own. Again, even when you explain? your post, it is off topic and obtuse.

I remember you as a person who makes up history and then can't support your claims. You said that Thailand was administered by the British for a year after WW2. You never did supply any links other than a British Pathe' film of Lord Mountbatten visiting the King of Thailand and you insisted that 2 minute, silent film proved your ridiculous statement.

Double post. My Iphone is to blame for that.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Online trolls really ARE horrible people


Go away, troll.

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@rametindallas. Obviously you're having one of your tantrums. Is there a time when you don't act like the proverbial bi-polar girlfriend?

Speaking of lacking proficient skills in the English language, it's "grew up" not "grew in". Anyway you missed my point entirely.

He may be from the south but he took another path. The UDD may be great in starting bon fires but closing down airports, taking people hostages and killing cops well... You have to admit that the yellow's resume is a bit thicker when it comes to criminal activities.

And since the majority who supports this group is from the south.. It's not so difficult to understand that some people generalize and associate southerners with criminals.

Seeing that you can't answer without letting your mood take a dive, I ask you again. Are you sure you're not Thai?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Again, you have proved that you are unable to respond to a direct question and your want to talk about other things as if they were part of the discussion all along. I'm sure you are a joy to be around.

Go away, troll. I never addressed you in the first place. You inserted yourself into a conversation and took up someone else's post as if it were your own. Again, even when you explain? your post, it is off topic and obtuse.

I remember you as a person who makes up history and then can't support your claims. You said that Thailand was administered by the British for a year after WW2. You never did supply any links other than a British Pathe' film of Lord Mountbatten visiting the King of Thailand and you insisted that 2 minute, silent film proved your ridiculous statement.

Double post. My Iphone is to blame for that.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Online trolls really ARE horrible people


Go away, troll.

So much for straight answers, can't even provide an answer to a simple question.

The troll in this case, is someone pretending to be someone he is not.

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