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Prayuth ready to act only as last resort

Lite Beer

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Seems easy enough, Suthep has only to escalate violence via his thugish guards against the red protest group, and presto, the coup he has always been dreaming about, how convinient

More likely the red bombers will escalate their grenade attacks - which have already in progress for some time - and we'll get a coup that way. Has it escaped your notice which side is threatening civil war?

You are such a pathetically one eyed individual.

Edited by Crushdepth
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"The army announced it would transport weapons and armaments including artillery and tanks from Khok Krathiam station in Lop Buri province to Bangkok for use in annual military field exercises."

Never mind what he says......this is more important.

Have to say we did our military exorcises away from Cities and Towns I would not of been to happy doing a jump into a city, tanks and heavy self propelled guns don't mix to well with windows ether.

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Right. What does seem to be happening is the Thais having so many holidays they're too busy to fight with all the partying going on. All they need to do is assign every day to be a military this or that day and it's sorted.

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Sondhi is back! The airport closer. The seditionist who brought the country to its knees by occupying its international airport for a week and causing a month of disintermediation in international air travel. Sondhi, the best airport closer in the world. The military let him operate at will as well. He is a powerhouse. We should rejoice that this powerful and knowing Thai leader is back on the scene.

Perhaps he has recovered from the bullet wound to his brain when Thaksin had his SUV sprayed with 200 rounds of automatic rifle fire? That Sondhi?

It was absolutely nothing to do with Thaksin. Perhaps you should check out who Sondhi himself and his family believe to be responsible before you write inaccurate nonsense again in future.

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In the country I am from a military chief would be sacked for speaking like this but TIT where politicians both need and fear the military.

Is his Commander in Chief still Defence Minister or was she sacked from both posts or is his Defence Minister still CiC ?

What fun, will the real boss please stand up or is he only available on Skype form the sand castle ?

Agreed. It's indicative of a weak government, a weak political, system and a weak understanding of democracy as far as the military's role. It seems that many high ranking military officers think nothing of making public statements in areas they should remain silent about.

Sacking the entire General Staff seems not such a bad idea.

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.....Dear Army commander........you say you and your troops will only intervene as a "last resort"

This place has reached a point of "last resort".....in fact it has been at a point of last resort for weeks/months.

Please intervene and get this country back into some sort of order......

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Prayuth to act?

All the lead roles are taken unless you have a white horse old boy!

You can see why Chewit switched jobs - there's more soap going on than his previous profession could aspire to

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Perhaps he has recovered from the bullet wound to his brain when Thaksin had his SUV sprayed with 200 rounds of automatic rifle fire? That Sondhi?

And of course you have irrefutable evidence that Thaksin ordered that incident in order to make such a blatant comment such as that, correct? Or are you just talking out of your nether region?

Isn't a more reasonable standard "beyond a reasonable doubt". Is there any evidence that is truly irrefutable. You see me do something. I just claim it was someone disguised as me. Refer to Hollywood for how well someone could pose as someone else (or perhaps I should reference Mission Impossible).

At the same time rabas should probably have rephrased as "Perhaps he has recovered from the bullet wound to his brain when his SUV was sprayed with 200 rounds of automatic rife fire, possibly at the orders of Thaksin". All depending on the level of proof available. It probably was political, and the likely suspect was Thaksin, though it could always have been some other fanatic from that side, or as someone will undoubtedly suggest, he shot his car and himself looking for sympathy.

Gabruce, you are correct as usual. I didn't want to respond directly to an insult wrapped in a question.

I refer to Thaksin because that is what Sondhi himself said after the incident. He said he knew who had planned it and referred to him as the big man overseas, a commonly used reference reserved for Thaksin. Sondhi is also on record for profusely forgiving him, which I interpret to mean he is scared out of his wits.

There is also a conspiracy theory that emerged later, which suggests the army might have been involved. Having read what I could on that, I think it is likely to be just a smoke screen. But like you point out, who really knows exactly what goes on. We can only go on the pieces of information that drift out, mixed with a bit of logic.

I always enjoy your highly objective posts, but ran out of likes.

They are like a breath of fresh air in a wind tunnel.


