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How a Chinese toddler urinating on Hong Kong street sparked a social media war


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Today's slanderbash: The Chinese.

Tomorrow, back to the Russians.

With moments of 'The Thais' repeating themselves throughout both days.

Come on now, the Yanks, the Brits, the Germs, the Aussies, and the MEs need their time too

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The behaviour of mainland tourists in Hong Kong is terrible and this is an understatement.

Meanwhile in Thailand:

Anti-Chinese feelings in Thailand high as influx of tourists angers locals


With their economy surging, mainland Chinese have become the world’s most common world traveler, with more than 100 million expected to go abroad this year. In 2012, they overtook the Americans and Germans as the top international spenders, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.
But in Chiang Mai and elsewhere, Chinese tourists have acquired the same sort of reputation for loud, uncouth, culturally unaware behaviour that inspired the term “Ugly Americans” decades ago.
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I worked in HK a long time ago and spent considerable time in China. I made some good friends in China, but their lack of manners in public is quite difficult to get used to.

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Yes people should not get too upset if a little toddler has to pee in public.

BUT they should get very upset with the Chinese adults who treat their country as a toilet.

Parts of the world are sending a message to the Chinese that they need to improve their behaviour.

Social media may be a good way to do this, if the Chinese government agrees to allow it.

The Chinese tourists should try spitting and sh****ng in a Singapore high street, and scratching their names on public buildings and ancient monuments.

"Pigs On The Loose" by YunMei (Echo) Wang

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Yes people should not get too upset if a little toddler has to pee in public.

BUT they should get very upset with the Chinese adults who treat their country as a toilet.

Parts of the world are sending a message to the Chinese that they need to improve their behaviour.

Social media may be a good way to do this, if the Chinese government agrees to allow it.

The Chinese tourists should try spitting and sh****ng in a Singapore high street, and scratching their names on public buildings and ancient monuments.

"Pigs On The Loose" by YunMei (Echo) Wang

I gotta download that book from Itunes. Thanks for the wink :)

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To cut a long story short:

Hong Kong people who are hostile to being assimilated by, or even called Chinese.

They hate the fact that a New Lease (for Hong Kong) was Not honoured.

And the mass invasion that followed means all services are swamped by free loading Chinese.

More information:

Thankfully rarely but... parents hold their babies while they defecate on sub-ways

Or their parents fold up nappies and throw them on the floor.

People vomit at any time, especially after eating ON the subway...

you want more?

There are signs in the HK subway staitions asking people to:
Not to pick their Nose

in Chinese (& in English, just to be politically correct)

As this OBSESSION is regularly carried out 2/3 times in all carriages

(And no guessing where the snot goes...)


Sorry too busy having a "Hong Kong style civilised" life

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This makes me think of a thread a month or so ago. Chinese tourists in CM. and their behaviour at the university and I am sure that I read about some lady who dropped her duds and did IT in front of an amazed crowd. I must say that in all my years in Thailand I have never seen anyone 'relieving' (what a delightful word) themselves in public - be they Thais or foreigners.

I live in France for a part of the year and during the months of July/August there are lots of fetes in town. The Fete de la Musique, the town fete and loads of other celebrations. Then as everyone is pretty pissed men/women tend to relieve themselves anywhere. Specially in little alleys. I must say that the town authorities go around next day with the big engine washing the streets and walls (for the men).

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Note to self" "Take China and Hong Kong...off the bucket list"...

It's still worth seeing Hong Kong. Do not forget to travel to Macau too when going there. China? Maybe Shanghai but forget Beijing because the pollution is terrible.

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Comment from SCMP:
Question is, why is it mainland kids are always caught urinating or defecating in very public areas in front of so many people? How come there are not instances of outrage and exposure on Japanese kids, American kids, Canadian kids, Filipino kids, or Indian kids doing the same in HK streets??

This tells me mainland parents are pretty p*iss poor at planning, too lazy to find proper toilets, and generally mediocre parents that don't control their kids very well. As far as this coddling of little children by allowing them to relieve themselves wherever and whenever they want, well that's an aspect of mainland culture they'd be better off discarding, right?


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I'm (not) having difficulty deciding whose behaviour was worse:

The Chinese parents of a toddler allowing the child to pee in the street, or

The HK'ers who crowded around to take photographs of a toddler peeing in the street.

Edited by chickenslegs
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I been thinking about taking a job in China.

More I meet Chinese people, and see how rude they are, the less I want to move there. I have a few Chinese friends here, and they are nice people, but the ones that just arrive here in Thailand are just rude!

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I'd be offended too.

Every parent brings their toddler out, whether here, in Singapore, in the US, wherever. You don't seeing their little kids taking a piss in public, do you? It always has to be someone from China. And watching the video, instead of being apologetic, these China people started a fight with the locals even grabbing the fella's memory card. Always the China people...

It's not "always China people..."

You just read/see/hear more of it, due to the media's constant China-bashing.

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In Thailand I see 40 year old taxi drivers peeing in public almost every damn day ! There are so many free toilets in every mall, drives me nuts ! If I see them about to do so, I tell them I will pee on their taxi if they pee in my street, and I am not afraid to follow through, they don't like that at all....

So you can piss on demand,thats impressivePhotos please,or i rekon you are pulling it.

Edited by louse1953
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Well whilst I realise we don't want children peeing everywhere in the street, the guy that took hold of the pram and was pulling it from the mother DEFINATELY went too far. It's one thing to object to these dirty individuals it's another to take hold of a child's pram and attempt to pull it away.

Had I been the father, I would of been handing the child to its mother and taking this scrawny little flea down.

If the child was wearing a nappy, why didn't they just let it go in it's pants.

Such a non event, meanwhile there's thousands of people dying at the hands of monster rulers and mentally ill presidents and dictators etc and thousands of people are in a blogging frenzie over a child taking a leak.

what's this world coming to?

Maybe the toddler's name was Kim?

I didn't see the face, sorry.

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Oh i cant imagine this news become worldwide!

Sent from my SM-T210 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You better believe. Hopefully it will educate people across the border in mainland China to behave a little better when they visit Hong Kong..

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What a stupid, world we live in.

Ignorant and arrogant people that have nothing else to do than be offended by a toddler peeing.

This isn't just a one off thing. It is an epidemic. In China they let children pee or poop where ever they want. On the subway, in a shopping mall, or at a restaurant. They'll hold up a child and have it pee in to a bucket at their table while they are eating. If their child has to poop in a mall they'll let him do it on the floor and then pick it up (or maybe leave it there). In China they actually have special pants for children, with a slit between the legs, so the child can defecate whenever and wherever it pleases


Hong Kongers are fed up with this barbaric behavior from mainland Chinese, so that's why the crowd started harassing the parents. It wasn't just a single incident

It's become so bad they have put up signs in the subway instructing mainland Chinese not poop in subway station or on the trains. Cause they will just hold their child up and let it drop a turd in the middle of a subway car if you let them

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Oh i cant imagine this news become worldwide!

Sent from my SM-T210 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You better believe. Hopefully it will educate people across the border in mainland China to behave a little better when they visit Hong Kong..

I can tell mainlander never behave better when they come to hk. They always just think about their needs more than considering for the surrounding people.

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