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Anybody else missing their monthly U.S. Social Security direct deposit at Bankok Bank?


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I have been living in Thailand for six months, and during that time (allowing for the time difference) I have gotten my direct deposit on time like clockwork on the third of each month - the exception being on those months when the third falls on a Saturday of Sunday, when the deposit is made on the Friday before. This is the first time that this hasn't happened - and it couldn't have occurred at a worse time. I was just released from the hospital, and because I didn't have enough cash without that direct deposit, I paid what I had and had to leave my passport, promising to pay this last Friday when the deposit was made. Well, here it is Sunday the third, and I still have not seen any sign of my money.

Has anyone else had this experience? Or is there something peculiar to Thailand to account for this anomaly? I believe tomorrow is a Thai holiday - but if it is and it means that the banks will be closed till Tuesday, I could be in real trouble - with the hospital, my landlord and creditors, and both the owner of the other vehicle and the police, as the accident was deemed my fault and they are expecting payment on Tuesday. I just moved here from Krabi three weeks ago at considerable expense, and shortly before that had several other very costly personal expenses, leaving me with practically no cash.

I will be very interested to know if I am the only one who didn't get their social security direct deposit as scheduled - and if I'm not the only one, just why that is.

Many, many, thanks from a very, very, worried Farang.

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If you did not sign and send in the yearly form to S.S. they will withhold your check. This happened to me and after they receive the form it took 2 months to start receiving my check again.

My experience is similar to krabbyken's. But rather than call the Philippines, I called Philadelphi and asked what happened. The nice lady said we didn't get your form back. Aha, I never received it, lost in the post. She told me what form to download, fill out, and fax to her. Two days later, the deposit was made.

It's been my unfortunate experience that the Philippines office never answers their phone, and when you leave a message, they don't call you back. The lady in Philadelphia said everyone knows that, feel free to call home instead.

And, if you use Skype to make the call, the 1-800 number is a free call from anywhere that Skype works.

Best of luck to you.

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wasn't Friday a holiday in Thailand (or all of Asia)? that could be one reason as the banks were closed.

sorry, not trying to make you feel bad, but it's an example of why all foreigners need to keep some cash ---> couple of million Bath or more stashed away in an account that's never touched - in the event of emergencies.

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wasn't Friday a holiday in Thailand (or all of Asia)? that could be one reason as the banks were closed.

sorry, not trying to make you feel bad, but it's an example of why all foreigners need to keep some cash ---> couple of million Bath or more stashed away in an account that's never touched - in the event of emergencies.

Friday May 2 was NOT a holiday all banks open. Thursday was Not a national holiday in Thailand but it was a bank holiday. Tomorrow May 5 is Coronation Day and is a national Thai holiday. All government offices and banks closed.

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Sounds like you're in a bit of a jam, OP. Calling that 800 number is probably the only way to straighten this out, but you should wait until Tuesday to see what's what. I called that number one time and this message came on, thanking for my call, I am so important to them, the estimated time to get a live operator is approx 38 minutes. Then they played some horrible non-descript music that sounded like it was on a cassette tape that someone had left in a glove compartment for months in an abandoned car down in South Texas. When I finally got someone, the call got dropped just as we were almost sorted out on the problem. Hope you don't have to do that. One number for the entire US!

On a semi-related note...I was going to have my SSA monthly check direct deposited into my Bangkok Bank account, but as I read the terms, one cannot access the funds via ATM, you have to go to the bank every time to withdraw money. I've been meaning to post about this, to see what is the experience of members who have used this service. Is this true? Makes it seem not worth it to me, even though I now must get periodic funds transferred from my US bank, at a cost of $40 per transaction. Somebody said that might be increased soon, but there seems to be no alternative.

You guys that say one should keep a million baht or so stashed "just in case"...must be great to be so flush. Congratulations.

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buddhaland, on the positive side, it's a holiday tommorow, so they probably will not be putting you in jail until at least Tue. I know that makes you feel much better. I had this happen to me 3 years ago, when I failed to send in their form. As luck would have it, I talked to a lady at SS in Philly and we got my money started in less than 3 days. I have her personal phone number, so you do not have to go thru the phone maze, and also her email address.

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If you did not sign and send in the yearly form to S.S. they will withhold your check. This happened to me and after they receive the form it took 2 months to start receiving my check again.

