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Scorpions drummer in Dubai jail for 'insulting Islam': reports


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Scorpions drummer in Dubai jail for 'insulting Islam': reports

DUBAI - The drummer for German rock band Scorpions has been in jail for almost a month after being arrested for "insulting" Islam and offensive behaviour at Dubai's international airport, media reported Wednesday.

James Kottak, a United States citizen, was detained on April 3 while in transit to Bahrain, where he was to perform at the Formula One Grand Prix race, according to the reports.

Kottak was on Tuesday sentenced to one month in jail by an Emirati court and based on time served would soon be released.

According to Gulf News daily, ground staff at the airport testified that Kottak, who was drunk at the time, refused to travel with a group of Pakistani and Afghani passengers.

He "started swearing", criticising "non-educated Muslims", and flashed his middle finger at Pakistani passengers, The National newspaper reported.

The dailies said that Kottak admitted he had been drinking alcohol but denied other charges.

-- The Nation 2014-04-30

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It's not hard to get arrested in Dubai, especially if you've been drinking. They tolerate some things (like booze and hookers) as long as it is kept discrete because they want those tourist dollars to keep flowing, but the moment it becomes "public" they are on it like fleas on a camel.

We've had a guy arrested, jailed, deported and blacklisted because he was staggering (drunk) on a sidewalk and when the police tried to get him to go back to his hotel, he (basically) told them to piss-off. Bam ! Good luck getting back into the 'stan when you are blacklisted from flying into Dubai (bye bye well paying job too).

Then there was the woman that decided to get a little toasted before going to check in for her flight to meet her boyfriend for holidays. She got a "little lippy" with a male security guard. Bam ! Arrested, jailed, released a week later but passport withheld pending court hearing. 3 months later, court hearing, deported and blacklisted ! Bye bye well paying job. Hope those couple of drinks were worth it !

Then there was that British couple, busted for "kissing" on a public beach (after a few too many at the open cocktail bar at a hotel). Or the woman busted at the airport with "poppy seed" muffins (they don't care that the ones used for cooking are a different variety than the ones used for opium). Another Canadian who was working with the Drug Interdiction group in Afghanistan - busted because (he claims) he forgot to change pants before he flew out, that's why they found traces of hashish in his pockets. (uh huh).

Personally, I try to arrange to be in/out of Dubai as fast as humanly possible every time I go through there, and when possible, never even leave the transit area. Not a place I am the least bit comfortable in at any time (and I've been travelling through there 3-4 times a year for over 10 years now).

I agree with,what you say. I personally refuse to fly, support, cost or otherwise support any nation or business opposed to my way of life and freedom.

Despite all the banter here in TV, that is why I am here and not THERE.

I rather fly any other way than support those who would cut off my head. I am gay so bigger em I say

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Insulting a Muslim is not the same as insulting Islam.

Who says? If you insult an imman or a self-imposed 'religious policeman' you're insulting Islam.

Every time I see the phrase, 'insulting Islam' I have to chuckle at how ridiculous a phrase that is.

How can a religion be insulted? Religion is a belief system, not a person. Only people can get insulted, because only people have egos which can get offended. Does the Islam belief system have one giant ego, or a bazillion egos? Apparently so.

The conclusion: Islam, Muhammad, Muslims and Allah are all extremely insecure, because they're so easily offended.

Here's a comic spin on how insecure that crowd is

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I didn't see the bit where he insulted Islam's ?

Giving the finger to Pakistani's (Muslim country) or any muslim will land your arse in jail, just on that alone.

Where does it say that in the Koran ?.....thou shall not give the bird to someone ?....I can understand upsetting someone personally but insulting Islam

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Dubai is a place i have always liked visiting.My Daughter lived there for 6 years.one has to remember to be respectful at all times,nothing else.

Many,mostly Americans ,are scared stiff of the place,do to their brainwashing.Great,peaceful and all inclusive.

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Arrogant racist, deserves what he's got.

Really, coming from a member of the pariah state bordering the Med., once the hub of democracy, look how it has degenerated thru corruption and greed.The country this drunken person originated from is probably one of the biggest contributors to keeping your part of the EU from becoming a failed state.

Perhaps he was frightened , it is dangerous to travel with members of a certain religion, they seem to have a habit of self destruction, with collateral damage. 40 years ago I would walk the streets of Europe , observe members of races supporting this 'religion of peace' and think nothing of it, now I just wonder whether one is going to kill me, in the name of this 'religion of peace', and try to avoid travelling with them.

Why won't people accept that today that we are frightened and threatened by the practitioners of Islam? They come to our countries to work and prosper and then try to impose their archaic beliefs on our democratic societies.

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Dubai is a place i have always liked visiting.My Daughter lived there for 6 years.one has to remember to be respectful at all times,nothing else.

Many,mostly Americans ,are scared stiff of the place,do to their brainwashing.Great,peaceful and all inclusive.

...as long as you don't have anything bad to say about Islam.

Any excuse to take a swipe at Americans, eh? Tell you what. Take that attitude you have toward Americans to Dubai and mouth off with it towards muslims. . Enjoy! thumbsup.gif

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Here's a classic case of two wrongs that don't make a right.

Some egotistic a--hole who doesn't have respect for anything or anybody else, including himself, being disciplined in line with a belief system that delivers punishment at an unreasonable level.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well, I didn't see where he insulted Islam but you can and will be arrested for insulting Islam in any way shape or form in an Islamic country. When was the last time you saw or read about a Muslim being arrested for insulting Christianity or Buddhism?

Worse. Guantanamo Bay. Just for being a Muslim.

G.Bay houses men, many of whom are called 'combatants', for good reason. If they're actively fighting the US with weapons, then they're combatants. If the US treated them like they would treat US prisoners, the Gitmo prisoners would be dead. Heck, some Muslim extremists will drag an innocent farang journalist out of a jeep and behead him on a Youtube video.

As for insulting Buddhism, there was a story recently, of a farang woman who was kicked out of Sri Lanka for having a tatoo of the Buddha on her skin. If she'd had a tatoo of Muhammad, and was in a Muslim country, Sharia law might dictate that she get skinned alive.

Dubai is a place i have always liked visiting.My Daughter lived there for 6 years.one has to remember to be respectful at all times,nothing else.

Many,mostly Americans ,are scared stiff of the place,do to their brainwashing.Great,peaceful and all inclusive.

I'm American, and am not 'scared of any place.' But there are many places I simply will never visit, such as N.Korea, Dubai, Iran, eastern Congo - for reasons related to 'not wanting to be persecuted.' I like going places where people, myself included, are allowed to think freely, express themselves openly, and places which don't prosecute people for thinking differently than their leaders dictate.

Edited by boomerangutang
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