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Reform Now urges delaying poll, offers 3 possible options

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Reform Now urges delaying poll, offers 3 possible options
Kornchanok Raksaseri
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Civic group, Reform Now Network (RNN), has urged the Senate and the Election Commission to consider a delayed election held in conjunction with a referendum on national reform as a "legal" way out of the political impasse.

Before the Senate concluded its plan to solve the crisis as scheduled yesterday, the RNN presented three options for the country to get out of the political impasse. They were:

l Proceed with the election on July 20;

l Delay the election for about four or five months to allow time for talks before having the election in conjunction with a country-wide referendum on national reform;

l Delay the election for at least a year to allow time for national reform before an election.

RNN member Buntoon Srethasirote, who explained the scenarios, said the second option may be the most promising although talks and agreement among all stakeholders would be the key to success.

Buntoon said there must be talks on adjusting the composition of the caretaker government and any interim government that would be in charge of national reform, as well as election rules and the mechanism and content of national reforms.

"The option that the two opposing sides can agree on is available and possibly legally. We want to make sure that these options are considered," Buntoon said.

The group said the challenge for the first option would be that the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) would oppose it and might obstruct another election, which could end up nullified like the February 2 election.

It said the challenge for the third option was uncertainty and the limitation on legislation as there is no House of Representatives at present and during the one-year reform period.

Explaining the legal possibilities involving the search for an interim prime minister, legal expert Santi Sathitpong said it was not a normal situation at the moment and the position would be different from a normal prime minister according to Article 171 of the Constitution.

Santi said a new prime minister would take the place of the current acting PM and be an interim premier according to Article 181 of the constitution. That was why the person selected would be able to take the post without being an MP.

"There have been no MPs since the House was dissolved," he said.

Santi said there was no such thing as a "PM according to Article 7 of the Constitution", as the Article only said that when facing a legal dead-end it should refer to how things had been done in the past.

Somsak Chunharas, moderator of the discussion, said the focus was not on finding a prime minister but how to have a peaceful election as soon as possible and get Thailand out of the political impasse.

Nevertheless, the RNN stressed that no matter who comes to power, the government must take national reform seriously as it had been widely agreed that Thailand needs this.

Former Democrat MP Rachada Dhnadirek, who was in the audience at the forum, wanted to know how it could be guaranteed the elected government would take national reform seriously when the election would take place at the same time as a national referendum.

She also referred to a proposal previously presented by her party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, who proposed a referendum on reform before an election.

Yesterday's forum was the group's fifth "Thinking Platform" to overcome the deadlock crisis in Thailand.

-- The Nation 2014-05-17

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes I suppose life is as simple to you as it is to Chalerm and Jatuporn. I must admit that at times I envied that simple point of view. It looks very worry-free. Unfortunately life and living in a society never is that simple.

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Keep doing the same thing over and over again.....

What about all the lying and cheating and corruption?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Abhisit became Premier at a time of global economic turmoil and rising domestic political tensions.[11] As prime minister, he promoted a "People's Agenda," which focused primarily on policies affecting the living conditions of Thailand's rural and working class citizens.[12] He administered two economic stimulus packages: a $40 billion, three-year infrastructure improvement plan, and a more than $3 billion program of cash subsidies and handouts.[13] By 2010, the stock market and the value of the baht had rebounded to their highest levels since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.Human Rights Watch called Abhisit "the most prolific censor in recent Thai history" and Freedom House downgraded Thailand's rating of media freedom to "not free."[14][15] Abhisit also advocated for stronger anti-corruption measures, although several members of his Cabinet resigned due to corruption scandals and parts of his economic stimulus packages were criticized for instances of alleged corruption.

Abhisit's government faced major protests in April 2009 and April–May 2010. The military's crackdowns on protesters left many dead.[16][17]Abhisit launched a reconciliation plan to investigate the crackdown, but the work of the investigation commission was hampered by military and government agencies.[18] The Thai Army clashed with Cambodian troops numerous times from 2009 to 2010 in the bloodiest fighting in over 2 decades.[19] The South Thailand insurgency escalated during Abhisit's government, and reports of torture and human rights violations increased.

Having resigned the party leadership after the defeat the Democrats suffered in the parliamentary elections of 2011, Abhisit was re-elected as leader at a party assembly.

