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NACC kicks rice fraud cases into high gear


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" I'm curious to know how you definitively state that this is a picture of the moment that abhisit "confronted her with the irregularities in the rice scheme". "

Judging by the look on her face, this may well be a picture of the moment that Abhisit "confronted Yingluck regarding the rice scheme irregularities OR there may just have been someone under her desk? Nice picture, there won't be as attractive a P.M. for years now.

"OR there may just have been someone under her desk?"

I think you're confusing that with this event

Look at this!!!

The hypocrisy..

What did you say 1 post earlier (post . Ohh fab4, you never fail to amaze us.

It was a joke between me and ratcatcher. You need to lighten up and stow your faux outrage.


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so when are you going to looking into the charges aganist Abhisit, 3 or 4 years from now?

Not to mention Suthep, who hasnt even acknowledged the charges yet because he is busy protesting, in his own words. Yingluck is getting convicted of things after a few weeks and Suthep hasnt even acknowledged the charges after several years.

I really don't understand all of the TV responses that are complaining that a VERY obvious corrupt person has been "jumped in the queue" and been displaced hopefully to make the country a little be better. It's all about priorities, deal with the highest priority problem. Abhisit is old news and low priority. Yingluck Administration is bleeding the country NOW. Stopping the bleeding most be the top priority.

It was a different topic, where a OP was complaining about a person that jumped into the queue in a McDonald's and every response from a TV member blasted the OP because it is "normal" in Thailand to jump queue.

You can't have it BOTH ways. Either it's OK and normal that the queues get jumped or it is not.

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so when are you going to looking into the charges aganist Abhisit, 3 or 4 years from now?

When they get enough proof and evidence to stick in court.

None or not enough evidence means the case will be thrown out and Abhisit will be found not guilty.

Of course if YOU have the vital evidence then present it to Tarit at the DSI or CAPO then by all means do so.

If not then it will have to wait until there IS proof, if ever.

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Why even bother!

Expediting the case,denial of the accused to call more witness etc etc!

They have made up their minds anyway so just send it off to the Supreme Court who have already got the verdict ready and waiting!

What really matters is that the thai people have had a taste of democracy and they will not hand it back to the so called elite!

So just expedite the election date and then you will see the true wishes of the thai people!

You are stuttering again and had a slip and fall. You were right to say why bother. Why bother to listen to witnesses that are not pertinent to the case. Just to hear them say YL is a nice woman and innocent?

Why bother to take a year resolving this case when it is clear they lied and misled the people and clear that billions of Thai baht are missing.

Why do you bother to compare this case to another case when each is completely differeny from the other. Why bother posting nonsense in such a quimsical way?

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Attacking and dismantling the post seems much more effective than aiming the sights at the poster.
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So you still agree it wasn't 4 months then. Neither of your links above add anything to your erroneous post.

Absolutely correct. my dear fabs.

My "four months or more" should have been like 12 months or more it would seem. That also makes your "21 working days" a wee bit off, I'm afraid.

It is pointless arguing with you and the poster above, neither of you appear to understand basic timelines.

Yes, the investigation into the Rice scheme has taken over a year. However can you not see that the decision to investigate Yinglucks role was not made until January 16th 2014, not in any of the previous months, years or even decades. Therefore the NACC did not regard that Yingluck may have been responsible until that date.

My 21 days is perfectly right. If the NACC had stated that they were going to investigate Yinglucks role in March 2013 or September 2013 or any other date prior to 16th January you might have a case.

They didn't, you don't.


Ms. Yingluck warned

NACC investigates the RPPS, warns Ms. Yingluck of irregularities and lack of transparancy

Ms. Yingluck said she is heeded NACC warning

NACC targets Ms. Yingluck for negligence

NACC rules Ms Yingluck was negligent

Now tell me how important a single timeframe in this sequence is? How important is that with loads of data collected and Ms. Yingluck having done nothing the time between targetting and discussion is seemingly short? Did the NACC need to start from scratch?

BTW your count of 21 working days is really hilarious, I'm waiting for the next who tries to tell me Abhisit ruined the country in his more than three year as PMrolleyes.gif

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So you still agree it wasn't 4 months then. Neither of your links above add anything to your erroneous post.

Absolutely correct. my dear fabs.

My "four months or more" should have been like 12 months or more it would seem. That also makes your "21 working days" a wee bit off, I'm afraid.

It is pointless arguing with you and the poster above, neither of you appear to understand basic timelines.

Yes, the investigation into the Rice scheme has taken over a year. However can you not see that the decision to investigate Yinglucks role was not made until January 16th 2014, not in any of the previous months, years or even decades. Therefore the NACC did not regard that Yingluck may have been responsible until that date.

