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Brunei announces May 1 start of Sharia law implementation


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... and as a soveregn nation Brunei is free to make these rules. Whine & moan whoever will. All it's going to get you is a sore throat & a wet hanky.

He isn't a sovereign nation, he is just one man trying to get his 72 virgins or whatever when he dies, not much difference to the popes of long ago, burn enough heretics and you get to heaven

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... and as a soveregn nation Brunei is free to make these rules. Whine & moan whoever will. All it's going to get you is a sore throat & a wet hanky.

He isn't a sovereign nation, he is just one man trying to get his 72 virgins or whatever when he dies, not much difference to the popes of long ago, burn enough heretics and you get to heaven

So write him a poison pen letter. But here's a tip. Go mouthing off at, and more generally antagonizing, every other religion on the planet, as you're so obviously inclined, and you won't make be making much progress... More than a few will tell you just antagonizing MUSLIMS is a bad idea, since there are so darn MANY of them! Other countries deal much less permissively with griefers than does that nasty ol' USA..

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... and as a soveregn nation Brunei is free to make these rules. Whine & moan whoever will. All it's going to get you is a sore throat & a wet hanky.

He isn't a sovereign nation, he is just one man trying to get his 72 virgins or whatever when he dies, not much difference to the popes of long ago, burn enough heretics and you get to heaven

So write him a poison pen letter. But here's a tip. Go mouthing off at, and more generally antagonizing, every other religion on the planet, as you're so obviously inclined, and you won't make be making much progress... More than a few will tell you just antagonizing MUSLIMS is a bad idea, since there are so darn MANY of them! Other countries deal much less permissively with griefers than does that nasty ol' USA..

Whats a griefer? I can't possibly be antagonizing every other religion on the planet,there are so many of them,i wouldn't have the time. Why are you scared of annoying Muslims,its a peaceful religion,you only get your hands cut off if you do something wrong.

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I would like to see physical evidence of this!

Just wondering how this Sharia law squares with the harem (30, a different girl for each night of the month, apparently)

of non Muslim women he used to or perhaps still keeps. whistling.gif

Me to, probably standing room only

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... and as a soveregn nation Brunei is free to make these rules. Whine & moan whoever will. All it's going to get you is a sore throat & a wet hanky.

He isn't a sovereign nation, he is just one man trying to get his 72 virgins or whatever when he dies, not much difference to the popes of long ago, burn enough heretics and you get to heaven

So write him a poison pen letter. But here's a tip. Go mouthing off at, and more generally antagonizing, every other religion on the planet, as you're so obviously inclined, and you won't make be making much progress... More than a few will tell you just antagonizing MUSLIMS is a bad idea, since there are so darn MANY of them! Other countries deal much less permissively with griefers than does that nasty ol' USA..

Whats a griefer? I can't possibly be antagonizing every other religion on the planet,there are so many of them,i wouldn't have the time. Why are you scared of annoying Muslims,its a peaceful religion,you only get your hands cut off if you do something wrong.

You've heard of google?

Speaking just for myself, and very candidly, I no longer consider islam anything but a blood cult. I don't much care about antagonizing them as everyone else is pretty much already at war with them (as they are even among themselves) anyway.

The idea that Hollywood has something to say about shariah law in Brunei is beyond hilarious.

Edited by hawker9000
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Countries (Disingenuous leaders) that want to follow Brunei into the abyss

should learn a simple lesson from ... Thailand

Without "much ado about nothing" Thailand is failing,
Tourism is suffering very badly.

(Don't go by the statistcis - look at the empty markets, attractions and hotel beds, even during Songkran.)

and that's not even about religion (but just the same power, methinks!)

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Lol. 'Follow Brunei into the abyss... Ooooooooooo. . Yeah, good one. 55555555

Thailand failing? Well, not what it once was, but what is? Certainly not thriving. But failing?! Nah. Just a slow start to low season. I'm hopeful that shin-rouge tumor is about to be surgically removed - that should help.

A suggestion? Flog the much-ado thing if you must, but lose the "methinks" stuff. Really. It passed 'pathetic' on the lame-o-meter about 20 yrs ago. I think Johnny Carson - & apparently maybe your jr high school english teacher - used it a few times... One was funny. The other's probably in a nursing home rediscovering bellbottoms by now.

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Congratulations Junior! your got 50% right. Good boy.

(did you miss the point about protesters complaining that they are not allowed to take over the country - no matter how they protest.... duth protest.... OooooooH!?)

Write out one hundred times ...

Lol. 'Follow Brunei into the abyss... Ooooooooooo. . Yeah, good one. 55555555

Thailand failing? Well, not what it once was, but what is? Certainly not thriving. But failing?! Nah. Just a slow start to low season. I'm hopeful that shin-rouge tumor is about to be surgically removed - that should help.

A suggestion? Flog the much-ado thing if you must, but lose the "methinks" stuff. Really. It passed 'pathetic' on the lame-o-meter about 20 yrs ago. I think Johnny Carson - & apparently maybe your jr high school english teacher - used it a few times... One was funny. The other's probably in a nursing home rediscovering bellbottoms by now.

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You have to be rich in the first place to boycott this sharia law Sultan dude.

Like I was gonna book at one of his hotels anyway ... rolleyes.gif

What can the unwashed masses do to give this nasty stoning man a piece of our minds?

