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Jeremy Clarkson is 'caught on camera using N-word'

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On the live, aired version he used the word "Teacher" . . . but even I remember that nursery rhyme as a child using the "N" word . . .

While watching the Black & White Minstrel show.

Before the world was hijacked by the PC brigade.

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God almighty! It is - or was - a child's nursery rhyme; one which I occasionally use when my son can't make up his mind about something. Do I see myself as racist? No, I don't!


And when the little green men from another planet come to visit us we wont even be able to use the word green.


Heavens to Betsy, the "N" word! Some people are just too sensitive. I was called a convict the other day.

I believe you are missing the point here, and making light of something real. The N word is equivalent to kike, krout, spic, wetback, and any of a number of slanderous terms used to denigrate people who are not as white as you may be. It is offensive. It is disrespectful. What is so hard about seeing why public figures should not behave like this? Is that so difficult to see? He should be taken off the air, and never allowed to be on the air again, for the rest of his life. The public forum has no room for men of his level of ignorance, and stupidity. Did he not know he was being taped? A public figure has to assume he is always being taped. Their behavior has to be to a higher standard. Plain and simple. The guy is a creton. He is an insect. His lack of respect for people darker than him is childish, churlish, pathetic, and irresponsible. Get rid of this vermin.

Why don't you exercise this degree of morality towards the black community around the world?

Why level it at a white person? I understand that this OP is about a white guy who said the "N" word, but why don't you at least exercise your judgment even-handedly and make mention of the fact that this word and other sick words are used far more frequently by black people than by an exponentially larger group of white people?

Are you unconsciously exercising some indoctrinated thinking of yours, which assumes that white people be held to a higher standard than black people?

Are you demeaning black people and their literacy and intelligence by excluding them from such accusation as cret(i)n, insect, childish, churlish, pathetic, irresponsible and vermin?

"A public figure has to assume he is always being taped. Their behavior has to be to a higher standard."

You are describing black rappers, politicians, preachers and activists, yes?

You have a double standard, and therefore I am remiss if I make the oversight of saying that you are not being fair or even handed; Not one iota.

Too bloody true.

Double standards operating here. Why is it OK for negroes to commonly use the word Nigga in widespread audio/visual broadcast material.

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What a load of utter <deleted> - IN UNAIRED FOOTAGE - so it WAS NEVER SHOWN IN PUBLIC and was just a standard out-take. This sort of stuff happens all the time in production work - if they got offended every time someone swore and it was unaired, we couldnt even make television shows.

And if they had to use Audio forensic experts to check it I have two questions:

1. What the <deleted> were they doing giving unused unaired outtakes, the property of a proprietary private production company, to ANYONE for any reason whatsoever?

2. If they had to use audio forensics to figure out what was said, then it had to be virtually inaudible anyway.

So the question remains - why all the bullsh*t about someone saying something on a privately owned outtake of a recording of a show, and which was never used, and never broadcast?

This is a witch hunt, and I hope they find the slimy little scum-bag who released that footage to whoever is pushing this, and string him up by his cowardly nuts!


It's a her who's hoping to make a name - and fortune - from the original interpretation.


Want to desensitize yourself to this "terrible" word? Read the excellent, historically correct "Flashman" series by George MacDonald Fraser. Flashy, the famous (fictional) 19th Century cad, calls virtually every non-white a "nigger". It appears the word was originally a British creation. The only white guy I have seen lately who gets a pass on uttering the word is Louis C.K. Before him George Carlin got away with it.

It is rather annoying that black people get away with using the word so freely, while dumbass white guys get grilled and sauteed for it. Go on Youtube and check out Eddie Griffin. He can hardly say a sentence without saying the word.


"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Clarkson's comment is reminiscent of this philosophical question. The only reason we know about it is that a newspaper has chosen to put it in the public domain, so is the real racist not the Daily Mirror? After all, even the most PC of us has probably muttered a racist comment under our breath at some stage in our lives, but can it be considered racist if nobody hears it? It reminds me of Ron Atkinson being hounded out of his job as a TV football pundit some years ago for using reported speech to describe what others might say about a certain black footballer ("lazy n.....'). By reporting what he had said, the journalists and editors did exactly the same as Ron had done, but did any of them lose their jobs?

Keeping to the philosophical theme, let's suppose that JC's dog was actually a West Highland terrier, and therefore white. If he had then named it Didier Dogba, would this have been deemed racist?


What a load of utter cr*p - IN UN-AIRED FOOTAGE - so it WAS NEVER SHOWN IN PUBLIC and was just a standard out-take. This sort of stuff happens all the time in production work - if they got offended every time someone swore and it was unaired, we couldnt even make television shows.

And if they had to use Audio forensic experts to check it I have two questions:

1. What the were they doing giving unused un-aired outtakes, the property of a proprietary private production company, to ANYONE for any reason whatsoever?

2. If they had to use audio forensics to figure out what was said, then it had to be virtually inaudible anyway.

So the question remains - why all the bullsh*t about someone saying something on a privately owned outtake of a recording of a show, and which was never used, and never broadcast?

