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Brunei announces May 1 start of Sharia law implementation


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...this is just another Ku Klux Klan derivative - but for Supremacy of the Male species.

Power, greed, money and the domination of females.

Africa/Nigeria too...

And Jack the Ripper

Amnesty International was set up to stop this Nazi like behaviour

Whats wrong with dominating females?

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Just hope Malaysia does not follow,but as they are far more reliant on tourism, i could not see it happening.

Malaysia is such an interesting country. Go to KL, Penang, Malacca, travel on better highways than we have in America, you think, this is a really up-to-date place. Check out the airport: luxo/high end on one side, low cost (KLCC) a short free train ride across the way. Then hop over to Terranganu, and, while still beautiful, take a look at what happens when right wing Muslims run a place.

I don't care what religion you are, what country you live in, letting religion mingle with politics (official state religion) you have a big problem. Worship (or not) anything you want, but 100% secular state is the way to go.

PM says human rightism, humanism, secularism new religion threatening Islam

He said this mindset appeared to be becoming a new form of religion which was fast expanding locally and abroad.

They call it human rightism, where the core beliefs are based on humanism and secularism as well as liberalism.

Make no mistake, this is mainstream Islam.


What you see in Brunei is all mainstream Islam rather than extremist as some would have you believe.

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Interesting. Is that a common belief of Muslims ... that you can ask the deity for a million pounds and he will definitely deliver? If so, I am starting to understand the amazing success of the spread of Islam. coffee1.gif

Honestly, fundamentalism about ANY religion is usually very creepy.

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Interesting. Is that a common belief of Muslims ... that you can ask the deity for a million pounds and he will definitely deliver? If so, I am starting to understand the amazing success of the spread of Islam. coffee1.gif

Honestly, fundamentalism about ANY religion is usually very creepy.

Not fundamentalism JT, this is mainstream.

To be honest, I've grown sick and tired of being accused of picking out only the extreme position (which is itself a joke) where 300,000 people do not represent the majority but a few fellas from a self appointed body do represent the majority. Rather than argue the toss I will now show national TV which represents millions though no doubt people will still say it does not represent the majority.

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Well, fundamentalism can be mainstream. Then there is perhaps EXTREME fundamentalism ... where you strap on bombs and such like. crying.gif

You make a good point though. That Egyptian t.v. chat show host appeared to be projecting herself as a mainstream Egyptian.

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More mainstream Islam as you see in Brunei.

Get off your PC tower because this is coming to a theatre near you. The acceptance of wilful ignorance is fighting back like a cornered rat nut we do not have to allow it to bite us if we can bat it down.

"The acceptance of wilful ignorance is fighting back like a cornered rat nut we do not have to allow it to bite us if we can bat it down."

This Video is exactly what the world would be like under such ignorance and Tyranny -

Burn the learned and their technology - then everyone will be ignorant - except the leaders who will know exactly what they crave -

and amass great wealth.

But it's been said before...

wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony and vanity.

The Power grabbers and control freaks NEVER change...the more you give - the more they take.

Everyone from ALL Nations and Faiths should act now - to stop this disease spreading.

(If they don't reject these "people" - they are just as deceiving, and guilty.)

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