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Hi guys,

Not on any TV package and don't want one either but would like some local free channels. In the UK I used to be able to use an old sky or virgin box to get basic free view and over air channels. Can I split my internet coax cable and feed it into a cheap settop box? The house I'm in has no arial fitted and land lord said he will install satalite dish but I will need a set top box.

Also can you get Eurovox equivalent for cable TV here?


You wouldn't be able to put another signal on your internet coax/cable unless you were using a cable TV & internet service that provides both TV and internet signals on the same cable, like True. Actually the way this works is some frequencies are setup aside to carry the internet signal instead of the TV signal. You wouldn't be able to mix in signals from another satellite service like C/KU band reception as it would totally mess up your internet and the C/KU band signals.

When they install the satellite dish just run a new, separate cable from the dish to the settop box....cable is cheap. Keep in mind that there are very few English language channels on free-for-view satellite or terrestrial TV here in Thailand.


if you have true docsys internet they give you free cable tv too, about 120 channels so I simply used their free card to register for True anywhere IPTV and enjoy that on my iPad anywhere there is internet or 3/4G. Great in the car in traffic.


Sorry maybe I wasn't clear in my OP.

I have a true 35m Cable broadband plan, with No TV subscription. true came and fitted the coaxial cable for the internet.

I have a samsung 7 series HDTV that can accept the screw on coaxial type I put from a satellite dish as well as the older arial type socket from yesteryear.

The house I have moved into has no arial or satellite, but the landlord said he have a dish installed for free but the installation guy told him we would need a set top box. I assume he will want to use the old style arial sockets he has installed in every room.

Now in the UK I had a satellite feed directly into the HDTV and I would receive freesat and some other channels, can I do that here, preferably through the installed old type of arial socket, without the need for any type of set top box?

Secondly in the UK I also had internet only cable and was able to use a spliter and feed it into an old settop box I had for the same company. It would the. Allow me to watch the free channels. Is this doable if I buy an old true set top and splitter?


There are tons of free or small subscription TV channels these days, over the net.... why not just put an HDMI cable from computer to Telly?

Check through the forums here via search, there has been some good suggestions... thumbsup.gifNot had time to sort them all yet.... facepalm.gif

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