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I watched half the video, and admit it looks fun. So tell me, how often does the traffic and road conditions in Thailand allow you guys to drive with your knees touching the ground? (not including accidents)

Each time I consider a sportscar I remember what happened to the last one I saw. It was a Lamborghini, and it was being lifted off a speedbump at the local Tesco :-)

We normally don't drag knees on the road we do it at the track, but we do drag our footpegs and feet on the roads. There are plenty of roads outside BKK where you can have fun. As mentioned before have a think what sort of biking would appeal to you and there are many people on this forum who would be glad to advise. I believe you got into this forum with a negative view of bikers but you have realized that they are very diversified and it is a worthwhile and exciting hobby.

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If that's the case why do Hardley Ablesons make loads of noise but very little power?

Sent from my GT-P3100 using Tapatalk

Harley owners have feelings too and in their defense HD V Twins produce huge amounts of power but that power is low end torque. That's why you can pull away in a Harley in almost any gear, with a metric bike that is not possible because they have higher end torque with 3 or 4 cylinder engines. V Twins like Ducatis and some KTMs and the Honda Er6n are examples of a middle ground because they have a powerful midrange which give them different characteristics.

Depending on which way you look at it a HD squanders a huge amount of it's power dragging around a huge amount of excess weight in a non aero-dynamic form. On the other hand sportbikes try to save every ounce of weight by using lightweight metals, plastics and carbon. So the simple answer to your question is Harleys are more powerful than most other bikes out there but because of the way they are engineered it's like comparing a battleship with a speedboat.


I find noise of my exhaust deafening too after I've been riding a few hours I can't hear properly sometimes until the next day. That's why I use earplugs.

I have actually always wondered if the noise did not bother the driver, who is afterall the one most exposed to the noise. I guess you just answered that, thanks :-)

I guess if everyone just uses earplugs, then there would be no problem. No wait ...

Man if it is coming to noise levels, just discharge your feeling to boats, modified trucks, cars, construction sites, planes, karaoke bars, morning birds, toads and cicadas before bikes.

They are as loud as bikes with loud pipes and they are everywhere.

Besides, you will never understand why bikers use louder pipes as you are not a biker, you are just a wannabe so use your mind on things you have experience and understanding my friend.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.), while other noise such as some boats/cars is because it is the cheapest solution. I think bikers are more or less the only people who actually pay extra for additional noise which has no benefit whatsoever,

besides showing off.

You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

Unavoidable noises? You can avoid a loud pipe by using an ear plug on the pavement. If you are that annoyed, just use an ear plug my friend

And you are not only a wannabe biker also you don't know how to read I guess.

No benefits? Again you are using your brain on things you don't know. Please use your negative energy somewhere else.

You sound funny man!



"Your are a wannabe biker" is the worst name-calling you can get in this forum. Not more not less. Welcome back to the kindergarten clap2.gif

Wantan man, again you are saying things just to say something?

It like someone going to an Astrophysics forum and writing stupid things like world is the center of the universe.

You don't see that?

Lets say the wannabe biker get annoyed by the loud pipes but in Thailand where there is endless loudness everywhere?

Clearly our wannabe rider is negative towards bikes and bikers and never see other noise sources around.


I find noise of my exhaust deafening too after I've been riding a few hours I can't hear properly sometimes until the next day. That's why I use earplugs.

I have actually always wondered if the noise did not bother the driver, who is afterall the one most exposed to the noise. I guess you just answered that, thanks :-)

I guess if everyone just uses earplugs, then there would be no problem. No wait ...

Man if it is coming to noise levels, just discharge your feeling to boats, modified trucks, cars, construction sites, planes, karaoke bars, morning birds, toads and cicadas before bikes.

They are as loud as bikes with loud pipes and they are everywhere.

Besides, you will never understand why bikers use louder pipes as you are not a biker, you are just a wannabe so use your mind on things you have experience and understanding my friend.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.), while other noise such as some boats/cars is because it is the cheapest solution. I think bikers are more or less the only people who actually pay extra for additional noise which has no benefit whatsoever,

besides showing off.

You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

Unavoidable noises? You can avoid a loud pipe by using an ear plug on the pavement. If you are that annoyed, just use an ear plug my friend

And you are not only a wannabe biker also you don't know how to read I guess.

