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My fantastic diet.

Som wat

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cut out the glycemic load carbs and you will notice a big change

at 30 your metabolism is fine but the older you get then the metabolism slows down

its nature

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load.

Most smart phones have apps that will give you the numbers for most foods to make it easy.

As for Atkins diet and the like, I have never eaten as many veggies when doing a low-carb diet and dropped 70 lbs. in 8 months and have kept most of it off and the brain "fog" lifted from my head in the first few weeks. I sleep better, have more energy and think sharper and faster.

If my weight starts to creep up, I cut back on the "bad" carbs.

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How about transfat?

RDI (Us recommended Daily Allowance) is zero for they increase the risk of sudden death, heart disease and diabetes.

Transfat is found in all animal fats :

Cheese,milk,dairy products :2.54% of transfat

Chicken 1.15% transfat


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Oil rig diet

Wake up, 4.50.am

Bacon, eggs, toast, sausage


Sit in my ass in the office



Nothing happening today


More Coffee

Lunch steak n chips with coke

Back to my desk to watch a movie (mostly porn)

Thinking about sex


Walk around heli deck early evening, think about women cause its all men here

Dinner.. steak again, maybe pasta, coke n pie

Sit back at my desk and watch another movie from my 2tb of assorted porn

Thing about going to bed

Have a shower, rub another one out.

Go to bed

40/m 176cm 75kg

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

I have never seen a decent offshore sausage in my life.

Plus we have a fridge full of Magnums and Cornettos to contend with.

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Oil rig diet

Wake up, 4.50.am

Bacon, eggs, toast, sausage


Sit in my ass in the office



Nothing happening today


More Coffee

Lunch steak n chips with coke

Back to my desk to watch a movie (mostly porn)

Thinking about sex


Walk around heli deck early evening, think about women cause its all men here

Dinner.. steak again, maybe pasta, coke n pie

Sit back at my desk and watch another movie from my 2tb of assorted porn

Thing about going to bed

Have a shower, rub another one out.

Go to bed

40/m 176cm 75kg

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

I have never seen a decent offshore sausage in my life.

Plus we have a fridge full of Magnums and Cornettos to contend with.

So not only you're stranded but you are forced to eat transfatty overly processed food

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Mid-30's. 175cm, 73kg.

Never been overweight or fat.

Be carefull NOT to turn Jing ON

How do you know I ain't a chubby chaser?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought you not picky and chase anythingcheesy.gif

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Being married for for over two decades to an opinionated woman who can hold her own in a civilized debate, I find that I eat crow as a semi-regular part of my diet. This is quite slimming, so I'm good, thanks.


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cut out the glycemic load carbs and you will notice a big change

at 30 your metabolism is fine but the older you get then the metabolism slows down

its nature

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load.

Most smart phones have apps that will give you the numbers for most foods to make it easy.

As for Atkins diet and the like, I have never eaten as many veggies when doing a low-carb diet and dropped 70 lbs. in 8 months and have kept most of it off and the brain "fog" lifted from my head in the first few weeks. I sleep better, have more energy and think sharper and faster.

If my weight starts to creep up, I cut back on the "bad" carbs.

yes check http://www.mendosa.com/gi.htm has all the good stuff on low glycemic carbs

pretty good and u can spend the week on it and then pickout on a few days

good for diabetics too as if you cut out rice pasta potato some banana and root vegies you will lose weight very quickly

but hey who can resist a good roast potato or a few french fries?

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I just did the Jingthing math. 51,000 posts equals to 5 TV posts a day for 28 years. I'm impressed. wai2.gif 51,0000 times more interesting than the OP post. Why is someone's stupid diet even a topic for discussion? The Rig diet made more sense.

Re: OP - really? who gives a shit? My father drank, smoked and ate the worst food you can imagine and lived to be 91. My best friend ate only the purest organic diet, never drank or smoked and died at 62. We're all different. duh. Medical checkups are very inexpensive in Thailand. I recommend a yearly checkup with all your vitals, so you know whats going on inside of YOU. It's a personal matter. I'm not a troll, but I think if you got out and smelled the roses, took long walks, and had sex once a day with someone other than your right hand, then you would have more brain cells and not post such nonsense. but whatever - We're all here to enjoy life and have fun.