This is a witch hunt, and I hope they find the slimy little scum-bag who released that footage to whoever is pushing this, and string him up by his cowardly nuts!


Further to this, I would like to see the production company have the one who released this material to anyone outside the company charged with theft.

It is unlikely that the production company themselves would release this to the public, so someone thought they could make money out of it - I would like to see Clarkson and the production company sue the one who released it, and have them charged with theft of private property.


"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Clarkson's comment is reminiscent of this philosophical question. The only reason we know about it is that a newspaper has chosen to put it in the public domain, so is the real racist not the Daily Mirror? After all, even the most PC of us has probably muttered a racist comment under our breath at some stage in our lives, but can it be considered racist if nobody hears it? It reminds me of Ron Atkinson being hounded out of his job as a TV football pundit some years ago for using reported speech to describe what others might say about a certain black footballer ("lazy n.....'). By reporting what he had said, the journalists and editors did exactly the same as Ron had done, but did any of them lose their jobs?

Keeping to the philosophical theme, let's suppose that JC's dog was actually a West Highland terrier, and therefore white. If he had then named it Didier Dogba, would this have been deemed racist?

Totally agree - in fact, if his dog had been a West Highland terrier, and white, and he had named it after a white footballer or celebrity, then being totally fair, THAT would have to be deemed to be racist too...

Strangely I doubt that anyone would pursue that though, would they...?

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I think Clarkson gets his kicks from messing with the heads of politically correct people.

I doubt anyone is stupid enough to publicly spew racial epithets at this rate unless they enjoy it in a rather humorously sadistic way.


The paper thin skinned PC brigade have nothing better to do and the media are complicit in stirring up dissent about nothing, when no real news to report. A complete collection of nobody's. The Mirror being a prime example. Next on their list will be Pooh Bear.

The whole concept is aimed at producing a sterile population with no sense of humour, perspective or balance. What a miserable place that will be to exist. I'm not PC, never have been and never will be. If others do not like it then it's their problem as nothing is said with malicious intent.

Yes,but it may be taken with intent.Your disregard for other peoples feelings and not willing to change is typical old world thinking.Some have learnt by their mistakes and try to improve their lives.

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If blacks can say it willy nilly then so can other groups of people. Isnt everyone screaming for equality but when a white person saysba term that blacks themselves use freely and happily why does it suddenly become racist. If blacks think itnis a racist term then stoo saying it themselves. If they wont stop saying it then the word shouldnbe allowed and accepted to b used hy everyone equally. Equality across the bored. 2 faced people


Just a harmless Benny Hill type humorist who could use a little gratuitous nudity on his show like Benny.

Certainly not a PC guy but not malicious. whistling.gif


Call me stupid, but I have no idea what the "N" word is. I am not native in English language, and I know that a lot of people get upset about the "F" word. So the "N" word must be be worse than the "F" word.....

It makes me really really curious what that word is! A word that makes English people scared giggle.gif ; I really need to know this word!!!!!!

Besides that, all this commotion about a word from a children's rhyme, I just do not understand..... Must be a British/American thing?!?

PS I like Jeremy and TopGear ;-)


Anyone who uses the word and finds themselves in trouble, should refer everyone (including the Judge) to the latest Gangsta Rap song, sung by an African American gentleman. (Do not listen to this if offended by the N word.) So why can this guy say it and Jeremy Clarkson cannot? This chap uses the N word over 150 times in the song, which is incidentally very funny to listen to considering all the fuss.

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Will they also be going after all the recording stars who use this word regularly as a lyric

Good point BUT remember the colour of the artists who use it.

What's that got to do with it? When referring to black people the word is either offensive or it isn't, why is it only offensive when a white person says it? Keep it simple...

It is perfectly possible for a black person to use derogatory terms when referring to other black people,, it just makes them stupid.

For the record I don't condone this but i do think it is all blown out of proportion. He should simply apologize and that's the end of it, no need to stretch it out.

In my opinion he is very funny and sometimes he does push the boundaries a bit, but he is no different from thousands of other celebrities that I could mention.


Call me stupid, but I have no idea what the "N" word is. I am not native in English language, and I know that a lot of people get upset about the "F" word. So the "N" word must be be worse than the "F" word.....

It makes me really really curious what that word is! A word that makes English people scared giggle.gif ; I really need to know this word!!!!!!

Besides that, all this commotion about a word from a children's rhyme, I just do not understand..... Must be a British/American thing?!?

PS I like Jeremy and TopGear ;-)

It rhymes with Snigger

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hate speech laws are a tactic employed by the New World Order to assist them in their dream of globalisation and a one world govt where labour can be cheaply exported around the world and disharmony is used to divide and rule populations...we are all doomed


what a croc of &lt;deleted&gt;. I was taught this rhyme as a child and i am a decade younger than clarkson at least.

its lovely that we are phasing words like chink and nigger out of use, but those that grew up with these terms in common parlance should not be castigated for the occasional slip.

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