No benefits? Again you are using your brain on things you don't know. Please use your negative energy somewhere else.

You sound funny man!

I am funny!! :-)

So if I piss on you it is ok, as you can just wear a raincoat?

Man if it is coming to noise levels, just discharge your feeling to boats, modified trucks, cars, construction sites, planes, karaoke bars, morning birds, toads and cicadas before bikes.

They are as loud as bikes with loud pipes and they are everywhere.

Besides, you will never understand why bikers use louder pipes as you are not a biker, you are just a wannabe so use your mind on things you have experience and understanding my friend.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.), while other noise such as some boats/cars is because it is the cheapest solution. I think bikers are more or less the only people who actually pay extra for additional noise which has no benefit whatsoever,

besides showing off.

You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

Unavoidable noises? You can avoid a loud pipe by using an ear plug on the pavement. If you are that annoyed, just use an ear plug my friend

And you are not only a wannabe biker also you don't know how to read I guess.

No benefits? Again you are using your brain on things you don't know. Please use your negative energy somewhere else.

You sound funny man!

I am funny!! :-)

So if I piss on you it is ok, as you can just wear a raincoat?

No not OK. If you do so, I trash you. Like anyone in this world.

Oh yes, you can try to trash me as well, I mean a guy with full protection, Kevlar gloves and full helmet, if you canlaugh.png

or if you can catch!

  • Like 1
I am funny!! :-)

So if I piss on you it is ok, as you can just wear a raincoat?


I'm still traumatised by a video from zee Germans I stumbled across that involved a treehouse and water sports.


Post 77: "Reducing the weight of the bike has a dramatic effect on speed especially reducing the weight of the wheels."

Reducing mass increases acceleration and braking performance more than top speed.


Aerodynamic drag (increases with the square of the velocity) limits speed.

If one is to be pedantic, at least ensure the proper terms that are being corrected are correctly utilised.

Speed is a nebulous inexact term when expressing an object that has a direction. Had you stated that "Aerodynamic drag (increases with the square of the velocity) limits maximal velocity" your educational opportunity would not have been wasted. Even your "F=ma" mentions acceleration which is the rate that velocity changes over time. After all, speed is scalar quantity and velocity is vector quantity. As you are talking about the instant in time when there is equilibrium between the forces propelling the motorcycle forward (rate it changes its position) and those resisting that motion (the coefficient of drag being the largest) and not discussing the rate it covers a distance (because you are looking for a vector...forward) than velocity is the correct term. For instance, the speed of a piston is very high; it's velocity measured over a full cycle is 0 as the downward motion negates all change of distance from the upward motion.

I'm not even a good biker (much better with numbers), but even I know that reducing unsprung weight does a lot for motorbikes. Not only the acceleration and deceleration you alluded to; but also overcoming centripetal force which allows faster countersteering...which allows one to charge into a corner and get the bike leaned over (and back vertical) quicker than other bikes thus allowing power to be put down for longer periods of time. In this example, entering and exiting a hairpin turn can be done with a dramatic effect on speed (increasing it).

Sorry if my comment was simultaneously overly simplified yet too pendactic for your taste.

Among motor enthusiasts' fast'&'speed' is commonly associated with top speed and 'quickness' with acceleration.

In-as-much-as speed is the absolute value of velocity, and aerodynamic drag limits velocity (vector), as you point out, then the associated scalar, (speed, not really so nebulous) must also be limited, as the last sentence in my post indicated.

I am unclear regarding the "overcoming centripetal force' comment though.

Centripital force, manifest by the tire/track friction is the only thing allowing the bike to actually turn in a curve rather than to continue in a a straight line as it would tend to do otherwise. Hence centripetal force is desirable, not something to be overcome. Perhaps you are confusing the term 'centripetal' with the imaginary 'centrifugal' force, as many do.

I appreciate for the vast majority of the plebes speed is a misused term. It is ironic that an oversimplification would still utilise it incorrectly however.

Speed is not the absolute value of velocity. It is a scalar measurement. Velocity is a vector measurement. I've been over this in my last post. As you are, correctly, pointing out the coefficient of friction which is a force in the opposite direction of the applied forward force is working against the engine's power, you can not use a scalar measurement.

