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My Thai wife wants to pay the offending party

Greg Nixon

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Damn at the wimps here.....you come to my door threating me.......I will put you on your ass.

Apologise for what...??? If the Aussie can't take a joke then he's the one should leave.... As some suggested take him a drink...the fool would probably complain about the brand...You sound like a Friendly Man....your welcome in my neighborhood anyday....And the paying bit......I wouldn't pay the ass any mind.

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"if things happened as described"...

OP, stand your ground... demand his apology's and ask for the reasons of his behavior.

Since he came to your property, he was the provocateur...

If next steps being made by him, probably he has done similar before, then demand the eventual authority a confrontation with him, confront him with his misbehavior and same time apology for your "playish" acts.

Always stand your ground , unless the story is not as described, then buy a ticket to Canada ...

2: Tell your wife that, if 1 bath of your money should go to that prick, she can go and stay with the money...with that prick..

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If you knew that he is an angry man you should have never throw water at him. Anyway why the hell did you do that? Was is Sonkran then I understand but if it was't then it was your fault to start this mess.

There is no need to go back to Canada over a small misunderstanding. Just sort it out in an adult manner. May be sending a flower to hospital would do that.[/quotej

I don't believe the OP, KNEW this guy was an ARSE,, like I said,, very innocent attempt at,, "hey neighbor",,, he didn't hose him down,, just playfully got his attention,, nothing more,,,

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I thought that in SE Asia one farang beating another was as innocuous as two dogs fighting over meat chunks in a puke. Does it really call for cops and ambulances? Hmm... I learned something new from this thread.

That's the beauty of this place Gonki, you get to sus out the crazy ones without getting too close ;)

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I would of done the same for grabbing me. But if you pay him off give him double and put him on his ass again.

But on a serious note go talk to the guy and try and work it out. But I wouldn't pay him. Us Canadians like to be respected and don't appreciate being disrespect.

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As in the original post,, the guys a bully,, estranged from his entire family,,, so there ya go,, proves my point,, he's trouble,, looking for a place to happen,,, ignore his sad, sad, existence,, and never give him a second thought,,,,

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The Canadian inferiority complex is well known - they hate the fact they are ersatz Americans.

But when I lived there I found them well balanced about it - a chip on both shoulders.

I just hated they thought my accent was Irish.

If one doesn't have a sense of humour - don't live in LOS - both of you.

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Put a big poster of a Kangaroo at your house that he can see it well. Then he might feel more comfortable with your Canadian backside.

Is it possible that you're from the French part and you completely misunderstood each other?

Or did he even call you a frog? I'm sorry to say that this is not a behavior to solve issues..He might have other medical issues.

Why don't you go and visit him in the hospital to make this joke problem to a topic between two adults.

Cops usually just watch fighting foreigners, especially in the northeast and laugh their asses off.

He might sue you that you'd spit too hot water over his hearing aid. Might consider Canada, dude.

Can't believe that story, please tell us that you're a joke troll. Please.

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sounds to me like you are bullying some slightly demented old bloke

no reason to pay him money but maybe take him out for lunch and apologize

not sure why you would move to canada because of this but up to you


This is a cantankerous one.... No possible reasoning with people having that condition....

These people MUST be ignored, whatever they do or say........

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If you feel not guilty - do not pay.

What are the age groups of yours and his?

He is an Ozzy. What are you?

If you try to pacify him by offering a 'peace drink' - make sure you have a witness with you or do it on a neutral grounds - not his place.

Apologise about his hearing aid, but not profusely. Such act could be seen as weakness if he is stupid enough.

I wouldn't leave Thailand because of him. But your wife should be always on your side. Make this a point.

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Its almost a shame the OP didn't hit him with the water in the initial incident.

Hearing aid knocked out, wouldn't have heard the OP's retort and wouldn't have said "c'mon then" and ended on the ground, then hospital.

Life can be cruel at times, eh...................tongue.png

OP, don't take it to heart, and forget about going back to Canada over something like this...................wink.png

A very stupid and ignorant post.

As a hearing aid user since more than 25 years I can tell you that one of the biggest fears is that someone puts water over you, resulting in the malfunction of the hearing aid, has to be repaired and some parts will have to be exchanged. On top of that the hearing aid could be away for repair during a week or ten days, leaving someone, who needs the hearing aid, not able to communicate, watch tv, hear traffic and so on.

Did you know, clever guy, that a hearing aid can cost over 100K baht? No of course not, you thought you buy in 7/11 for 200 baht, right?

