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Chalerm: CAPO will protect red shirts from attacks


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" The protection is needed because violence against them is likely, he said. " If they are attacked, a large number will rise up, and confrontation [with government opponents] will follow ." On the other hand, Chalerm said he believed that M79 grenade attacks on the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), which he described as a mob of thugs, would persist. "

Is there anything in Chalerm's narrative that isn't a bedrock of every UDD rally speech ? He's saying that there is a likelihood of UDD supporters being attacked. Where does he get this from ? Certainly not from Suthep, who has on each and every occasion during the last six months been at pains to say that the PDRC would never engage the UDD on the streets. And Chalerm - in a breath-taking adjoining statement says he believes grenade attacks on the PDRC would continue. Again, how does he know this ? And if so, as head of CAPO does he intend to do anything about it ? Are not all Thais worthy of protection, or only the ones who subscribe to Chalerm's point of view ? This is the man entrusted with the security of the Thai people, regardless as to political affiliation ? This is the man who is dancing around a Constitutional Court ruling, yet insists he speaks for the law ?

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Since he has been dismissed everything he says or introduces is null n void , he's a nobody

Unfortunately that will never filter through to him drunk or sober

I don't think the latter state occurs. The alcoholic is always drunk in thought, as even when not inebriated their thoughts are always on their next fix. That confuses matters even more, especially when trying to assess their true emotions. Unfortunately, for some, many times or at most times, a situation arises whereby they utter stupidities to correlate idiocies primarily and previously issued based upon internal mental instinct. In Chalerm's case, this would display symptoms of a feature known as 'mental vacuum', or in layman's terms 'being a living brain-dead'. ;)

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Seems fair enough. CAPO and the police protect the redshirts, the army protect the 'yellows'... that way everyone can be looked after and hopefully violence can be minimized. Don't forget that despite what Chalerm says about huge numbers rising up it's only a very small minority on both sides who are violent. The rest, or at least those who aren't sick of the whole political pantomime will just stay at home and watch on TV.

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Chalerm said he remained the CAPO director despite being ousted through a Constitutional Court ruling as the labour minister

Says it all really ...no respect of Thai law and this idiot was a POLICE MAN

also good to know the red morons will have protection until 10pm....when most sneak attacks happen between 2-4 am....you really could not make this comedy up cheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Yeah, just like the PDRC has no respect for the law.

It is not a one-sided game my friend, but so many of you persist in seeing it that way.

The only tiny little difference my friend is that PDRC is not the government or ruling party.

Nor is Chalerm.

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Chalerm said he remained the CAPO director despite being ousted through a Constitutional Court ruling as the labour minister

Says it all really ...no respect of Thai law and this idiot was a POLICE MAN

also good to know the red morons will have protection until 10pm....when most sneak attacks happen between 2-4 am....you really could not make this comedy up cheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Yeah, just like the PDRC has no respect for the law.

It is not a one-sided game my friend, but so many of you persist in seeing it that way.

The only tiny little difference my friend is that PDRC is not the government or ruling party.

Nor is Chalerm.

Well he still thinks he is a part of the caretaker government. Above the law in fact.

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The PDRC so-called guards were a bloody menace when the yellow shirts were running wild. As were - and are - those aligned with the redshirts.

Perhaps time they were all recognised for what they are and arrested en masse for GBH, assault and bodily harm, carrying deadly weapons with intent to use, attempted murder, etc.

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What do you mean "if" she left already and I don't think she'll be dragged back in. At most we'll get Hallmarkesque Facebook posts on her Facebook page.... written by some PR firm or another.

Agree. That woman is probably as happy as a pig in slop now that she out of politics and back in the shopping malls.

Let's hope you are right. Love her or hate her, she deserves this break after all the abuse she's been given and all the shit she's allowed herself to be dragged through. She has a young boy and husband who she's probably hardly seen. Let's hope Thaksin stops pimping her out anymore and let's her join the "real world" she has been absent from for nearly three years. Take it easy Yingluck, enjoy your retirement and may the blessings of Gucci be upon you..

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protected against attacks that have not materialised ever...

The attacks ought to be focused on CAPO and Chalerm... CAPO is actually now being seen as nothing more than a police militia aligned with the UDD.

It is about time they were taken down completely.... Get 100,000 protesters to tear the place apart and crush anyone standing in their way. Get Chalerm and detain him in a secret location as well as Surapong. Or even better, make sure they are........................... forum rules prohibit any more of my post.

