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Mobi’s - The New Bar on Lake Mabprachan

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In spite of Mobi’s continued ill-health, the bar has been open as usual with our normal complement of friendly ladies, and good music and I’m very pleased to note that we still have a respectable flow of customers.

As a consequence of my illness, I am making it to Mobi’s somewhat later in the evening than previously, but once ensconced, I stay until we close, which for the past few days has been around 1 am.

Last night, Raro and another Mod dropped by and we discussed Raro’s imminent plans to open a fast food restaurant – just off the Lake, about 5 minutes’ drive from Mobi’s.

If I recall correctly, the name of Raro’s new establishment is ‘Raro’s Fast Food Heaven’ and is due to open quite soon, all being well.

Like Mobi’s it will stay open late, and it may become a good place to stop off late at night when you are feeling a little peckish.

More news on this as I hear of it.

Meanwhile, back at Mobi's, we are having a live music karaoke this coming Saturday evening to celebrate the birthday of one of Mobi’s charming ladies.

I know this is not to everyone’s taste, but for those of you who do enjoy a bit of live music and a sing-song, then please make a date in your diary. Snacks will be provided.

As usual, the weekend’s EPL matches and the Formula One race from Singapore will be on our TV Screens.

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I’m still not particularly well and yesterday I stayed at home in the hope that a break from the bar might help me recover. I do indeed feel a little better today, but am still far from well.

Tomorrow (Friday) I have an appointment with my specialist at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, so I’ll see what he has to say about the unwelcome return of my stomach ailments.

In the meantime, life at Mobi’s continues unabated, and we have a full programme of TV sport and live music this coming weekend.

Here are the details; God willing, I hope to see some of you there.

Mobi’s Weekend Programme

LIVE MUSIC (with free snacks)

Saturday 20th Sept – 8 pm till late



Saturday 20th Sept

18.45 QPR/Stoke

21.00 Aston Villa/ Arsenal ; West Ham /Liverpool

Sunday 21st Sept

19.30 Spurs/WBA

22.00 Man City/Chelsea



Sunday 21st Sept - Singapore Grand Prix

19.00 Main Race


Where's your Mobi signpost gone?

We were instructed to move it in from the road as they are either widening the road or just trying to make things look tidier.... who knows for sure?...

Anyway, its now relocated and is once more a shining beacon for Mobi's


Mobi’s - A Most Unexpected Announcement

It is almost 16 years to the day when my Harley Street cardiologist and Endocrinologist together informed me that me that if I didn't quit my high pressure job in the City’s ‘Square Mile’ for good then I wouldn't make old bones.

What then followed was 9 months of phasing out my role as a senior executive of a London based international insurer, following which, in June, 2000 at the young age of 54. I went into - what I thought at the time - would be permanent retirement.

Much has happened since those far off days back in Blighty, and in many ways I have succeeded in cheating the Grim Reaper. I’m still here, despite almost drinking myself to death and all but succumbing to numerous near fatal accidents and a succession of medical emergencies.

Yes, I’m still here to tell the story and as if I hadn't had enough adventures in my life, at the ripe old age of 68, I foolishly embarked on an ambitious plan to be the most successful, sober bar owner in the annals of Pattaya. (As all of you who read my blog and this thread know so well.)

But once again the medical men have warned me that the gentleman with the black hood and scythe is within smelling distance.

Not – if you want to live’, they told me today.

I know the docs are right – I have seen it coming, as my medical condition has slowly deteriorated over the past 5 months, in fact, ever since Lek and I opened the charming little bar on the lake, known by one an’all as Mobi’s.

  • My blood pressure is sky high, despite taking enough pills to fill a pair of maracas.
  • My diabetes is out of control, and my blood sugars are reaching dangerously high levels.
  • It seems that the artificial heart valve I had fitted 2 years ago is playing up as I recently had a scary arrhythmia attack which can be fatal if not properly treated.
  • My enlarged prostate is no longer responding to medication and requires further examination by a urologist, as does my glaucoma by an eye specialist.
  • Last but not least, my severe IBS has flared up again and is causing me constant distress. Once again I am suffering from crippling abdominal pains and chronic diarrhoea – this despite daily meds which are supposed to control the problem.

