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Buddha Issara defends guards' brutality


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Many PCAD guards' violent outbursts appear to be prompted by the slightest sign of provocation; all three aforementioned incidents followed victims' attempts to remove traffic cones placed on the roads by PCAD guards.


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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Are you saying the people that have been shot and stabbed by the monk's militia are making this up?

These are FACTS reported by other newspapers as well such as the Bangkok Post and The Nation.

You defending this scumbag just shows what kind of a person you are.

Shame on you.

Really! I have seen no FACTS that it was definitely PDRC guards (in the ice delivery guys instance)

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How is the weather in lalaland?

Even your fake monk admitted it was his guards. Wake up before its too late.

Edited by ShannonT
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As I explain in an other post, it seems the main reason of the guards violence is their excessive consumption of alcohol.


Now that a monk tries to excuse violence, I don't know much about buddhism but this religion seems to be very far from the romantic view we have of it in the west.

I think a lot of Thais' actions are very far from true Buddhism.

When i go back to the UK I'll go back to a vegetarian diet and drink less alcohol and will then be more Buddhist than many Thais.

If this is a true account of what he said then he needs to think about what he's saying. That's if it IS true of course.

I'm sure it's properly quoted and translated, yet it could well have been taken out of context, as another poster sympathetic to the former monk suggested. It looks as though he could have indeed been asking for understanding on the airport road closure, rather than understanding on the violence. To know for sure, you'd have to read the original interview in Thai I suppose. Unfortunately my Thai isn't good enough for this, and I wouldn't trust anyone with political leanings on either side to give an accurate reflection of the context, so I guess I'll just have to rely on my own assumptions. In any case, it doesn't matter what he's said, more what he does. Has he said he'll try to control these guards in future? Has he actually handed any over to police? There was talk about the latter but I haven't really kept up with whether it was actually done or not.

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What an absolute disgrace to not only Buddhism but basic humanity. Not only this so called monk but the whole of this sad and pathetic excuse of stupidity that is Thai politics. An unarmed delivery guy with pregnant wife at his side disturbs a cone in heavy rain, he gets out of his vehicle alone to apologise and is set on by a bunch of thugs, is stabbed and left to die. And this pathetic excuse of a human and a Buddhist monk defends these thugs. They are not guards and monks but the same low life scum as that they oppose. This is the Buddhism, Thainess and democracy that Thailand wishes to show to the world? No Thai or western supporter of the country should dear have the audacity to defend any of this or the rest of the pathetic garbage that is currently being portrayed as democracy. Thailand democratic? It's a lawless, corrupt, pathetic failed state.

Sad but true.

Where is Thailand's Ghandi, FDR, Churchill, Mandela? If you're out there we need you NOW.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

At least it provides a counterbalance to the rabidly anti-government mouthpiece called The Nation and the only slightly less rabidly anti-government organ called the Bangkok Post!

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Are you denying that the "monk"said what was reported? Serious allegation and it would open the newspaper to a defamation suit. Why don't we check back and see if the "monk" brings suit. He's good at that.

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Are you saying the people that have been shot and stabbed by the monk's militia are making this up?

These are FACTS reported by other newspapers as well such as the Bangkok Post and The Nation.

You defending this scumbag just shows what kind of a person you are.

Shame on you.

Really! I have seen no FACTS that it was definitely PDRC guards (in the ice delivery guys instance)

Hmm. So an admission from the PDRC that it was their guards is not considered a fact? Alrighty then. Stay in your little fantasy word of denial .

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The attempt to suppress media reporting relating to anything PCAD, apart from what the PCAD allow is quite telling.

Interesting is that on the 9th of May the CAPO has forbidden all media outlets from publicizing messages that could be deemed supportive of the PDRC

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"take care of the road" , it sounds like mafia godfather talk.

a word of advice, being associated with this fake monk is not something to admit in public. this guy is scum of the earth

Would you prefer to associate with this ones?


