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Jailed Palestinians smuggle sperm out of Israeli prisons to get wives pregnant


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"Wife, why does little Mohammed look like a Jew?" You think maybe the Israeli's know about sperm smuggling to do a little substitution of their own at the clinic.whistling.gif

Dear Husband, why your son look more like the guard at the door, the one that can not stop sniggering every time he look at me?

Edited by Basil B
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"Wife, why does little Mohammed look like a Jew?" You think maybe the Israeli's know about sperm smuggling to do a little substitution of their own at the clinic.whistling.gif

Dear Husband, why your son look more like the guard at the door, the one that can not stop sniggering every time he look at me?

Palestinians and Israelis can often look similar anyway.

Is there a webpage where they post a bunch of pictures and test you to choose if it's an Israeli or a Palestinian?

Obviously no clue giving headgear allowed.

You know, like the those guess if it's a ladyboy type tests.

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Similar stories appeared in the past, not sure why it comes up again now:



Not sure it's all that likely from a medical point of view.

You are correct. The sperm would have to be kept in a warm, moist environment and even then is only viable for a few hours. I would expect that this is just an excuse to account for some of these women's pregnancies.

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What is Koran saying about IVF? Just curious.

I do realise that there was no IVF to talk about when it was written.

But perhaps some authoritative Imam or Mullah could expand on this issue?

My guess is: "If it gets our boys out - anything goes".

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The man's daughter was conceived thanks to his tricky ways of smuggling his semen out of the prison in an effort to impregnate his wife.

ah that old Chestnut.

Quick hubby, get some sperm inside me quickly, I think I may be pregnant, I want to be pregnant with you.

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I wonder if the Jews did this sort of thing when they were imprisoned by the Nazis. I wonder if they tried things like this to establish some form of contact with their loved ones. I wonder if things like this were made fun of back then.

It must be pretty horrible to be seperated from your family (you and them both being penned up like cattle, with armed cowboys watching your every move) and not knowing from one moment to the next if you will be dead or ever be able to hold your wife or children in your arms ever again.

I suspect this story is merely a ruse to mitigate the much worse atrocities being done by the Israelis against their physiological cousins; a sick attempt to distract from those things and give a reason for feeble minded people to poke fun at oppressed people.

This is damn sick journalism! Damn sick!

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I wonder if the Jews did this sort of thing when they were imprisoned by the Nazis. I wonder if they tried things like this to establish some form of contact with their loved ones. I wonder if things like this were made fun of back then.

It must be pretty horrible to be seperated from your family (you and them both being penned up like cattle, with armed cowboys watching your every move) and not knowing from one moment to the next if you will be dead or ever be able to hold your wife or children in your arms ever again.

I suspect this story is merely a ruse to mitigate the much worse atrocities being done by the Israelis against their physiological cousins; a sick attempt to distract from those things and give a reason for feeble minded people to poke fun at oppressed people.

This is damn sick journalism! Damn sick!

As the evidence shows, there are feeble minded people on both sides of this continuing problem.

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I wonder if the Jews did this sort of thing when they were imprisoned by the Nazis. I wonder if they tried things like this to establish some form of contact with their loved ones. I wonder if things like this were made fun of back then.

Huh? Don't be absurd. The Jews were imprisoned and murdered by the Nazis simply because of their religion. They were not criminals. The Palestinians are imprisoned for committing real crimes or ties to terrorism. Being in prison gets you a lot more sympathy when you did not do anything to actually deserve being there. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I would suggest that it is almost medically impossible that viable sperm is being transferred out of a prison such that it is able to create a pregnancy.

On the other hand we always knew them 'ol boys were a bunch of wwaannkkeerrss !

did the medical degree take you long to complete, or was it just a matter of waiting for the certificate to arrive in the mail?

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I would suggest that it is almost medically impossible that viable sperm is being transferred out of a prison such that it is able to create a pregnancy.

On the other hand we always knew them 'ol boys were a bunch of wwaannkkeerrss !

did the medical degree take you long to complete, or was it just a matter of waiting for the certificate to arrive in the mail?

I think most people learn about sperm in their sex ed class or basic biology when they are in their early teens. One doesn't need a medical diploma to understand that sperm is fragile and has a short life span outside the human body unless it is especially packaged for its "outside" use. These internet myths are silly.