Today Lek and I arose after less than 2 hours sleep and made the 3 hour journey to Siriraj Hospital on the Thonburi-side of Bangkok, where I saw a number of specialists for a thorough check up. It felt like déjà vu - Harley Street, 1999 all over again.

The three specialists told me in turn, unequivocally, that my days are certainly numbered if I don’t’ revert to my previous, sedate and stress-free existence, and stop trying to be a latter day Mac McDonald. They told me that all the stresses of running a bar almost 24/7 is no job for a person with my myriad medical conditions.

After due deliberation and a long talk with Lek, my wife, I have reluctantly conceded that they are correct.

I must say I feel pretty devastated, as the bar is now breaking even, and last month we even made a few bob.

We have done all the hard graft and there is every prospect of our little business going onwards and upwards as we start to move into the ‘high season’ and many of the local expat residents flock back to their Darkside homes in the sun.

We have slowly built up a solid core of ‘regulars’ who visit us several times a week and I’m quite sure that our special blend of hospitality; our relaxing, nostalgic music; our charming Nong Khai ladies and our low-priced food will continue to attract ever more people to Mobi’s.

But the learned medical gents have told me that I have to face facts and make a stark choice:

Continue to run Mobi’s and see my medical conditions become ever more critical,


Give up the bar, take it easy and try to get my ravaged body back under some semblance of control.

Last night, I watched a BBC drama which featured the final, tortured months of one of Britain’s greatest ever poets – the incomparable Dylan Thomas.

Dylan was a genius; but he was also a drunk, a womaniser and he suffered from a number of chronic medical conditions. The doctors kept warning him that if he didn't modify his outrageous behaviour he would surely die.

He ignored their advice and died tragically in the middle of a high -pressure poetry reading tour of New York at the ridiculously young age of 39.

I am no genius, and I thank the Lord only the good and the gifted die young.

I have succeeded in keeping my sinful, decaying carcass alive almost 30 years more than Dylan did, and I have no desire to call it a day any time soon. I reckon there could be another ten years left in this journeyman bag of bones if I do what the doctors tell me.

So my good friends, I never dreamt I would be saying this so soon, but I have very regretfully made the very hard decision to sell up.

If I didn't, I would probably lose my recently wedded sixth wife, even before I lose my life – and that would never do, would it?

If there is anyone out there who might know of anyone who fancies taking over a successfully branded bar in one of the best locations on the Darkside, then please send me a PM and we can talk business.

The bar was completely upgraded when I took it over and it comes with a very efficient electronic till system (POS ).

I will be happy to discuss any serious offers …but please… serious enquiries only.

I am not disappearing overnight, and hopefully we can arrange a speedy and orderly handover to new owners who will not only have a successful bar in their hands but if they so desire, they will also be able to retain many of Mobi’s customer base - and the girls - who have helped to make it so successful.

And finally… .

…to all those who predicted a quick end to my career as a bar owner – yes, you were quite right; but not for the reasons you thought… even so, I doff my cap and accept that you were right and I was wrong….

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As a customer and friend, I am obviously sad that health has caused you to end this venture but wish you all the best in getting out from under with the bar and getting back to health.


You not showing the Leicester City V Man Utd match on sunday 21st @ 19.30?

I confess I missed that match on the Sunday schedule. Thank you for pointing it out.

I am more than happy to show that match. Please advise us when you arrive and we will ensure your preference.

Note that the match will be shown on one screen only as the other screen will be showing the Singapore Grand Prix.


As a customer and friend, I am obviously sad that health has caused you to end this venture but wish you all the best in getting out from under with the bar and getting back to health.

Thank you for your kind good wishes.smile.png


Too bad - sounds like you were making a go of it. Hope you can get a fair price for your business and Mobi's can carry on into the future, while Mobi regains his health and enjoys many more stress free years together with his new wife.

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You won't believe this but we're having one of our best nights in weeks, and nobody knows yet that I'm selling up!