I am sorry that you don't understand the dynamics of centripetal force attempting to maintain a straight line. The tyre's attempt to adhere to Newton's first law (an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by external forces) is what one must overcome to initiate the turn. Of course upon entering the correct angle the centripetal motion will than continue on the turn until acted upon by outside forces also...which one does upon 'standing' the bike up on exit of the corner.

When we are talking about bikes, speed as (a scalar ) is more appropriate, rather than velocity, (a vector) which includes a directional component.

No one want to know how fast a bike goes in a particular direction (velocity), as it will go the same speed north, west whatever, hence the scalar speed is appropriate.

As for turning, the whole mass of the bike wants to maintain a straight line, per Newton, not just the tire.

The tire acting on the pavement provides the centripetal force to allow the trajectory to be turned, otherwise the bike would not... analogous to the earths gravity providing the centripetal force preventing the moon from shooting off on a tangent.

An object on a curved path does not tend to remain on a curved path by inertia, rather only under an outside (centripetal) force.

I'm sorry you don't understand physics for beans.

I appreciate for the vast majority of the plebes speed is a misused term. It is ironic that an oversimplification would still utilise it incorrectly however.

Speed is not the absolute value of velocity. It is a scalar measurement. Velocity is a vector measurement. I've been over this in my last post. As you are, correctly, pointing out the coefficient of friction which is a force in the opposite direction of the applied forward force is working against the engine's power, you can not use a scalar measurement.

I am sorry that you don't understand the dynamics of centripetal force attempting to maintain a straight line. The tyre's attempt to adhere to Newton's first law (an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by external forces) is what one must overcome to initiate the turn. Of course upon entering the correct angle the centripetal motion will than continue on the turn until acted upon by outside forces also...which one does upon 'standing' the bike up on exit of the corner.

When we are talking about bikes, speed as (a scalar ) is most appropriate, rather than velocity, (a vector) which includes a directional component.

No one want to know how fast a bike goes in a particular direction (velocity), as it will go the same speed north, west whatever, hence the scalar speed is appropriate.

As for turning, the whole mass of the bike wants to maintain a straight line, per Newton, not just the tire.

The tire acting on the pavement provides the centripetal force to allow the trajectory to be turned, otherwise the bike would not... analogous to the earths gravity providing the centripetal force preventing the moon from shooting off on a tangent.

I'm sorry you don't understand physics for beans.

Your insistence on continuing to misuse a scalar measure to apply to a vector formula is either a sign of misunderstanding or an indication of an attempt to obfuscate the issue when called out. Direction of the force applied for forward locomotion, as well as the external forces acting upon the object, are necessary to compute what maximal velocity will be. As I can not be sure of which it is (but since you want to include cardinal points in your attempted rebuttal I am leaning towards plain ignorance), I will break down where you are mistaken.

First to define the terms. Found on Wikipedia so that it is somewhat understandable by a layperson.

Scalar: In physics, a scalar is a one-dimensional physical quantity, i.e. one that can be described by a single real number (sometimes signed, often with units), unlike (or as a special case of) vectors, tensors, etc. which are described by several numbers which characterize magnitude and direction. Formally, a scalar is unchanged by coordinate system rotations or reflections (in Newtonian mechanics), or by Lorentz transformations or space-time translations (in relativity).

Vector: In mathematics, physics, and engineering, a Euclidean vector (sometimes called a geometric[1] or spatial vector,[2] or—as here—simply a vector) is a geometric quantity having magnitude (or length) and direction expressed numerically as tuples [ x , y , z ] splitting the entire quantity into its orthogonal-axis components.

Force cannot be described using a scalar, since force is composed of direction and magnitude, however, the magnitude of a force alone can be described with a scalar, for instance the gravitational force acting on a particle is not a scalar, but its magnitude is. The speed of an object is a scalar (e.g. 180 km/h), while its velocity is not (i.e. 180 km/h north)........Vectors play an important role in physics: velocity and acceleration of a moving object and forces acting on it are all described by vectors.

