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Jatuporn claims top brass want to make Prayuth interim PM


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I doubt the international press would spend long on reporting the detailed answers to "why is this not a military coup" if he get to be appointed PM...

Correct, that's why the accusation is so hilarious.

Mind you, chief CAPO advisor Surapong wants to declare martial law, so ... ...

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Sounds like a solid plan. Prayuth has been one of the only cool heads over the Thaksin trouble years. He would likely be a measured PM much as Surayud was before him.

I did not notice, although I'm sure some of his fans have pointed it out before, the blame in the PTP and Yingluck governments collapse. It lies fairly and squarely with Thaksin himself. It was his greed, arrogance and contempt for law and his opponents that led to the rice scams, amnesty fiascos etc. I would like to hear this said, some honesty pls.

The Opposite is true.

We have a small mob that caused massive damage during a 3 day riot last november and have closed down offices, roads, hotels, road juctions and Lumpini park. Now parliament, the EC and invaded a (complicit obviously) miltary base.

All the while with the blessing of Prayuth.

Few injuries to his blessed PDRC flock and he is promising all out war on the Red Shirts. and this is non-partisan.

If he is not careful he will get his all out war with the reds and not at the timing of his choosing nor in the manner of his choosing.

Walking with Suthep, he walks a very risky path. But as we say in thailand C'est la Vie oh hand on, Up to you I mean.

A few injuries!!! People have DIED!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by casualbiker
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such a thing would set Thailand back 30 years, GREAT!! Things were far better then.

Phea Thai/Thaksin has negated any gains made recently anyways.

Prayuth is the most level headed man in the discussion to date. He likely will never cry during public speeches, roll around in a wheel chair to gain pity, kill 3000 people in cold blood in the name of a war on drugs, have brain farts like the elite card that flopped, cause a dozen farmers to commit suicide and thousands of others to borrow money from loan sharks....... yea, I like the idea.

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who is this Jatup... whatever to publicly mention the name of General Prayuth

Anyway if it was true Prayuth would be much better as an interim PM than any of the red sh.. or "UDD" or ptp

Except it doesn't look very good does it when the same person who could be considered as Prime Minister simultaneously warns that military may use force if unrest continues? unsure.png

It sounds a bit too much like a General Augusto Pinochet situation. ph34r.png

Obviously there will be some unhappy and restless people if this happens because they will feel their voting rights have been squashed yet again.

So he is nominated for Prime Minister and then in the next breath threatens his fellow Thais if they object with violence.blink.png

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..such a thing would set Thailand back 30 years. Disastrous proposal.

And ideas from people like you bring the whole world back to the stone age.

Bunch of lunatics, those redshirt posters here, advocating violence, for what someone who is even not your PM, but just from your .......

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who is this Jatup... whatever to publicly mention the name of General Prayuth

Anyway if it was true Prayuth would be much better as an interim PM than any of the red sh.. or "UDD" or ptp

Except it doesn't look very good does it when the same person who could be considered as Prime Minister simultaneously warns that military may use force if unrest continues? unsure.png

It sounds a bit too much like a General Augusto Pinochet situation. ph34r.png

Obviously there will be some unhappy and restless people if this happens because they will feel their voting rights have been squashed yet again.

So he is nominated for Prime Minister and then in the next breath threatens his fellow Thais if they object with violence.blink.png

But the information came from Jatuporn leader of the UDD the militia of Thaksin Shinawatra!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The surest indication that things are not going well for the Pheu Thai party is that Jatuporn has to imaginatively invent ever more wild conspiracy theories. Jatuporn is the cottage industry of conspiracy theories, and has fashioned a disreputable career out of then. The army is his favorite passion. Almost all Jatuporn's conspiracy theories center around the army in some form or another. Jatuporn has - time and time again - relied on a tried and untrue recipe - of lies, supported by no corroborating evidence. Whatsoever ! That's it. That's the recipe of success for Jatuporn - Khaosod on steroids. Why does he do it ? Is it because people believe Jatuporn - that people actually believe this modern day Joseph McCarthy ? Actually - no. But the UDD does. In spades. And that is the point of these galactic flights of fancy - because the UDD needs to bring more into the fold, and conspiracies involving the army is Jatuporn's favourite pastime - and has proved to be almost as effective as the fees paid to supporters for showing up and the " expenses " they incur. Almost. But in the meantime, Jatuporn will be likely getting increased attention from bail officers throughout the nation. Civil wars, coups - enough grist for several bail revocations, one would think.