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I just did the Jingthing math. 51,000 posts equals to 5 TV posts a day for 28 years. I'm impressed. wai2.gif 51,0000 times more interesting than the OP post. Why is someone's stupid diet even a topic for discussion? The Rig diet made more sense.

Re: OP - really? who gives a shit? My father drank, smoked and ate the worst food you can imagine and lived to be 91. My best friend ate only the purest organic diet, never drank or smoked and died at 62. We're all different. duh. Medical checkups are very inexpensive in Thailand. I recommend a yearly checkup with all your vitals, so you know whats going on inside of YOU. It's a personal matter. I'm not a troll, but I think if you got out and smelled the roses, took long walks, and had sex once a day with someone other than your right hand, then you would have more brain cells and not post such nonsense. but whatever - We're all here to enjoy life and have fun.

For me it is interesting and a lot more interesting than your posting

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I was a tad overweight, and went to my doctor for a check-up. During the consultation he said, "why don't you give up the alcohol, the cigarettes, the bar girls, starchy foods, and saturated fats in things like bacon, hamburgers and sausages?" I said, "that's great - will I live longer?" He replied,

"probably not - but it will certainly seem like it!" :-)

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I just did the Jingthing math. 51,000 posts equals to 5 TV posts a day for 28 years. I'm impressed. wai2.gif 51,0000 times more interesting than the OP post. Why is someone's stupid diet even a topic for discussion? The Rig diet made more sense.

Re: OP - really? who gives a shit? My father drank, smoked and ate the worst food you can imagine and lived to be 91. My best friend ate only the purest organic diet, never drank or smoked and died at 62. We're all different. duh. Medical checkups are very inexpensive in Thailand. I recommend a yearly checkup with all your vitals, so you know whats going on inside of YOU. It's a personal matter. I'm not a troll, but I think if you got out and smelled the roses, took long walks, and had sex once a day with someone other than your right hand, then you would have more brain cells and not post such nonsense. but whatever - We're all here to enjoy life and have fun.

For me it is interesting and a lot more interesting than your posting

You can't fix angry. :D

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I just did the Jingthing math. 51,000 posts equals to 5 TV posts a day for 28 years. I'm impressed. wai2.gif 51,0000 times more interesting than the OP post. Why is someone's stupid diet even a topic for discussion? The Rig diet made more sense.

Re: OP - really? who gives a shit? My father drank, smoked and ate the worst food you can imagine and lived to be 91. My best friend ate only the purest organic diet, never drank or smoked and died at 62. We're all different. duh. Medical checkups are very inexpensive in Thailand. I recommend a yearly checkup with all your vitals, so you know whats going on inside of YOU. It's a personal matter. I'm not a troll, but I think if you got out and smelled the roses, took long walks, and had sex once a day with someone other than your right hand, then you would have more brain cells and not post such nonsense. but whatever - We're all here to enjoy life and have fun.

For me it is interesting and a lot more interesting than your posting

You can't fix angry. biggrin.png

Of course you can, either redirect him to JIngs baht bus thread or stick a banana in his mouthbiggrin.png

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Som Wat, thanks for sharing and do not listen to all the "experts" with their profound Google skills.

Each body is different and responds differently.

If what you found works for you, it is great, stick to it.

You are now at the age, when weight starts to pile on, so watching your food and keeping fit is very important.

I would love to try your diet, the only problem for me and i have to be honest to myself, i will still be hungry and also love the Thai food.

Also for me personally, i found when i eat lots of fruits my stomach bloats, but as i said, each body responds differently.

If you ever decide to bulk up, let me know, will share my old bulking up diet wink.png

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I was a tad overweight, and went to my doctor for a check-up. During the consultation he said, "why don't you give up the alcohol, the cigarettes, the bar girls, starchy foods, and saturated fats in things like bacon, hamburgers and sausages?" I said, "that's great - will I live longer?" He replied,

"probably not - but it will certainly seem like it!" :-)

Come on, my grandfather told me this joke when I was a child.....now I am old.....