Hence, your claims that using a scalar measurement to approximate the FORCES acting upon a motorcycle is quite incorrect. While it is widely (mis)used by morons as such, to use it the same way and claim that proper usage is in fact to not "understand physics for beans" is almost comical. It's fairly clear that from the object's perspective forward motion (regardless of the cardinal direction...a real understanding of physics would realise, for example, that motion of atoms do not need to be defined in a cartographical system but rather a cartesian) being countered by outside forces is what defines maximal velocity.

I've agreed with you that centripetal force (not the tangential force of the road, but rather the force that is exerted by the bike around the turn centre) is the guiding force once into the turn, but it's convenient you once again ignored the centripetal force that the wheel assembly has, and must be overcome by initiating or ending a turn, and is indeed made easier to overcome by reducing mass.

Could I humbly recommend that you purchase (actually don't have to purchase it as it can be found on Google Books) and understand "Motorcycle Dynamics" by Vittore Cossalter before you keep making such posts? Thanks.


Man if it is coming to noise levels, just discharge your feeling to boats, modified trucks, cars, construction sites, planes, karaoke bars, morning birds, toads and cicadas before bikes.

They are as loud as bikes with loud pipes and they are everywhere.

Besides, you will never understand why bikers use louder pipes as you are not a biker, you are just a wannabe so use your mind on things you have experience and understanding my friend.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.), while other noise such as some boats/cars is because it is the cheapest solution. I think bikers are more or less the only people who actually pay extra for additional noise which has no benefit whatsoever,

besides showing off.

You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

Unavoidable noises? You can avoid a loud pipe by using an ear plug on the pavement. If you are that annoyed, just use an ear plug my friend

And you are not only a wannabe biker also you don't know how to read I guess.

No benefits? Again you are using your brain on things you don't know. Please use your negative energy somewhere else.

You sound funny man!

I am funny!! :-)

So if I piss on you it is ok, as you can just wear a raincoat?

No not OK. If you do so, I trash you. Like anyone in this world.

Oh yes, you can try to trash me as well, I mean a guy with full protection, Kevlar gloves and full helmet, if you canlaugh.png

or if you can catch!

I accept your challenge. We play chicken. you can wear all the helmets, kevlar and gloves you want. I will be completely naked in my really heavy car :-D

Man if it is coming to noise levels, just discharge your feeling to boats, modified trucks, cars, construction sites, planes, karaoke bars, morning birds, toads and cicadas before bikes.

They are as loud as bikes with loud pipes and they are everywhere.

Besides, you will never understand why bikers use louder pipes as you are not a biker, you are just a wannabe so use your mind on things you have experience and understanding my friend.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.), while other noise such as some boats/cars is because it is the cheapest solution. I think bikers are more or less the only people who actually pay extra for additional noise which has no benefit whatsoever,

besides showing off.

You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

Unavoidable noises? You can avoid a loud pipe by using an ear plug on the pavement. If you are that annoyed, just use an ear plug my friend

And you are not only a wannabe biker also you don't know how to read I guess.

No benefits? Again you are using your brain on things you don't know. Please use your negative energy somewhere else.

You sound funny man!

I am funny!! :-)

So if I piss on you it is ok, as you can just wear a raincoat?

No not OK. If you do so, I trash you. Like anyone in this world.

Oh yes, you can try to trash me as well, I mean a guy with full protection, Kevlar gloves and full helmet, if you canlaugh.png

or if you can catch!

I accept your challenge. We play chicken. you can wear all the helmets, kevlar and gloves you want. I will be completely naked in my really heavy car :-D


Naked in a car? You are both funny and weird.

I get your mirrors and let you eat them once stop for a shit.:lol:

Just joking man. I never deal with idiots like you.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Some farang posters sure are a special species, but some farang bikers are too. Seriously, why is it so difficult to accept that there are people who are annoyed by loud pipes?


Some farang posters sure are a special species, but some farang bikers are too. Seriously, why is it so difficult to accept that there are people who are annoyed by loud pipes?

Ow I fully accept that some people don't like much noise which is understandeble and perfectly fine but, if those things are none of your interest then don't go to those sections to rant and complain.

I don't like pets (in houses or apartments, big land is perfectly fine) since I think they are annoying and they should live in the nature (I love animals in general though) and not in people homes - which is for me a reason to skip topics about keeping pets....

I guess that makes more sense than still going there to put up endless discussions right?

