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If you have online buisness wouldn't you also need work permit if running in Thailand?

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when those corrupt feckers that write the laws start to live by them then i will also consider them.

so he says as those "corrupt feckers" are walking him to his jail cell to start his sentence....facepalm.gif

your hysterical....which planet are you on ?

but good try anyway....this is a new rationalization by an on-liner in Thailand justifying what they are doing...keep them coming.

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seems like there are a lot of despicable grassing types on here. disgusting - yuk. only a complete jerk would be interested in someone else who was running an online business. and if they need to ask (such as the knucklehead OP) then obviously they are retarded also.

The OP asked a legitimate question. And in fact, a foreigner running an online business in Thailand without a work permit is breaking the law. The fact that you disagree with the law is irrelevant. I suppose there are people--under the guise of "privacy"--who think it's ok for some guy to watch child porn in the privacy of his home. But it doesn't matter if you or anyone else thinks it's ok, it's still illegal. That's the point. Not whether anyone "is interested in someone else who was running an online business." I could give a hoot.

silly troll with your standard attempt to associate something odious with some common sense evasive measure.

there are only two laws. dont hurt oneself and dont hurt otheres. why on earth would you want to follow laws which only apply to bottom feeders.

when those corrupt feckers that write the laws start to live by them then i will also consider them.

you also sound like and odious grass type. dispicable antihuman.

Calm down, little man. No need to stoop to personal insults. It sounds like you know the law. Whether you choose to obey or violate the law is your own personal choice. Again, I could give a hoot. But if a newbie were to show up in Thailand and ask you this simple question--is it legal or not--would you answer yes or no? That's really the whole point of this thread. Everything else is just noise.

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It all depends where the money has been accepted, if in the US then tax there, if in Thailand than work permit and tax here.

Remember many people come here for vacation etc. they answer business emails while they are here and it isn't illegal yet they are still doing work of sorts, running an online business from Thailand doesn't need a work permit if all the legalities are in another country, but that countries legalities will need to be dealt with.

Its a grey area for sure and all these idiots saying open a company employ 4 thais and get a work permit are ridiculous because someone may only be making 60,000 baht a month more than enough to love comfortably here in Thailand but not enough to cover all the costs associated with opening a company employing 4 thais and paying the fees associated.

Like I said its a very grey area that Thailand has not considered since its still fairly new.

Someone who logs on and does some work online which is based in UK USA or any other country and then takes the money there but lives in Thailand how can they be considered working in Thailand.


Cambodia does

Simple solution is to go to freakin Cambodia and be legal. Why do people want to come to Thailand and try to change the laws for their own personal benefit? These people should know what the laws are coming in and if they have a problem with that, go somewhere else.

Grumpy today eh?

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