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Doctors told be also people with normal weight can be affected not smoking not drinking

I have a friend he has normal weight not smoke not drink

Sport active

He never got and symptom of dizziness

Suddendly he got strong nose bleeding go to doctor and also now hbp

I heard that proberbly the industrialized food Is the problem

In Asia country's like here high blood seldom have

Because maybe the fish comes from the ocean the rice from the field and the fruit from the tree, there is nothing between in the food chain!

I think you will find that more fish is farmed than comes from the sea and check the nutritional value of white rice.

The fruit and veg is in abundance, I agree with that.

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What ever you do, DO NOT just go into a pharmacy and buy hypertension tablets!!

The possibilities could be fatal by taking the wrong ones for your medical history!

Please go and talk to a Dr at a reputable hospital

Preferably a private hospital

He will ask you a list of questions regarding you history of health right back to childhood

It's called Beta-blocking (not sure about the spelling)?

Please do the right thing and see a Dr

Good luck

Sent from my EPhone


In UK many older people take dispersible aspirin daily to thin the blood a little. 75mg in uk but 80mg here and known as 'baby aspirin'

Some docs think the benefits are outweighed by the risk of stomach 'irritation' by aspirin so do your own research. I know it thins the blood as, when I had a small op, the surgeon could tell I was taking aspirin and told me I should have stopped 1 week ahead of the op. Well now I know...

So presumably if your blood is a little thinner, the heart/pump doesnt work quite so hard, and maybe alleviates higher blood pressure. Not sure though but no doubt Sheryl will advise...

"Blood thinning" is a very misleading term, and isn't really what aspirin is doing.

What it actually means is that when you take aspirin your blood clotting is inhibited - you can tell this if you take aspirin and prick your finger with a needle. It takes much much longer to stop bleeding, compared to when you have not taken aspirin.

It does not affect the "thickness" or viscosity of your blood at all - merely time taken to clot, which is a chemical reaction that is not connected with blood thickness. So aspirin has no effect on blood pressure, and does not help to reduce it.

The reason why people are advised to take daily aspirin at these small doses (~80mg per day), is to help prevent actual heart attacks.

The reason is that what actually kills you in most heart attacks is a blood clot suddenly occurring in one of your coronary arteries - these supply your heart muscle with blood.

Once the clot occurs (when a region of atherosclerosis ruptures on the inside wall of the artery ) the clot gets larger and larger, eventually filling up the artery and blocking blood flow completely. Then your heart muscle dies, and often you die as well.

When you take aspirin the clot is prevented from forming, or prevented from getting so big that it completely blocks the artery.

So aspirin helps to save your life - but not because of any direct effects on blood pressure.


What exactly is allowed to eat and drink, and avoid under high blood pressure , can someone provide a overview thanks!

There is a scientifically validated dietary approach to lowering blood pressure, that is based on a clinical trial involving many hundreds of people.

It's called the DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension). The evidence that it works is very strong, and people have been able to sustainably lower their systolic pressure by 10-12 mmHg or more following this diet.

In a nutshell it involves:

1. lowering salt intake

2. increasing potassium , calcium intake

3. Increasing vegetable proportion of your diet to nearly 90% of calories - this is how mostly you accomplish 2.- the increase in potassium and calcium.

It isn't difficult to do. In short you must avoid pre-prepared foods and anything that contains the huge amounts of salt that all fast and processed foods do. And you must increase your vegetable intake to the maximum possible.

This diet is described ( with links to recipes) on the Mayo clinic site ( an evidence-based scientific medicine site- not a quack site!)

Here's the link: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/dash-diet/art-20048456

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That's a great aswer thanks a lot maybe I have to read twice!

I always bring all my medicine from my home country here, because of possible fakes..

My medication is called

Mepril 10 mg!

Also using homephaty drops on day time

So is heat and sun now good for the venes , but in a kind bad for hbp?

I will print out your page and try to follow

The Mediterranean kitchen is

Also a good advice to practice !

But how finding out where hbp comes from?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

amlodipine 5mg x100=220bht..

Not quite that cheap today at Tesco's pharmacy.

Amlodipine, 5 mg, Berlin Pharma Bangkok (Brandname: Amlopine).

10*10 = 320 Baht,

After so many years I am still surprised what kind of medication can simply be bought over the counter.

I just bought 10 tablets of 5mg Amlodipine for 40 Baht. They are generic from the Thai company Berlin Pharm. This is the first time I used Berlin.

