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I've Decided Not To Invest In Thailand


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Well, I don't think Thaksin will lose sleep over this announcement :o I've lived here for about 4 years. In that period I have brought over 40 million baht into the country. Some has been spent on beer :D, but most has been invested in different businesses. Some of these have not been successful and some have been ok...

I've known the risks all along, and have accepted them. But I've decided that there are safer countries to invest in.

Although I live here with my Thai wife and family, and we own several businesses, (and will continue to 'grow' these), I'm investing future funds elsewhere.


PS - And even after I brought 40 million baht into LoS, Bangkok Bank still wouldn't give me a credit card!!

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Well, I don't think Thaksin will lose sleep over this announcement :o I've lived here for about 4 years. In that period I have brought over 40 million baht into the country. Some has been spent on beer :D, but most has been invested in different businesses. Some of these have not been successful and some have been ok...

I've known the risks all along, and have accepted them. But I've decided that there are safer countries to invest in.

Although I live here with my Thai wife and family, and we own several businesses, (and will continue to 'grow' these), I'm investing future funds elsewhere.


PS - And even after I brought 40 million baht into LoS, Bangkok Bank still wouldn't give me a credit card!!

This may come to you as a surprise since it is coming from someone you have not met before.

Let me introduce myself.

I am Dr. Amhed Tijani

I have decided to contact regarding business information concerning your country and the safety of our funds in a steady economy such as that of your country compared to our country Nigeria Africa.

I am a civil adviser currently working with the monitoring committee overseeing the winding up of the petroleum trust fund (PTF). Myself and my close and trusted colleagues need your assistance in the transfer of US$25 million into any reliable Account you may nominate overseas. This fund was generated from over-invoicing of contracts executed by the PTF under the administration of the past military government. These were discovered while we were reviewing the PTF accounts.

From our discoveries, these contracts have been executed and the contractors in question were all paid. The difference of US$25,000,000 being the over-invoiced amount is the funds, we want your corporate entity to help us receive. What we want from you is a good and reliable company or personal Account into which we shall transfer this fund.

Details should include the following: 1. Name of Bank 2. Address of Bank with Fax & Tel. No. 3. Account Number 4. Beneficiary/Signatory to Account (Account Name)

Upon the Successful crediting of your Account. The fund will be shared as follows: 1. 20% for you and your assistance 2. 75% for myself & my Colleagues 3. 5% for contingency expenses.

Please after your first reply through e-mail, I will want us to continue further communication by fax and telephone for confidential purpose. We wish to assure you that your involvement should you decide to assist us, will be well protected, and also, this business, proposal is 100% risk free as we have put a whole lot into it.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation while we look forward to a mutually benefiting business relationship with you. Please when replying to my e-mail kindly include your telephone, fax number and mobile telephone numbers preferably extremely private numbers where we can reach you any time of the day. Please be aware that a high level of confidentiality and trust is required in this business.

Best Regards,

Amhed Tijani(Dr)

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i have heard similar sentiments from quite a few others too ( thats simon43's sentiments , not dr.ahmed tijani's sentiments).

perhaps the tipping point is about to be reached and small time investors have really had enough of sudden changes in the enforcement of regulations and the lack of security and protection under the law and the effects that all this is having on those who wish to come here and try to make a living in the private sector.

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I'm convinced!! Please find details of my Bangkok Bank account for your deposit of funds. Please note that this account has approximately 23 baht in it since my decision to invest outside of Thailand.

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I think this is a good example of how difficult it is to actually make money in Thailand for a foreigner. You either have to have a unique model and keep it very specialised or do something that is so expensive that nobody could afford to do something similar. Exporting 'things' still seems to be a good business model but service or import based businesses continue to be hard work.

Having said that, as with all business, the key is the right calibre of personnel your using and how much attention you give to each business.

Perhaps that is something that Simon has learnt the hard way after what is it, a coffee shop, 2 bars and now a disabled resort that advertises on its main page that they welcome 'joiner' guests including ladyboys into the guests room for no extra charge. Sometimes, using a decent marketing agency pays huge dividends. First thought in my mind of this hotel was some old guy on crutches, being walked to his room by his 6 foot ladyboy guest for some bedroom gymnastics :o

Still it always makes for entertaining reading.

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I second TaxExile's comments. Everyone needs to have a level of security re their investments. For many small investors like me, those investments are going to fund my childrens' education costs etc. So I need to be pretty sure that I won't lose it all!

Unfortunately, although Thailand is a wonderful place to live, (especially when you have a wife like mine!), it is not a wonderful place to invest your money. Whilst I'm prepared to take some risks with my money, I'm not prepared to accept the level of investment and regulation uncertainty that exists in Thailand.