Interesting Comment.

You see when you take away the conspiricy theory then Jutaporn is completely out of rethoric.

And its food for thought for the mind of Farmers whom don't have a clue what politicians rumbling on about.

Just watch the (red)asia network where a Isan Guy (performer) on a daily bases taunts the public and scores of High Ranking officials with his self proclaimed dumb appearence and rethoric, deliberately!!!

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Sounds like a solid plan. Prayuth has been one of the only cool heads over the Thaksin trouble years. He would likely be a measured PM much as Surayud was before him.

I did not notice, although I'm sure some of his fans have pointed it out before, the blame in the PTP and Yingluck governments collapse. It lies fairly and squarely with Thaksin himself. It was his greed, arrogance and contempt for law and his opponents that led to the rice scams, amnesty fiascos etc. I would like to hear this said, some honesty pls.

If you go back to when abhisit was in you would find he started the rice thing and the amnesty fiasco was to help ALL that were invloved in the 2010 killings also not just thaksin.

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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Who would you suggest?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

An Aussie in charge.

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who is this Jatup... whatever to publicly mention the name of General Prayuth

Anyway if it was true Prayuth would be much better as an interim PM than any of the red sh.. or "UDD" or ptp

or the PDRC etc. I don't think there is anyone qualified or trustworthy in Thailand to take on the job.

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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Who would you suggest?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

An Aussie in charge.

Yeah, the Thais will soon warm to Tony Abbott for sure. Wonder what they'd make of his budgie smugglers though?

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the blame in the PTP and Yingluck governments collapse. It lies fairly and squarely with Thaksin himself. It was his greed, arrogance and contempt for law and his opponents that led to the rice scams, amnesty fiascos etc. I would like to hear this said, some honesty pls.

The only HONESTY here is that Thaksin has no more contempt for law, no more greed and no more arrogance than any of the cronies now jousting to abolish Thai democracy and put themselves into power via a putsch/coup.

The only HONESTY is that Thanksin fell foul of Thai cronyism by relying on people power as a way to run the country. That scared the bejesus out of the traditional elite and neo-colonialist farangs who hate to see the Thai people rise up from their historically subjugated position.

The only HONESTY is that the obsessive farangs who keep posting hate against the current government here on ThaiVisa do so mainly because of government measures such as the "rice scheme" and the "Health care scheme" etc. ie. both measures that help ordinary Thais and risk leading to higher taxation for the rich. You wrap your opposition in terms such as "rice scheme" to make it seem as if this is somehow "corrupt" when in actual fact it is exactly the same as what democratic governments in the West did in the 19th century to hep their own people. But there is a strong contingent of people here on Thaivisa who seem to hate democratic progressivism in any kind of shape or form - whether it be Western democracy or Thai democracy. These posters prefer fascism pure and simple.

Edited by Mark Thaiford
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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Hopefully he will deny it and more importantly deny it honestly.

If there is to be a Stand In Acting Caretaker Prime Minister (deep breath....) he should not come from either the army or the police, neither of which is non partisan.

brilliant! "Stand In Acting Caretaker Prime Minister"

Thank you!

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the blame in the PTP and Yingluck governments collapse. It lies fairly and squarely with Thaksin himself. It was his greed, arrogance and contempt for law and his opponents that led to the rice scams, amnesty fiascos etc. I would like to hear this said, some honesty pls.

The only HONESTY here is that Thaksin has no more contempt for law, no more greed and no more arrogance than any of the cronies now jousting to abolish Thai democracy and put themselves into power via a putsch/coup.

The only HONESTY is that Thanksin fell foul of Thai cronyism by relying on people power as a way to run the country. That scared the bejesus out of the traditional elite and neo-colonialist farangs who hate to see the Thai people rise up from their historically subjugated position.

