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I tried the longest not to buy any phone which is smarter than me (smart phone).

However, for several reasons I decided to purchase one.

A Nokia Lumia 1020 phone.

Lots of stuff for a novice within the smart phone world.

It is called a Windows phone?

Furthermore, the contacts are constantly referred to as Hotmail contacts.

What the hell? I hate Hotmail after it changed it's layout some time ago (outlook),

I guess i need to get used to it.

Some so called Apps (applications) like Line and Viber, have lots of unknown people suddenly listed in my contact (friend) lists.

How they got there?

Did the phone retrieve old e-mail addresses from my hotmail account?

I kind of liked the Line/Viber, and checked it up online, and it said it was a free messaging system.

But is it?

And here comes the issue I have.

Every morning I receive a message from AIS3G that I have spent 49 Baht (sometimes 29 Baht).

This is a daily occurrence.

This will accumulate to 14-1500 Baht per month, or about 17000 Baht per year!


Is this deduction in my load/credit due to downloading of updates of applications?

I hook up to my own WiFi when I’m indoors, and have hardly used the phone for SMS/Calls it since I bought it a week ago

Is it because Line/Viber is free, but I must pay the fee the AIS?


is there some sort of Application manager on this phone, where I can see what is running in the background, which I pay for?

Your help is always appreciated.


Please keep in mind I’m new with this type of phone and all the “apps”.

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Maybe you dont have an internet package and is the 49 or 29 bt for internet use. When you bought a smart phone did you get a good phone package ? If not then that will explain your costs.

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I have been very carefull NOT to use it on internet, since I use my laptop or PC for that.

Have NOt used my credit card to purchase anything on it either.

Still it seems like I download data and for that I must pay.

Edit: No I did not purchase any internet package, because I really do not intend to surf on internet with it.


If you didn't buy an internet package you are being charged ad hoc rates for Internet usage.

Either turn data off or get an Internet package.

Correct, those apps will connect to the internet. Line for instance does this.


So even though the Line/Viber/Whatsapp messaging apps are free, I still pay to the carrier for sending the messages?


Skype for example is free to use computer to computer but it still needs to use the internet to make the connection to the other party so unless you are on a free wi-fi connection, you will end up paying someone for internet... e.g. AIS.


I just went in to Settings - mobile network, then I chose the option "data connection" to be OFF.

I'm,by the way, hooked up to my house WiFi with the phone.

We will see tomorrow if I still get these messages I have paid mobey for data transfer.


So even though the Line/Viber/Whatsapp messaging apps are free, I still pay to the carrier for sending the messages?

Yes because they use internet to send it. You can setup your phone that you only use internet when home (if you have internet at home you can let your phone use the WIFI) and then you dont pay a thing. If you want to use it outside your home you will have to pay for it.


I just went in to Settings - mobile network, then I chose the option "data connection" to be OFF.

I'm,by the way, hooked up to my house WiFi with the phone.

We will see tomorrow if I still get these messages I have paid mobey for data transfer.

Yes if you are hooked up to your house WiFi you should not get those cost, however sometimes the phone uses internet outside unless you switched that option off. Then you can only use it at home.


Maybe you dont have an internet package and is the 49 or 29 bt for internet use. When you bought a smart phone did you get a good phone package ? If not then that will explain your costs.

I think the OP wants to know if APPS run in the background.

YES THEY DO. Anything that needs the internet such as LINE VIBER and EMAIL run inconspicuously in the background costing you DATA.

If you have AIS, go and get the 599 per month 3g DATA package which will allay your fears of 49 baht per day.

SMART phones use the internet and APPS run over the internet.

I did this to make it as easy to understand as possible so I hope that helps you

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Many new smart phone users are getting shafted before they learn to switch the data connection off.

If you ask me how I know this, I rather not answer.

Actually its just that your not tech savvy no shame in that we can't be good in everything. I knew it right from the start what i was getting into never got shafted. Did start real late with a smart phone because I thought i did not need it. How wrong I was made life easier, if they just did something about the battery capacity (yes I know about power-banks).

Its quite normal to get higher costs if you start into something that your not familiar with until you found your way. No shame at all.

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Maybe you dont have an internet package and is the 49 or 29 bt for internet use. When you bought a smart phone did you get a good phone package ? If not then that will explain your costs.

I think the OP wants to know if APPS run in the background.

YES THEY DO. Anything that needs the internet such as LINE VIBER and EMAIL run inconspicuously in the background costing you DATA.

If you have AIS, go and get the 599 per month 3g DATA package which will allay your fears of 49 baht per day.

SMART phones use the internet and APPS run over the internet.

I did this to make it as easy to understand as possible so I hope that helps you

I think he understands it, i also got a 599 per month package and no more fears and can use it anywhere I want.

f you have AIS, go and get the 599 per month 3g DATA package which will allay your fears of 49 baht per day.

I use AIS package 350 Baht per month for 1g - if I go over that, there is additional charges - but, have had for over a year now and have never exceeded the 1g - I have WiFi at home and it is often widely available at other locations (usually have to ask for password to connect with their system) - so do not use 3G Internet connection very often but do keep data "on" for skype, viber, etc.