Rip off alt=biggrin.png>

further to my last post on 19th may,amlopine[berlin] 180bht. 10x10 bought 2nd.june.

Sounds like I need to make the trip to Fascino on Pattaya Nua. They have the reputation as being the cheapest pharmacy in Jomtien/Pattaya.


why do people use these 'chain' pharmacy's ?

over the years never found any pharmacist even in a little Village that did not speak English, [even very old Thai pharmacist]

Myself always now use the same Thai pharmacy for about 6 years [pharmacist is very good, his Mother sometime in the shop is a Dr] + buy all meds by the unopened box if in strips the 10x or 20x strips per box, or Tub [500 or 1,000 tablets] as far cheaper. [baby Aspirin are in 1,000 tub]

Exp date never a problem, just bought Tub of 500 Metformin @ 299 baht, exp date 2018 will be used long before then, same as Atenolol @ 230 baht 10 x 10 strip box also exp date 2018..

If I go out of Thailand then yes I buy a strip of Metformin so if asked can show what the tablets are, but real silly price would work out over 2,000 baht for 500 tablets !!


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1400087899.284700.jpg

Don't fall for the trap of taking pharmaceuticals for this! These medications have serious long term side affects on other organs and pulmonary system in your body.

Simply get yourself a bottle of Cayenne Pepper (organic). Take your blood pressure reading first. Start with just half a teaspoon in the morning mixed with water and check the pressure. Throw it down quickly and wash you mouth and throat with another drink of plain water. The affect of lowering the blood pressure using Cayenne takes about fifteen seconds and will last most of the day. Increase one quarter of a teaspoon to a maximum of one teaspoon until the correct pressure is indicated by a home electronic blood pressure monitor. Make sure you are sitting down because this natural way is way more powerful than any medication. So you may need to know how you feel afterwards for a short time to get the dose using a bit of common sense, trial and error.

Cayenne drops under the tongue will restart a heart attack victims heart. I'm serious. It's in any paramedics travel kit. It's in mine!

Read and learn more about this and DMSO.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Cayenne Pepper (organic) - where can you buy it in Thailand?


Adults aged 60 or older should only take blood pressure medication if their blood pressure exceeds 150/90, which sets a higher bar for treatment than the current guideline of 140/90, according to the report, published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. http://consumer.healthday.com/circulatory-system-information-7/blood-pressure-news-70/new-blood-pressure-guidelines-raise-the-bar-for-taking-medications-683160.html

The change only affects those over 60 years; for younger populations, the group recommended that doctors continue prescribing drug treatments if blood pressure climbed to 140/90 or above.


As I understand it the doctors are worried that old folks will fall and feint with the lower blood pressure.


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1400087899.284700.jpg

Don't fall for the trap of taking pharmaceuticals for this! These medications have serious long term side affects on other organs and pulmonary system in your body.

Simply get yourself a bottle of Cayenne Pepper (organic). Take your blood pressure reading first. Start with just half a teaspoon in the morning mixed with water and check the pressure. Throw it down quickly and wash you mouth and throat with another drink of plain water. The affect of lowering the blood pressure using Cayenne takes about fifteen seconds and will last most of the day. Increase one quarter of a teaspoon to a maximum of one teaspoon until the correct pressure is indicated by a home electronic blood pressure monitor. Make sure you are sitting down because this natural way is way more powerful than any medication. So you may need to know how you feel afterwards for a short time to get the dose using a bit of common sense, trial and error.

Cayenne drops under the tongue will restart a heart attack victims heart. I'm serious. It's in any paramedics travel kit. It's in mine!

Read and learn more about this and DMSO.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Cayenne Pepper (organic) - where can you buy it in Thailand?

Cayenne pepper better than hartsorb or is that for something else? You can get cayenne at Tesco Lotus, fresh, or in powder form. I've never seen drops in the grocery store. Do you get them in the pharmacy?

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Central Festival Market Pattaya (basement)!

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Drops for medical use or for cooking?


I buy this at Tesco Lotus. I assume it is Cayenne. I filter it through a strainer when I'm making chili powder.

So the drill is to put some powder under your tongue if you are having a heart attack?



Never assume. Regarding heart attacks, seek medical attention ASAP. but apply the following:

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Post edited. Link to pseudo medical site removed.

Heart attacks and all cardiac events can be life threatening and requires urgent treatment in an emergency room setting. "Naturopath" treatment is not an option.

