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Think it reflects life positive and negative things happen and people like to discuss them on what is after all a forum,but op think of the old adage when you are in buisness' if you do a good job,the customer may tell 1 or 2 people,if you do a bad job likely they will tell 20.


Do you ever watch the news on television ?

Agree, bad news sells.

It's only negative if you choose to read the negative stuff.

Pick and choose well. Lots of really good stories and great people here.

I agree totally. We all need a place to vent. I have seen a lot of positive comments and posts. But, since we have no political or legal rights here, we all need a place to vent. So, do not take it too seriously. Some of it is in jest. Some of it is more earnest. Just participate, have some fun, and learn something.

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hey Whereustay? :D
you're absolutely right about this and i think most of the people posting in this forum are likely have been paid to post NEGATIVE!
by the way, benalibina, if i want to listen to news or read them, i would prefer to use newspapers. so this forum is not just for passing news


Yes I have a family, I love living in Thailand, and I often go out during the day.........

Does not mean I cannot feel sorry for the latest Indians that are victims of a jet

ski scam, or anger at watching Thais drive around their kids with no helmet on, or

feel frustration at having to go through yet another police revenue

for mia noi / checkpoint. So I cannot comment on these issues?? Should I live

the upcountry Isan dream and watch buffaloes walk by all day, and avoid posting

about Thai social issues ?? Nah, I enjoy sticking pins in pompous people too much !! :-)


I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

Like a petting zoo? Hmmm... Good idea
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I think it's the annonimity of the Internet that causes this, and other forums to have so many negative comments, flames, smart-ass comments and personal attacks.

In real life, I know mostly positive people who would never make the type of negative comments I see here and elsewhere in the Internet to someone's face.

Other places on the Internet where people can post annomously I see flames, insults, personal attack and some idiot to uses any story to slam Obama.

That said, it does seen like this forum has more than it's share of grumpy old men who have had bad experiences in Thailand (mainly by getting ripped off by hookers) just waiting to pounce on someone who has a positive experience here.

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I hope you've had your tin hat on! But you must have known your previous topics would come back to haunt you.


However, I like your question and I think it's valid. I do find many posts on this forum negative and more especially, not constructive. This is the most moany (is that a word?) forum I'm involved in, and that's quite a few.

I think TV is a very useful resource in many ways and I'm really glad I came across it. I have been given a lot of useful info and I'm very grateful to people who take the time to help. It is challenging living in Thailand. I remember travelling here before mobile phones and the internet, when your battered copy of 'South East Asia on a Shoestring' was all that kept you from hippy meltdown! Now that was a challenge, for me anyway!

Are these negative people similar in real life?


It's a massive generalisation but if you have an open mind and a happy heart, you just wouldn't waste your time selling yourself short by negativity.

Here's my one piece of hard evidence for this:

I'm on a South African rock climbing forum and in the past I've been active in setting up new routes with bolts, etc.

So, I made a comment, and a well-respected crag developer called me a very defamatory name. It was 'ball licker' if I remember correctly. Not a very snappy one, that!

Anyway, by chance I met this same guy at a crag the next month and I told him that I was the bloke he referred to. He was full of apologies and I thought, 'this man isn't so bad after all'.

A crowd of people were spending a week at this crag over Christmas so I had a few opportunities to meet this guy and, over beers and chats round the fire it became clear that he wasn't a lovely guy who occasionally chose 'ball licker' as a term of endearment. No, this was a guy who regularly ran people down in their absence, had fixed views about climbing and life issues in general and was happy to share them in a loud voice with those unfortunate enough to be in hearing range. His experience in the climbing world was considerable but in his case (no doubt aided by a particular aspect of his character) it had led to his becoming a bit of a ****.

OK, that's my 5 cents' worth, except to reiterate the cliche: if you haven't got anything positive to say, don't say anything.


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Can't you see? All these negative stories about Thailand are a grand conspiracy intended to make newcomers stay away and make long-timers leave.

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I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

Like a petting zoo? Hmmm... Good idea

wait until you complete your first session, then see if you may have encountered such people


So let me see... YOU started a negative topic to complain about negative topics? laugh.png

There is no way to find this out, but I would bet that Yorkshire in England would have the most negative posters.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think they hide under the floorboards until the sun goes down, then they shuffle over to the keyboard and begin to spread their negativity. I can't verify this, however I heard that the mods sometimes go round and slide some food under the door from time to time.

Hide? These guys never go outside, day or night.

Yes they do, unless someone brings them their beer.


I've only been on this forum a few weeks & cannot understand why the majority live in Thailand . I've said it before here,many are very derogatory about thai females & Thailand. Some times ex pats stay too long in one country & become bitter, if you find so many things annoy you or you become bitter,it's time to leave.


Yes, I know bad news is more exciting but I'm not talking about that. What I mean is when someone has something positive to say about their life or another person, its always the poster with 5000 or more posts that will reply with something negative. I don't care about that either. What I really want to know is whether the personality portrayed by these negative posters is an accurate reflection of their real life personality?