This is a very bad idea!

not with the full backing of the amy its not

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Looks like Chalem has joined Suthep in a who can say the silliest thing competition.

Non can match The Chalrem. While he does go off radar at times, he always compensates with gusto and originality.

And apparently he's doing some of it under medication too. Likes: good friends who let him borrow cars, trips to Scandinavia,

Scottish ear medicine, beheading and getting issues resolved within 90 days. The incumbent and undefeated champion looks

in good shape and is full of confidence.

While Suthep is certainly silly, but somewhat repetitive, seemingly falling in love with buzz words and the sound of his own voice.

A known procrastinator, Suthep should probably not be trusted with deadlines, but he is noted for patriotic dress sense and an

undying optimism, always seeing a new (final) day on the horizon. Likes: Palm oil, whistles, being on stage, blocking roads and camping in public parks (or 5 star hotels nearby). Having some rough days at the moment, the Kamnan is still a force to recon with, and still issuing his daily silliness quota.

The third and forth runner ups, namely Plodprasop and Yingluck are on the quiet lately, and until an urgent flood solution is called for, or a chance for public embarrassment pops up, both shall be designated standby-acting-caretaker sillymaster, and will be called forth as needed.

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Looks like Chalem has joined Suthep in a who can say the silliest thing competition.

Non can match The Chalrem. While he does go off radar at times, he always compensates with gusto and originality.

And apparently he's doing some of it under medication too. Likes: good friends who let him borrow cars, trips to Scandinavia,

Scottish ear medicine, beheading and getting issues resolved within 90 days. The incumbent and undefeated champion looks

in good shape and is full of confidence.

While Suthep is certainly silly, but somewhat repetitive, seemingly falling in love with buzz words and the sound of his own voice.

A known procrastinator, Suthep should probably not be trusted with deadlines, but he is noted for patriotic dress sense and an

undying optimism, always seeing a new (final) day on the horizon. Likes: Palm oil, whistles, being on stage, blocking roads and camping in public parks (or 5 star hotels nearby). Having some rough days at the moment, the Kamnan is still a force to recon with, and still issuing his daily silliness quota.

The third and forth runner ups, namely Plodprasop and Yingluck are on the quiet lately, and until an urgent flood solution is called for, or a chance for public embarrassment pops up, both shall be designated standby-acting-caretaker sillymaster, and will be called forth as needed.

I think Plod lost his job last week, along with YL. Of course, so did Chalerm, but he still doesn't believe it. When I tell people outside Thailand what the politicians are like, here, they claim I'm writing an Asian version of a Tom Wolfe novel. Whatever you can imagine, these guys will just come out with something so absurd as to make you look like a reservoir of stoic reserve.

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Everyone here should understand that Pol. Capt. Chalerm in neither stupid nor a moron. He is not a hopeless alcoholic, either. One does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!

Mr. Chalerm is in daily contact with Dr. Thaksin. Mr. Chalerm is Dr. Thaksin's 'pit-bull dog' and carries out orders like the loyal dog he is. Any public pronouncements by Mr. Chalerm are from and on behalf of Dr. Thaksin.

The, seemingly, inane statement by Mr. Chalerm, that the Red Shirt demonstration will be protected until 10 p.m. looks to me to either be a trap to get anti-government elements to attack the Red Shirt demonstration, giving them the excuse they need to escalate the violence and claim they didn't start it and were merely being defensive, or, there will be, as gabruce suggested, a false-flag operation against the Red Shirt demonstration that can be used by the government to crack down harshly on the PDRC protesters. This is 'end-game' tactics and Dr. Thaksin is quickly running out of options and time. He doesn't have much to lose, at this point, and has everything to gain.

The foreign embassies are taking copious notes of CAPO pronouncements and are not as easily fooled/distracted as the average populace. As diplomats, they will stay neutral, superficially.

CAPO really has no purpose (other than funneling large sums of money to its members and to favored vendors). Its only accomplishments are killing some protesters and policemen in a botched crackdown on what the courts have deemed a legal protest. If they are being paid to make useless public pronouncements, then they do justify their budget. In actuality CAPO is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Too bad, for them, that their only enforcement allies are the RTP, who are useless, really.