  • Like 1

Adults aged 60 or older should only take blood pressure medication if their blood pressure exceeds 150/90, which sets a higher bar for treatment than the current guideline of 140/90, according to the report, published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. http://consumer.healthday.com/circulatory-system-information-7/blood-pressure-news-70/new-blood-pressure-guidelines-raise-the-bar-for-taking-medications-683160.html

The change only affects those over 60 years; for younger populations, the group recommended that doctors continue prescribing drug treatments if blood pressure climbed to 140/90 or above.


As I understand it the doctors are worried that old folks will fall and feint with the lower blood pressure.

Most doctors, at least in the west, would also not prescribe medication straightwaway to a younger person with BP in of 140/90 but rather attempt lifestyle modification first.

The point at which medication is indicated and the point at which a BP is considered normal/desirable are not the same thing. It would be a mistake to think that because medication is not in dicated/prescribed, a BP is normal. People with BPs of say 135 systolic are not in the desired range and do need to be concerned and to take measures, even though they do nto yet warrant medication.

Medications all have side effects so in deciding to use medication the trade off between risks and benefits must be weighed. Lifestyle modifications, on the other hand, are totally safe, though they can be difficult to get patients to adopt.


Two more posts having a go at moderation removed. Further such comment will result in a warning and/or posting suspension.


I have a booklet that came with my blood pressure machine. It lists a normal rate as 140 over 90, a borderline rate as 160 over 95 and Hypertension as anything above this. This is an old machine (around 1990). I know that at that time the health authorities in North America went by those rates, as far as I can figure Thailand still does. A friend of mine once suggested that the rates were lowered because of pressure from Big Pharma, they wanted to sell more drugs. I tend to agree with him.

I completely agree, crazy americans wants to medicate you even if you have 130 BP, they are brain washed by medical pharma.

I am happy I dont live in USA, otherwise I would probablybe on meds because my BP is not 120 / 80, but little higher

But now I hear it for the first time that borderline is 160, I always thought it is 140......but I applaude that, it is certain, that Thailand is not into pushing drugs so much

160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension. Thailand follow the Europe guideline (ESC/ESH) recommendation as well as the JNC8 from America. As Sheryl said those committee who made the guideline are not board member of pharmaceutical company, perhaps if you can read for yourself and search on google to find the ESC/ESH and JNC guideline above and just read on the committee panel and research their name, you will find that all of them are teaching professor, ass professor cardiologist, endocrinologist, internist at the top hospital and uni from all over Europe and US. Those guys see their patients days in days out, they are the people who treating those who have stroke heart attack and all micro and macro vascular complication from HTN Diabetes and Dyslipidemia, they are tired of seeing people with complication and have been trying to find out the way to prevent it by using serval evidence based randomized control trials to sum up and conclude into a committee recommendation for doctor all over the world to use for the best of patients interest!

They do not sit on the button reading google and some other dodgy site and give harmful advise like many of you do on thaivisa. Unbelievable how people try to doctoring others with nothing else but false information.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I have a booklet that came with my blood pressure machine. It lists a normal rate as 140 over 90, a borderline rate as 160 over 95 and Hypertension as anything above this. This is an old machine (around 1990). I know that at that time the health authorities in North America went by those rates, as far as I can figure Thailand still does. A friend of mine once suggested that the rates were lowered because of pressure from Big Pharma, they wanted to sell more drugs. I tend to agree with him.

I completely agree, crazy americans wants to medicate you even if you have 130 BP, they are brain washed by medical pharma.

I am happy I dont live in USA, otherwise I would probablybe on meds because my BP is not 120 / 80, but little higher

But now I hear it for the first time that borderline is 160, I always thought it is 140......but I applaude that, it is certain, that Thailand is not into pushing drugs so much

160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension. Thailand follow the Europe guideline (ESC/ESH) recommendation as well as the JNC8 from America. As Sheryl said those committee who made the guideline are not board member of pharmaceutical company, perhaps if you can read for yourself and search on google to find the ESC/ESH and JNC guideline above and just read on the committee panel and research their name, you will find that all of them are teaching professor, ass professor cardiologist, endocrinologist, internist at the top hospital and uni from all over Europe and US. Those guys see their patients days in days out, they are the people who treating those who have stroke heart attack and all micro and macro vascular complication from HTN Diabetes and Dyslipidemia, they are tired of seeing people with complication and have been trying to find out the way to prevent it by using serval evidence based randomized control trials to sum up and conclude into a committee recommendation for doctor all over the world to use for the best of patients interest!