There's more to it than just investment for the kids. I'm a professional sort of guy with a couple of good degrees, (well very good actually!). I have been developing a solar power system which exploits a particular facet of solar power generation. In particular, this was a very low cost method of generating electricity at a 'grassroots' level. My intention was to fully develop this system and then make it freely available for development in Thailand.

Well, I've changed my mind!! I will still complete my development, but it isn't going to be made freely available in Thailand. Why? Because the level of corruption has made me realise that if I make the details freely available, then someone else will exploit this for their own gain.

Sorry Thailand, but my project will be made available outside of LoS.

Will Thaksin lose sleep? Not a chance! But I will sleep more soundly in my bed!!


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Didn't Carlsberg Beer leave because of problems doing business here?

I understand you Simon. Living here you are torn between a love of the place and the reality of how the government treats you. The Thai people all the way up to number one will never do anything to give foreigners security no matter how much of a connection they have to the country. Thailand is a land of corruption. If you are corrupt its okay with all the corrupt officials in immigration etc. They love to sell beer and women. (I'd love to hear an immigration official tell me this isn't true!)

So what it comes down to is take it or leave it. I think you are making the right decision. All the best.

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But I hasten to add that it is my money that is leaving Thailand, not me!!As for Digger's comments re our 'guest-friendly' hotel, I thought long and hard about this before I put those words on my website. I decided that 'even' disabled people should be allowed some 'fun' on their holiday. If that means an old guy on crutches with his ladyboy friend then that's fine by me!


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<snip>PS - And even after I brought 40 million baht into LoS, Bangkok Bank still wouldn't give me a credit card!!

Wow, they gave me a Gold card and a credit limit that scares me. Mind you I gave thm a copy of my work permit and a letter from my employer.

<snip> Please note that this account has approximately 23 baht in it since my decision to invest outside of Thailand.

Now the question is answered. :o

<snip> If that means an old guy on crutches with his ladyboy friend then that's fine by me!


Well thats your business plan - Good Luck.

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QUOTE(simon43 @ 2006-06-14 19:23:46) *

<snip>PS - And even after I brought 40 million baht into LoS, Bangkok Bank still wouldn't give me a credit card!!

Wow, they gave me a Gold card and a credit limit that scares me. Mind you I gave thm a copy of my work permit and a letter from my employer.


I thought they were bad not giving me one - I've had an account with them for over 10 years and showed them my WP and letter from employer.

They told me today that i coulldn't send money to germany by internet. When I told them know someone who does, they said, "leur krap".

Mind you I've only taken in about 200,000 baht.

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Well thats your business plan - Good Luck.


It's not as stupid as it sounds. Firstly, if you have a nice hotel that is fully accessible for disabled people, with decent on-site facilities, such as a restaurant, bar, shop etc, then with some targeted marketing you will start to tap into the very large market of elderly/infirm and disabled people who want to go on holiday but cannot find any hotel that is 100% accessible.

Secondly, if such a hotel exists, AND said hotel has no problems for guests to engage in hanky-panky with whoever they want, (be it lady, guy or ladyboy - all of legal age), then guests will be queuing up to book rooms!

Doesn't sound such a stupid idea after all does it?


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You can do what you want because Thailand has enough people to do the same buisnesses as you and make more profit. Maybe you will die soon and your Thai wife can sell the buisnesses and make very good money for her. You talk about 40 million baht and you have no credit card. Ha ha ha. loser. :D

Hey Simon , I think you've just found the front of house manager for that hotel.


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But I hasten to add that it is my money that is leaving Thailand, not me!!As for Digger's comments re our 'guest-friendly' hotel, I thought long and hard about this before I put those words on my website. I decided that 'even' disabled people should be allowed some 'fun' on their holiday. If that means an old guy on crutches with his ladyboy friend then that's fine by me!


i'm neither disabled, old, or into ladyboys, but I applaud Simon for being willing to think outside the box and take some risks. I'm not as surprised by Simon's business model as I am by the negative comments about it and him personally. Isn't the laid back, accepting, mai pen rai attitude one of the most attrative things about Thailand? Leave the closed minded negatives back in Farang land. Live & let live.

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<snip>Doesn't sound such a stupid idea after all does it?


No, not at all, "Target Market" is more important than "General Market" for many reasons.

I was actually driving in the car the other day thinking about how your venture was working.

Rather I was having a chuckle about an old codger in a walking frame being led around by a katoey.

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You can do what you want because Thailand has enough people to do the same buisnesses as you and make more profit. Maybe you will die soon and your Thai wife can sell the buisnesses and make very good money for her. You talk about 40 million baht and you have no credit card. Ha ha ha. loser. :D

Hey Simon , I think you've just found the front of house manager for that hotel.