The only HONESTY is that the obsessive farangs who keep posting hate against the current government here on ThaiVisa do so mainly because of government measures such as the "rice scheme" and the "Health care scheme" etc. ie. both measures that help ordinary Thais and risk leading to higher taxation for the rich. You wrap your opposition in terms such as "rice scheme" to make it seem as if this is somehow "corrupt" when in actual fact it is exactly the same as what democratic governments in the West did in the 19th century to hep their own people. But there is a strong contingent of people here on Thaivisa who seem to hate democratic progressivism in any kind of shape or form - whether it be Western democracy or Thai democracy. These posters prefer fascism pure and simple.

Oh. You are so wrong I am unable to laugh. Please take a rational look at your emotional outburst and consider some honesty yourself.

It's possible that some red and yellow posters prefer fascism. I think it's more likely not true.

While the rice scam did help some farmers in the short term, you must see that it's been an absolute disaster for thailand and not supportable in a short or long term. It also seems to have transferred a few hundred billion baht into pockets that have no right to the money. Oh yes, and the rice scam is just plain stupid.

Anyway, just because I disagree with you and you disagree with me over economic policies doesn't mean you need to fill yourself up with hate.

In person, I'm sure you are a nice person. It's easy to get carried away posting and get emotional and type things you wouldn't normally say.

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the blame in the PTP and Yingluck governments collapse. It lies fairly and squarely with Thaksin himself. It was his greed, arrogance and contempt for law and his opponents that led to the rice scams, amnesty fiascos etc. I would like to hear this said, some honesty pls.

The only HONESTY here is that Thaksin has no more contempt for law, no more greed and no more arrogance than any of the cronies now jousting to abolish Thai democracy and put themselves into power via a putsch/coup.

The only HONESTY is that Thanksin fell foul of Thai cronyism by relying on people power as a way to run the country. That scared the bejesus out of the traditional elite and neo-colonialist farangs who hate to see the Thai people rise up from their historically subjugated position.

The only HONESTY is that the obsessive farangs who keep posting hate against the current government here on ThaiVisa do so mainly because of government measures such as the "rice scheme" and the "Health care scheme" etc. ie. both measures that help ordinary Thais and risk leading to higher taxation for the rich. You wrap your opposition in terms such as "rice scheme" to make it seem as if this is somehow "corrupt" when in actual fact it is exactly the same as what democratic governments in the West did in the 19th century to hep their own people. But there is a strong contingent of people here on Thaivisa who seem to hate democratic progressivism in any kind of shape or form - whether it be Western democracy or Thai democracy. These posters prefer fascism pure and simple.

Oh. You are so wrong I am unable to laugh. Please take a rational look at your emotional outburst and consider some honesty yourself.

It's possible that some red and yellow posters prefer fascism. I think it's more likely not true.

While the rice scam did help some farmers in the short term, you must see that it's been an absolute disaster for thailand and not supportable in a short or long term. It also seems to have transferred a few hundred billion baht into pockets that have no right to the money. Oh yes, and the rice scam is just plain stupid.

Anyway, just because I disagree with you and you disagree with me over economic policies doesn't mean you need to fill yourself up with hate.

In person, I'm sure you are a nice person. It's easy to get carried away posting and get emotional and type things you wouldn't normally say.

I may have expressed the arguments somewhat differently and I have expressed reservations about the economics of the rice subsidy but on the substance of his three main points, Mark Thalford is undoubtedly correct, namely:

1.The greed, arrogance and lawlessness of those wishing to cripple democracy in Thailand

2.The threat that Thaksin presented to the entrenched unelected elites

3.The confusion in some peoples mind between an economic subsidy (albeit ill advised) and corruption.

Where I agree is that isn't necessary to get too personal, a lesson perhaps that applies to all of us (and that includes self satisfied passive aggression as well as the emotions that some of us feel on matters that are important to us)

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Jatuporn wants to be careful what he says to or about Prayuth.

If marshal law is imposed one of the first things that will be done is for Jatuporns bail to be withdrawn and he will be dumped back in jail where he belongs..

And that will be richly deserved.

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..such a thing would set Thailand back 30 years. Disastrous proposal.

20 years. The last time an Army chief did this was 1992. Suchindo publicly swore that he would not, under any circumstances, accept appointment as the Prime Minister. That didn't end well, either.

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Jatuporn wants to be careful what he says to or about Prayuth.