They do not sit on the button reading google and some other dodgy site and give harmful advise like many of you do on thaivisa. Unbelievable how people try to doctoring others with nothing else but false information.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Adults aged 60 or older should only take blood pressure medication if their blood pressure exceeds 150/90, which sets a higher bar for treatment than the current guideline of 140/90, according to the report, published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


After reviewing available evidence on the effects of blood pressure treatments, including adverse events, the Institute of Medicine’s Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8) concluded that aggressive treatment can lead to lightheadedness, falls and fainting in elderly populations — so they advised loosening the guidelines for starting medication.


I don't think the two quotes above are from dodgy sites. Are they?


I have a booklet that came with my blood pressure machine. It lists a normal rate as 140 over 90, a borderline rate as 160 over 95 and Hypertension as anything above this. This is an old machine (around 1990). I know that at that time the health authorities in North America went by those rates, as far as I can figure Thailand still does. A friend of mine once suggested that the rates were lowered because of pressure from Big Pharma, they wanted to sell more drugs. I tend to agree with him.

I completely agree, crazy americans wants to medicate you even if you have 130 BP, they are brain washed by medical pharma.

I am happy I dont live in USA, otherwise I would probablybe on meds because my BP is not 120 / 80, but little higher

But now I hear it for the first time that borderline is 160, I always thought it is 140......but I applaude that, it is certain, that Thailand is not into pushing drugs so much

160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension. Thailand follow the Europe guideline (ESC/ESH) recommendation as well as the JNC8 from America. As Sheryl said those committee who made the guideline are not board member of pharmaceutical company, perhaps if you can read for yourself and search on google to find the ESC/ESH and JNC guideline above and just read on the committee panel and research their name, you will find that all of them are teaching professor, ass professor cardiologist, endocrinologist, internist at the top hospital and uni from all over Europe and US. Those guys see their patients days in days out, they are the people who treating those who have stroke heart attack and all micro and macro vascular complication from HTN Diabetes and Dyslipidemia, they are tired of seeing people with complication and have been trying to find out the way to prevent it by using serval evidence based randomized control trials to sum up and conclude into a committee recommendation for doctor all over the world to use for the best of patients interest!

They do not sit on the button reading google and some other dodgy site and give harmful advise like many of you do on thaivisa. Unbelievable how people try to doctoring others with nothing else but false information.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Adults aged 60 or older should only take blood pressure medication if their blood pressure exceeds 150/90, which sets a higher bar for treatment than the current guideline of 140/90, according to the report, published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


After reviewing available evidence on the effects of blood pressure treatments, including adverse events, the Institute of Medicine’s Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8) concluded that aggressive treatment can lead to lightheadedness, falls and fainting in elderly populations — so they advised loosening the guidelines for starting medication.


I don't think the two quotes above are from dodgy sites. Are they?

Did I mention old people over 60?? No I did mention in general. And if you confident of providing a good information on this site there is no need to be defensive. Is there ???

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I completely agree, crazy americans wants to medicate you even if you have 130 BP, they are brain washed by medical pharma.

I am happy I dont live in USA, otherwise I would probablybe on meds because my BP is not 120 / 80, but little higher

But now I hear it for the first time that borderline is 160, I always thought it is 140......but I applaude that, it is certain, that Thailand is not into pushing drugs so much

160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension. Thailand follow the Europe guideline (ESC/ESH) recommendation as well as the JNC8 from America. As Sheryl said those committee who made the guideline are not board member of pharmaceutical company, perhaps if you can read for yourself and search on google to find the ESC/ESH and JNC guideline above and just read on the committee panel and research their name, you will find that all of them are teaching professor, ass professor cardiologist, endocrinologist, internist at the top hospital and uni from all over Europe and US. Those guys see their patients days in days out, they are the people who treating those who have stroke heart attack and all micro and macro vascular complication from HTN Diabetes and Dyslipidemia, they are tired of seeing people with complication and have been trying to find out the way to prevent it by using serval evidence based randomized control trials to sum up and conclude into a committee recommendation for doctor all over the world to use for the best of patients interest!