I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

You won't see them on the street.

Because there all behind keyboards slagging anyone and everyone.

You don't get 5000 + posts going out

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It's not the forum. It's people in general. People make the forum downright negative as people are usually downright negative. I actually find it sad that the creator of Thaivisa came up with the excellent idea of creating this forum, made it happen and it has become something that I tend to avoid, not because I have any problems with Thaivisa but because most people are so negative that it drains me and I just keep myself away from it. But it's the same in real life. Unfortunately, most people are passionate about being negative, talking sh_t about others, complaining etc.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Well most people you mentioned are very happy to be here. The reason you see there are lots of negative posts are that almost everyone face some kind of scam, problem, corruption etc and guess where to share the experience, here, right here in the forum. Everyone write their own experience of how they been scam either by girls, other Farang, property dealer etc so all the rest of us are informed and avoid doing the same mistake.

And yes there are many success stories as well, but those are so minimal that you almost can not see them.


Yes, I know bad news is more exciting but I'm not talking about that. What I mean is when someone has something positive to say about their life or another person, its always the poster with 5000 or more posts that will reply with something negative. I don't care about that either. What I really want to know is whether the personality portrayed by these negative posters is an accurate reflection of their real life personality?

I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

My guesses are:

It's a handful if miserable gits with multiple accounts endlessly tapping away because that is their life.


George, the owner, working feverishly twelve hours a day under multiple handles as he gleefully watches all that sweet money rolling in.


A staff of six hundred people (plus me) at an outsourcing centre keeping the conversations going, whatever it takes to achieve that.

This is why you never meet any posters for reals.

Hope this helps.



Yes, I know bad news is more exciting but I'm not talking about that. What I mean is when someone has something positive to say about their life or another person, its always the poster with 5000 or more posts that will reply with something negative. I don't care about that either. What I really want to know is whether the personality portrayed by these negative posters is an accurate reflection of their real life personality?

I only ask this because day to day in Thailand, I only seem to encounter positive, smiling happy foreigners and never some of the outright negativity displayed here. So who are these posters? Is there somewhere u can meet them in real life to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

I have a question for you.

Why do you want to go somewhere to see a bitter, angry foreigner?

I just don't understand, what you are seeking?

Having said that, I think you will find most of the really bitter people in here, only have themselves to blame (mostly, not always) and most of them are only overdue for a trip back to their own shittthole country, just to rehash their memory in why they came to LOS in the first place. Sadly for some, their reason for coming in the first place has since made them bitter LOL! It's a vicious circle. Ignore them and move on.

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What makes Thaivisa forum interesting...is the variety of postings...why should it bother anyone...whether the post is negative or positive...in the reader's most humble opinion...

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Some people's internet persona is pretty much the same as their real life personality whereas for some the anonymity of the internet somehow unleashes some license to act in a boorish and aggressive manner (one which they wouldn't have the balls to show in real life).

It seems about half (or maybe two thirds) of the posters here act like reasonable adults and the others act as if their parents should have spanked them a whole hell of a lot more. And I don't always see a whole lot of correlation between the number of posts and more adult-like language and behavior of the poster. What befuddles me on occasion is trying to convince myself that a given moronic post was actually crafted by somebody who claims to be an adult.


Sadly, it seems that many people are at their worst on internet forums. They are very rude when they are anonymous, whereas if they acted the same in face-to-face public they would either be ashamed and/or they'd fear getting punched in the face.

But still, tv.com definitely has an inordinate number of angry old men who evidently don't have a social life except on tv.com. These guys seem to hate it when someone posts something positive ... esp. if it's about the Thais. They either scream that the poster is a troll, or is naive, or a liar, etc.

And then there' the arm-chair experts who portray expertise with fictitious "facts" which they actually believe to be true because they support their point of view.

But don't get me started!


You for the positive and uplifting: 9. Just tossed GF #4 out in a month

The OP has a consistent track record of troll like topics, and engaging ST relationships with Hi-Sos and BGs. Not sure that number GF he is on now, but he certainly does nothing positive for the reputation of foreigners living here.

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You for the positive and uplifting: 9. Just tossed GF #4 out in a month

I bet she's devastated. wink.png

Yes,see her thread on a Thai language form says something like "I've just escaped from a misogynist pig with a pin dick, who thinks he's goods gift to Thai Women".

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My experience of foreigners in Thailand is that most are negative, sarcastic, unfriendly, complaining individuals. For this reason I avoid direct contact with ANY foreigner. Occasionally I run into a good ole joe who pleasant and offers interesting conversation....but this is rare. I have no idea why this is the case. Perhaps others will disagree with me, but like I said....this has been my experience with foreigners. Afterall.....they aren't living in their own country, so perhaps they are 'bitter' about something and it reflects in their everyday life.

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