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The "I've been here longer than you" people.

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Slack Key..only music that calms me!

they call chords ' the keys, brah'

Thank You too..Alohz

if I make it back, I'll look You Guys up..

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I welcome these guys as most of them(these days)have been here less time than me. There was one guy in my fitness centre in Khon Kaen - I asked if he lived in KK and he repleid "I'm an oldtimer, been here 8 years". They give me a great chance to practice humility by saying nothing about how long I have been here. I was itching to tell him I'd lived here much longer or say something like "oh really, I've never seen you before" but didn't.

It was priceless seeing his face when he tried to say something to the pretty young staff member when she turned to me to get a translation!

In the past, I've talked Thai to these kind of guys and more often than not, they are full of ****.


What irritates me is guys from Hawaii, well they are really Yanks that moved to Hawaii then came here, using expressions like 'aloha' or calling themselves 'haole'. Or guys that speak Spanish or another language but refuse to learn Thai.

I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

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What irritates me is guys from Hawaii, well they are really Yanks that moved to Hawaii then came here, using expressions like 'aloha' or calling themselves 'haole'. Or guys that speak Spanish or another language but refuse to learn Thai.

I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

Misfits + failures with women.

Simple, really.


What irritates me is guys from Hawaii, well they are really Yanks that moved to Hawaii then came here, using expressions like 'aloha' or calling themselves 'haole'. Or guys that speak Spanish or another language but refuse to learn Thai.

I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

Misfits + failures with women.

Simple, really.

That is a hollow and totally ignorant judgment. I'm a gentleman and a scholar, but the way. And yes, I consider myself a white Hawaiian. I was living in the most beautiful paradise in the world, on 780 acres of organic farm with a loving community. People would die to live on the North Shore of Kauai where I was, rent free for the rest of my life. But I felt like I was being put out to pasture. I still wanted to see the world. When one of my buddies was coming to Chiang Mai for dental work, I came along to two months, and have been here for three years. I went back to Kauai in March and a gathering of 100 people showed me how much I am love there, yet I feel way more alive in Thailand then I did there. They even build me a new small house, which I turned down. This is my home now. I love my life writing my novels in Chiang Mai coffee shops, and the gardens I've created. I am neither a misfit from the US or a failure with women. What's the point making stupid judgments when you have no idea what you're talking about? I suggest you pay attention to a good hearted person when they write on VC, and give your trollness to those who deserve it. Aloha from a citizen of the world.

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I stay here for a long time and I love Thailand and Thai people so I appreciate helping other foreigner friends to introduce Thailand.

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At the end of the day we'er all doing the best we can with what we got so better to not take life too seriously and laugh at ourselves a bit more.

Truest, wisest, most ego free words spoken on this topic!

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The others leave the Islands 'cause they're tired of being belittled by big racist guys.

I learned from pidgeon radio.."bamboo shorts" that pidgeon speakers can be articulate with very few words. I'm a musician, so havent been beat up. A smile does the trick..^^Thiland is mellowe, one on one, or two..no like punch..never called myself Haole..Beth Ann from Hawaii Public Radio says: 'there's Haole, and there's ff'en Haole..the former means foreigner..

Lose the resentment, or I'll eat You alive..

Nice story qbout Kauai..a most singularly beautiful place..


The others leave the Islands 'cause they're tired of being belittled by big racist guys.

I learned from pidgeon radio.."bamboo shorts" that pidgeon speakers can be articulate with very few words. I'm a musician, so havent been beat up. A smile does the trick..^^Thiland is mellowe, one on one, or two..no like punch..never called myself Haole..Beth Ann from Hawaii Public Radio says: 'there's Haole, and there's ff'en Haole..the former means foreigner..

Lose the resentment, or I'll eat You alive..

Nice story qbout Kauai..a most singularly beautiful place..

sorry are you talking about Thailand?

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The others leave the Islands 'cause they're tired of being belittled by big racist guys.

I learned from pidgeon radio.."bamboo shorts" that pidgeon speakers can be articulate with very few words. I'm a musician, so havent been beat up. A smile does the trick..^^Thiland is mellowe, one on one, or two..no like punch..never called myself Haole..Beth Ann from Hawaii Public Radio says: 'there's Haole, and there's ff'en Haole..the former means foreigner..

Lose the resentment, or I'll eat You alive..

Nice story qbout Kauai..a most singularly beautiful place..

sorry are you talking about Thailand?

bkkjames - wow! Over 15,000 posts. I guess you have bragging rights, and a few things to say about Thailand. If you're not a bitter old drunk, I would be honored to listen to your stories. I'm a story teller, and love to hear others tell their tales. You can tell me you've been here 20 years, no problem. I just get tired of hearing guys in bars bitch about Thailand, and they know because they've been here x years. Thailand is a beautiful place. I like the northern people, because so many of them have that "aloha" spirit. They smile and are sweet. I've had food servers follow me out the door to give me the ten baht I left for a tip. I think KonaRain is talking about the difference between the person who respects the land they're in, as opposed to those you don't. I love Hawaii. I love Thailand. I love the world. I had three of my best friends die recently. What a thrill to be alive! To be allowed to live in this beautiful country called Thailand. One year or forty years here, doesn't matter to me as long as you show some respect and gratitude.