When up country, if 3G connection is available, I "tether" my notebook or my iPad to connect to the Internet through the iPhone - check emails etc, but avoid doing my usual surfing/news reading, etc. to keep data use down.

DTAC says their packages are unlimited, but you still select the gigabytes you want in a package (at varying prices) - when you exceed your package allowance, e.g., 2g, you can still connect to internet, but connection speed slows down ( about double the dial up speed).


I think the 1st smart thing would be to throw away this windows phone and go for an android.... Nokia USED to be smart phones, but then they chose the wrong OS (well, the Nokia company was smart enough to sell it all to MS....)

as for the hotmail / outlook mail that you don't like - try K9 mail - I am not sure they have a windows version as I use it on android, but it is a great mail app

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Turn OFF Data if charges still occur;;;;;;Drop Phone in BUCKET FULL of water and leave there for 24 Hrs :))((: 100 % success rate,


Never have needed smart phone..... Just needed smart people to answer it..... Just a thought....... Pretty phones doesn't make us bright, but conversation sure helps........

Kerry cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


No need to spend a fortune.AIS has a 90MB package for 99. baht. This is more than enough for line as long as you do not download or send too many photos and do updates with wi-fi.

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Normally, apps like Skype, Viber, and Line will use your contacts list, or in the case of Line (I think), other people's contact lists that have your number in them, to populate their own Address books. That is why you may find yourself with lots of new "Friends".

You may be asked if you want to accept them as friends. You can always refuse.

Also, please bear in mind that not all Skype calls are free.

And as others have stated, get an internet package.


You can just switch of the 2/3G completely? In case you are on the 2/3G network, you should disable apps like facebook and email to update in the background. Especially facebook can eat away a lot of data. There are many apps that run in the background, you have to switch them off manually from syncing. Google is your best friend:)


PS there is totally nothing wrong with Windows mobile, i think for someone who never used a smartphone and is used to Windows, its one of the easiest platforms to use! I also prefer Android, but I also used Windows mobile with great satisfaction.

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I just went in to Settings - mobile network, then I chose the option "data connection" to be OFF.

I'm,by the way, hooked up to my house WiFi with the phone.

We will see tomorrow if I still get these messages I have paid mobey for data transfer.

As far as I know a smart phone can not be connnected to both the wifi and data carrier.

It's either wifi or the data carrier,

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Captioned from the poster


Please keep in mind I’m new with this type of phone and all the “apps”.

I am too new to smartphone and apps. Although I somewhat know how about computer but I do not occupy myself on smartphone much even though I have monthly free 1G data allowance. My main activities are e-mail, whatsapp within family and reading Thailand online news. About apps downloads, it will be charged to the credit card unless it is free. In the case that the poster assumed that AIS charged which could be from apps download but I doubt that was from apps d/l.

Having an internet data on smartphone and using wifi where available, the available wifi will take over the internet data, it can not be used simultaneously. I learned that from my smartphone when I went away to other state where I was not able to connect to wifi, I had only 200Mb left out of 1G data until I managed to log on with wifi. I still have 200Mb data left since and that was one week ago.

If the poster has not purchased an internet data from AIS and only using wifi connection from home, you should not be charged for using free skype, viber and any other free stuffs. You have to contact AIS to find out where those hidden cost come from. It is best to have a Thai person to do the communication.


12Gb 'fast internet' tethering or mobile hotspot on 4G LTE from T-Mobile (aka Deutch Telecom) in the US costs me slightly under THB2000 additional to my unlimited plan. The fast internet used on the device only is unlimited. I have no hardwired or satellite connection into the home so everything I do is via T-Mobile, and its generally a satisfactory solution insofar as I will not allow any cable or broadcast television anywhere near my home, nor am I interested to have a fixed (land) line into it.

The problem arises once one has exhausted the mobile hotspot data limit for the billing cycle. T-Mobile doesn't slow my connection to "about 2x dialup speed, but rather to about 0.2x dialup speed. Which is basically the same as turning it off. No amount of pleading, threatening, or even hollering red-faced into the customer service hotline has ever prevailed. Nor will T-Mobile sell additional 4G LTE data beyond the 12Gb monthly limit, not for ANY price.

So in this situation a top end smart phone is a necessity. And top end means Samsung, full stop. I've found the new Note3 perfect for the tasks that require an internet connection, several of which I depend upon for my business, such as the spectacular 'SketchBook for Galaxy' from Autodesk.

Hope that helps put certain limitations of the Thai system into perspective.


I just went in to Settings - mobile network, then I chose the option "data connection" to be OFF.

I'm,by the way, hooked up to my house WiFi with the phone.

We will see tomorrow if I still get these messages I have paid mobey for data transfer.

As far as I know a smart phone can not be connnected to both the wifi and data carrier.

It's either wifi or the data carrier,

That is basically correct for now, but the Galaxy S5 will do wifi and LTE at the same time - "Download Booster". Will not do 3G and wifi at the same time though as there's no speed benefit. I think it's a solution looking for a problem myself, but maybe we'll see more phones with it before there's a 5G network.



By the way, the world's most expensive Smartphone stands at $16.5 million, so you'd have do download some serious data to beat that.


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