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Your diet resembles the Atkins diet which is based on animal protein and no starch

Starch is not the problem,it's the solution

Both pasta and potatoes contain starch.

I guess it's white pasta which for your body is like sugar

As for potatoes, the specimen I saw here are nutrients and organolepticly poor.

I doubt that pasta is as fast in the blood as pure sugar......

No question it isn't good but still better than sugar.

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Som Wat, thanks for sharing and do not listen to all the "experts" with their profound Google skills.

Each body is different and responds differently.

If what you found works for you, it is great, stick to it.

You are now at the age, when weight starts to pile on, so watching your food and keeping fit is very important.

I would love to try your diet, the only problem for me and i have to be honest to myself, i will still be hungry and also love the Thai food.

Also for me personally, i found when i eat lots of fruits my stomach bloats, but as i said, each body responds differently.

If you ever decide to bulk up, let me know, will share my old bulking up diet wink.png

Cheers, I wouldn't mind bulking up the upper-body a bit more - delts, biceps and triceps, but it always goes to the waist first, and I rather keep that fit and trim.

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Som Wat, thanks for sharing and do not listen to all the "experts" with their profound Google skills.

Each body is different and responds differently.

If what you found works for you, it is great, stick to it.

You are now at the age, when weight starts to pile on, so watching your food and keeping fit is very important.

I would love to try your diet, the only problem for me and i have to be honest to myself, i will still be hungry and also love the Thai food.

Also for me personally, i found when i eat lots of fruits my stomach bloats, but as i said, each body responds differently.

If you ever decide to bulk up, let me know, will share my old bulking up diet wink.png

Cheers, I wouldn't mind bulking up the upper-body a bit more - delts, biceps and triceps, but it always goes to the waist first, and I rather keep that fit and trim.

Again be careful with those "sexy" words, Jing could be watchingbiggrin.pnggiggle.gifthumbsup.gif

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Yeah, starch is no solution. The erroneous USDA food chart has been partly responsible for the obesity rate in the US. There existed for a long the mistaken idea that fat consumed went right into your bloodstream, raising your cholesterol level and increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Now the medical establishment (or at least some of them) realize that that is not true. An article in the NYT two days ago said, "eat more eggs." Other articles have said, "If you have toast and butter at breakfast, the butter is the healthy part." Also, the notion of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and "good" cholesterol (HDL) has been debunked. My cardiologist only tells me my total cholesterol these days. People are now encouraged to use full-fat dairy products and allow a reasonable amount of fat with their meat as in eating the chicken skin along with the chicken. Check out articles in the health section of the NYT published recently as well as a recent article about dietary fat published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The amount of carbohydrates eaten is now to be minimized and a moderate amount of fat included in the diet. For a wealth of information about the great cholesterol scam, check out spacedoc.com.

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I spent 12 weeks in South East Asia in 2009 and lost 22 pounds in weight. All I did was be more active than I am in the UK, although nothing too strenuous. Ate lots, but local, which was mainly healthy. Didn't eat much bread or potatoes, although plenty of rice. Drank more than I would in the UK, but it was spread out over the whole week rather than just binging at weekends. Wasn't overly active for the last few weeks, other than a few days of fairly gentle kayaking. To be honest, I'd pretty much lost that weight in the first 6 weeks - 3 in Singapore / Malaysia, few days in Thailand, week in Laos and 5 days in Cambodia, couple more days in Bangkok. Most of the last 5 weeks was drinking most nights and even then I didn't put the weight I'd lost back on.

Took a good 6 months for the weight to (noticeably) start to go back on...not helped by two long stag weekends and the subsequent weddings around that time.

My point is that you don't need to go crazy / drastic to lose weight, just be a bit more active and eat a bit more healthily. Also, the climate in South East Asia gives you a helping hand. :-)

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What kind of fruit are you having sex with? Maybe that's why your in good shape....

I was thinking the same thing. Morning: Coffee. Fruit. Sex. Everyday? You didn't say who or what you were having sex with and for how long. Details?

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