Re loving to write novels (as in plural) in Chiang Mai coffee shops:

"Words are easy; books are not." The well published essayist Fran Lebowitz is infamous in NY publishing circles for her unfinished novel for which she received in-part an advance from Random House.



Thanks JL - I've actually completed 8 novels, and have finished four of a wonderful five book fiction series I'm been working on in coffee shops for the past four years. In an alternate universe I'm a best selling author. In this one I haven't figured out how to get anyone to notice me. On purpose - I'm too busy writing to brag about how long I've been anywhere. If I'm here too long then I'll be gone. Just the way life is.


Re loving to write novels (as in plural) in Chiang Mai coffee shops:

"Words are easy; books are not." The well published essayist Fran Lebowitz is infamous in NY publishing circles for her unfinished novel for which she received in-part an advance from Random House.



Thanks JL - I've actually completed 8 novels, and have finished four of a wonderful five book fiction series I'm been working on in coffee shops for the past four years. In an alternate universe I'm a best selling author. In this one I haven't figured out how to get anyone to notice me. On purpose - I'm too busy writing to brag about how long I've been anywhere. If I'm here too long then I'll be gone. Just the way life is.

"I've actually completed 8 novels"

Just curious - are you self-published? If not, what do you think of this:



Re loving to write novels (as in plural) in Chiang Mai coffee shops:

"Words are easy; books are not." The well published essayist Fran Lebowitz is infamous in NY publishing circles for her unfinished novel for which she received in-part an advance from Random House.



Thanks JL - I've actually completed 8 novels, and have finished four of a wonderful five book fiction series I'm been working on in coffee shops for the past four years. In an alternate universe I'm a best selling author. In this one I haven't figured out how to get anyone to notice me. On purpose - I'm too busy writing to brag about how long I've been anywhere. If I'm here too long then I'll be gone. Just the way life is.

"I've actually completed 8 novels"

Just curious - are you self-published? If not, what do you think of this:


Thanks - I read the article. I'm sure its true. The first novel I self-published I sold 400 copies on my little island. Great feedback. People thought it would become the next Harry Potter series. (I let those first three books go) I read novels all the time, so I have a pretty good idea what good writing is. I've had lots of feedback that I'm an excellent writer. Just saying to put it in perspective. But because most submission are trash, Literary Agents are inclined to automatically say no. Self publishing is easy enough, but finding the reading audience is difficult. I'm hanging low with this other five book series until I have all the 300 pages novels finished and ready to go. But I've found out, after doing this for 12 years now, that it's much easier to play the self-publishing game when you have lots of money for exposure. I don't, but maybe one of those old farang in a Thai bar can help me out? Seriously, I think breaks are made by getting up each morning and working hard on your talent, and then one day, god willing, it all comes together. One guy asked why I'm not in Hawaii - another answer is that I can write full time here without being distracted. TV is a pause in my writing.


yes they claim they are superior because of their long existance On LOS SOIL ,THEYRE ALL OVER THE KINGDOM BOASTING ABOUT IT


No, thanks for all the kokua..but I think this is not my f.b. or LinkedIn, (where I'm VERY careful nor to offend) so I realized this is a very large forum and we appreciate the response, but, he's right, and some are even British..lol..

Thst, the more focused each thread is, and we do follow and contribute to multiole strands, the more enjoyable for more folks.. so next time someone says, here's a thread for ya'.. I don't need to feel like they're tryin' to get rid of me..and Ubon Joe 'quoted me the other day' even extemporaneoussly....thanks Samsung for spelling..because it was an altruistic subject, tho. my reward is to be accosiated with it..3D PRINTED LIMBS..by the way..but what I want to know is why You left Kauai..I know..Thailand is in Asia!

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I liked bkk' s post and my facebook name comes up..'is this about Hawaii..not any more..I do know some people for the self published..aloha...

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Bad spelling doesn't bother me, unless its my own. I most appreciate the "living aloha" or the wai I get from people like KonaRain and JLCrab. Not everyone who posts on TV is as stupid as the trolls project. I appreciate an intelligent response to an intelligent posting, not some idiot off-the-wall statement that comes directly from num-nuts for brains. I do have a sense of humor, but often trolls say things that are beyond the realms of stupidity and ignorance. Men have problems with women in Thailand. Maybe they really do need help when they ask what to do with the crazy bar girl. The ridicule from trolls is bullying, as if they never ever made a mistake in choosing the wrong woman. If they didn't, then they haven't really lived. TV can be a very helpful and fun place to visit, I just wish more of the readers would think before they post non-sense, mean and inappropriate comments. The world needs more LOVE. <deleted>. "Hey everybody, let's get together and love one another right now."