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Who is really the hater here?

The one who is trying to equate enslaving and murdering innocent civilians - purely because of their religious beliefs - with criminals who are imprisoned for rape, murder, torture and other crimes.

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Who is really the hater here?

The one who is trying to equate enslaving and murdering innocent civilians - purely because of their religious beliefs - with criminals who are imprisoned for rape, murder, torture and other crimes.

Agreed UG, but the Nazi mass genocide against Jews was about much more than religion. It was about race. The Nazis saw Jews as a race, an inferior race, and spread propaganda comparing them to vermin. This applied to totally secular Jews, to people with small percentages of Jewish ancestry, etc.

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So, was there ever a story about Jews trying to smuggle their sperm from the camps, or could we find an equally feeble-minded story to compare to this one. You don't like that do you? What makes your suffering so special, the method, or that you think you are better than others... you... a fellow human being?

The compulsory knee-jerk response to someone subjecting another to reams and reams of Nazi death camp stories when, in a sick article about Palestinian sperm is written, and the subject of Israeli crimes against humanity come up, is almost humorous if it weren't so serious.

My point is that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians in this modern day era is an atrocity, and to post an article of this disgusting and reprehensible nature, which invokes sick jokes about humans suffering today is poor taste.

Invoking 70 year old memories and mantra-like diatribe really shows where the focus is, and moreover where the focus is not wanted.

Maybe you boys should stop watching the movies, and enter the correct Google search words to get a bit of live, modern day coverage of what 70 years of hatred and paranoia has created.

I have the utmost respect for history, but to keep it alive as a wild card to digress from more important issues at hand is showing poor sportsmanship.

You've got the power to heal, and instead you are keeping the pot stirred to justify your past.

Again, my point is that what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians in this modern day era is an atrocity. Moreover, to post an article of this disgusting and reprehensible nature, which invokes sick jokes about humans suffering, and to qualify your thesis with a few exceptions whilst ignoring the many other factors today; ...well, it is simply in poor taste.

Your posts have thus far not made any mention of whether or not Palestinian sperm is relevant to what a much more broader population is suffering from at the hands of those who wield the power to heal or destroy. I have. You have not, but I got another good lecture on history, and it's really getting boring.

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more sperm to make more Palestinians, when all middle easterners should make a lot less babies. They may be perceptive enough to perceive a modicum of the problems which ensue from overpopulation. However, their urge to make kids - far outweighs any notions of what's good for the planet or natural balance.

People, as a species, are somewhat advanced with tools & machines, but are still as clueless as wildebeasts in regard to doing what's morally right in the bigger perspective.

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I wonder if the Jews did this sort of thing when they were imprisoned by the Nazis. I wonder if they tried things like this to establish some form of contact with their loved ones. I wonder if things like this were made fun of back then.

It must be pretty horrible to be seperated from your family (you and them both being penned up like cattle, with armed cowboys watching your every move) and not knowing from one moment to the next if you will be dead or ever be able to hold your wife or children in your arms ever again.

I suspect this story is merely a ruse to mitigate the much worse atrocities being done by the Israelis against their physiological cousins; a sick attempt to distract from those things and give a reason for feeble minded people to poke fun at oppressed people.

This is damn sick journalism! Damn sick!

I think enough people commented about your twisted comparison, and I'm not looking to get banned, so I'll skip.

Onward to reality - What makes you think that the Palestinians are detained "penned up like cattle", or that "not knowing from one moment to the next if you will be dead"?

They aren't getting five star hotels, that's right. They do get decent enough condition including medical care, proper food, and

obviously, certain visitation rights. There weren't any major complaints or big stories over the years over systematic killings of

Palestinian prisoners by guards. You're more than welcome to compare conditions in Israeli holding facilities with those under

management by the PA or the Hamas.

In case you missed something - this is a re-hashed story, which appeared in quite a few media outlets. The original sources

are either Palestinian or Palestinian/Israeli (as in left wing pro-peace) reporters. The stories are treated by the Palestinians as

part of the Anti-Israel canon, that is - they do not see it as a "ruse to mitigate blah blah blah...sick attempt" - rather the opposite.

I don't think Israeli officials commented on these stories much, over the years (yes, this is not the first time).