Thais themselves either know or can figure their way through these circumstances in cultural ways far superior to fahlang. Thaksin knows he's untouchable in this respect - so is Suthep, so is Abhisit and so on. When the field operative Sondhi managed to cancel the appointment made for him with his Maker, it was he who knew he had to apologize to the big man overseas, A definite few are immune, the rest are not. Seh Daeng had mistakenly thought he was immune as had the late colonel. Add the fortunate Sondhi to the list that think too highly of themselves.

Sondhi has been a Thaksin menace since the two broke up ten or so years ago. If Sondhi wants a coup, which he clearly does, it's a safe bet Thaksin does not so that aspect is a talking point of the yellows that is more full of holes than Swiss cheese or Sondhi's head.

Strictly personal, nothing to do with business.

Edited by Publicus
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Seems easy enough, Suthep has only to escalate violence via his thugish guards against the red protest group, and presto, the coup he has always been dreaming about, how convenient

With a decent neutral police force there would never be any need for the army to get involved.

The army are involved every time because of this problem. Where were the police when control was needed years ago in BKK, where were the police when PAD took over the airport, Where are the police now to prevent what is about to happen.??????

The head of the police ??? any guesses ??cheesy.gif But the real head is Thaksin+family aided by one of those drunken politicians Chalerm and CAPO.

The red shirt leader Jutaporn fanatic, is awaiting orders to create the revenge Thaksin wants, the police stepping to one side forcing the military to act, Thaksin wish, because the amnesty bill didn't work THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.

So all the other NUTTERS have to try to stop the PTP led--REVENGE and people wanted an early election to put everything right---it was never to be UNTIL some guardian angel can be beamed up to stop the DUNG from both sides.

Each the police and the military need to conform to the legal and moral authority of democratically elected leaders and to the civil government, thereby respecting the sovereignty of the people. You either forget or choose to ignore that throughout 2006 commanders in both the police and the military together planned and executed the catastrophic September19 martial law coup d'état.

As the following account clearly indicates, when the army starts moving selected Special Operations forces to the capital during times of civil strife and disorder, it is the prelude to a martial law coup d'état. Perhaps this time however the commanders of the police may not be quite as involved as they were in 2006, certainly not as accomplices.

"On the evening of 19 September 2006, the Thai military and police overthrew the elected government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. At the time, the premier was in New York City for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

At 18:30, Royal Thai Army Special Forces units moved from Lopburi province towards Bangkok.

By 21:00, the Special Forces units had arrived in Bangkok.

At 21:40, police commandos arrived at the residence of Thaksin. Army tanks soon took position throughout Bangkok.

At 23:00 Thawinan Khongkran, Miss Asia 1987 and head of Public Relations for Army-owned television station Channel 5, announced on TV that military and police units had Bangkok and the surrounding areas under control:

"The armed forces commander and the national police commander have successfully taken over Bangkok and the surrounding area in order to maintain peace and order. There has been no struggle. We ask for the cooperation of the public and ask your pardon for the inconvenience. Thank you and good night.[14]"


The OP to this thread points out the army just now announced it would transport weapons and armaments including artillery and tanks from Khok Krathiam station in Lop Buri province to Bangkok for use in "annual military field exercises." (Field exercises in metropolitan Bangkok?)

The Special Forces units that executed the 2006 coup continue to be based in Lop Buri. These units are specially trained for it, clandestinely. I'd bet anyone who cares to go back in history would find the same Lop Buri based units led the 1991 military mutiny that the following year led to mass demonstrations that toppled the military dictatorship but at the great cost of much blood in the streets of Bangkok.

The military command relies on Special Operations forces to execute its coups - the military high command knows the mass of the conscripted regular army originates from a general population whose roots are opposite those of the Bangkok ammart and elites. Neither do most military commanders originate in the ammart or elites. Career military officers join the elites on their way up the ranks. Some however retain their original identity.

Prayuth and his predecessor Anupong sidelined a number of watermelon generals and colonels which has left these particular senior commanders in offices with a lot of time on their hands.

Your first sentence was correct, totally agree.

Then It said " they need to conform to the legal and moral authority of the democratically elected government respecting the sovereignty of the people.

Totally agree with you.