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes I suppose life is as simple to you as it is to Chalerm and Jatuporn. I must admit that at times I envied that simple point of view. It looks very worry-free. Unfortunately life and living in a society never is that simple.

only because some conspire to make it more difficult for others for their own benefit....

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

the police and the army can protect the polling stations and ensure that everyone would have the right to vote. Thus ensuring fairness and free elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

not true. If people could respect each other's opinions and respect their right to vote even when they themselves choose not to, then free and fair elections could still be carried out.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by srsv1238
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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

the police and the army can protect the polling stations and ensure that everyone would have the right to vote. Thus ensuring fairness and free elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Election day & campaigning are 2 different things. If you have been here since before yesterday you would know that rival groups chase anyone out of town they do not like. As for election day you will not see money passing hands, it is all done behind the scenes with payments quite often made after the vote.

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

the police and the army can protect the polling stations and ensure that everyone would have the right to vote. Thus ensuring fairness and free elections.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Election day & campaigning are 2 different things. If you have been here since before yesterday you would know that rival groups chase anyone out of town they do not like. As for election day you will not see money passing hands, it is all done behind the scenes with payments quite often made after the vote.

the exact same thing happened here in the United States when it was a young republic. The institutions of democracy take time to take hold. But once elections have taken place a few times, and norms are established the entire process will be much more transparent. It simply takes a little time and practice. So don't stop now....

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


I and other posters have known for a long time that red supporters in general are less bright as anti governments supporters and more violent (the body count is a good proof of that).

But why would an election without reforms change anything, we would be back to square one. First some reforms then an election

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein (having an election all the time without change first and expecting it will help)

all people resort to violence when they feel they have no other way of getting heard. But that's why we have elections -- to prevent the outbreak of political violence. So be forewarned. All this political turmoil is what will cause the outbreak of violence.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

not true. If people could respect each other's opinions and respect their right to vote even when they themselves choose not to, then free and fair elections could still be carried out.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Under the present conditions and system free and fair elections are not possible.

Have the pro Government posters ever considered that the Democrats may have a chance . But then we will hear that the elections were not fair.

IMO this Board has attracted it's fair share of communists and the like. They write the same stuff in every treat (elections, elite, fascists ,) and then we have the once that do it for money or other benefits.

Well get used to it. These cheating liars that have been in power for the last 3 years will not be doing it any more. Some posters will have to find other means of income.

Edited by manstr23
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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.
Keep doing the same thing over and over again.....

What about all the lying and cheating and corruption?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

there is cheating, lying and corruption in all countries... India just had national elections. Do you think there is no lying, cheating and corruption there? And look, the opposition won! Because they went and worked hard and campaigned for votes. There is a lesson here.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

There's a huge lesson from India. Their system is far from perfect, with much electoral corruption, 'paid for' press articles, vote buying etc. Then their electoral system itself is far from 'fair', with the PM being elected by a minority of the whole electorate (sometimes only 35%) through a 'first past the post system'. But despite all that the Indian democratic system works in practice and people accept it as reflecting the will of the people.

By contrast, in Thailand the (actually somewhat better) electoral system does not work because the ammart and their fascist-leaning friends don't want it to work. They have never accepted democracy and probably never will ("You mean my maid from Isaan has the same voting rights as me? It's an outrage!")

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Proceed with an election on July 20th


Yes, it really should be that simple if all parties/ factions/ security forces etc" simply" do their job.

Once again we come back to free and fair which it can never be under the present political climate.

Would also end up with the same result as the Feb 2 debacle.

not true. If people could respect each other's opinions and respect their right to vote even when they themselves choose not to, then free and fair elections could still be carried out.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Under the present conditions and system free and fair elections are not possible.

Have the pro Government posters ever considered that the Democrats may have a chance . But then we will hear that the elections were not fair.

IMO this Board has attracted it's fair share of communists and the like. They write the same stuff in every treat (elections, elite, fascists ,) and then we have the once that do it for money or other benefits.

Well get used to it. These cheating liars that have been in power for the last 3 years will not be doing it any more. Some posters will have to find other means of income.

You always know that someone has effectively acknowledged that the side they are posting in support of has lost the argument, when they accuse their opponents of being communists!

Should I be indoors looking for reds under the bed, or outside looking for B52s, cruising in to destroy the village in order to save it?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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