They do not sit on the button reading google and some other dodgy site and give harmful advise like many of you do on thaivisa. Unbelievable how people try to doctoring others with nothing else but false information.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Adults aged 60 or older should only take blood pressure medication if their blood pressure exceeds 150/90, which sets a higher bar for treatment than the current guideline of 140/90, according to the report, published online Dec. 18 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


After reviewing available evidence on the effects of blood pressure treatments, including adverse events, the Institute of Medicine’s Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8) concluded that aggressive treatment can lead to lightheadedness, falls and fainting in elderly populations — so they advised loosening the guidelines for starting medication.


I don't think the two quotes above are from dodgy sites. Are they?

Did I mention old people over 60?? No I did mention in general. And if you confident of providing a good information on this site there is no need to be defensive. Is there ???

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Why? Trying to start an argument? You generalized, "160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension."

I pointed out that there is currently a discussion going on that your numbers are wrong.

I think my doctor is in error and wants to keep my blood pressure around 120. I think it is worth discussing low blood pressure vs risk of falls and feinting. I'm aware of the risks of low blood pressure but I also have known a few people to die from falls. I take medication for dizziness. It is a complicated issue. I don't want to act like a know it all because I'm not. I am not confident in your information nor mine. I think it is worth talking about.


What exactly is allowed to eat and drink, and avoid under high blood pressure , can someone provide a overview thanks!


You might check out the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/dash/ It was developed at the National Institutes of Health. Here is a link that explains the DASH eating plan in more detail. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash/introduction.html I use it and have found it easy and very flexibly not only for hypertension but also for weigh and cholesterol control.



Why? Trying to start an argument? You generalized, "160 is not a borderline number! It is hypertension stage 2 at least, 140/90 is stage 1 and above 130/80 is borderline/ pre hypertension."

I pointed out that there is currently a discussion going on that your numbers are wrong.

I think my doctor is in error and wants to keep my blood pressure around 120. I think it is worth discussing low blood pressure vs risk of falls and feinting. I'm aware of the risks of low blood pressure but I also have known a few people to die from falls. I take medication for dizziness. It is a complicated issue. I don't want to act like a know it all because I'm not. I am not confident in your information nor mine. I think it is worth talking about.

Please keep it civil.

That a systolic BP of 160 is not borderline is not a generalization, it is a statement of fact and there is no medical authority anywhere that disputes it.

As I have tried to several times explain, the point at which BP is higher than desirable and the point at which medication is indicated are not the same thing.

People with BPs in the pre-hypertensive range are best served by purely lifestyle modifications andf so are many in at the lower end of stage 1 hypertension. Medication should be reserved for people who are unable (or, in some cases, unwilling) to control their BP through other measures and in whom the benefits of medication outweigh the risks. the higher the BP is, the more likely the latter will be true. But each case has to be individually assessed taking into account how high the BP is and any special risk factors, including susceptibility to orthostatic hypotension (which may cause fainting), other medications being taken and poitential drug interactions, and any systemic diseases (such as diabetes) that pose special risks.

BTW doctors in the US do not put everyone with BP over 120 on medication, far from it. It is recommended only where the BP is above 140 systolic and/or 90 diastolic and lifestyle modifications alone are unsuccessful. If you look at the standard guidelines for US physicians you will note that lifestyle modification is listed first with drugs in second place...and only discussed for BPs above 140/90. That does not mean, however, that people in the 130-139 range are "fine", they are not and should take non-drug measures to reduce their BP.


I have read Dr. Duane Graveline's discussion about his own blood pressure and find that my experience corresponds to his. When I first go into the hospital and the nurse takes my blood pressure with the automatic cuff, my BP usually is around 144/82. After I go into my cardiologist's office, he allows me to relax and then lie down on the bed. Then when he manually takes my blood pressure, it comes out to be around 128/79 and sometimes 120/80! Blood pressure is variable. It rises and falls. Dr. Gravline has a full discussion of BP issues in older people on his website spacedoc.com.


It is very common to get higher readings in doctor's offices, the so-called "white coat Syndrome". Always a good idea to get a BP monitor and take readings at home for a few days in a row, at rest.



Do you have any recommendations for good quality, reliable BP monitors available here in Thailand? I've been reading reviews online but, as you know, not everything in the "world" is available in Thailand.




It is very common to get higher readings in doctor's offices, the so-called "white coat Syndrome". Always a good idea to get a BP monitor and take readings at home for a few days in a row, at rest.

My doctor in the UK refused to take my blood pressure for that reason - he had the nurses check it.

i have found the Omron SEM-2 to be pretty good. Bought in a pharmacy in Big C about 5 years ago.

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