BIG PROBLEM. the government did not do what was asked of it---so all of the above was abused. this government self destructed as I keep stating and will do to make you lot of Pro gov posters get this into your sculls, all the other Suthep Dem Yellow stuff YOU CAN CALL FROM A PIG TO A DOG for me no problem Your biggest problem is you are on forum to promote a proved rotten government ---full stop

If not be honest and cry down the wrongs.

All this other saga you posted I was not interested in because I have witnessed the thing years ago and happen to remember all the army and police antics.

I posted an honest opinion on why the army ?? and why not the police??? that's all. stick to my post will you,

Just one more thing I and others are still waiting for the mega achievements of Yingluck/PTP government over the last 3 years, an response ???

Because if you post and bash the critics, you have reason to do so??? fine if you have send me the list I asked you.

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The military command relies on Special Operations forces to execute its coups - the military high command knows the mass of the conscripted regular army originates from a general population whose roots are opposite those of the Bangkok ammart and elites. Neither do most military commanders originate in the ammart or elites. Career military officers join the elites on their way up the ranks. Some however retain their original identity.

They rely on small groups of Special Operations forces because that is all that's needed to get the job done; how many people are needed to surround a building or three?

It should be noted that the watermelon soldiers had no problems chasing the Red Shirts out of Bangkok back in 2010.

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Gabruce, you are correct as usual. I didn't want to respond directly to an insult wrapped in a question.

I refer to Thaksin because that is what Sondhi himself said after the incident. He said he knew who had planned it and referred to him as the big man overseas, a commonly used reference reserved for Thaksin. Sondhi is also on record for profusely forgiving him, which I interpret to mean he is scared out of his wits.

There is also a conspiracy theory that emerged later, which suggests the army might have been involved. Having read what I could on that, I think it is likely to be just a smoke screen. But like you point out, who really knows exactly what goes on. We can only go on the pieces of information that drift out, mixed with a bit of logic.

I always enjoy your highly objective posts, but ran out of likes.

They are like a breath of fresh air in a wind tunnel.

Of course, many people at the time initially thought it was Thaksin, because at first glance that seemed the most logical explanation. But Sondhi was already criticizing the army and had begun his fall out with the Democrats, whereas why should Thaksin particularly have cared about him at that point? And why do you think Sondhi should have been any more afraid of Thaksin then, than say he was in 2005? Thaksin knowing Sondhi is a loose cannon and is more likely to cause trouble for the Democrats... well, Thaksin I'm sure, would've surely liked Sondhi out of the way in 06 and in late 08, but there's no particularly reason he'd want to have him hit in early 09. Quite the opposite. Sondhi's got a big mouth, and you only have to look at his relevations about the 06 coup for proof of that.

I don't know what Sondhi said at first, but I know what he said after. From what I've read and heard, the hit was either Prawit (incidentally, one of the main backers of the PDRC and possibly the most powerful man in Thailand right now) or Anupong, together with Viraya. Don't forget, the hit took place during the SOE and the assassins had to drive through army lines to get away. Basically, easier for army backed figures to get to him at that point than at any other time, and much more difficult for Thaksin associated hitmen... anyway, I should apologize for my overly harsh previous response to your initial post. I thought you had just decided to get in points scoring remark about Thaksin without bothering to look into the details - and there are a lot of posts like that. Now I can see you have looked at it, and do believe it was Thaksin. I'm sure it wasn't (not because I believe Thaksin is incapable - I'm pretty near convinced that Thaksin had Ekkayuth whacked for instance) but because I've looked at the details and none of the evidence points towards Thaksin. Either way, I generally try to avoid one or two line put down responses so I apologize for that.

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This whole system of government is subject to corruption, Why, here are a few reasons; (1) Excecutives of companyies doing business with the governmenbt are MP's, conflict of interest. (2) MP's in military and police uniforms are seen all the time in parliment, conflict of interest. When I was in the military, US, you could not even wear your uniform to political rallies. (3) The present Caretaker PM who replaced "Noluck", is a product of the Shin Corp.

It is time to flush the comode and start over in Thailand, maybe the Army needs to operate the handle !!

Jerry, by the way the USA is becoming more like Thailand evryday and the last two elections, but no one can find the handle !!

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With a decent neutral police force there would never be any need for the army to get involved.

The army are involved every time because of this problem. Where were the police when control was needed years ago in BKK, where were the police when PAD took over the airport, Where are the police now to prevent what is about to happen.??????