My 21 days is perfectly right. If the NACC had stated that they were going to investigate Yinglucks role in March 2013 or September 2013 or any other date prior to 16th January you might have a case.

They didn't, you don't.


Ms. Yingluck warned

NACC investigates the RPPS, warns Ms. Yingluck of irregularities and lack of transparancy

Ms. Yingluck said she is heeded NACC warning

NACC targets Ms. Yingluck for negligence

NACC rules Ms Yingluck was negligent

Now tell me how important a single timeframe in this sequence is? How important is that with loads of data collected and Ms. Yingluck having done nothing the time between targetting and discussion is seemingly short? Did the NACC need to start from scratch?

BTW your count of 21 working days is really hilarious, I'm waiting for the next who tries to tell me Abhisit ruined the country in his more than three year as PMrolleyes.gif

The only two events that are relevant are those last two, but you don't want to admit that for some reason. The 21 day count of working days is real. Try counting the days between the only two relevant dates in this scenario, but you won't so I'm am not going to waste any more time with you.

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It is pointless arguing with you and the poster above, neither of you appear to understand basic timelines.

Yes, the investigation into the Rice scheme has taken over a year. However can you not see that the decision to investigate Yinglucks role was not made until January 16th 2014, not in any of the previous months, years or even decades. Therefore the NACC did not regard that Yingluck may have been responsible until that date.

My 21 days is perfectly right. If the NACC had stated that they were going to investigate Yinglucks role in March 2013 or September 2013 or any other date prior to 16th January you might have a case.

They didn't, you don't.


Ms. Yingluck warned

NACC investigates the RPPS, warns Ms. Yingluck of irregularities and lack of transparancy

Ms. Yingluck said she is heeded NACC warning

NACC targets Ms. Yingluck for negligence

NACC rules Ms Yingluck was negligent

Now tell me how important a single timeframe in this sequence is? How important is that with loads of data collected and Ms. Yingluck having done nothing the time between targetting and discussion is seemingly short? Did the NACC need to start from scratch?

BTW your count of 21 working days is really hilarious, I'm waiting for the next who tries to tell me Abhisit ruined the country in his more than three year as PMrolleyes.gif

The only two events that are relevant are those last two, but you don't want to admit that for some reason. The 21 day count of working days is real. Try counting the days between the only two relevant dates in this scenario, but you won't so I'm am not going to waste any more time with you.

This must have been looked into over the last 2 years, then started in earnest a year ago, when everything was gathered that need be, the question was who was responsible, OH !!! the P.M. also the chairperson so she therefore will have to answer for it.

It does not matter really how many days here and there up to a point, The PM had been warned at the onset of the scheme --ignored it----she was given ample time to respond, then they stretched that for her. what is the problem ??

All this debate is a cover really. Did she do wrong YES. admit it denialists . accept it and move on..

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How on earth anyone still tries to defend current caretaker government and Yingluck is beyond belief. According to Time article, since taking over the office the PTP government lost 6 billion USD annually on their botched rice scheme. It appears that they might've lost over 20 billion USD. Surely someone must be held accountable for such criminal negligence. It is clear that PTP/UDD are trying their hardest to politicize the whole case. Thai public should be informed that this is not about politics, it's about PTP/UDD criminal activity.


The charges stem from one of the Yingluck administration’s landmark pieces of legislation that pledged to pay farmers significantly above market prices for their crop, regardless of quality. The policy has been a disaster economically for the country — losses are estimated at $6 billion annually since 2011 — and recently sapped support for her Pheu Thai Party, which relies on the massive electoral backing from rural provinces in the rice-farming north and northeast...
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so when are you going to looking into the charges aganist Abhisit, 3 or 4 years from now?

I think they are looking at priorities based on importance to the greatest number ofTthai people,how many billions of Thai baht the misdead involved, and tne likelihood of it being a real case rather one that was dreamed up on the strength of "But I'm sure they must have done someting bad too."

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Why even bother!

Expediting the case,denial of the accused to call more witness etc etc!

They have made up their minds anyway so just send it off to the Supreme Court who have already got the verdict ready and waiting!

What really matters is that the thai people have had a taste of democracy and they will not hand it back to the so called elite!

So just expedite the election date and then you will see the true wishes of the thai people!