  • Like 2

Some farang posters sure are a special species, but some farang bikers are too. Seriously, why is it so difficult to accept that there are people who are annoyed by loud pipes?

Ow I fully accept that some people don't like much noise which is understandeble and perfectly fine but, if those things are none of your interest then don't go to those sections to rant and complain.

I don't like pets (in houses or apartments, big land is perfectly fine) since I think they are annoying and they should live in the nature (I love animals in general though) and not in people homes - which is for me a reason to skip topics about keeping pets....

I guess that makes more sense than still going there to put up endless discussions right?

Perhaps someone had a naive hope that at least some bikers (pet owners) would stop annoying others once someone informed them that what they are doing may be fun for them, but not for everyone else.

I think most people have tried playing too loud at a party, and not even considered turning down the volume until the neighbour or their parents complained. Once turned down a bit, the neighbour and the parents were happy, and surprise surprise, the party turned out just fine even at a lower volume.

I don't have such hope though. When someone suggested everyone just wear earplugs to avoid biker noise, I realised just how selfish a breed bikers are :-D


Some farang posters sure are a special species, but some farang bikers are too. Seriously, why is it so difficult to accept that there are people who are annoyed by loud pipes?

Ow I fully accept that some people don't like much noise which is understandeble and perfectly fine but, if those things are none of your interest then don't go to those sections to rant and complain.

I don't like pets (in houses or apartments, big land is perfectly fine) since I think they are annoying and they should live in the nature (I love animals in general though) and not in people homes - which is for me a reason to skip topics about keeping pets....

I guess that makes more sense than still going there to put up endless discussions right?

Perhaps someone had a naive hope that at least some bikers (pet owners) would stop annoying others once someone informed them that what they are doing may be fun for them, but not for everyone else.

I think most people have tried playing too loud at a party, and not even considered turning down the volume until the neighbour or their parents complained. Once turned down a bit, the neighbour and the parents were happy, and surprise surprise, the party turned out just fine even at a lower volume.

I don't have such hope though. When someone suggested everyone just wear earplugs to avoid biker noise, I realised just how selfish a breed bikers are :-D

yeah, i became selfish once my life get jeopardized many time on the roads by many idiots.

I prefer to be selfish than dead. A rider mantra!

OK back to the topic.

I stated my list before on this thread on first page.

But i think i have to add mods that change the ergonomics of a bike too. Such as adjustable rearsets, clip ons or handle bars and revised seat.

  • Like 1

For me I keep the changes pretty simple.

1. Change tyres, the stock tyres on my Thai made bikes have been absolutely awful.

2. Custom Reshape the seat (I use a local guy for a few hundred baht).

3. New bars and grips, I actually kept stock bars on my Ninja but changed to Helibars on the GSXR and Pro-Taper on the KSR.

4. Change exhaust, I do this to make it look better, sound better, reduce weight and improve performance. I don't believe the change in sound affects my safety (I use the horn in emergencies) but it does make people move over if they can't decide which lane to get in and I'm behind them revving the engine a bit.

5. Just ordered a double bubble screen and integrated tail light for the GSXR. I hate wind blast hence the new screen, the integrated tail light is cosmetic only as I want to remove the bulky tail section.

I kept my scooter stock except for new tyres - I think modified scooters look a bit silly and I rarely ride it anyway.

  • Like 1

Back to topic. My preferred list of mods on all my bikes are the following, in order.

1. Tires (unless the bike has really good ones on it).

2, Ergo related items as required (seat, windscreen, adjustable levers, bar risers, rearsets, etc)

3. Frame sliders, tank protector, etc.

4. Suspension and or brakes (if required)

5. Slip-on (for the weight, not the noise)

6. Full system and ecu re-mapping (but only if the bike is under-powered, a stock sports litre bike has more than enough power for me).

7. Brighter headlights.

8. Last and least important are appearance items like tail eliminator kits, tire tape, etc.

If I was doing up a specific purpose bike (like a touring bike or a track bike), my priorities would be a bit different.

My honda click is bone stock, only thing I ever change are tires and oil when required.

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Will be buying a new bike in the next two weeks.

Since this will be in the US and I have learned to ride here, the first thing I am doing is an MSF with the option to complete my license test at the end.

I figure the best "mod" I can do is the "rider mod".

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