Think next time you post, if nothing interesting comes up, just don't post.

To the OP: you're at fault, as much as can be. You had a "trivial" (for you) incident before, then you spray him with water. Even if you missed, the guy has been scared to get water in his expensive hearing aid, so he exploded, logical, you don't spray a guy with water, a guy you have had a minor misunderstanding with, as it could easily be seen more aggressive than you refuse to admit. Your opening the gate after threatening him made the thing aggressive on your side, as he stood outside the gate, so did not come on your property.

Your wife is the clever one here, keeping the peace in the neighbourhood after your attack is a major thing in Thailand. If you don't understand that it's time to go back to Canada.

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I feel a bit sorry for the OP, apparently he was just feeling a bit playful, bit frisky in the morning and now the poor guys been threatened and wrestled by a grouchy old Aussie, then his own wife has left the nest and sided with the enemy, now everyone's come kicking the living <deleted> out of the poor baaaastard.

Dude, take a deep breath, no big deal. Go to bed early and give that wife of yours the silent treatment. In the morning Take yourself out for a movie and nice meal somewhere, leave her at home, remember this is a mans world ;). Keep the silent treatment up until the wife realises the error of her ways. You never cross the line during a military battle. People have been shot for attempting to desert the bloody camp.

Don't take crap from a low life old Aussie, <deleted> convicts. If the old bugga keeps giving you grief, PM me, I will help you build an electronic device that will emit high pitched frequency tones into the old buggas hearing aide, that'll stop the old bugga from farting in church.

Don't go leaping off any balconies, do you hear?

keep ur chin up.

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Your neighbor sounds a complete <deleted>. You ought to go and rip that hearing aid out of his ear and stomp on it then ram it up his arse. Of course, that would just land you in trouble. Don't even think about paying that tosser a single satang.

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Its almost a shame the OP didn't hit him with the water in the initial incident.

Hearing aid knocked out, wouldn't have heard the OP's retort and wouldn't have said "c'mon then" and ended on the ground, then hospital.

Life can be cruel at times, eh...................tongue.png

OP, don't take it to heart, and forget about going back to Canada over something like this...................wink.png

A very stupid and ignorant post.

As a hearing aid user since more than 25 years I can tell you that one of the biggest fears is that someone puts water over you, resulting in the malfunction of the hearing aid, has to be repaired and some parts will have to be exchanged. On top of that the hearing aid could be away for repair during a week or ten days, leaving someone, who needs the hearing aid, not able to communicate, watch tv, hear traffic and so on.

Did you know, clever guy, that a hearing aid can cost over 100K baht? No of course not, you thought you buy in 7/11 for 200 baht, right?

Think next time you post, if nothing interesting comes up, just don't post.

To the OP: you're at fault, as much as can be. You had a "trivial" (for you) incident before, then you spray him with water. Even if you missed, the guy has been scared to get water in his expensive hearing aid, so he exploded, logical, you don't spray a guy with water, a guy you have had a minor misunderstanding with, as it could easily be seen more aggressive than you refuse to admit. Your opening the gate after threatening him made the thing aggressive on your side, as he stood outside the gate, so did not come on your property.

Your wife is the clever one here, keeping the peace in the neighbourhood after your attack is a major thing in Thailand. If you don't understand that it's time to go back to Canada.


You,, you should be the 1 going home,,, it was a COMPLETELY INNOCENT accident,,, that this ARSEWHOLE blew completely out of proportion,,, ALL he had to say was,, "Hey chief,, careful, I have a hearing aid,, be careful please,, NOW,, you owe me a cold one",,,, lol,,, and Yes,, by all means,, "cow down" to your Thai wife,,, let her smooth everything over for tilac

Edited by Adeeos
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Its almost a shame the OP didn't hit him with the water in the initial incident.

Hearing aid knocked out, wouldn't have heard the OP's retort and wouldn't have said "c'mon then" and ended on the ground, then hospital.

Life can be cruel at times, eh...................tongue.png

OP, don't take it to heart, and forget about going back to Canada over something like this...................wink.png

A very stupid and ignorant post.

As a hearing aid user since more than 25 years I can tell you that one of the biggest fears is that someone puts water over you, resulting in the malfunction of the hearing aid, has to be repaired and some parts will have to be exchanged. On top of that the hearing aid could be away for repair during a week or ten days, leaving someone, who needs the hearing aid, not able to communicate, watch tv, hear traffic and so on.