Yes, they have had a taste, but they want real democracy next time, not a government voted in on populist policies, who then acted like an evil dictator & did all the things this lot did, all for their own benefit not for the benefit of the Thai people. A real democracy is BY the people, FOR the people. This is not what they have seen under the Shins. It seems convenient for you and your red-apologist mates to rave on about "elites" without acknowledging that there are two elites here opposing each other. At one stage it could have been that the Northern Elites were better for the country (ie less corrupt and self-serving) that the Bangkok Elites but they turned out to be greedier, and more ruthless than the others. Now the country has turned against them but they have set it up to try and enshrine themeslves as government for life. And they can't afford to let go of the source of funds or the books/records of the last several years of government. This is not a judicial or administrative coup. This is bad people who got caught out being very bad and are beginning the process of being punished for it.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Mr Witthaya confirmed that all the cases would not take longer than a year to complete.

Why one year when they had Yingluk done and dusted in 2 weeks?

Because they are now investigating TWELVE people, not just one ... Duh.

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Let's see.The Constitution Court has set new legal standards by declaring that 'nepotism' and being an 'accessory to nepotism' are capital crimes that warrant removal from office. From what I have gathered in the press and other media sources so far is that the allegations in the rice-pledging scheme involve negligence. I would think that the evidence would pinpoint specific individuals who were 'negligent' or is the PM negligent because she didn't attempt find out that there was negligence? And why is the NACC handling this piecemeal? In this case and in other past cases involving Abhisit's administration, there is certainly a lack of transparency and due process. But one thing really amazes me is the speed with which the cases against Yingluck have proceeded in relation to other individuals who were already in the queue.

A capital crime is one involving the death pe nalty if guilty. And the rest of what you said was wrong too (particularly about speed of dealing with her case) and has been adequately explained in several post above yours.

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Yes they have had a taste and they liked it only to have it ripped from them time after time by yellow shirt elites like sutep who crave one thing power and seeing that the people won't give it to them they attempt to steal it by what ever means they can.

If you guys think sutep and abhisit are the saviours of Thailand then indeed your living in a fools paradise!

By the way where is the fearless leader of the dems these days?

Not a word!

Not one statement condemning sutep the fake monk and the thugs they employ!

Yes a real leader.


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Yes they have had a taste and they liked it only to have it ripped from them time after time by yellow shirt elites like sutep who crave one thing power and seeing that the people won't give it to them they attempt to steal it by what ever means they can.

If you guys think sutep and abhisit are the saviours of Thailand then indeed your living in a fools paradise!

By the way where is the fearless leader of the dems these days?

Not a word!

Not one statement condemning sutep the fake monk and the thugs they employ!

Yes a real leader.


You are looking for a real leader just like Yingluck was?

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The red underpants boys seem to be ignoring the statement about the fictitious G2G deal and the criminality behind it.

This was brought up by the Dems in the censure debate over 2 years ago as being part of the rice scheme corruption with a well known red shirt leader's wife being implicated as a the owner of a company that was a beneficiary. The same person who has since bought an airline.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is Yingluck during the censure debate you are referring to. The image was taken when Abhisit confronted her with the irregularities in the rice scheme.



I don't really have anything to say here Nickymaster. I just loved this picture so much. She totally dominates them. Brilliant. (Bump.)

Dear Me!!! Another one in love with her for her looks. Where did Honest Quite Bob, the "hot little sis" man go to? If I am off topic then it is only because i am answering you who finally found a tenuous place to get your fave pic of YL onto the forum pages.

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Yes they have had a taste and they liked it only to have it ripped from them time after time by yellow shirt elites like sutep who crave one thing power and seeing that the people won't give it to them they attempt to steal it by what ever means they can.

If you guys think sutep and abhisit are the saviours of Thailand then indeed your living in a fools paradise!

By the way where is the fearless leader of the dems these days?

Not a word!

Not one statement condemning sutep the fake monk and the thugs they employ!

Yes a real leader.


What happened to your leader ??? is she still having a hotel lunch ??? maybe she is putting together a reform package as it in her capacity to do so NOT.

Chalerm-Jutaporn in work ?? fantastic jobs they have acquired, If we had a head count NOW of all the PTP MPs how many have already done a runner to avoid the courts. New book out today---"how to do a runner and avoid jail" by Thaksin Shinawatta.cheesy.gif please note the childish smiley---He He He.

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A year before the cases are brought for deliberation?

I assume that means there was either a massive amount of fraud or the NACC are very slow workers.

The NACC had their budget slashed by PT as one of their anti corruption measures, don't know the exact number but I have seen 60% bandied about.

There was a statement by the head of the NACC recently that said if they were forced to lay off a considerable number of staff because of the budget cut and if they still had their previous budget they would be able to expedite the backlog of cases they have much faster.

