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Hi all,

I've been interested in getting myself a TRD for quite some years now.

The time has come to finally find one.

Been reading here for info, but couldnt find any recent news here.

I would very much like to find a (couple) well known breeders in Thailand, preferably arround Pattaya/Bangkok.

Been searching on google but its quite difficult to find these breeders. I want to buy a puppy, because I have kids and want them to be familiair to another from the start.

It has to come with all the papers/guarantees etc. It wont be used for shows, purely as a house-pet. What are the prices for a such a TRD, and is it not too difficult to ship it to Holland?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps. I have a history with getting dogs from shelters etc, and I would like to state that this is not an option this time.


Most are strays and left at the Temples to starve..I know of no one that sells these dogs mainly just give them away....They do make good dogs if given a chance for a happy life..


There are a few advertising on Thai Visa Classifieds.

Also Baht sold.

There is also a Thai magazine with all registered breeders.

I am sure you have done your research, but Thai Ridge Back is nothing like Rhodesian.

Thai is very smart and not so easy to train, they have their own will and are somewhat semi wild.

Now i do not mean wild wild, but have very similar traits.


Thanks for the replies. Trust me though, I did my research, and am 100% sure that this is exactly the dog I want. We will attend extensive puppy training to f.e. socialize the dog.

I wonder which magazine you mean, couldnt find one. Dogs at temples are often mixed breedes. I would like one from a pedigree associated breeder, so I can check medical history from parents etc, even though I know there are hardly any health problems known for the TRD.

Just wish someone here can provide me weblinks or contact numbers, to continue my search.


Thanks for the replies. Trust me though, I did my research, and am 100% sure that this is exactly the dog I want. We will attend extensive puppy training to f.e. socialize the dog.

I wonder which magazine you mean, couldnt find one. Dogs at temples are often mixed breedes. I would like one from a pedigree associated breeder, so I can check medical history from parents etc, even though I know there are hardly any health problems known for the TRD.

Just wish someone here can provide me weblinks or contact numbers, to continue my search.

Dog magazines. Go to shops that look like newsagents and look for magazine with dog or cat covers. All in Thai, but easy to figure out what is what


I'll ask for you and let you know once I've received an answer.

As for sending the pup to Holland or any other country in the EU, it needs to be micro-chipped and has received all core-vaccines (Distemper, Parvo, Hepetitis and Rabies at the age of not younger than 3 months). Only 1 months after the Rabies jab blood can be draw and put into a serum. This serum has to be send to a registered lab in the EU for Rabies serological testing. Only if there is a sufficient amount of Rabies anti-bodies found in this serum the dog/pup will be allowed to enter the EU. But not after it has stayed another 3 months in Thailand after the blood-drawing. So, by the time your pup is allowed to enter Holland it will be at least 7 months old. And that will negatively influence your plans on socialization and training.

Why not look for a pup in or around Holland?


Thanks both.

Nienke.....the waiting time is indeed a problem, There are no breeders in Holland anymore. There used to be 3, but they all seem to have stopped.

I did contact a Dutch breeder in Spain (my parents live nearby), and also one in Belgium. I did all my research on the dogs character.....appears I should've put more energy in finding the info you just provided me with....bummer.facepalm.gif


Okay, here are the breeders to look for puppies according my friend. I trust his judgement as he himself has a TRD and he's is a puppy-dog trainer in BKK., and is, therefore, very aware of the importance of socialization and early education.

I copied and pasted his reply (I hope you've got a facebook account. If not ... open one. wink.png ):

Noppakao Trd https://www.facebook.com/noppakao.trd this kennel, Noppakao, is the kennel I bought Peun from. This kennel is outstanding in black, blue and issabella color. Also, dogs from this kennel are quite friendly for the standard temperament of TRDs.

Thamarut Grand https://www.facebook.com/siam.grand this kennel, Siam Grand, owns top ranking TRDs in conformation show ring for many years and has a lot of beautiful dogs.

Boy OstenTrd https://www.facebook.com/boy.roddamrongrith this kennel, Osten TRD, is the friend of Siam Grand and also regulary produces nice dogs.

Wip Tkk https://www.facebook.com/wip.tkk this kennel, JDsamut, is owned by the TRDs' breed judge.

Doipukha Muangnan https://www.facebook.com/doipukha.muangnan this kennel, Sam Mok Dog Farm, is located in northern province, may be Chiang Rai I am not sure. Dogs from here are quite prominent in temperament, compare to standard of the breed, as well.

And then taking the opportunity to promote myself, or rather my biz: I'm the managing director and head-trainer at LuckyDogs-TH, located in Chiang Mai
See for more info our website, which is in the (slow ... by me, not my webdesigner) process of being updated: http://www.luckydogs.info , and

our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LuckyDogs.TH?ref=hl&focus_composer=true

I'm Dutch and got my dog training and behavior wisdom at the Martin Gaus Academy, among some other places. Martin, just recently, got a Royal ribbon for his 4 decennia of excellent and very influential work with dogs. smile.png

We do take very young pups in for the highly necessary socialization and education, and will continue the vaccination process, while with us. (by bringing the pup to the vet. We do not do this ourselves). Currently we have a few pups in boarding and training of which one will go to Singapore in a few months.
Soon our guesthouse will be finished which will have a dog-run aka garden attached to it. Here dog-owners can stay with their dog during the period they are looking for a house in CNX or when they follow a dog training course at LuckyDogs-TH with their dog.