Did you know, clever guy, that a hearing aid can cost over 100K baht? No of course not, you thought you buy in 7/11 for 200 baht, right?

Think next time you post, if nothing interesting comes up, just don't post.

To the OP: you're at fault, as much as can be. You had a "trivial" (for you) incident before, then you spray him with water. Even if you missed, the guy has been scared to get water in his expensive hearing aid, so he exploded, logical, you don't spray a guy with water, a guy you have had a minor misunderstanding with, as it could easily be seen more aggressive than you refuse to admit. Your opening the gate after threatening him made the thing aggressive on your side, as he stood outside the gate, so did not come on your property.

Your wife is the clever one here, keeping the peace in the neighbourhood after your attack is a major thing in Thailand. If you don't understand that it's time to go back to Canada.

You,, you should be the 1 going home,,, it was a COMPLETELY INNOCENT accident,,, that this ARSEWHOLE blew completely out of proportion,,, ALL he had to say was,, "Hey chief,, careful, I have a hearing aid,, be careful please,, NOW,, you owe me a cold one",,,, lol,,, and Yes,, by all means,, "cow down" to your Thai wife,,, let her smooth everything over for tilac

Someone spraying water on purpose at another (even if it didn't hit) is NOT an accident .. it's stupid!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sadly standards seem to be slipping since the collapse of the British Empire. Now we have the colonials scrapping in the streets of Siam.

I too came on to do the 'handbags at five paces' joke but it seems that's been done to death.

As has my next recommendation to appear with a bottle of malt at his door and have a laugh about the whole situation.

To be fair to the Aussie dude, some hearing aids can cost a few bob nowadays. I SAID, "TO BE FAIR TO THE AUSSIE DUDE .... ah never mind.

Chai yen lads. Move on.

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Jeesuz,, talk about the,, "pussyfying" of the male species,,, "yes your honor,, I was ATTACKED, by some water drops,, that landed about 10 feet away from me,, I feared for my hearing aid,, therefore I threatened him 3 TIMES",,,, my GOD some of you guys,,, are, WELL on your way to being TRUE THAI,, "men",,,,, 55555

As well as letting your tilac step in, to smooth things over for you,,, JEEEZUS

Edited by Adeeos
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The Canadian inferiority complex is well known - they hate the fact they are ersatz Americans.

But when I lived there I found them well balanced about it - a chip on both shoulders.

I just hated they thought my accent was Irish.

If one doesn't have a sense of humour - don't live in LOS - both of you.

Yes we hate the fact that people can't understand that Canadians aren't Americans. We just share a border.

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The Canadian inferiority complex is well known - they hate the fact they are ersatz Americans.

But when I lived there I found them well balanced about it - a chip on both shoulders.

I just hated they thought my accent was Irish.

If one doesn't have a sense of humour - don't live in LOS - both of you.

Yes we hate the fact that people can't understand that Canadians aren't Americans. We just share a border.
No,, many of us, DO understand,,, Canadians, are just a more, "polite" version,,,, Nothing wrong with that at all chief,,, ;) Edited by Adeeos
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If it happened out in the public road, you are guilty, and may be charged with assault.

If it happened in your garden, you have the right to kill him and get away with it.

In most countries of the world, throwing water at someone would be considered common assault (if it hit them, the more serious crime aggravated assault).

From what you have said, you appear to have admitted guilt all the way along, my advice, pay up or run.

By the way, never try this foolishness on a Thai man, he would likely pull a gun, shoot you dead, and get away with it (on either occasion according to your statements).

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Return to Canada...learn how to not be an obnoxious neighbor...come back with a new attitude...and a little humility...peace be with you...

Yes,, by all means,, be a fun, friendly neighbor,,, get threatened by a bully., TWICE AFTER THE FACT,,, go home,, tail between legs,, recoupe,, come back to a different condo, under the cover of darkness,,, look over shoulder,, live a timid life from then on,,, LEMME GUESS?,,,you're French?,, There's 3 simple reasons the French don't speak German,,,,,, Americans, Aussies, and Brits,,,,55555 (in no particular order)

Edited by Adeeos
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Here's a fun little exercise... Imagine this same story, but told in the third person by an observer watching two Thai men fighting. The poster is friends with the one who first sprayed the water and is asking for advice. How many people here would consider the men as individuals, and offer advice accordingly? And how many would resort to ignorant generalisations? I think we all know the answer to that one already ;)

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