The head of the police ??? any guesses ??cheesy.gif But the real head is Thaksin+family aided by one of those drunken politicians Chalerm and CAPO.

The red shirt leader Jutaporn fanatic, is awaiting orders to create the revenge Thaksin wants, the police stepping to one side forcing the military to act, Thaksin wish, because the amnesty bill didn't work THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT.

So all the other NUTTERS have to try to stop the PTP led--REVENGE and people wanted an early election to put everything right---it was never to be UNTIL some guardian angel can be beamed up to stop the DUNG from both sides.

Each the police and the military need to conform to the legal and moral authority of democratically elected leaders and to the civil government, thereby respecting the sovereignty of the people. You either forget or choose to ignore that throughout 2006 commanders in both the police and the military together planned and executed the catastrophic September19 martial law coup d'état.

As the following account clearly indicates, when the army starts moving selected Special Operations forces to the capital during times of civil strife and disorder, it is the prelude to a martial law coup d'état. Perhaps this time however the commanders of the police may not be quite as involved as they were in 2006, certainly not as accomplices.

"On the evening of 19 September 2006, the Thai military and police overthrew the elected government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. At the time, the premier was in New York City for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

At 18:30, Royal Thai Army Special Forces units moved from Lopburi province towards Bangkok.

By 21:00, the Special Forces units had arrived in Bangkok.

At 21:40, police commandos arrived at the residence of Thaksin. Army tanks soon took position throughout Bangkok.

At 23:00 Thawinan Khongkran, Miss Asia 1987 and head of Public Relations for Army-owned television station Channel 5, announced on TV that military and police units had Bangkok and the surrounding areas under control:

"The armed forces commander and the national police commander have successfully taken over Bangkok and the surrounding area in order to maintain peace and order. There has been no struggle. We ask for the cooperation of the public and ask your pardon for the inconvenience. Thank you and good night.[14]"


The OP to this thread points out the army just now announced it would transport weapons and armaments including artillery and tanks from Khok Krathiam station in Lop Buri province to Bangkok for use in "annual military field exercises." (Field exercises in metropolitan Bangkok?)

The Special Forces units that executed the 2006 coup continue to be based in Lop Buri. These units are specially trained for it, clandestinely. I'd bet anyone who cares to go back in history would find the same Lop Buri based units led the 1991 military mutiny that the following year led to mass demonstrations that toppled the military dictatorship but at the great cost of much blood in the streets of Bangkok.

The military command relies on Special Operations forces to execute its coups - the military high command knows the mass of the conscripted regular army originates from a general population whose roots are opposite those of the Bangkok ammart and elites. Neither do most military commanders originate in the ammart or elites. Career military officers join the elites on their way up the ranks. Some however retain their original identity.

Prayuth and his predecessor Anupong sidelined a number of watermelon generals and colonels which has left these particular senior commanders in offices with a lot of time on their hands.

Your first sentence was correct, totally agree.

Then It said " they need to conform to the legal and moral authority of the democratically elected government respecting the sovereignty of the people.

Totally agree with you.

BIG PROBLEM. the government did not do what was asked of it---so all of the above was abused. this government self destructed as I keep stating and will do to make you lot of Pro gov posters get this into your sculls, all the other Suthep Dem Yellow stuff YOU CAN CALL FROM A PIG TO A DOG for me no problem Your biggest problem is you are on forum to promote a proved rotten government ---full stop

If not be honest and cry down the wrongs.

All this other saga you posted I was not interested in because I have witnessed the thing years ago and happen to remember all the army and police antics.

I posted an honest opinion on why the army ?? and why not the police??? that's all. stick to my post will you,

Just one more thing I and others are still waiting for the mega achievements of Yingluck/PTP government over the last 3 years, an response ???

Because if you post and bash the critics, you have reason to do so??? fine if you have send me the list I asked you.

My god.

You expend your post in your chronic bashing the policies of the government and bashing those who consistently argue that if you oppose the government then have an election in which the parties present reforms to run on along with other socio-economic development policies that the sovereign people can examine to decide.

And you do a lot of SHOUTING about it in your erratic meandering posts.

Settle down to get back to the thread topic which is about a military that for 80 years has ignored the rule of law, trampled over more than a dozen constitutions, ruled by martial law, and has the elite fascist authoritarians of the society shouting for yet another coup d'état military mutiny against the sovereignty of the people you mistakenly say you so conscientiously defend.