Of course, if you go this route, your cost will double if not triple, as the boarding and training will carry a fee and by the time your pup can travel s/he has almost the adult size already, making the cargo costs sky-high. (I fear it'll be a small 1000 US$)

Therefore, last but not least (just did a google search), have you seen this list? http://www.eurobreeder.com/breeds/thai_ridgeback_dog.html


Nienke, thank you so much for this great amount of information. Please also thank your friend for the info.

Training and socializing at a young age are very important to me, so that rules out finding one in Thailand. I did find the eurobreeder webpage before, thats how I got to the one on Spain.

They havent replied to me yet, but the one in Belgium did, they are expecting litter later this year. Most German breeders have outdated websites and all info in German, which I understand, but not as easy as Engish. For now Im concentrating on the ones in Belgium and Spain. I'll post any progress if available.


Okay, here are the breeders to look for puppies according my friend. I trust his judgement as he himself has a TRD and he's is a puppy-dog trainer in BKK., and is, therefore, very aware of the importance of socialization and early education.

I copied and pasted his reply (I hope you've got a facebook account. If not ... open one. wink.png ):

Noppakao Trd https://www.facebook.com/noppakao.trd this kennel, Noppakao, is the kennel I bought Peun from. This kennel is outstanding in black, blue and issabella color. Also, dogs from this kennel are quite friendly for the standard temperament of TRDs.

Thamarut Grand https://www.facebook.com/siam.grand this kennel, Siam Grand, owns top ranking TRDs in conformation show ring for many years and has a lot of beautiful dogs.

Boy OstenTrd https://www.facebook.com/boy.roddamrongrith this kennel, Osten TRD, is the friend of Siam Grand and also regulary produces nice dogs.

Wip Tkk https://www.facebook.com/wip.tkk this kennel, JDsamut, is owned by the TRDs' breed judge.

Doipukha Muangnan https://www.facebook.com/doipukha.muangnan this kennel, Sam Mok Dog Farm, is located in northern province, may be Chiang Rai I am not sure. Dogs from here are quite prominent in temperament, compare to standard of the breed, as well.

And then taking the opportunity to promote myself, or rather my biz: I'm the managing director and head-trainer at LuckyDogs-TH, located in Chiang Mai

See for more info our website, which is in the (slow ... by me, not my webdesigner) process of being updated: http://www.luckydogs.info , and

our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LuckyDogs.TH?ref=hl&focus_composer=true

I'm Dutch and got my dog training and behavior wisdom at the Martin Gaus Academy, among some other places. Martin, just recently, got a Royal ribbon for his 4 decennia of excellent and very influential work with dogs. smile.png

We do take very young pups in for the highly necessary socialization and education, and will continue the vaccination process, while with us. (by bringing the pup to the vet. We do not do this ourselves). Currently we have a few pups in boarding and training of which one will go to Singapore in a few months.

Soon our guesthouse will be finished which will have a dog-run aka garden attached to it. Here dog-owners can stay with their dog during the period they are looking for a house in CNX or when they follow a dog training course at LuckyDogs-TH with their dog.

Of course, if you go this route, your cost will double if not triple, as the boarding and training will carry a fee and by the time your pup can travel s/he has almost the adult size already, making the cargo costs sky-high. (I fear it'll be a small 1000 US$)

Therefore, last but not least (just did a google search), have you seen this list? http://www.eurobreeder.com/breeds/thai_ridgeback_dog.html

Sorry to go off topic, if you do not mind i have a question problem for you, see if you can assist

In short, i found a pup in the middle of the road after it was hit by a car.

He he undergone extensive surgery's and now almost recovered, still can not walk(back legs) due to broken spine and i guess nerve damage, but he goes to

physio weekly, so not giving up hope as of yet.

Now the problem is, he snaps for no reason and bites.

He does not snap at me and does not snap at my maid, who visited him in the hospital daily with me. He loves and adores us both, HOWEVER everyone else his behavior is unpredictable.

He can be all sweet and lovy dovy, but then few hours later snap and bite the same person.

There is no pattern to his snaps, and each time its different scenario.

I know dogs pretty well, but really can not figure out this guy and unsure how to actually treat it.

He is now around 10 months old, found him about 5 months ago, has been desexed, goes on daily walks twice per day( got him a wheel chair from US), very playful, very loving, lives with cats and no problem.

I have considered that he could be brain damaged, as his mouth was broken, have asked Vet for doggie Prozac, but Vet claims there is no such a thing.

So do you think you can help? how to organize and the costs?