If marshal law is imposed one of the first things that will be done is for Jatuporns bail to be withdrawn and he will be dumped back in jail where he belongs..

And that will be richly deserved.

I don't think so. Martial law is a form of law. When the National Peace Keeping Council ran their coup against Chatchai Choonhavan, they arrested him. After a couple of days they released him. Of courst he was another retired general, which may have affected their decision. It's entirely unpredictable. After all, in 1992 Suchinda wasn't able to arrest Chamlong.

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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Who would you suggest?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hey, I have a novel idea. There's supposed to be an election on July 20. Why don't we have people declare themselves "candidates," meaning they want to contest the election. Then whoever gets the most votes can be appointed the new "neutral appointed prime minister." I'll bet we could even figure out a way to do it that would follow the 2007 Constitution. If nobody gets more than 50% of the vote we could have the top two or three vote-getters have a "run-off." Just drop all this screaming about "reform before elections." nobody knows what reforms they're talking about anyway.

Edited by Acharn
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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Who would you suggest?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hey, I have a novel idea. There's supposed to be an election on July 20. Why don't we have people declare themselves "candidates," meaning they want to contest the election. Then whoever gets the most votes can be appointed the new "neutral appointed prime minister." I'll bet we could even figure out a way to do it that would follow the 2007 Constitution. If nobody gets more than 50% of the vote we could have the top two or three vote-getters have a "run-off." Just drop all this screaming about "reform before elections." nobody knows what reforms they're talking about anyway.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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So Prayuth has to swear to meeting didn't take place. I can see his reaction: Why don't you ask those supposedly having the meeting; I wasn't there...lol

Jatuporn is so transparent; even a fool can see what he's up to. Prayuth is like...yeh yeh yeh bla bla bla....

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I look forward to the strictly non-partisan Prayuth making his reasoned reply.

Normally such wild accusations would be ignored as it's clear that no one would accept Gen. Prayuth as neutral interim PM. It seems more the accusation of someone desperate to attract more followers for the 17 - 19 May battle.

Mind you one of the reasons chief CAPO advisor Surapong wants martial law installed might be to make it easier to have Gen Prayuth as non-neutral interim PM. Is k. Surapong secretly in favour of a coup in disguise?

Anyway, Prompong tactics. Accuse and demand the other proves somehow the accusation is not true.

BTW if I stated the Moon is made of Roquefort cheese, could I demand you prove me wrong. Furthermore would you bother?

Yeah, it would never happen. Wild rumours.

But... well, you know, you might want to look into that Roquefort story just a little more closely. Just in case?

People who never say "never" in Thailand have lots of fun laughing at people who do. Thailand is almost the final proof that if something can happen, it will. Although the idea of Prayuth setting himself up as peacemaker at gunpoint was hardly ever out of the question. "No one would accept him" ignores the fact he doesn't need anyone to accept him, he has big guns, and I didn't misspell "buns".

Jatuporn wants to be careful what he says to or about Prayuth.

If marshal law is imposed one of the first things that will be done is for Jatuporns bail to be withdrawn and he will be dumped back in jail where he belongs..

And that will be richly deserved.

I don't think so. Martial law is a form of law. When the National Peace Keeping Council ran their coup against Chatchai Choonhavan, they arrested him. After a couple of days they released him. Of courst he was another retired general, which may have affected their decision. It's entirely unpredictable. After all, in 1992 Suchinda wasn't able to arrest Chamlong.

Excellent. Spot on. No one has a reliable crystal ball, but it would take a blue-ribbon first-class fool to try to arrest Jatuporn or Suthep or any of the big players in the current atmosphere. For the moment, Prayuth's biggest challenge is arguably trying to prove he is not a tool of the yellow shirts, but his second biggest challenge is trying to prove he's no one's tool at all. The only thing he could do worse than arresting Jatuporn would be to arrest Jatuporn and Suthep.

In fact, if I'm Suthep today, I'm asking my peons and myself, Okay, they said we can't march. So if we all stand up together and start to march, what will they do? And all things considered, if I'm Suthep, that's probably just what I'd do. At the moment, the single biggest loser is Suthep and his mob. I wouldn't want that. Everything from here on in is a gamble, so I'd gamble I can stare down the general, just like Chamlong did, good example.



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