Edited by rametindallas
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what a load of sh*t, on saturday the reds were pulling over cars coming from the south and refusing to let them drive north. seems that they have already decided that the north is a different state to the south and now this crettin is spitting the dummy because he was sacked and threatening everyone, The fact that the reds are the ones that have been killing kids and others with their grenades and shootings means nothing, time someone took out this moron but I am sure the courts will very soon. Cant wait to see how he explains that he is still allowed to do this after the courts found him guilty and sacked him along with the other ptp drop kicks, somehow I think he is making the most of the free ear medicine before they toss him in a cell.

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Everyone here should understand that Pol. Capt. Chalerm in neither stupid nor a moron. He is not a hopeless alcoholic, either. One does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!

Mr. Chalerm is in daily contact with Dr. Thaksin. Mr. Chalerm is Dr. Thaksin's 'pit-bull dog' and carries out orders like the loyal dog he is. Any public pronouncements by Mr. Chalerm are from and on behalf of Dr. Thaksin.

The, seemingly, inane statement by Mr. Chalerm, that the Red Shirt demonstration will be protected until 10 p.m. looks to me to either be a trap to get anti-government elements to attack the Red Shirt demonstration, giving them the excuse they need to escalate the violence and claim they didn't start it and were merely being defensive, or, there will be, as gabruce suggested, a false-flag operation against the Red Shirt demonstration that can be used by the government to crack down harshly on the PDRC protesters. This is 'end-game' tactics and Dr. Thaksin is quickly running out of options and time. He doesn't have much to lose, at this point, and has everything to gain.

The foreign embassies are taking copious notes of CAPO pronouncements and are not as easily fooled/distracted as the average populace. As diplomats, they will stay neutral, superficially.

CAPO really has no purpose (other than funneling large sums of money to its members and to favored vendors). Its only accomplishments are killing some protesters and policemen in a botched crackdown on what the courts have deemed a legal protest. If they are being paid to make useless public pronouncements, then they do justify their budget. In actuality CAPO is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Too bad, for them, that their only enforcement allies are the RTP, who are useless, really.

I doubt anyone really believes Chalerm to be a total moron, but on the same note, he's hardly the sharpest tool in the shed.

Issuing inane statements is something almost every Thai politician does when presented with air time and a microphone.

Not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but here it reaches new heights of silliness. I often get the feeling that it might be due

to "quality" reporting or bad translation issues. Time after time, I get confirmation that even Thais are baffled by some of the

statements (not just those made by Chalerm).

As for "one does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!" - Indeed, those are

not neither instrumental or required traits to get to the top, but nevertheless, they do not seem to pose much of a hindrance as one would have imagined. While stupidity is relative and often depends on context, alcohol related issues aren't that of a rare thing with leaders, in general.

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The Yellow criminal game about force travellers and foreigners out of cars and buses to travel to the Airports get very little attention from thai medias.

If the Reds would do this then the reports and outcry would be very big

for shure.

Edited by Mentors
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Everyone here should understand that Pol. Capt. Chalerm in neither stupid nor a moron. He is not a hopeless alcoholic, either. One does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!

Mr. Chalerm is in daily contact with Dr. Thaksin. Mr. Chalerm is Dr. Thaksin's 'pit-bull dog' and carries out orders like the loyal dog he is. Any public pronouncements by Mr. Chalerm are from and on behalf of Dr. Thaksin.

The, seemingly, inane statement by Mr. Chalerm, that the Red Shirt demonstration will be protected until 10 p.m. looks to me to either be a trap to get anti-government elements to attack the Red Shirt demonstration, giving them the excuse they need to escalate the violence and claim they didn't start it and were merely being defensive, or, there will be, as gabruce suggested, a false-flag operation against the Red Shirt demonstration that can be used by the government to crack down harshly on the PDRC protesters. This is 'end-game' tactics and Dr. Thaksin is quickly running out of options and time. He doesn't have much to lose, at this point, and has everything to gain.

The foreign embassies are taking copious notes of CAPO pronouncements and are not as easily fooled/distracted as the average populace. As diplomats, they will stay neutral, superficially.

CAPO really has no purpose (other than funneling large sums of money to its members and to favored vendors). Its only accomplishments are killing some protesters and policemen in a botched crackdown on what the courts have deemed a legal protest. If they are being paid to make useless public pronouncements, then they do justify their budget. In actuality CAPO is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Too bad, for them, that their only enforcement allies are the RTP, who are useless, really.

I doubt anyone really believes Chalerm to be a total moron, but on the same note, he's hardly the sharpest tool in the shed.

