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Suthep vows to surrender, stop rallies by May 27 if remaining Cabinet members not resign

Lite Beer

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Folks, please remember that this is Mr. Suthep speaking. Remember his statements about the Final Battle, or the Last Push or something like that? Well, this is bound to be no different.. Ha ha... Or do you REALLY think this is going to be different? NOT!!!

And General Custers Last Stand by Yingluck

How's that posting on subjects other than politics going ginjag? Not too well, judging by this thread, 26 posts on this thread alone. Oh the hypocrisy......................

Tough talk for a banned troll. Getting closer to that magic number of posts fabs - 3,673.

Oh the hypocrisy ! clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

True to form, your clan jumped on to this topic like flies on a dung heap.

A great way to all get together to get your denial posts rocketing.

My posts on here was just to drum back to you lot that to favour corruption and deny wrongs makes all of you corrupt.

It is not that I disagree with you, I post on lousy government--you lot make excuses---see the difference.???

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I do not understand why people follow this guy, they suppose to be the educated ones. The education 'system' must be seriously wrong here ...

Agreed but what about the mugs here on TV who think Suthep is the answer for democracy? They must have finished school at age 12 or something?

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I do not understand why people follow this guy, they suppose to be the educated ones. The education 'system' must be seriously wrong here ...

Agreed but what about the mugs here on TV who think Suthep is the answer for democracy? They must have finished school at age 12 or something?

Also the mugs like you who left at an earlier age, because of your love of corrupt government. You crawl to the PTP the same as their coalition partners.

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I do not understand why people follow this guy, they suppose to be the educated ones. The education 'system' must be seriously wrong here ...

Agreed but what about the mugs here on TV who think Suthep is the answer for democracy? They must have finished school at age 12 or something?

Also the mugs like you who left at an earlier age, because of your love of corrupt government. You crawl to the PTP the same as their coalition partners.

So apart your belief that the way to democracy is to prevent people from voting, you also believe that the next government or any following government wil not be corrupt? Wow.. Did you actually graduate from kindergarten?

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Ginjag there are lousy government all over the world that have made some lousy decisions now these poor decisions that the Thais made have they affected you personally?

Sod all to do with it mate.

I do not discuss about other worldly low life governments, unless the topic was on TVF.

Look lousy decisions are one thing, atrocious governing is another. If an elected PTP cannot produce accounts on ant given project---or pay the farmer on time when in full flow government, amnesty bill along with everything else it is not just lousy governing. The vowed on OATH to govern with integrity.

Personally PTP have affected my income for the better by 6,000 baht a month, because of bad governing---so really I should be in denial along with the pro gov poster clan.

So I hope this proves that I am honest about the atrocious government.thumbsup.gif

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I do not understand why people follow this guy, they suppose to be the educated ones. The education 'system' must be seriously wrong here ...

Agreed but what about the mugs here on TV who think Suthep is the answer for democracy? They must have finished school at age 12 or something?

Also the mugs like you who left at an earlier age, because of your love of corrupt government. You crawl to the PTP the same as their coalition partners.

So apart your belief that the way to democracy is to prevent people from voting, you also believe that the next government or any following government wil not be corrupt? Wow.. Did you actually graduate from kindergarten?

This post is a lie, I do not believe it is good to prevent people from voting----it is a lie.

Another lie, I never said the next government would not be corrupt---it is a lie. I am not in touch with the occult.

Did not go to a German school.

If you post again a lie, I shall report---stop it please.

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one can only hope

so sick and tired of listening to this numbskull

No doubt he will count the protestors, the same way as he explained why the yellows vote should be worth 10 of the reds, a disgusting statement. This is how he is going to win red votes, i dont think, the man is an idiot

it will be an easy count for K.Suthep... 1, 7, 9,14, 33,57... 1,000,000 !!! Ok.. one more FINAL PUSH to June 27th

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What a retard! As if anyone would believe him!!!


ying luck?

and suthep?

obviously you are one of the problems for picking sides. so if i took you out to dinner and gave you the choices of eatting Dog Poop, Condensed Buffalo Fart Patte, or Sheep Nut Cheese with Grapes. which would you pick. Honestly the one with grapes sound nice.

Looks like you have already knocked back a couple of bottles of Lao Khao . . . . 555

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Suthep is a desperate and crazy man, so are his core followers. For the last few months he has been a walking talking failure, but desperate, crazy madman is also a dangerous man.

He has only one card left to play - instigate enough violence to give the military an excuse to conduct a coup.

When they do end up arresting him, he needs to go behind bars for life, for the damage he has caused the nation.

Not a coup. Martial Law. Then again, that is up to Chalerm, CAPO and the police. If they can't stop this one "crazy madman" then it is up to the Army to restore order. I am sure you can understand this.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Welcome to another election where voters are bullied bribed and beaten until they vote red ..........another election where the second biggest party is not allowed to stand in the north east another election where people turn up only to find they've voted already another election where redshirts don't allow anyone else a chance except their puppet Master another snout in the trough for 5 years another day in Thailand. A joke country with a joke democracy a Joke Government and a Joke man in Dubai running the show!! Good now with the people firmly back under Thaksin the Dictators heel we can look forward to amnesty for all criminals again Poor Thailand shackled to a dictator and half the country dent know it, a quarter benefit from it and the other quarter are bombed into accepting it.