My experience is similar to krabbyken's. But rather than call the Philippines, I called Philadelphi and asked what happened. The nice lady said we didn't get your form back. Aha, I never received it, lost in the post. She told me what form to download, fill out, and fax to her. Two days later, the deposit was made.

It's been my unfortunate experience that the Philippines office never answers their phone, and when you leave a message, they don't call you back. The lady in Philadelphia said everyone knows that, feel free to call home instead.

And, if you use Skype to make the call, the 1-800 number is a free call from anywhere that Skype works.

Best of luck to you.

I spent months trying to get the US office to help me out. No luck. A lot of my problems were just trying to get in touch with somebody. Tried the Philippines and got a response immediately and problem was resolved in less than a week. Maybe I was just lucky???

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You guys that say one should keep a million baht or so stashed "just in case"...must be great to be so flush. Congratulations.

a million Bath is not nearly enough. a couple of million at minimum.

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You guys that say one should keep a million baht or so stashed "just in case"...must be great to be so flush. Congratulations.

People should not come to visit or live in foreign countries without money to get them through an emergency; especially an older person. I remember reading in another thread that the OP who is obviously age 62 or older since he collects SSA, was involved in a motorcycle accident, was at fault, and was either uninsured or under-insured. Here he is in his 60's living hand to mouth, from one social security check to another, and apparently driving a motorcycle dangerously.

I've posted before about my friend who is in his 60's who suffered a major heart attack sitting in an airplane while on the runway waiting to take off at Suvarnabhumi. He also lived hand to mouth. He was suddenly faced with close to 250,000 THB in medicals bills for 3 days in the CCU plus another procedure he needed a few weeks later for another 80,000 THB. The hospital would not let him past the desk into the E.R. until a friend of his put 79,000 THB on his credit card for my friend to even get into the E.R. When he was released he was taken home in a mini-van and the 2 guys who drove the van camped out in front of his house for days until he could come up with the balance to pay the hospital. Shortly after that, he, his wife and 2 kids were evicted for non-payment of rent for 6 months. I'm sorry but it is really irresponsible for seniors to live their lives like that in a foreign country.

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buddhaland, on the positive side, it's a holiday tommorow, so they probably will not be putting you in jail until at least Tue. I know that makes you feel much better. I had this happen to me 3 years ago, when I failed to send in their form. As luck would have it, I talked to a lady at SS in Philly and we got my money started in less than 3 days. I have her personal phone number, so you do not have to go thru the phone maze, and also her email address.

They won't put him in jail. But don't be surprised if some 'collectors' show up to watch him. One guy posted here a few months ago about being short to pay his bill when he was released from surgery at C.M. RAM. A couple of days later, some staff from C.M. Ram came to visit him to see how he was recovering (and to find out when he could pay his balance). When he went outside, he noticed there was also a policeman sitting in the C.M. Ram van...

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To tell ya the truth I don't trust the U.S. Government.I receive soc security but I don't depend on it.With the govt 17 climbing to 18 trillion in debt it's only A matter of time before it stops.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If you did not sign and send in the yearly form to S.S. they will withhold your check. This happened to me and after they receive the form it took 2 months to start receiving my check again.

My experience is similar to krabbyken's. But rather than call the Philippines, I called Philadelphi and asked what happened. The nice lady said we didn't get your form back. Aha, I never received it, lost in the post. She told me what form to download, fill out, and fax to her. Two days later, the deposit was made.

It's been my unfortunate experience that the Philippines office never answers their phone, and when you leave a message, they don't call you back. The lady in Philadelphia said everyone knows that, feel free to call home instead.

And, if you use Skype to make the call, the 1-800 number is a free call from anywhere that Skype works.

Best of luck to you.

I did find Manila SS was very prompt in answering emails. But of course they don't work weekends.

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You guys that say one should keep a million baht or so stashed "just in case"...must be great to be so flush. Congratulations.

People should not come to visit or live in foreign countries without money to get them through an emergency; especially an older person. I remember reading in another thread that the OP who is obviously age 62 or older since he collects SSA, was involved in a motorcycle accident, was at fault, and was either uninsured or under-insured. Here he is in his 60's living hand to mouth, from one social security check to another, and apparently driving a motorcycle dangerously.