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You have to be rich in the first place to boycott this sharia law Sultan dude.

Like I was gonna book at one of his hotels anyway ... rolleyes.gif

What can the unwashed masses do to give this nasty stoning man a piece of our minds?

Get beheaded ?

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Brunei is just officiating what already happens elsewhere.

The woman, 25, was then raped by each of the men, who covered her and the man in sewage waste after the attack in Banda Aceh, the Jakarta Globe has reported.

They were then handed over to officials at the Sharia office, who discovered the woman had been assaulted during interogation.

Officials there have said the sexual assault would not be taken into consideration in determining the punishment for the religious crime that she was accused of committing.


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It is time the world stopped playing ball with the likes of Brunei and North Korea.

Interfering with governments, even bad ones, is not the perfect solution. (especially with more violence)

But refusing to trade and preventing any income for these nations, would free the people from tyrants.

In Nazi Germany, they were told similar stories, of the outside world attacking them -

so that it was they who should defend their country, and show others a new way, for the benefit of the world!

Powerful leaders who hide behind religion or "protecting the people",
but really want to destroy their own people’s lives
, and promote thei own lives -

should have the door to free trade and investments firmly shut.

These leaders will not change - people do not, especially when they are rich and/or power seekers.

To be a member of the world "club" you have to adapt, and take part in its rules of freedom of choice.

Keeping people in shackles of any description, was eradicated years ago...

Then, it was called slavery. Now they use any other name...

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It is time the world stopped playing ball with the likes of Brunei and North Korea.

Interfering with governments, even bad ones, is not the perfect solution. (especially with more violence)

But refusing to trade and preventing any income for these nations, would free the people from tyrants.

In Nazi Germany, they were told similar stories, of the outside world attacking them -

so that it was they who should defend their country, and show others a new way, for the benefit of the world!

Powerful leaders who hide behind religion or "protecting the people",

but really want to destroy their own people’s lives, and promote thei own lives -

should have the door to free trade and investments firmly shut.

These leaders will not change - people do not, especially when they are rich and/or power seekers.

To be a member of the world "club" you have to adapt, and take part in its rules of freedom of choice.

Keeping people in shackles of any description, was eradicated years ago...

Then, it was called slavery. Now they use any other name...

we should stop playing ball with them of course.....unless they have oil, the atomic bomb, control over terrorists, have great market potential, they are Chinese, or are strategically situated , oh dear seems like we have no alternative

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Are you allowed to have gay sex in the Beverly hills hotel ?

Is this an official outing ?

Too expensive for me...

Yeah, I feel your pain.

This is the closest I get to any of the Sultan's hotels or THE RITZ for that matter:


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This just heard on npr.org radio news:

Iraq is debating whether to allow 9 year old girls to marry. It's for Shi'ites only (yes, the Iranian pervert brethren). Ayotolla Komeini should be smiling from his coffin. Komeini always tried, in his writings and speeches to make it easier to Muslim men to have sex with very young boys and girls.

Hey Sultan, don't be out-Sharia'd by the Shi'ites. You can be stricter than that, can't you? How about enabling marriages between horny old Muslim men and 8 or 7 year old girls. That would show all Allah-fearing Muslims how tough you are in your love for Sharia.

Question: Which is the worst place to raise a daughter?

A. Central Africa, where girls are routinely gang raped every week

B. Pakistan, where religious police are allowed to gang rape girls who walk outside their homes unescorted

C. Brunei, where a girl who gets raped and becomes pregnant - will get stoned to death

D. Iraq, where a girl can get knifed and killed by father or brother, for just appearing immodest.

Answer: We don't know, because they're all so despicable. We do know, however, that any Muslim country is shitsville for raising a daughter.

Edited by boomerangutang
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This just heard on npr.org radio news:

Iraq is debating whether to allow 9 year old girls to marry. It's for Shi'ites only (yes, the Iranian pervert brethren). Ayotolla Komeini should be smiling from his coffin. Komeini always tried, in his writings and speeches to make it easier to Muslim men to have sex with very young boys and girls.

Hey Sultan, don't be out-Sharia'd by the Shi'ites. You can be stricter than that, can't you? How about enabling marriages between horny old Muslim men and 8 or 7 year old girls. That would show all Allah-fearing Muslims how tough you are in your love for Sharia.

Question: Which is the worst place to raise a daughter?

A. Central Africa, where girls are routinely gang raped every week

B. Pakistan, where religious police are allowed to gang rape girls who walk outside their homes unescorted

C. Brunei, where a girl who gets raped and becomes pregnant - will get stoned to death

D. Iraq, where a girl can get knifed and killed by father or brother, for just appearing immodest.

Answer: We don't know, because they're all so despicable. We do know, however, that any Muslim country is shitsville for raising a daughter.

It's just a stage they're going through. Given that the ultra liberals have allowed sharia courts in some communities in the UK and the number of high profile pedophile cases coming to light in our once green and pleasant land it shouldn't be too long before we catch them up.Not PC to criticize Muslims

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...this is just another Ku Klux Klan derivative - but for Supremacy of the Male species.

Power, greed, money and the domination of females.

Africa/Nigeria too...

And Jack the Ripper

Amnesty International was set up to stop this Nazi like behaviour

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