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Oh, Yeah..'How long have You been There..'...lolo

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  • 6 months later...

Don't talk to strangers, especially the ones that don't want to talk to you.

Just because you're a lonely white guy, doesn't mean all other white guys are lonely.

(or even speak English)


Don't talk to strangers, especially the ones that don't want to talk to you.

Just because you're a lonely white guy, doesn't mean all other white guys are lonely.

(or even speak English)

Agreed. Sometimes I will have a conversation with another "farang"; sometimes if it's an undesirable, drunk farang who assume you must be a hardcore drinker too or someone who just wants to whinge at anything and everything Thai, I just make my excuses and move on.

Some guy who I keep bumping into will always open up words along the lines of "You wouldn't believe what these bloody locals have done to me today!". Not even a hello, or a hi, or how are you doing; just starts spouting his annoyance with the locals. I hardly even know him, just bumped into him a couple of times walking along.

I'm not one of these people that spout, "if you don't like it, then leave", but really anyone that negative and bitter I just don't want to hear it. Go and moan on ThaiVisa, but not to other farang who you presume are as bitter as you are.


I have a mutual acquaintance who tells everyone once I enter the pub: "see that guy over there he has been here since Jesus Christ was a corporal" I don't like it but he keeps tabs on how many years I have been here 37. I don't have to get into a pissing contest, my Thai is as perfect as a non native speaker can be and my vocabulary is excellent and I know two people who have been here longer than me. We have all suffered the 3 day wonder idiots that make fools of themselves at a bar, and it will continue to happen. If I were a young man I wouldn't be here I would be in Cambodia or Burma, the place is home to me but has lost its charm and wonder.

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Why people get so puffed up about how long they have lived in a tourist , farang/ Thai area baffles me.

It is not like they have been roughing it or had to make any major adjustments in life style!

Everything caters to the lifestyle they never left..

The Thais speak their language, cook their food, know their customs, culture, and expectations.

Unless you are proud of all the money you have squandered..what's to brag about?

Ten years in a tourist town is worth about three months in Issan.

In issan:

Almost exclusively, Thai language, food, customs and culture.

and pretty rare to see another non Thai male or female..

Come north...discover Thailand!

Oh wait!

Sorry, that was not really an invitation.

Please,stay where you are.

and keep bragging..

Things are nice here.

Let's keep em that way.


I couldn't agree more. I'm relatively new to Thailand and I'm already sick of the 'I've been here longer than you, listen to my expert advice (mainly based on failed relationships with bar girls) '.

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What this thing about bar girls how the fuc?k do you know who is a bar girl and who is not a bar girl lots go work the bars get no were and come back home so how the hell do you know if your thai did not work the bar at one stage in her life so get of this bar girl thing . Lean a bite about thailand and you will go a long way .

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The vibe I get from people like that is that they somehow want you to believe that they've managed to endure or survive in Thailand for XX number of years as if it's really, really difficult to be here away from the comforts of the West.

I usually make my excuses and depart hastily because it's inevitably followed by a tirade about the West, the women and, especially with the yanks, taxes.

Yes but it might not be all their fault. Friends and family back home might view the persons stay in Thailand as an achievement. I have had comments like its such a brave and cool thing to go all alone and live in a foreign country far away. I mean its a nice thing for them to say but life in Thailand is the easiest you can imagine if you have the money. Hardships and challenges come in the form of the occasional diarrhea and maybe some minor std that can be treated with antibiotics (over the counter, no prescription!).


aloha..play nice!

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I'm also from Hawaii. I lived on Kauai for over twenty years, so I guess I had some bragging rights there. Truth of the matter was, as a Haole, (farang) I knew way more about Hawaii and Hawaiian lore than most of the locals who lived there all their life. I'm a novelist and investigative writer. I have only lived in Thailand for three years, but I have traveled and stayed all over the country and studied the culture and language. Yes I am an older guy, but I often wish as I sit in a cafe, writing my novels, that the young tourist looking at that map or looking a bit lost would come over to this old timer and ask for help. Say, "Do you live here? How long have you been here? Maybe you can help me." I would love that to happen. That's because I do know a thing or two about Thailand and have some great information to share. I also don't give much value to whether someone has been here two years or twenty years. I spoke better Thai at the end of my first year, than my farang landlord knows after ten years. I've met plenty of old timers here that just don't give a shit, and aren't helpful at all. I am and welcome whoever would ask the question "How long have you been here?"

Where are you living on Thailand, I really know nothing about Thailand except Rayong, even then it's quite limited. My mother never really taught me much about her country but i guess it's better to learn and explore it myself.

You sound like a decent man :) I'm at Rayong in December with family but I will be on Bangkok if you like to hook up?

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