So those who whine about Abhisit not being investigated could look to the actions of the PT Govt in cutting the budget as a reason.

Then there are the other 25,000 odd cases that the amnesty bill would have forgiven.

Second thing a new Govt needs to do after paying the farmers is to treble the budget of the NACC.

Oh and don't forget the AG"s office and several other checks and balances outfits also took budget cuts

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Why bother indeed!

The only case that's seems to be expedited is yinglucks

The others like abhisit and co are getting a free run and the bias sticks out like dogs ........

Getting dismissed for shuffling the cabinet which is practiced by any government just shows you what her or any PTP party members face when they get into any of these kangaroo courts.

I notice the yellows on TV have the guilty until proven innocent attitude and unfortunately you right because committees and courts are stacked against them.

A shining example was today when the new speaker declined to answer the question wether he could appoint a new PM as per suteps wishes.

No wonder the thai people are so disillusioned !

Has Yingluck ever declined to answer a question?

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This is Yingluck during the censure debate you are referring to. The image was taken when Abhisit confronted her with the irregularities in the rice scheme.



That is the absolute typical vacant Thai smile when they are caught out in a 'Thait' spot (sorry, sir!)

I see it every day with some clown or other who has f@cked up in some stupid way or another ...

It's 'Thainess' to a T ... wai2.giflaugh.png

Edited by Mister Fixit
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Why even bother!

Expediting the case,denial of the accused to call more witness etc etc!

They have made up their minds anyway so just send it off to the Supreme Court who have already got the verdict ready and waiting!

What really matters is that the thai people have had a taste of democracy and they will not hand it back to the so called elite!

So just expedite the election date and then you will see the true wishes of the thai people!

Red shirt militia rabbel. All this rhetoric. Doesn t hekp anything. Doesn t change the facts. If the electoral laws are changed we WILL indeed see the true wishes of all Thais.

Thou shallt be surprised. Lots going on with the populus you clearly don t know about. Get your head out of the red channel!

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This is so badly needed. The rice scheme has had such a devastating effect on the rice farmers and the rice industry as a whole someone must be held accountable for the mess.

If indeed corruption can be proved then I hope they receive the full effect of the law and get appropriate punishment, including prison.

If that message is sent out to the country and beyond it can only do Thailand's reputation good as a country that is trying to stamp out corruption, nepotism and cronyism.

However, if it all goes away and is swept under the carpet this will be very bad for the Thai people.

It will be interesting to see how things develop.

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Impeachment cases can be finished in a relatively short time. Criminal cases take longer. It is the latter to which the one year time frame refers.

The impeachment case against Yingluck is complete, but the criminal case is pending.

Even after an NACC criminal indictment, more time is spent working through details with the Public Prosecutor. Only then does it go to the relevant criminal court.

For politicians, the court process is faster - as the Supreme Courts Criminal Division for Political Office Holders. For non-politicians, it is slower - as the Central Criminal Court has a huge backlog of cases.

I think the impeachment proceedings against Somchai and Suthep took about 2 months each after the cases had been forwarded to the Senate Speaker. Senators are entitled to ask for more evidence and witnesses and the defendants are also entitled to ask for more witnesses too. Criminal cases take much longer. Watana Asawahame was convicted in the Supreme Court for Policitical Office Holders 10 year or more after the crime was committed.

In impeachment cases the NACC is obliged under the Constitution to try to bring a criminal case. If the attorney-general doesn't agree there is a case, the NACC and a A-G have to set up a committee to decide things. If the committee can't agree, then the NACC can prosecute the case itself.

The case seems complicated by the fact that the defendants are a mix of political office holders and plain civil servants. The latter are not liable to impeachment and have to be prosecuted in the Central Criminal Court with the right of appeal to two more levels.

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The red underpants boys seem to be ignoring the statement about the fictitious G2G deal and the criminality behind it.

This was brought up by the Dems in the censure debate over 2 years ago as being part of the rice scheme corruption with a well known red shirt leader's wife being implicated as a the owner of a company that was a beneficiary. The same person who has since bought an airline.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is Yingluck during the censure debate you are referring to. The image was taken when Abhisit confronted her with the irregularities in the rice scheme.



I don't really have anything to say here Nickymaster. I just loved this picture so much. She totally dominates them. Brilliant. (Bump.)

With that dumb ass look on her face you can tell she has no clue on how to run a country !! Oh wait wasn't that the same dumb ass look look she gave when they kicked her ass out of being Pm !! Lol

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With that kind of look on her face, i think she has already pissed in her pant after the oppositions bombarded her with deadly questions.

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