(Dhammakaya monks during the Red Shirt demonstration at Dong Muang Stadium last November, supporting the Amnesty Bill)

nope... I have been consistent that monks, of any colour, should not be involved with politics of any side

Those monks have not been responsible for beatings, stabbings, shootings and other violent assaults on non implicated parties have they. Only one "monk" is up to his eyeballs in violence and it is the man you are so desperate to defend.

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As I explain in an other post, it seems the main reason of the guards violence is their excessive consumption of alcohol.


Now that a monk tries to excuse violence, I don't know much about buddhism but this religion seems to be very far from the romantic view we have of it in the west.

I think a lot of Thais' actions are very far from true Buddhism.

When i go back to the UK I'll go back to a vegetarian diet and drink less alcohol and will then be more Buddhist than many Thais.

If this is a true account of what he said then he needs to think about what he's saying. That's if it IS true of course.

I'm sure it's properly quoted and translated, yet it could well have been taken out of context, as another poster sympathetic to the former monk suggested. It looks as though he could have indeed been asking for understanding on the airport road closure, rather than understanding on the violence. To know for sure, you'd have to read the original interview in Thai I suppose. Unfortunately my Thai isn't good enough for this, and I wouldn't trust anyone with political leanings on either side to give an accurate reflection of the context, so I guess I'll just have to rely on my own assumptions. In any case, it doesn't matter what he's said, more what he does. Has he said he'll try to control these guards in future? Has he actually handed any over to police? There was talk about the latter but I haven't really kept up with whether it was actually done or not.

You're sure it's properly quoted following by maybe out of context. You also say one needs to full Thai transcript and your Thai wouldn't be good enough to judge.

What you seem to say is that you can't really say anything apart from relying on your assumptions. Followed by it doesn't matter what he said.

Conclusion: a bit of obfuscation and a lot of suggestion of what possibly might be, or could be or how about ... ...

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What an absolute disgrace to not only Buddhism but basic humanity. Not only this so called monk but the whole of this sad and pathetic excuse of stupidity that is Thai politics. An unarmed delivery guy with pregnant wife at his side disturbs a cone in heavy rain, he gets out of his vehicle alone to apologise and is set on by a bunch of thugs, is stabbed and left to die. And this pathetic excuse of a human and a Buddhist monk defends these thugs. They are not guards and monks but the same low life scum as that they oppose. This is the Buddhism, Thainess and democracy that Thailand wishes to show to the world? No Thai or western supporter of the country should dear have the audacity to defend any of this or the rest of the pathetic garbage that is currently being portrayed as democracy. Thailand democratic? It's a lawless, corrupt, pathetic failed state.

Sad but true.

Where is Thailand's Ghandi, FDR, Churchill, Mandela? If you're out there we need you NOW.

The PDRC once compared Suthep to Mandela on their Facebook page a few months ago ...

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Sad but true.

Where is Thailand's Ghandi, FDR, Churchill, Mandela? If you're out there we need you NOW.

The PDRC once compared Suthep to Mandela on their Facebook page a few months ago ...

Really? Did they?

Must have been in an article on who else Thaksin shook hands with ?

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Are you saying the people that have been shot and stabbed by the monk's militia are making this up?

These are FACTS reported by other newspapers as well such as the Bangkok Post and The Nation.

You defending this scumbag just shows what kind of a person you are.

Shame on you.

Really! I have seen no FACTS that it was definitely PDRC guards (in the ice delivery guys instance)

Hmm. So an admission from the PDRC that it was their guards is not considered a fact? Alrighty then. Stay in your little fantasy word of denial .

GK. When was that then? i think i missed it.. don't forget . some of us work, we are not glued to TV.. I was in MY WORLD OF WORK...NO FANTASY, I CAN ASSURE YOU.

Do you have a link. thanks.

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Twisted words by Khaosod!. He was not defending brutality but asking for understanding about the closure of the Don-Muang express-way by the guards last Friday.

ps: he did not order the guards to close the road; he ordered to "take care of the road" to avoid attacks from the height while they were at the Police, but the guards did close the road and it took 2 hours until Luang Pu kew about that (he was busy with the gas and water) and then he ordered to immediately open the road.