I had envisioned a position in th PR department, what with the sunny disposition and positive spin attitude. :D

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You can do what you want because Thailand has enough people to do the same buisnesses as you and make more profit. Maybe you will die soon and your Thai wife can sell the buisnesses and make very good money for her. You talk about 40 million baht and you have no credit card. Ha ha ha. loser. :D

Hey Simon , I think you've just found the front of house manager for that hotel.


I had envisioned a position in th PR department, what with the sunny disposition and positive spin attitude. :D

more suitable as a 1 meter high porcelin figurine underneath the foot-bridge across the property's pond.


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Good Luck with the remaining businesses you have here Simon....I have always thought you a pretty level headed intellegent guy..and this is the stance you have decided to take then Good For You.

I can't understand the credit card thing though..I got one with no problem through both UOB and SCB

Good Luck in the development of your project... I am sure someone ,somewhere will acknowledge its potential and make you a Multi Millionaire



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40 million in 4 years. That's some heavy spending.

I do agree, there are better countries to put your cash.

Targeting disabled groups is a great idea though.

They like to travel too. I'm sure they do a fair amount of research before going on holiday.

Hook up with some Travel Agency that specializes in disabled travel.

Once the word gets out, you should be very succesfull I think.

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I have to agree that a coffee-shop, 2 bars and a disabled hotel sounds a rather strange mix! The cofee-shop lost money and the bars made reasonable money. I'm lucky that I still have a UK business which provides a regular income. My view is that if you are not successful with a business, then sit down and think again but never give up. So I am always thinking about different business ideas. (Not because I want to be a millionaire, but because I want to have sufficient and regular income to care for myself and my family).

Unfortunately, some of the business ideas I have thought of do not get of the drawing board because of the risk or restrictions that exist in Thailand. That gets to be a little annoying :o


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It's not as stupid as it sounds. Firstly, if you have a nice hotel that is fully accessible for disabled people, with decent on-site facilities, such as a restaurant, bar, shop etc, then with some targeted marketing you will start to tap into the very large market of elderly/infirm and disabled people who want to go on holiday but cannot find any hotel that is 100% accessible.

Secondly, if such a hotel exists, AND said hotel has no problems for guests to engage in hanky-panky with whoever they want, (be it lady, guy or ladyboy - all of legal age), then guests will be queuing up to book rooms!

Doesn't sound such a stupid idea after all does it?

Sounds like a great idea. I would suggest you contact organizations for disabled in countries that have a lot of visitors to Thailand (scandinavia comes to mind) and inform them about your hotel. They might spread the word since there are not exactly an abundance of "disabled accessible" hotels (or restaurants or anything else) here.

...although I wouldn't advertise the "extra guest" stuff to them since that for an outsider makes it sound like "grace hotel for wheelchairs", and would maybe even cut it out from the website. Just let it be a pleasant surprise for those who happen to have unplanned visitors while staying... :o

A few links to start out with:










...then couple that with a few $$$ per day on google adwords (adwords.google.com) where you keywords like "wheelchair accessible hotel thailand" and a few hundred variations thereof...

Edited by lingling
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Lingling, thanks for that useful reply. I have taken on-board the comments from you and another re my guest-friendly policy. I'll move this info to an inside webpage!

I have been in touch with many disabled organisations so far, but will certainly follow those links that you provided.

Right now, the hotel is 50% constructed. The difficult part has been to explain to the building workers why they need to make a door 1 metree wide, or no steps of any size :o I have some 40 pages of rules and guidelines from the Amercian Disability Association re the construction of an accessible hotel, so I have a nightmare trying to ensure that the construction meets all the guidelines.

Initially I would explain the rules to the workmen in Thai, explain them in English to my wife who would then also explain them in Issan/Lao again, (since the workmen are mostly from my wife's family). After one or two problems ('OK guys, break up that concrete floor and start again...'), we are doing ok and on-track for our 1st November opening.


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(since the workmen are mostly from my wife's family)

uh-oh. That can be a mistake... ...you may need an unrelated foreman or something between you and them so they can be yelled at properly without creating any family conflicts.

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Yelling at them is fine! I don't do this because there would be major loss of face. I just tell my wife who then yells at them! (them being maybe a cousin or someone from her moobahn). No loss of face when younger sister is shouting at them!

BTW, this thread has got completely off-topic..... :o


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My best mate in the UK has been a wheelchair-bound Spina Bifida sufferer for 50 years. Whilst he would jump (well, if he could) at the opportunity of a little unrestricted nookie, the one thing he would NOT put up with are...other disabled people!

He hates them! As a regular visitor to the Millenium Stadium in the UK to the disabled section, I used to spend the whole time stopping him arguing with and pissing off the other disabled people there.

I am not saying he is the same as ALL disabled people, but make sure you do your research (if you haven't done so already) regarding the fact that not all disabled folk like hanging around others. My mate said it used to 'depress him' to be around other sufferers.

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