The 2006 military mutiny coup d'état was the single most divisive event in the history of Thailand. Another coup will exceed that infamous standard. You anyway ignore the watermelon divisions within the military which are unprecedented and that divide and thus compromise the military's operational effectiveness. The Air Force headquarters and academy for instance have provided a major sanctuary to the government for its meetings and operations while the PCAD mobs have run rampant throughout central Bangkok to include government buildings.

The military start using tanks, artillery, fighter aircraft and attack helicopters against its own people and Thailand is gone.


In fact the army may have to aim those artillery batteries into its own skies.

I answered about the police and the armies role TODAY. I don't need all this history from bleeding Waterloo.

My answers were on the topic---so sorry you didn't read them.

My post will be erratic always according to your denial agenda. Every one, and the same goes for all the other posters that dare to criticize your government.

I will say it again after posting it a thousand times --my stance is healthy criticism of any government that MISGOVERNS get it now.

When abnormalities are pointed out about this---your denial comes into play along with you 7 friends on this thread who have the same agenda.

please post back the achievements of the PTP over the 3 years MEGA ones. ????

you and your ilk fail to do this.

Do not forget to look up my 1st post on this topic, it explains fully about the situ now with the army HAVING to do the polices job.

Again I do not want the history from you of BOTH sides as they can be found on the websites.

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In the country I am from a military chief would be sacked for speaking like this but TIT where politicians both need and fear the military.

Is his Commander in Chief still Defence Minister or was she sacked from both posts or is his Defence Minister still CiC ?

What fun, will the real boss please stand up or is he only available on Skype form the sand castle ?

Well in most countries about every official would be sacked if acting like in Thailand....beginning with the PM, the Ministers and about everyone in the Police.

The military is the only one with traces of common sense....

And Suthep would have been in prison months ago. In some countries, executed by now.

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"The army announced it would transport weapons and armaments including artillery and tanks from Khok Krathiam station in Lop Buri province to Bangkok for use in annual military field exercises."

Any fields in Bangkok anybody know of? giggle.gif

Oh! and.. "All soldiers sent to guard venues with Capo police are unarmed..."

Wut? An unarmed army? The reds will love that one! whistling.gif

They don't need arms, Suthep's mob are already 'tooled' up,

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seems easy enough, Suthep has only to escalate violence via his thugish guards against the red protest group, and presto, the coup he has always been dreaming about, how convinient

Another fantasy post. Not once in 6 months has the PDRC attacked the Reds. What makes you think they will begin now? If anything the REDS will attack the PDRC.

Suthep has done a pretty good job minimizing violence from his supporters. Even though his rallies and supporters have been attacked almost daily. Closr your eyes and go back to sleep so you can dream up more BS to post

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Forgetting the PDRC supporters and students attacking the Red Shirt bus last December aren't we?

Widely covered by Bangkok Post and The Nation.

Yes I also think he is also forgetting the Red that was beaten by 2 PDRC gaurds and thrown into to river left for dead, only to be rescued it was also widely covered, by the BKK Post and The Nation. Amazing how one can be so blind or brainwashed that he can not admit that both sides have violence within there ranks!

Andthe young guy who was grabbed by the throat by one of Sutheps thugs, merely because he wanted to lodge his vote.

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The military command relies on Special Operations forces to execute its coups - the military high command knows the mass of the conscripted regular army originates from a general population whose roots are opposite those of the Bangkok ammart and elites. Neither do most military commanders originate in the ammart or elites. Career military officers join the elites on their way up the ranks. Some however retain their original identity.

They rely on small groups of Special Operations forces because that is all that's needed to get the job done; how many people are needed to surround a building or three?

It should be noted that the watermelon soldiers had no problems chasing the Red Shirts out of Bangkok back in 2010.

A coup involves thorough and broad strategic planning and execution in every respect and it involves a great deal of tactical detail, sound judgement, force units coup leaders can rely on, perfect timing and, chief among all vital factors surprise (which is why generals are always denying on their mother's soul their imminent coups). The 2006 coup ticked just about every box.