I've posted before about my friend who is in his 60's who suffered a major heart attack sitting in an airplane while on the runway waiting to take off at Suvarnabhumi. He also lived hand to mouth. He was suddenly faced with close to 250,000 THB in medicals bills for 3 days in the CCU plus another procedure he needed a few weeks later for another 80,000 THB. The hospital would not let him past the desk into the E.R. until a friend of his put 79,000 THB on his credit card for my friend to even get into the E.R. When he was released he was taken home in a mini-van and the 2 guys who drove the van camped out in front of his house for days until he could come up with the balance to pay the hospital. Shortly after that, he, his wife and 2 kids were evicted for non-payment of rent for 6 months. I'm sorry but it is really irresponsible for seniors to live their lives like that in a foreign country.


That's a sad and horrible event.

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To tell ya the truth I don't trust the U.S. Government.I receive soc security but I don't depend on it.With the govt 17 climbing to 18 trillion in debt it's only A matter of time before it stops.


If you don't cash your check you'll help to delay the USA default. 555

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The office in the Philippines has been prompt in answering my emails too. Once when I Needed to talk with them, I made an appointment to call and spoke with a claims authorized named Ans Lee. She was super helpful and efficient. I'm sorry to hear about your accident and shortness of funds but no doubt all of your creditors will wait for a few days until you get your SSA payment straightened out. Try not to worry- it won't help. Just start dealing with it again on Tuesday. I understand that you have recently had extraordinary expenses. Perhaps that depleted your emergency fund. It's important to start building one up again - but you probably understand that only too well.

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I got the SMS at 4:45 PM on Friday that my funds were in my Bangkok bank direct deposit account. That is the latest ever it was 4:15 before that.

Going to the bank once a month to move the money to another account is a lot easier and less costly than having it going through a US bank.

I use a branch at Tesco here that is seldom busy. I keep some withdrawal and deposit slips on hand and fill them out before I go to the bank. Most of the time I can walk in an go straight to counter without the need for a number. Takes about 5 minutes total to do it.

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This one's going out to Electrified: Hit it, Frank!

"Call Me Irresponsible"

Call me irresponsible - call me unreliable, throw in undependable too
Do my foolish alibis bore you, well I'm not too clever - I just adore you
Call me unpredictable - tell me I'm impractical, rainbows I'm inclined to pursue
Call me irresponsible - yes I'm unreliable,
But it's undeniably true - I'm irresponsibly mad for you

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Just heard from Bobby Dylan on this very subject (sort of). Bob sez:

You may be a state trooper, you might be an young turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

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Well several things

You have had some very good suggestions in dealing with Social Security.

Yes they will wait how ever they will hold your passport.

I noticed that as usual several posters did not bother to read the article and failed to realize this was just one of several set backs in 6 months.

Or you could do what some have done and married into money or got wealthy girl friends.

There are quite a few what I call trust fund babies here who have no idea of what the average person coming here has.

Many of us are here on guaranteed income funds and some borrow the money for the bank deposit at a rate of interest and then pay it back after they get there extension. They do the same thing every year.

It is nice to have millions to fall back on. For myself I would be traveling rather than let it sit around. But that is just me. If needs be I have credit cards. As well as a very good monthly income.

How ever I don't know what would happen if I was to get hit with three over the top unexpected emergencies in 6 months.

Don't give up it is only a temporary set back If one SS check will get you out of it.wai.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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NancyL said:

+You should still get a Bangkok Bank account and then you can do interbank transfers between your U.S. bank and Bangkok Bank via online banking at a cost substantially lower than $40. You see, Bangkok Bank has a branch in NYC, so your U.S. bank will consider it to be a transfer to a U.S. bank. You use the NYC routing number and the account number for your local Bangkok Bank account. This subject is covered in great detail in various threads on the ThaiVisa banking forum. No need to pay $40 for funds transfer from the U.S. -- just like there's no need to pay 150 baht to use your U.S. ATM card to get cash for your routine living expenses. Both are very, very expensive ways to for resident expats to bring money into Thailand.

I agree with all that and, for those who haven't seen the other threads on this, more reasons to do it this way.

You can move whatever amount you choose whenever you choose. Maybe you'd like to leave some in the US bank.

What if you need to leave Thailand in a hurry? Changing the SS direct deposit and getting the money out of the Thai bank might be tedious.

You can do it all from the comfort of your home and keep your passport locked away if you like.

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