If you want to blame someone on sick journalism, you'll have to take your issues with reporters and media outlets generally supportive of the Palestinian cause. Now where's that facepalm where you need it...?

Ha ha. Looks like the rank and file are being awakened to deal with someone who is stepping out of line.

Still no comments about my view that the crimes against humanity being committed in the Gaza strip are being mitigated in a sick manner with this story about smuggled Palestinian sperm.

You boys are hot to trot tonight, eh?

Cheers. No hard feelings, but I won't budge on this one. I trust The Truth, not yours. The world has been living on your truths for many years, and look where it has gotten us. I think The Truth isn;t much wanted these days. It would end too many grudges.

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Deleted quote edited out

Your post brings up an interesting question in my mind.

Have you ever personally pulled back the curtain and looked out of a window in either Palestine or Israel?

Just curious if you have really walked the walk.

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"Official"! Hah! Nice spin, but both you and I know that there is really no way to prove anything other than pulling back the curtains and looking out the window to see with our own eyes.

People see what they want to see and say what they want to say. It seems that these days, whoever is nearer the truth of what is seen outside that window wins the dishonorable disgrace of infamy.

Your post brings up an interesting question in my mind.

Have you ever personally pulled back the curtain and looked out of a window in either Palestine or Israel?

Just curious if you have really walked the walk.

Has anyone? On the other hand, I have listened to far too many people who have had that personal experience, and th power to bring about a change which is edifying to all, and still nothing has changed. What difference does it make?

Walking the walk is not necessary in all cases, in order to reach many truths. That is the case here. I don't need to go to Palestine or Israel to know this sick story degrades the very serious situation and events over there.

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The Voice of Russia? Let's see what an American paper writes about this, "Jailed Palestinian terrorists smuggle contraband out of Israeli prisons to prepare suicide bombers"

If you have read the article linked in the OP, you would have noticed that the story is basically a rip off from the Washington Post:


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I haven't walked the walk either. I haven't been to Israel/Palestine and might never go. I kind of want to go but I'd put Capetown higher on my list. As an American Jew I have a really hard time relating to Israelis, and vice versa. Sometimes its shocking how different our cultures are. I have tried but I think I can personally relate more to Palestinians even though they might throw a rock at me ... they remind me of Mexicans in the U.S., muy sympatico. But I still support their right to have a Jewish and democratic state (hopefully more of a homeland for the Jewish people rather than a theocracy) in Israel and also dream of a separate full state for the Palestinians, but I don't actually expect that to happen, less so now than ever. As far as blame for that, sorry zealots on both sides, BOTH side are culpable.

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Palestinians have legitimate gripes, in terms of feeling deeply that their property was taken away from them - unfairly by a group who has a slightly different belief system. However, there have been several ethnic variations who have laid claim to those bits of desert in the Middle East. There were groups residing there before the Palestinians and before the Israelis. At nearly every place where humans currently reside, there were different ethnic or religious group(s) who resided there prior. Before Caribbeans there were more peaceful tribes on those islands. Before Normans in England, there were Anglos, and before Anglos, there were other groups.

The difference with the Palestinian/Israeli tensions is: it's debated on the world stage. That's a relatively new dynamic. In the old days, whomever had the stronger army took over the territory. Perhaps 'might is right' is a better way to go. The current decades-long impasse doesn't paint negotiations in a good light. It's like the Cyprus imbroglio, and could go on for a century or more with no peaceful resolution.

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"Official"! Hah! Nice spin, but both you and I know that there is really no way to prove anything other than pulling back the curtains and looking out the window to see with our own eyes.

People see what they want to see and say what they want to say. It seems that these days, whoever is nearer the truth of what is seen outside that window wins the dishonorable disgrace of infamy.

Your post brings up an interesting question in my mind.

Have you ever personally pulled back the curtain and looked out of a window in either Palestine or Israel?

Just curious if you have really walked the walk.

Has anyone? On the other hand, I have listened to far too many people who have had that personal experience, and th power to bring about a change which is edifying to all, and still nothing has changed. What difference does it make?

Walking the walk is not necessary in all cases, in order to reach many truths. That is the case here. I don't need to go to Palestine or Israel to know this sick story degrades the very serious situation and events over there.

