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Mini wasps!

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Over the years I have been plagued with small wasp like flies. They are about two mil. long and tend to nest in any small hole such as hollow bricks and produce a gummy substance. Their sting is not serious but if my pet dove cage is near them and they are disturbed, they swarm and attack. I have tried several types of insecticide, although I don't like them, and even resorted to smoking them out, but they still return. Any ideas as to the name of these rascals and how to get rid of them?

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Yes, pesky little things, and yes not easy to get rid of.....

I had to use Chaindite (sp) aerosol several times to finally get rid of them .... had them in out door speakers, cover the woofer hole after I did get them to go or die!

Repeat spray! .... some locals tried the smoke method too... to little avail.... wink.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was moving a length of bamboo,and unknown to me these little

buggers had a nest inside, so as soon as i moved it they attacked

thankfully was only stung once on the top lip, which swelled up to

a massive size,looked like Homer Simpson, when my little daughter

came home from school, she was giving me strange looks,and said

to her mother, who is that man!

regards Worgeordie

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Five days ago while chopping some bushes I was stung by a hornet which unknown to me had a nest on the ground under the bushes. My thumb and hand swelled up and was very painful. My complaint about the small wasps is now insignificant. And I still have an ache where the hornet stung me. I have had large hornet nests in the garden in the past and provided you don't disturb them, they are quite docile. I hate to think what the outcome of multiple stings would be though. Death I should think. Having said that, they do their bit for nature with pollination and I am reluctant to kill anything unnecessarily, so they will remain under the bush and I'll leave them to it. They will depart eventually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are these black colored ones? I just had those for 2 days while those tried to nest inside my livingroom.

I put an table fan next to the nest to be, blowing away where those were swarming. The mini wasps were sucked into the blades and after some hours there were no wasps left.

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