The bar has been heaving all night and they just keep coming... from where I know not...

The truth of the matter is that I know many of them - but they don't all usually come on the same night - and those that I do know have brought yet more with them to enjoy the delights of Mobi's...

and as they leave, they say... "we'll be back, we love your music, we love your girls" ...

...and so on

I'm honestly not kidding, ask anyone who is/was here.

And poor Mobi sits in the corner, doing his 'mine host' bit, in between rushing to the loo and doubling over with stomach cramps...

Life aint fair, but there you go...

sh..t happens...literally,


I was hoping to visit Mobi's when I come over at Christmas, but will gladly forego the pleasure if I know you have sold up and moved on to a more relaxed and healthy life. I have been a daily follower of the Mobi's Bar story and it's been tremendous fun while it's lasted. I hope you continue your blog (I'll be following that from now on) and I wish you all the very best for the future.

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Hi mobi, No business is stress free and a bar with girls must be the most stressfull business there is . I wish you luck with selling up as that can also be stressfull .At 68 and not in good health you need to enjoy life to prolong it. At 58 i had the same heart opp and decided what time i have left i wont waste. been here ten years have a son age six not a lot of money but a stress free life and plans for the next twenty years or so.I worry about nothing which is the recipy for a long life, best of luck. peteinpatts.

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it would be nice if the followers here are able to drop by for a glass of something,,,,,,as with any business sale the better the takings are the better the prospects for a fast a smooth sale

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I was devastated to read your post setting out all your health problems. It was very brave. Life is such a lottery and you've been dealt a lousy hand. I knew you had some problem but didn't realise it was so complex.

Being older than you, but still able to jog around the lake and play golf etc, puts things into context for me.

Never will I now complain if I get the occasional stomach bug, as your post has shown me how lucky I have been.

My very best wishes and I will certainly pop down in the next few days. Also, if there is anything I can do to help over the coming weeks please please let me know.

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Some very kind comments here, for which I thank you all most sincerely.

Although sometimes you wouldn't think it, there really are some wonderfully, good hearted folk in Pattaya, especially on the Darkside.

With regards to my blog, (www.mobithailand.com),it has been going for over 5 years - in fact since July 2009. If you scroll down the right hand side bar, you will see a drop down menu which is entitled 'Blogs by Month'.

Here, you can find a link every single blog I have posted, and you will see that I am not kidding about my medical conditions, all of which have been ravaging my body for many years.

You will also read about my battles with alcohol, written as they happened, my adventures with many 'girls of the night' in whom I sought solace, and my battles with depression which brought me within a hare's breadth of suicide.

It is all there - the good the bad and the ugly - written for no reason other than to tell the world about a hopeless alcoholic in the hope that it might help some other like minded folk out there to see the light. (I said as much in my very first blog.)

My early blogs cover my breakup with my fifth wife, Dang, my year in the 'Jomtien wilderness' ,my countless, near fatal alcoholic accidents, my return to the Darkside and my fortuitous meeting with Lek, who recently became my sixth wife and whose loving care has helped me to stay 100% sober since 1st January, 2011.

Along the way I have written about my entire life in 'Mobi's Story', 'Mardie', 'Azzy' and 'Nid'. (all of which can be read by clicking the appropriate link on my Home Page), finishing up with 'A Lust For Life' - my autobiographical novel, which re-tells the full story in novel format. (800 hundred 'real' pages, available from Amazon at the give -away price of £1.94 ($2.99))

It may not be the 'greatest story ever told', or indeed the greatest writing ever written - in fact far far, far from it, but it helped to get me sober and has kept me sober these past 44 months.

As for Mobi's, the bar - I'm am not planning to uproot just yet awhile and I will keep it going until I find a buyer, although for obvious reasons, I hope that is sooner rather than later.

More updates as they happen,


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Just a reminder that tonight Mobi's will have live music and a few free 'nibbles' to celebrate the birthday of one of Mobi's most delectable ladies.

We will also be showing the EPL football games on our two screens, as previous advertised, but obviously without sound track.