Issuing inane statements is something almost every Thai politician does when presented with air time and a microphone.

Not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but here it reaches new heights of silliness. I often get the feeling that it might be due

to "quality" reporting or bad translation issues. Time after time, I get confirmation that even Thais are baffled by some of the

statements (not just those made by Chalerm).

As for "one does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!" - Indeed, those are

not neither instrumental or required traits to get to the top, but nevertheless, they do not seem to pose much of a hindrance as one would have imagined. While stupidity is relative and often depends on context, alcohol related issues aren't that of a rare thing with leaders, in general.

Would you agree that Pol. Capt. Chalerm is engaged in some world class trolling? It has definitely got this forum cranked up.

It's not a good idea to underestimate the intelligence/ability of your enemy. Chalerm is crazy, alright; crazy like a fox. Chalerm is a survivor in a harsh political environments. Thai politics are some of the harshest I ever heard of. Politicians and/or politician's opponents are murdered every year. You may not like Chalerm, but you have to respect his abilities.

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Everyone here should understand that Pol. Capt. Chalerm in neither stupid nor a moron. He is not a hopeless alcoholic, either. One does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!

Mr. Chalerm is in daily contact with Dr. Thaksin. Mr. Chalerm is Dr. Thaksin's 'pit-bull dog' and carries out orders like the loyal dog he is. Any public pronouncements by Mr. Chalerm are from and on behalf of Dr. Thaksin.

The, seemingly, inane statement by Mr. Chalerm, that the Red Shirt demonstration will be protected until 10 p.m. looks to me to either be a trap to get anti-government elements to attack the Red Shirt demonstration, giving them the excuse they need to escalate the violence and claim they didn't start it and were merely being defensive, or, there will be, as gabruce suggested, a false-flag operation against the Red Shirt demonstration that can be used by the government to crack down harshly on the PDRC protesters. This is 'end-game' tactics and Dr. Thaksin is quickly running out of options and time. He doesn't have much to lose, at this point, and has everything to gain.

The foreign embassies are taking copious notes of CAPO pronouncements and are not as easily fooled/distracted as the average populace. As diplomats, they will stay neutral, superficially.

CAPO really has no purpose (other than funneling large sums of money to its members and to favored vendors). Its only accomplishments are killing some protesters and policemen in a botched crackdown on what the courts have deemed a legal protest. If they are being paid to make useless public pronouncements, then they do justify their budget. In actuality CAPO is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Too bad, for them, that their only enforcement allies are the RTP, who are useless, really.

I doubt anyone really believes Chalerm to be a total moron, but on the same note, he's hardly the sharpest tool in the shed.

Issuing inane statements is something almost every Thai politician does when presented with air time and a microphone.

Not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but here it reaches new heights of silliness. I often get the feeling that it might be due

to "quality" reporting or bad translation issues. Time after time, I get confirmation that even Thais are baffled by some of the

statements (not just those made by Chalerm).

As for "one does not get to be one of the top power players in Thai politics by being drunk and/or stupid!" - Indeed, those are

not neither instrumental or required traits to get to the top, but nevertheless, they do not seem to pose much of a hindrance as one would have imagined. While stupidity is relative and often depends on context, alcohol related issues aren't that of a rare thing with leaders, in general.

Would you agree that Pol. Capt. Chalerm is engaged in some world class trolling? It has definitely got this forum cranked up.

It's not a good idea to underestimate the intelligence/ability of your enemy. Chalerm is crazy, alright; crazy like a fox. Chalerm is a survivor in a harsh political environments. Thai politics are some of the harshest I ever heard of. Politicians and/or politician's opponents are murdered every year. You may not like Chalerm, but you have to respect his abilities.

Oh, he's trolling for sure, and quality trolling at that.

Personally, not really cranked up about Chalerm (or Thai politics in general) - he is part of the show, and at least

not as dreary as others. Not that I find most of what he does or say to be agreeable, righteous or helpful to the

country or the political situation.

I'm not underestimating him at all. He's got a certain cunning to him, he knows the ropes, and he can be ruthless.

Glad I do not have to personally deal with the man or confront him on current terms.

That does not preclude having an alcohol problem nor does it make each and every utterance a calculated move.

And so on (to quote Mr. C. himself)

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When a party that claims it is democratic, has Chalerm as one of the main stooges, you know it's full of shit. The Headless one doesn't understand or respect democracy or the rule of law, and that's been shown time and time again over the years. One of the most odious Thai politicians of all time.