I am in Pattaya

Thanks in advance and again sorry to hijack the thread


No problem for the hi-jack. Afraid I have no clue tho.

Don't think its braindamage, more a trust-issue, probably due to his inabilities.

Kudoos for your actions....admire it.


No problem for the hi-jack. Afraid I have no clue tho.

Don't think its braindamage, more a trust-issue, probably due to his inabilities.

Kudoos for your actions....admire it.

lol, thanks for your response Peri, i was actually asking Nienke as he is a dog trainer biggrin.png

I do not think he even realizes he can not walk, He jumps around like a Kangaroo, chases cats, plays with toys and always has a huge smile on his face.

Other people around him, he also knows since day one, and they all nice to him, so do not think its trust.

Just as an example, One person met him, and no problem, they bonded, played, person gave him snacks all great. Few hours later he wanted to bite him.

I actually put a muzzle on him now, because he gives no signs prior to attack


actually i would not rule out neurological damage. my lhasa apso was terribly bitten by several large dogs many years ago, and he also has 'spells' of biting. even biting his own leg, and wounding himself, and i have to stop him, when he stops , his chin rattles as if he is having an epileptic seizure. he always had some behavioral issues not connected but has improved tremendously, but the freaky bite attacks have no rhyme or reason, never sure what instigates them, he always shakes after them, and also seems a bit 'glazed over' after them... our vet was thinking maybe he suffered nerve damage somewhere that triggers feelings of pain/neuralgia in some area that in turn gives him the feeling he is being attacked on his back or one hind leg (the one that was also terribly bitten), and he reacts.

the attacks happen more and more severly , where he can attack himself for 10 minutes if i cant mangae to distract or push or move him a bit, which stops the action. all this after he has been clean shaven so i dont shave him down anymore, or if i do, i put a tight sweater on him, although that also doesnt always help.

also dogs that have been injured suffer from trauma, so certain movements or scents or actions or touch can trigger a reaction, to something that to you is small, but to the dog, is a definte different movement then usual.

nerve damage and chronic pain can cause quite a lot of havoc and physical neuralogical change in people and animals, so maybe a certain possition of movement triggers the snapping (like if he turns his neck a certain way slightly differently and he feels a burning like fire sensation from a nerve...)

it took me almost a year to make a connection with my dog which everyone was saying is a 'bad behaved' or 'vicious small dog syndrome'... but i learned to differentiate between small dog nasty behavior and his snapping /biting actions


actually i would not rule out neurological damage. my lhasa apso was terribly bitten by several large dogs many years ago, and he also has 'spells' of biting. even biting his own leg, and wounding himself, and i have to stop him, when he stops , his chin rattles as if he is having an epileptic seizure. he always had some behavioral issues not connected but has improved tremendously, but the freaky bite attacks have no rhyme or reason, never sure what instigates them, he always shakes after them, and also seems a bit 'glazed over' after them... our vet was thinking maybe he suffered nerve damage somewhere that triggers feelings of pain/neuralgia in some area that in turn gives him the feeling he is being attacked on his back or one hind leg (the one that was also terribly bitten), and he reacts.

the attacks happen more and more severly , where he can attack himself for 10 minutes if i cant mangae to distract or push or move him a bit, which stops the action. all this after he has been clean shaven so i dont shave him down anymore, or if i do, i put a tight sweater on him, although that also doesnt always help.

also dogs that have been injured suffer from trauma, so certain movements or scents or actions or touch can trigger a reaction, to something that to you is small, but to the dog, is a definte different movement then usual.

nerve damage and chronic pain can cause quite a lot of havoc and physical neuralogical change in people and animals, so maybe a certain possition of movement triggers the snapping (like if he turns his neck a certain way slightly differently and he feels a burning like fire sensation from a nerve...)

it took me almost a year to make a connection with my dog which everyone was saying is a 'bad behaved' or 'vicious small dog syndrome'... but i learned to differentiate between small dog nasty behavior and his snapping /biting actions

Funny you mention self biting.

He often gets angry at his own legs, back legs and bites it.

I have no doubt he suffered an enormous trauma,, also all the surgery's he had to have.

I do not believe he is in any pain at all, because he jumps around no problem, i play with him rough and no problem at all.

I have connected with him from the moment i picked him up off the road, i must admit i was little scared he would attack and bite me, but i guess he understood.

We bonded really tight from that moment, because even when he was in the hospital, no one could go near him, ONLY me,

He only ate if i gave food and allowed me to see the wounds and help Vet with everything.

He also bonded with the maid, who adores him.

The problem is all other peoplefacepalm.gif

Funny enough, he never bites others in my presence or maids presence.

May be he attacks because he feel insecure when one of us is not around., but how to break this circle?

I am still hoping, physio will work and he will be able to walk, then i can take him to the rest of the pack(i have another 14 dogs) and hopefully they can teach him and give him all the support he needs.

But love the little guy to death(well not little, 19kg already and growing smile.png) He really loves life to survive all the pain and surgery's

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