The games being shown are:

18.45 QPR/Stoke

21.00 Aston Villa/ Arsenal ; West Ham /Liverpool


Posting live from the bar - again....

I almost went home a couple of hours ago as what with the incredibly loud volume, the out of tune singers and Mobi's girls screeching their heads off it was almost more than flesh and blood and (Mobi) could stand.

We had a few customers come and go, some stayed and seemed to enjoy it, and some covered the ears, had one drink and left.

Such is the fate of bars that have a karaoke.

Our favourite singing couple came and entertained us with a selection of farang songs,and also rang the bell!! (which provoked yet more painful screeching ) and as ever a big thank you to them. They know to whom I refer...

We can't really complain, all Mobi's girls have been having a wild, fun evening, and as I write, yet more farangs are braving the noise and coming to watch and listen to the high jinx., so our coffers should at the very least beak even, and who knows, the night is still young...

it really is a crazy, manic life trying to run a bar in Pattaya, you never really know what might happen from one moment to the next.

There's a drunken Welshman with his family sitting at my table and keeps talking to me and patting my arm as I'm trying to write this. I haven't the faintest what he'stalking about as the music is too loud. I just smile and he smiles back, so all is well..I hope...

I think I'm going to miss it... but I doubt my poor body will....

I'll write some more in my blog tomorrow


it would be nice if the followers here are able to drop by for a glass of something,,,,,,as with any business sale the better the takings are the better the prospects for a fast a smooth sale

Since 98% of the posts in this thread are from Mobi, and moderators, can you please point out the followers .

  • Like 1

it would be nice if the followers here are able to drop by for a glass of something,,,,,,as with any business sale the better the takings are the better the prospects for a fast a smooth sale

Since 98% of the posts in this thread are from Mobi, and moderators, can you please point out the followers .

There are 50,000 views on this topic so I would say it is fair to conclude there are a few more then just moderators following the topic. smile.png

Thai Visa should buy his bar and keep him on as a correspondent - given the decline in Pattaya news posts Mobi's thread contains some of the best original content on the whole site, and no, I've never been to his bar and I don't know him personally.

I vote a certain guitar playing moderator as manager......

At least the bar would make a profit from him alone from what I have heard.smile.png

Sorry to hear that though the spirit may still be flowing the flesh is weak Mobi. Hope things go well in the future for you.

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Very sorry to hear this, but from someone who also suffers with ridiculously high BP (even with meds) and diabetes (albeit kind of in control) I absolutely understand your decision, it's a shame you can't find a happy medium so you can remain wit the bar.

I will be by the lake next weekend and have planned to come in to the bar, so hopefully we can meet then.

totster smile.png

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You not showing the Leicester City V Man Utd match on sunday 21st @ 19.30?

I confess I missed that match on the Sunday schedule. Thank you for pointing it out.

I am more than happy to show that match. Please advise us when you arrive and we will ensure your preference.

Note that the match will be shown on one screen only as the other screen will be showing the Singapore Grand Prix.

Nice night at Mobi's with Hamilton stitching up Vetel at Marina Bay and Leicester City stitching up Man U at the King Power Stadium.

Two screens, gracious host, friendly ladies.... and then they put on Abba.

Check bin!



Very sorry to hear this, but from someone who also suffers with ridiculously high BP (even with meds) and diabetes (albeit kind of in control) I absolutely understand your decision, it's a shame you can't find a happy medium so you can remain wit the bar.

I will be by the lake next weekend and have planned to come in to the bar, so hopefully we can meet then.

totster smile.png

Thank you Totster, and all the others who have posted kind comments.

These days I am rarely at the bar before around 7 p.m. but I am more than happy to go there a bit earlier if I know in advance that someone is coming along for a chat.

Today has been a bit quiet compared to the crowds of past 2 days, but there has been a reasonable trickle of customers coming and going all day - some to watch the F1, some the football, and others just to have a quiet drink and/or chat with the girls.

There is absolutely no doubt that Mobi's consistently does much better most of the other bars around here.If you don't believe me come and take a look.

There is now only 2 customers left, but It's still only 10.30 pm so who knows what may happen before we close....

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