Thank you for your response. However it defeats your earlier argument.
You made this claim in a previous post:
"both you and I know that there is really no way to prove anything other than pulling back the curtains and looking out the window to see with our own eyes."
Now you make this claim:
"Walking the walk is not necessary in all cases, in order to reach many truths. That is the case here. I don't need to go to Palestine or Israel to know this sick story degrades the very serious situation and events over there."
While your particular sources might be considered all knowing and omniscient in your inexperienced eyes, others who have actually gone through the Middle East experience might find your sources biased and inaccurate.
My over 30 years living and working in the Middle East has, just perhaps, provided me with a perspective you cannot obtain from reading a Palestinian news source.
You may continue "talking the talk" but until such time as you "walk the walk", as you claim is necessary (or not), your argumentative rhetoric will fall on many a deaf ear.

You know, for living over there for 30 years, you really don't say much, and seem to have done even less.

Incidentally, the OP is about Palestinian sperm and the degrading details of it, and no thanks for your condescending education of your vague and ambiguous views and personal experiences in the Holy Land.

I am not impressed, and no, you are not better than me, and your "walk" does not trump my sense of decency.

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Your post brings up an interesting question in my mind.

Have you ever personally pulled back the curtain and looked out of a window in either Palestine or Israel?

Just curious if you have really walked the walk.

Has anyone? On the other hand, I have listened to far too many people who have had that personal experience, and th power to bring about a change which is edifying to all, and still nothing has changed. What difference does it make?

Walking the walk is not necessary in all cases, in order to reach many truths. That is the case here. I don't need to go to Palestine or Israel to know this sick story degrades the very serious situation and events over there.

Thank you for your response. However it defeats your earlier argument.
You made this claim in a previous post:
"both you and I know that there is really no way to prove anything other than pulling back the curtains and looking out the window to see with our own eyes."
Now you make this claim:
"Walking the walk is not necessary in all cases, in order to reach many truths. That is the case here. I don't need to go to Palestine or Israel to know this sick story degrades the very serious situation and events over there."
While your particular sources might be considered all knowing and omniscient in your inexperienced eyes, others who have actually gone through the Middle East experience might find your sources biased and inaccurate.
My over 30 years living and working in the Middle East has, just perhaps, provided me with a perspective you cannot obtain from reading a Palestinian news source.
You may continue "talking the talk" but until such time as you "walk the walk", as you claim is necessary (or not), your argumentative rhetoric will fall on many a deaf ear.

You know, for living over there for 30 years, you really don't say much, and seem to have done even less.

Incidentally, the OP is about Palestinian sperm and the degrading details of it, and no thanks for your condescending education of your vague and ambiguous views and personal experiences in the Holy Land.

I am not impressed, and no, you are not better than me, and your "walk" does not trump my sense of decency.

"Experience irrelevant", says forum poster, "I've read it on the internet".

The OP, incidentally is about Palestinian prisoner smuggling sperm, and a successful IVF procedure.

There aren't "degrading details" as such in the article. And everyone interviewed sees it as a positive thing.

The OP is not a diatribe detailing every imagined or real evil Israel inflicted on the innocent Palestinians.

The OP does not make any distasteful comparison such as you did.

If your beef is with poster's comments, may I suggest that a similar story, with different nationalities would get

pretty much the same responses on this forum (and as one can easily check - on other forums as well).

Various versions of the story (and similar ones) are all over the internet for a few years now.

Most of the Palestinian and the Arab media covered these - their sense of decency is not offended,

and they see it as a positive, uplifting story, outsmarting the enemy and keeping hope alive sort of thing.

If you believe this is some sort of disinformation, you're welcome to your opinion, but that is not the prevailing

notion amongst Palestinians.

Now again, in case you missed it at the first page of the topic, is a link to an AFP clip, interviewing one proud mother,

the newborn's elder sister and the doctor. They do not seem upset, and they are real people, not actors.


The truth is out there.

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You have no clue what I have been doing or what I might or might not have accomplished.

Just more argumentative rhetoric from you.

Impressing you isn't exactly on my bucket list..

I concur. I don't find this a productive debate. More like an odd dance on the edge. When I hear such rhetoric, I am reminded again, Thank God that Israel Exists! (And I'm an atheist.)

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