One can only assume he knows many secrets politicians don't want revealed thus enabling him to punch far above his weight.

The Shinawat cult continues as many red shirts carry pictures of Yingluck.How fortunate for Thaksin she is photogenic and can easily portray the role of gentle, graceful, caring leader. It just wouldn't be possible to do tbat with Yaowapa or Somchai Wongsawat.A big dilemma for Thaksin if Yingluck leaves the scene,

Like many I have wondered what it is that keeps Chalerm in the cabinet etc. A poster once advised that his relationship with Mr. T goes back to when Mr. T was setting out in business and Chalerm was in a position to assist.

Given all of Chalerm's screw ups over the years you'd think the patronage would have worn out by now but he's still around. Yes he has his uses as an attack dog and as part of the comedy double act with Tarit BUT there has to be more. He must know which skeletons are in which cupboards but if he was to start talking would anyone believe him ?

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Protected up to 10PM where as after that time, everyone will turn the other way to allow the terrorists to do their nightly attacks on the 'unprotected' PDRC protesters.

Aye, that could actually be thought through......

Leave an opening, announce it in advance; hoping some crazy fanatic does a stupid move...

Used that as an excuse to send blame PDRC.... Chalerm's style planning :)

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When a party that claims it is democratic, has Chalerm as one of the main stooges, you know it's full of shit. The Headless one doesn't understand or respect democracy or the rule of law, and that's been shown time and time again over the years. One of the most odious Thai politicians of all time.

One can only assume he knows many secrets politicians don't want revealed thus enabling him to punch far above his weight.

The Shinawat cult continues as many red shirts carry pictures of Yingluck.How fortunate for Thaksin she is photogenic and can easily portray the role of gentle, graceful, caring leader. It just wouldn't be possible to do tbat with Yaowapa or Somchai Wongsawat.A big dilemma for Thaksin if Yingluck leaves the scene,

Like many I have wondered what it is that keeps Chalerm in the cabinet etc. A poster once advised that his relationship with Mr. T goes back to when Mr. T was setting out in business and Chalerm was in a position to assist.

Given all of Chalerm's screw ups over the years you'd think the patronage would have worn out by now but he's still around. Yes he has his uses as an attack dog and as part of the comedy double act with Tarit BUT there has to be more. He must know which skeletons are in which cupboards but if he was to start talking would anyone believe him ?

I think trust would be a major issue. Not that easy to bring new people into the fold, and probably not been the right time

for a while now. The other thing might be what Thaksin allegedly complained about, as in not having a great selection to

pick from.

Wouldn't really bank on the latter, as there are quite capable people on the PTP side, just maybe not that many who are

"family"/"inner circle" status and deemed trustworthy enough.

Given past confrontations and transgressions, not sure that Chalerm is in a position to either jump ship or switch sides.

He is riding the tiger's back.

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When a party that claims it is democratic, has Chalerm as one of the main stooges, you know it's full of shit. The Headless one doesn't understand or respect democracy or the rule of law, and that's been shown time and time again over the years. One of the most odious Thai politicians of all time.

One can only assume he knows many secrets politicians don't want revealed thus enabling him to punch far above his weight.

The Shinawat cult continues as many red shirts carry pictures of Yingluck.How fortunate for Thaksin she is photogenic and can easily portray the role of gentle, graceful, caring leader. It just wouldn't be possible to do tbat with Yaowapa or Somchai Wongsawat.A big dilemma for Thaksin if Yingluck leaves the scene,

Like many I have wondered what it is that keeps Chalerm in the cabinet etc. A poster once advised that his relationship with Mr. T goes back to when Mr. T was setting out in business and Chalerm was in a position to assist.

Given all of Chalerm's screw ups over the years you'd think the patronage would have worn out by now but he's still around. Yes he has his uses as an attack dog and as part of the comedy double act with Tarit BUT there has to be more. He must know which skeletons are in which cupboards but if he was to start talking would anyone believe him ?

When Chalerm lost his position as DPM and it appeared his dream of being PM was gone forever he started his loose cannon impersonation threatening all sorts of revelations and so the boss bought him straight back into the fold.

I think you have your answer there.

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He can't send them to hide in Cambodia like he did his weasel son, so it looks like he's sent them on the offensive, according to today's news. Guy has got his coming and I think he knows it. Maybe thats why he's drinking himself to death. Keep up the booze, don't stop!

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