You must have read a different article to me then,how do you know they twisted his words,where you there with him at the time of the statement,or the above actions you describe?

I know it from direct sources, not from written articles.

Enlighten us.

Very simple: I have relatives and friends with Luang Pu since day one.

You have my sympathies and certainly not something I would admit to.

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He isn't a monk, he has been disrobed in absentia - he just likes the whole 'holier than thou' image.

Was he really?

Any source to this news?

EDIT - heard there were calls to disrobe him, but not that it was done.

As far as I'm aware, monks aren't getting disrobed all that much

in Thailand. Mostly their transgressions are put up with, up to a


Edited by Morch
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And some ignorant morons on here try to keep telling us that the protestors are peaceful. If his people beat, stab , kidnap or kill then that is ok .... but spray him with water and apparently you're trying to kill him and must prostrate yourself before him and apologise.

These are the sort of egomaniacs the yellows want to run Thailand??? Anyone supporting this guys actions is as much a loser as he is

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe if the red shirt s hadnt murdered 28 innocent people who were peacefully protesting before daily and nightly attacks..they wouldn't be overzealous in defending themselves.......som nam baa

Yeah, you sound just like the Mad Monk - "The other side did it, so we can do it two. Two wrongs make us right!"

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Well, duh, Khaosad is quoting another news source that had an interview. Not owned by the --insert tired and petulant sigh--th ne poo puppet Dubai steering evil Shins.


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"take care of the road" , it sounds like mafia godfather talk.

a word of advice, being associated with this fake monk is not something to admit in public. this guy is scum of the earth

Would you prefer to associate with this ones?


(Dhammakaya monks during the Red Shirt demonstration at Dong Muang Stadium last November, supporting the Amnesty Bill)

photoshop,well done!!

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What an absolute disgrace to not only Buddhism but basic humanity. Not only this so called monk but the whole of this sad and pathetic excuse of stupidity that is Thai politics. An unarmed delivery guy with pregnant wife at his side disturbs a cone in heavy rain, he gets out of his vehicle alone to apologise and is set on by a bunch of thugs, is stabbed and left to die. And this pathetic excuse of a human and a Buddhist monk defends these thugs. They are not guards and monks but the same low life scum as that they oppose. This is the Buddhism, Thainess and democracy that Thailand wishes to show to the world? No Thai or western supporter of the country should dear have the audacity to defend any of this or the rest of the pathetic garbage that is currently being portrayed as democracy. Thailand democratic? It's a lawless, corrupt, pathetic failed state.

Sad but true.

Where is Thailand's Ghandi, FDR, Churchill, Mandela? If you're out there we need you NOW.

sorry but he is falang

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As I explain in an other post, it seems the main reason of the guards violence is their excessive consumption of alcohol.


Now that a monk tries to excuse violence, I don't know much about buddhism but this religion seems to be very far from the romantic view we have of it in the west.

Thanks. It's good to know that it has nothing to do with the frequent grenade and bomb attacks.

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Very easily if you set aside your own flagrant bias long enough to look at the facts which not even Buddha Issara denies.

Edited by SanSaiExPat
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"The people will understand", the fraud monk said. Understand? Understand what?! He should be defrocked and sent to Cambodia.

The only idiots who will understand this are the ones following Suthep.

I can hear the asinine arguments now "oh, the red thugs did worse" and "to make an omelette you have to break eggs" and "any price is worth getting rid of the Shin puppet poo tyrants"...ad nauseum (and insipid).

No. Nothing excuses this behavior, any more than assaulting Journalists, throwing tortured innocent men into rivers, stabbing men comatose in front of their pregnant wife, assaulting army Colonels or burning red buses with people inside.

Inexcusable. These are violent, chaotic and no less heinous crimes than any committed by their political opponents.

Peaceful protesters my arse.

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