So even in your simplicity you are accurate to say military commanders don't need the entirety of the armed forces, or even much of it, to design, plan, execute, a military mutiny. The military's select Special Operations forces do indeed fill the bill and moreover are specially trained for coup actions - uninitiated and untrained soldiers stumbling their way through a coup just doesn't cut it. And Thai military commanders have the do's and don'ts of the many prior coups to learn from besides.

Keyboard militarists around here need to recall April 10, 2010 when the reds routed the attacking army Special Forces in the same way Chief Sitting Bull and his 5000 warriors routed Col Custer and his two cohorts of expert troops at the Little Big Horn (230 army cavalry). The reds however had the assistance of expert sharpshooters and highly trained warriors who shared a dislike of other Special Forces troops.

That was the night the late colonel gathered all his senior commanders in a nice tight circle in the middle of the intersection where they were taken out by a barrage of grenades. Those army Special Forces.

Gen Prayuth at any rate is deliberately removing his most important card, surprise, from his strategy when he continually asserts "as a last resort." So it's not a question of will they. It's a question of when, under what specific circumstances and conditions. The general long ago removed surprise from his strategy because his principal prerequisite under present conditions and trends is the acceptance of the Thai people - their resigned acceptance of the necessity of a coup to restore peace and order.

As the last resort.

The keyboard militarists should however be careful what they wish for because Gen Prayuth has made clear that if he must act he'll put both sides under lock and key.

Edited by Publicus
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Sondhi is back! The airport closer. The seditionist who brought the country to its knees by occupying its international airport for a week and causing a month of disintermediation in international air travel. Sondhi, the best airport closer in the world. The military let him operate at will as well. He is a powerhouse. We should rejoice that this powerful and knowing Thai leader is back on the scene.

Oh dear. Poor Suthep. Having the monk acting like a loose cannon and singing from a different hymn sheet is bad enough. It seems like a long time ago now when The Nation said Suthep was not the right person to lead the protests, which at that time were about something quite different. Strange how the goal posts have moved so many times. Have Suthep and the monk served their purposes and are about to be deposed now Sondhi on the scene?

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A coup involves thorough and broad strategic planning and execution in every respect and it involves a great deal of tactical detail, sound judgement, force units coup leaders can rely on, perfect timing and, chief among all vital factors surprise (which is why generals are always denying on their mother's soul their imminent coups). The 2006 coup ticked just about every box.

So even in your simplicity you are accurate to say military commanders don't need the entirety of the armed forces, or even much of it, to design, plan, execute, a military mutiny. The military's select Special Operations forces do indeed fill the bill and moreover are specially trained for coup actions - uninitiated and untrained soldiers stumbling their way through a coup just doesn't cut it. And Thai military commanders have the do's and don'ts of the many prior coups to learn from besides.

Keyboard militarists around here need to recall April 10, 2010 when the reds routed the attacking army Special Forces in the same way Chief Sitting Bull and his 5000 warriors routed Col Custer and his two cohorts of expert troops at the Little Big Horn (230 army cavalry). The reds however had the assistance of expert sharpshooters and highly trained warriors who shared a dislike of other Special Forces troops.

That was the night the late colonel gathered all his senior commanders in a nice tight circle in the middle of the intersection where they were taken out by a barrage of grenades. Those army Special Forces.

Gen Prayuth at any rate is deliberately removing his most important card, surprise, from his strategy when he continually asserts "as a last resort." So it's not a question of will they. It's a question of when, under what specific circumstances and conditions. The general long ago removed surprise from his strategy because his principal prerequisite under present conditions and trends is the acceptance of the Thai people - their resigned acceptance of a coup.\.

As the last resort.

The keyboard militarists should however be careful what they wish for because Gen Prayuth has made clear that if he must act he'll put both sides under lock and key.

The reds routed the attacking army? The reds however had the assistance of expert sharpshooters and highly trained warriors who shared a dislike of other Special Forces troops?

Are you sure? For many years now I've been told that

a. the reds were peaceful protesters

b. there are no MiB

c. the unarmed reds overwon the 'forces of evil'

d. only the army killed

Anyway the army might have a 'coup plan' in the drawer, the version from 2006. Maybe Gen Sonthi can provide details?

ADD: added publicus last minute last sentence.

comment: reforms only work when ALL sides have to abide.

Edited by rubl
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