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Welcome to another election where voters are bullied bribed and beaten until they vote red ..........another election where the second biggest party is not allowed to stand in the north east another election where people turn up only to find they've voted already another election where redshirts don't allow anyone else a chance except their puppet Master another snout in the trough for 5 years another day in Thailand. A joke country with a joke democracy a Joke Government and a Joke man in Dubai running the show!! Good now with the people firmly back under Thaksin the Dictators heel we can look forward to amnesty for all criminals again Poor Thailand shackled to a dictator and half the country dent know it, a quarter benefit from it and the other quarter are bombed into accepting it.

thats the best joke I've heard for a long time tongue.png

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What I find totally amazing is that so many farang on here get so worked up over a government and politics of which we have no say. What we say on here, collectively, good and bad, pro or con, doesn't mean crap to the Thai. Yes, we can discuss the topics, we can be pro or con, but for crying out loud, too many of you seem to feel that what you think is actually going to matter, when the reality is: IT DOESN'T. We're not Thai, and unless you have PR status, so our opinions mean diddly squat, no matter how good or bad thy might be. You attack posters who disagree with you, or have a different view, like a starving pit bull going after a fresh t-bone. It's a forum for DISCUSSION, people, and should be civilized, seeing as how most of us claim to be from more "civilized" countries. It's not a battlefield where we can see who can do the most damage with a winner-take-all attitude. If you disagree with someone, show your intelligence and do it in a civilized manner, instead of the 10yr old school yard bullying and name calling.

Just my opinion.

I agree. The way some posters here get apoplectic about the politics of a country where most, presumably cannot even vote is mystifying. So many topics on this branch with the same posters incandescent with rage, incredible.

Since l started blocking repeat offenders l've found reading topics on this branch takes only half the time it used to. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

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What I find totally amazing is that so many farang on here get so worked up over a government and politics of which we have no say. What we say on here, collectively, good and bad, pro or con, doesn't mean crap to the Thai. Yes, we can discuss the topics, we can be pro or con, but for crying out loud, too many of you seem to feel that what you think is actually going to matter, when the reality is: IT DOESN'T. We're not Thai, and unless you have PR status, so our opinions mean diddly squat, no matter how good or bad thy might be. You attack posters who disagree with you, or have a different view, like a starving pit bull going after a fresh t-bone. It's a forum for DISCUSSION, people, and should be civilized, seeing as how most of us claim to be from more "civilized" countries. It's not a battlefield where we can see who can do the most damage with a winner-take-all attitude. If you disagree with someone, show your intelligence and do it in a civilized manner, instead of the 10yr old school yard bullying and name calling.

Just my opinion.

I agree. The way some posters here get apoplectic about the politics of a country where most, presumably cannot even vote is mystifying. So many topics on this branch with the same posters incandescent with rage, incredible.

Since l started blocking repeat offenders l've found reading topics on this branch takes only half the time it used to. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Do that to me and I'll steal all your conkers--stamp on your comics and I will miss breakfast tomorrow--that will teach you. thumbsup.gif

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Thailand has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reform the outrageous laws corrupt politicians have fashioned for their own benefit. Instead of pushing for them, the press has picked apart every small thing Suthep has done or said whilst glossing over the disgraceful statements and behavior of the government and their followers.

All I can say is that red-shirts deserve their future which is continued poverty while the uber-rich politicians carry on stealing from the tax payers. Thailands loss will be the gain for all other ASEAN countries. The country is simply too corrupt to be fixed.

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This is May, not February.

I thought for a moment there I'd been reading your post at a thread from January, or perhaps from November last year - farmers, cars, rice.

Try to get up to date in your ramblings, okay? Did you catch the news there won't be a military coup? Let's start there. smile.png

God man, I think you're the one who doesn't get it. It certainly is May, and the sweetie is gone if you hadn't noticed by now. The money is still missing, the government debt is almost 25 billion USD - rising, inflation etc...etc...The time is not on your side. There is nothing to be excited about.

Just hope that someone has the 'balls' to sue Suthep for the millions of Bht that he has cost the nation. whistling.gif

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This meglamaniac idiot has cost the nation Bht 500 million . Will he be asked to pay anything back, i doubt it as his judiciary have control. blink.png

Amazing, isn't it? And Yingluck's government lost between 15-20 billion USD (rough estimate) on the rice scheme scam only since they took over the office. Multiply that with 30. So you complain about Bht 500 million (which is regrettable) and seem to be OK with Bht 500 BILLION loss. Get a grip, will you? Thank you.

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Stop me if you've heard this one before...............coffee1.gif

Bloomberg News

By Anuchit Nguyen December 08, 2013

If Yingluck isn’t ousted tomorrow, Suthep will surrender to the police, according to an e-mailed release from the People’s Democratic Reform Committee


Just one more lie fromthat dimwit.

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This meglamaniac idiot has cost the nation Bht 500 million . Will he be asked to pay anything back, i doubt it as his judiciary have control. blink.png

I believe this topic is about Suthep, not Thaksin. biggrin.png

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I really enjoy reading Suthips Rants and pledges I live a mundane life but when I read about what Suthip is doing it really brightens my Day

I fall on the ground Laughing Please Suthip don't stop you are the bright spot of the day cheesy.gif . What will I do for laughter if you stop your protest. Oh right your are going to surrender to the authorities if you don't get a million to protest Or was that 100.000 oooops maybe 10,000.

Heck why should we believe you know. You have never told the truth about your intentions giggle.gif so what makes this pledge any different

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