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BMTA aims to reduce bus accidents in BKK and complaints by 50% in 5 months


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BMTA aims to reduce bus accidents and complaints by 50% in 5 months

BANGKOK, 13 May 2014 (NNT) – The number of accidents involving buses in Bangkok and the number of passenger complaints lodged against the bus operators will be reduced by 50% within 5 months, according to a new initiative by the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA).

Acting BMTA director Naret Boonpiem on Monday launched a project by the agency to promote safety for bus passengers by having the buses stick to the leftmost lane at all times. The project will take place during the period of May 16 to September 30.

Currently, an average of 300 complaints are lodged against BMTA-operated buses and 800 complaints against privately operated buses. 150 accidents are reported each month.

Aside from the project, the BMTA had also increased the fines on privately-run buses. Offenses pertaining to unsafe driving, staff rudeness and overcharging fares will entail a fine of 200-3,000 baht, instead of the earlier rate of 200-1,000 baht. Accidents caused by under-maintained buses will entail a fine of 5,000 baht, instead of the earlier rate of 3,000 baht. The new rates have already taken effect.

-- NNT 2014-05-13 footer_n.gif

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Must be the mass transit turn , the stuff Thailand runs on, Bull!!t , just go's to show how much inroads this plague has progressed since it was perfected by the PTP, at it's conception with the flood mitigation policy, all talk, no idea how to implement , the PTP are experts at this double speak.

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Accidents caused by under-maintained buses will entail a fine of 5,000 baht, instead of the earlier rate of 3,000 baht. The new rates have already taken effect

Why for the life of me and fellow commuters - if a bus government or private is under maintained Why not simply ground it until repaired and expand this policy to all buses (tour) if you are serious about fixing the problem.

Reduce by 50% is not the answer Zero tolerance should be the target - oh well TiT here one day gone the next " bus travellers I am referring to".

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Would be a lot simpler to enforce the removal of wooden floors and replace them with solid metallic structures, plus the installment of seat belts.

Me thinks that would be much more resilient to deaths, as opposed to driving in the left lane only.

It does matter to some degree which lane they're in, as they tend to stop where they want and drop where they want, even in the fast lane - whereby I've seen many a motorcyle screwing down the inside of the bus and kill passengers disembarking. However, I've also on one occasion seen a person fall thru a collapsed floor (Lopburi, 8 years ago)...

I wonder how much the bill is for this, and how much will actually be taken from source, and how much will be implemented into end product, as usual.

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if a bus government or private is under maintained Why not simply ground it until repaired and expand this policy to all buses (tour) if you are serious about fixing the problem.

Because 'repair' and 'Thai repair' have two totally different meanings when translated from Thai to Farangian standards, or vice versa. ;)

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I've seen lots of crazy things on the streets of Bkk and it's not only the busses but taxi, motorcycle and commercial pickup truck ( most of the time at fault ) all contribute to this madness. If the police would step up the giving out fines (they can keep the money too) for those who drive like a lunatic.

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The fines are a joke and show that the 'Authorities' don't give a rats arse for passenger safety...it's all just lip service. Starting fines at 100,000 Baht would be a start followed by suspension of business licence to run a bus company, banning drivers for long periods, or life bans for repeat offenders. Jail time for company directors and drivers would be an added bonus. This is the only way these people will sit up and take notice.

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Unlike many here I see they are not too ambitious,It would be encouraging if they at least aimed to eliminate all and 50% was a good start.

If I was an old cycnic you could read that tthey are incapable or complacent about the other half

Almost like a hub of sleaze where new fire engines are locked up but a lying driver can drag a cop along the main drag

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Its my experience that if you don't get out of the way the buses will crash into u in Bangkok.

Buses in the country runs regular drive at 150 kilometres per hour on narrow country roads and commit other outlandish driving skills.

I think the new fines are a joke and probably just a revenue raiser for the corrupts.

Yes we are talking about buses but In Australia we had a trucking company doing evil.

The bus companies in Thailand need some medicine like the Australian Cootes transport mob got.



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How many critics actually ride the buses in Bangkok? How many of the same critics would find another topic to vent their displeasure with life?

I don't know. I do know that life consists of more than complaining and criticizing things that are beyond my control.

Critics are in abundance. Those that actually do something to implement change for the common good are a rare commodity.

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I got a hold of there plan it states website is only allowed to record complaints up 150 per month those over automatic delete as far as accidents only 50% of the fleet is allowed to operate for now on also as a cost saving 50% of employee's will be fired Guess Thai logic?

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